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The Ultimate Prosthetic

Started by, August 14, 2012, 09:30:22 AM

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Lady Autumn

Quote from: Andy on November 01, 2012, 07:35:50 PM
Lady Autumn,

Just to help balance the answer, I have had sex for years with non-fancy strap-ons, it feels just fine, and I never had any trouble, um, finishing.

Just sayin'.  ;D

Lol. Thanks for your honesty. You guys are so cool to be so open. I've seen loads of blogs about FTMs and MTFs saying how its easier to be the other. Like boys say its easier for an MTF to pass (which is true) and MTFs say its easier for boys because they can buy prosthetics to cover up what they have. Its all BS to me! Neither is any good. Plus I highly doubt many of the FTM community could afford some of these things, some cost thousands!
No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace, as I have seen in one autumnal face.
~John Donne~  :D


Quote from: Lady Autumn on November 01, 2012, 06:28:04 PM
Fair enough, you didn't have to answer it though. I guess my curiosity is a little too intrusive :/ My apologies.
*accepts cyberslap* Ow!

No, it is a good question though. And one I can see a guy asking-- but a lot of times they won't. It's good we have a mixed community.

Also, Kind of enjoy playing with you too. Not to worry. :)

--Jay J

Lady Autumn

Lol. Glad I assist and amuse you so!
No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace, as I have seen in one autumnal face.
~John Donne~  :D


Not gonna lie, it looks pretty crappy and amateurish to me, and definitely isn't "the ultimate" prosthetic.
Never put off until tomorrow what you could get out of doing altogether.

"They're only words. You can't be afraid of words that speak the truth. Even if it's an unpleasant truth."  -George Carlin

Lady Autumn

Quote from: landon_marius on November 02, 2012, 02:10:28 PM
Not gonna lie, it looks pretty crappy and amateurish to me, and definitely isn't "the ultimate" prosthetic.

OK boys I swear I'm going to keep my nose out of your forums after this. But tbh, its looks pretty realistic to me. And as a heterosexual woman with both a sex life and a penis (a sentence that can't come up to often lol) I think I would know! Granted its not as realistic as others out there, but £160 compared to the £700 of RM and £1200 of tyron its not that bad for what your getting.
No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace, as I have seen in one autumnal face.
~John Donne~  :D


I think it looks fair, otoh, since it doesn't exist (at least you don't get anything if you send your money), I wouldn't recommend it.

--Jay J


Any news on this?

Has anyone gotten a refund or received the product?



I just filed a complaint with Paypal and will be getting my money refunded.  I'm pretty sure this is a scam and would encourage anyone who has ordered from this person to not miss their Paypal cut off date for filing a dispute.  The emails from this person after I filed the claim were bizarre and combative and they never replied via the Paypal process, only directly to my personal email address.  If anyone is interested in the exchange I'd be happy to share the emails with you.  If you have sent this person money start the Paypal refund process ASAP.


That's terrible...I sure hope you get your money back.  It seems like they went through an awful lot with their website just to scam a few people...what a shame.  Hopefully no one else will order...hate to see that happen to someone else.

Lord of the Dance

I think to call it a scam is a little extreme — perhaps it's just my nature to try and see the best in people, but I don't think he's set out to purposely deceive and take people's money. I think that he's probably just inexperienced and making some very, VERY stupid mistakes — it could be that he's avoiding emails because he's so far behind with orders/feeling extremely guilty/etc. and burying his head in the sand. Bad move, nothing gets resolved, but I must admit that I sometimes do the same thing so I can understand to an extent.

