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Update on Susan's Place

Started by Susan, July 10, 2012, 03:45:08 PM

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If this was about the money that would be a problem, but it isn't, so people can contact me and I will decide on a case by case basis. People also always have the option of volunteering their services to the site as they will get subscriber benefits regardless.
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

Help support this website and our community by Donating or Subscribing!

Catherine Sarah

Quote from: cynthialee on July 12, 2012, 02:09:36 PM
I understand the desire to maintain equality but let me interject some of my opinions here,
If you want folks to donate regularly there needs to be ome form of incentive. Sure there is a core group here that will be willing to do their part when they can but I doubt it will be enough to maintain the site.
If you have a section of the forums available to only dues paying members you will get more folks paying.
I know I know....this feels somewhat dirty, but I know human nature. If there is no motivational factor tied to the act of paying dues, then it will fail in the long run.
You can probably pony up a nice amount of funds for the site with an initial "please donate to save Susan's' campaign but I just can't see it being sustainable.

And thank you cynthialee for your well thought out response. However, I must respectfully  disagree with most of your points. From my experience, alone; Susan's family goes beyond human nature. It goes beyond the motivational factor. It goes beyond the 'core' membership. In fact, it goes beyond what most would consider a natural phenomenon.

For the past 16 years, Susan, and her dedicated team have been responsible for creating a ripple effect that surpasses all known social and sociological norms, to create a family that is second to NONE. You think Facebook has created an international phenomenon. You haven't seen the power of Susan's yet

In the mid 90's, after being classified as a 'write off' by the professional psychiatric industry, I found the original Susan's. It was a ray of sunshine. I must have read those resources and information a hundred times over. Foolishly (and immaturely) I left, but persued that information. It manifested, it grew, it produced good fruit. Through it I was able to broaden my horizons and mature. By sheer accident (fate ?) last year I fired up an old server, looking for some old, yet productive software. In the  process of looking for the software, I found a copy of old Inet Explorer bookmarks. Susan's Transgender Place stood out. For the hell of it, thinking it would return a broken link, Susan's appeared. Curiosity got he better of me, and low and behold I saw members who had been there all along and I read of their achievements. The rest is history.

My transition started THAT day. Because of Susan's family that had persisted for soooooo long. And IT will continue to persist and grow, exponentially for the millennium to come, regardless of where Susan, herself , is. Perpetual motion HAS been created.

Susan may die tomorrow (and god hope she doesn't) BUT her presence, her spirit, her ambiance, her ethos, her perseverance, her nuances will not only survive her, but they will grow exponentially after her, like any ripple. Susan's ETHOS has empowered others to rise to the occasion. THAT cannot be stopped, destroyed, manipulated, changed, altered, diffused, modified or otherwise interfered with, in any way, shape or form. In other words, the group dynamic HAS been created. Scientifically it has to promulgate. And promulgate it will, irrespective of hearts, flowers, recognition, non recognition, subscription, gifts, annuities, bequests, one-off-donations, monthly subscriptions, PayPal, 'when-I-can's", "If-I-could's", Government subsidies, philanthropic intervention or tax relief.

Mathematically speaking, Susan's family HAS effected so many lives over the past, more than, 16 years, that the group dynamic has create the ground swell to ensure it's permanency. Like Einstein's theories are here to stay. So is Susan's.

An isolated incident perhaps? Just a one-off-experience? I think NOT. Just look at those that have returned, AND those that have recently returned. The unstoppable ground swell IS happening, just like Global Warming. Sure you can deny it, that's your prerogative. BUT, it won't stop it happening.



If you're in Australia and are subject to Domestic Violence or Violence against Women, call 1800-RESPECT (1800-737-7328) for assistance.


Your faith in humanity far surpases my own.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


information comes and go, old theories are debunked by new ones; what was said and done is eventually forgotten...

The most important legacy that any individual lives behind, that endure the test of time, that is never forgotten is... a given person words and actions made us feel....
...That is what is important and endures

And this is the most valuable contribution that Susan has given us, her presence and her resources have made us feel "good" about ourselves....that at times when we felt alone, disenfranchised, abandoned, rejected, at the edge of self destruction...Susan voice gave us hope, made us feel that our lives matter, that we are precious each and every one of us in our own special way


Quote from: Michelle G on July 11, 2012, 10:20:41 PM

I am thinking a cashiers check or money order mailed directly to Susan is pretty safe if you just include your unique screen name so she can put you on the proper list

I feel the same way as Arch...I would probably do it by cashiers check or money order if that is a feasible option.

Ms. OBrien CVT

Pay Pal is so easy to set up.  One could always use it to contribute.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me

Jamie D

I'm here, helping out to the best of my ability because I love this community.  And I love the people in it.

I blew a hundred bucks playing golf (poorly) the other day.  I would have much rather donated to Susan's Place.  Since I'm on a diet now, I can send my McDonald's bucks this way instead  ;D

There are lots of things I can do, and want to do to help.

Susan's has been a lifeline to me - I would not consider any compensation or perks.  A couple of months ago, I put up a blog challenger for our members:  I CHALLENGE YOU!