We don't necessarily know how many orders he's received, either — it  could be more than anticipated which caused initial delays, snowballing and eventually just kind of getting on top of him. HOWEVER, there would have been no harm in a simple, courtesy email saying "Hey I'm really sorry, orders have been crazy, so your product will be a bit delayed — estimated time xxx days/weeks etc." Assuming he could stick to that date of course... which he's consistently shown that he can't. :\

Nonethe less, it's reckless, irresponsible and deeply unprofessional — especially when dealing with people's money. It's not as if we're talking just $20 or $30 (which is still bad of course but not quite as financially crippling) — $230 is a LOT of money. Let's hope the PayPal dispute kicks his backside into gear and you guys receive an apology and your products — or a prompt refund >:(

Having said that, I could be completely wrong and maybe he is a criminal mastermind trying to hold off until PayPal's claim period for each buyer is expired. Then again I would think that owing to the fact that he has failed to provide a service as promised, PayPal should honour the claim after the cut off date.

Sorry. Early morning rantings. I should go to sleep.



I suppose I want to believe that this is a well-meaning but inept person. I hope I'm right anyway.

--Jay J


Quote from: akimbo on November 05, 2012, 05:38:03 PM
I just filed a complaint with Paypal and will be getting my money refunded.  I'm pretty sure this is a scam and would encourage anyone who has ordered from this person to not miss their Paypal cut off date for filing a dispute.  The emails from this person after I filed the claim were bizarre and combative and they never replied via the Paypal process, only directly to my personal email address.  If anyone is interested in the exchange I'd be happy to share the emails with you.  If you have sent this person money start the Paypal refund process ASAP.

I have been waiting almost 5months now and he keeps saying its ready and has given me 5 different days he would have a "confirmation" number for me when its been shipped.. almost a week later now and still nothing has even be sent out. It can't be that hard to go to a post office. If you don't mind I would be interested in seeing the exchange of emails.


Lord of the Dance

Quote from: brayden4 on November 06, 2012, 08:45:39 PMIf you don't mind I would be interested in seeing the exchange of emails.

Seconded... just 'cause I'm nosy  :)



Richie Newman
Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to me
We see that you have placed a hold on your order without contacting us first. You placed your order merely a month ago.....that is normal waiting time for a penile prosthetic of this high of quality. We are doing our best to get through all of our orders and yours will be finished and shipped soon enough. Please remove the hold immediately so that we can have access to the funds in order create and ship your product.

Our prosthetics are looking and feeling better than ever. I assure you, you will love this product. Thank you fr your patience.

-The Ultimate Prosthetic
Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to theultimatepro.
Please reply via PayPal. Through the PayPal process you have twenty days from the time the complaint is made to complete the order. That gives you an additional almost three weeks. Again, its best if our correspondence on this issue is through PayPal.
Sent from my HTC Inspire™ 4G on AT&T

Richie Newman
Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to me
When you purchased the item, our FAQ section showed the estimated delivery time at 4-5 weeks... Your item is not late. You putting a hold on the order puts my account at -240. This meanw we now do not have the money to create OR ship your prosthetic. You are being very unprofessional at tgis point bc your item is not even late! Our prosthetics have improved once again and you will be receiving yours soon. I cannot make or ship your order until you have released the hold. Thank you.
Sent from my iPhone

Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to theultimatepro.
It is unprofessional and sketchy that you are not responding via PayPal. This is a business transaction. It  is not my fault or problem that you are trying to run a business with no capital, that's your problem.  I am a customer, not your friend and I am taking advantage of consumer protections. If you are above board this should not be an issue. If you don't respond via PayPal by Wednesday I will attach these emails to the claim and escalate it.