That challenge still stands.


Quote from: Catherine Sarah on July 13, 2012, 10:57:24 AM
Susan may die tomorrow (and god hope she doesn't)


Ever since my first days here, I have been profoundly grateful for this site, and I sometimes wonder who will carry on if anything does happen to Susan. I know that Susan is in the prime of life and that it's grisly to think of such things, but accidents do happen.
"The hammer is my penis." --Captain Hammer

"When all you have is a hammer . . ." --Anonymous carpenter

Michelle G

Quote from: Laura91 on July 14, 2012, 04:46:30 PM
No Paypal for I


Nu uh.

No way.

Money orders FTW!

Yes, for a lot of people even paypal will come out of a family budget, bank accounts and prying eyes, the option for money order or cashiers check mailed snail mail to susan should always be left open, it can possibly prevent abuse from a controlling spouse or partner!  Susans is like an island of safety and comfort when one is in a world of torment and fear.

I broke away from the situation a long time me, I know what its like and I want to help others avoid that if at all possible.
Just a "California Girl" trying to enjoy each sunny day


I just wanted to post a little update and my feelings about the changes so far to the site.

I want to thank anyone involved, especially Susan not only for the hard work keeping this site viable but the personal sacrifices, financial or otherwise in making this site available. During the last year or so I had spent a lot of time angry that a place like was available, yet inaccessible to me due to mostly only have access through a mobile device with slow internet connection.

After the recent changes though, most any section of the site loads quickly, even on my 3g connection. Just having access to this information, knowing I'm not alone and being able to read the questions others post or having the ability to post my own questions for "the public" to read surprisingly helps me a great deal to cope with what can be the day to day struggle of having dysphoric feelings about my body and role in life. Over the last two weeks (mostly) I have been able to access the forums with out problem, and honestly feel less stressed about "life" because of it.

Though I don't post frequently, simply having access to this site makes my life better.

Thank you.

And thank you to EVERYONE on this site for sharing this part of your lives, though painful some of the times we have shared with each other I am great full for everyone's support (or objective criticism), directly or indirectly.
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)

shean R

Susan your personal sacrifices over the years has helped so many people there is no doubt that this community will rise to occasion of helping in any way that is needed.  You have touched so many lives and had such a meaningful impact via this site I would feel honored to give back.  Thank you to all of the staff and people who have given of themselves in various ways to make this site what it is, a community full of resources and people that are there to support each and everyone who visits. 

"For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people's love and concern for each other."   Millard Fuller

Michelle G

I see Susan's has the "tapatalk" APP for iPad now!

That is a great way to view the forum! It's $4.99 for the app but it sure is nice, and I think Susan's gets a $ kick back from that which is good :)
Just a "California Girl" trying to enjoy each sunny day


I'm pretty sure Susan's doesn't get any money from people using Tapatalk, it doesn't work that way.

Catherine Sarah

Not wishing to be too toey. BUT!!! SUBSCRIPTION? When??

Please please, pretty please, soon?

Thank you


If you're in Australia and are subject to Domestic Violence or Violence against Women, call 1800-RESPECT (1800-737-7328) for assistance.


I don't get a kickback for people getting the app. The idea to install the app was not mine but was based on member requests. There is a option to monetize links, but I have those options turned off. There is also options for donations via the app, but those are off as well.

Quote from: Nicole on April 05, 2011, 02:20:43 AM
Hi, i was wondering if the admin could install the tapatalk so those on iphone and other smart phones could use tapatalk. Would make my forum life easier.


Quote from: Padma on April 05, 2011, 03:16:29 AM
that would be neat :). SMF v2.x is supported -

Quote from: Padma on April 05, 2011, 11:44:01 AM
Oh, okay - I wasn't sure whether you were being sarcastic or not when you said "that clarified things completely"! Here goes, then:

Smart phones are more like little handheld computers than just phones. An app is my shorthand for an 'application' - so like you'd install an application on your computer to do a specific task, you can do this on smartphones.

Typically, on a smartphone there will be a web browser, like the one you're using to read this right now, so you can browse the internet on it - and on a smartphone, it's quite hard work reading the tiny screens, So the app for Tapatalk provides a dedicated screen format of the forum data that makes reading posts much easier. the example image on their website:

shows this on an iPhone.

For comparison, here's our favourite website on the iPhone browser:

Note these images should be showing at the same size, dunno why they don't.

So it's just a more manageable way of viewing your forum data than using the built-in web browser.

The "plugin" is a pice of code written for the software that's running this forum on the server, and once it's enabled, it doesn't affect anyone except people with the Tapatalk app on their phones, who will be able to securely access the data from Susan's forum.

I missed the topic when it was posted, but Padma recently bumped it back to the top. So I installed it for those who wish to use it.
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

Help support this website and our community by Donating or Subscribing!

Michelle G

Thanx Susan!

I had always thought a forum got a kickdown from the app..I was kinda hoping you did ;(
Just a "California Girl" trying to enjoy each sunny day