Richie Newman
Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to me
Ok i am confused. Do you simply want to miss out on this product? As i stated i can not go any further with your order while there is a hold placed on it. Why would i respond through paypal when I can talk to you person to person through email. You should have contacted me in the first place. This is a legit business and you have no reason to think other wise. You jus placed an order out of nowhere without asking me the status of your order. In addition, the estimated processing time was 4-5 weeks in the beginning so you have no grounds for a refund. If you wish I will simply state this througb paypal. I will not be giving you a refund. I can give you the product your purchased in the first place, but cannot give you a refund for no reason. Simply remove the hold and there is no issue.
I chose paypal as a means to complete transaction on my business's site FOR consumers to feel secure.. Not so that you can tale advantage of the system is misuse it.
So you can a. Remove the hold and allow us to finish your order as originally planned (Our design is even more advanced) . Or you can B. wrongly keep the hold on my account for no reason, leaving me with -240, you will not get a refund and I will no long do business with you i the future. I have much confidence in my product and you know i am just trying to provide this service to my trans brothers around the world.
Sent from my iPhone

Richie Newman
Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to me
If you continue this hold, I will never do business with you again and you will also not be receiving a refund because our site clearly states the estimated shipping time. Where in the world would you come up with all this about us being a sketchy business anyways? This all seems out of no where.
A. Escalate the matter, ruin a business relationship with a company who has the best design and ftm interest in mind. You will receive no refund and actually further delay the production of your order. It will be the basic prosthetic you originally ordered
B. remove the hold and allow us to complete your order in a timely matter. Your prosthetic will also include the new features we have added to the design.
Sent from myiPhone

Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to theultimatepro.
The 4th is five weeks and I will be sharing this correspondence on every ftm site I can think of.  We don't need your paternalistic condescension of  "providing a service", we and you would do better if you ran your business well.  After all it is a considerable amount of money. I will escalate on Wed. Because it will be five weeks on the 4th.

this is the last email i replied to directly, the rest of my replies were through paypal.  this person has yet to reply via paypal to my complaint

Richie Newman
Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to me
Read the FAQ section. Estimated means there could be some give or take. I am just trying to share with others the a fully functioning prosthetic. We have it, if you dont want one suddenly... that is up to you. I have done nothing wrong here and I will be contacting paypal as well. Feel free to attach these emails as they contain all the information I will be providing paypal about this "dispute". Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone
Richie Newman
Nov 3 (4 days ago)
to me
Your logic makes no sense. Next Wednesday is 5 weeks (the estimated delivery time) so you think you have the right to get place a dispute now?? 5 days prior?? This is ridiculous. You are expecting me to create AND ship your prosthetic with NONE of the funds from the transaction. How can I ship your product with NO shipping money?

Sent from my iPhone
Richie Newman
Nov 4 (3 days ago)
to me
Hello ,
If you would like us to ship your prosthetic, I can send a photo of your prosthetic with the package addressed to you and ready to be shipped. Before I am allowed to send the package, we need the hold to be removed so that we can pay for shipment. Your item is ready to go, and you will be receiving it soon. Thank You

We have given you the option to see photo proof that your item is ready to be shipped and no further action can be taken on our part towards your open dispute. If you choose to leave the case open, we will make note that your order has been canceled, and in about 14 days, paypal will refund your money. We would like this to turn out well and for you to enjoy your new fully functioning prosthetic!

-The Ultimate Prosthetic

sorry for the long post, here's the whole exchange.  i've redacted my name and email, but nothing else has been changed.



I can see where he is coming from but at the same time I'm worried about losing the money I paid him. He promptly responds to my emails but it seems sketchy based on his other customers not receiving their products yet either. I emailed him and told him I filed a claim just in case I don't get the prosthetic because I don't want to lose the money I paid for it. He already has the funds because it came out of my bank account. He emailed me earlier this week saying that he was hoping to ship it but from what I've read on this thread, he has said that to other customers and they still don't have it. I'm not sure what to think here.


@ akimbo:

That is ridiculous. Just the language alone shows a serious lack of customer-service savvy. I really don't understand why he can't seem to communicate simple information.  I do like the suggestion of taking pictures of the process for individual customers (especially considering all of the confusion and sketchiness).  Do you think that's something more people would be interested in/think it would make people more comfortable with this guy? Maybe it wouldn't be practical in the long-term, but for now...

I'd like to see him succeed and improve.  I really wanted to try out his product.  But now that there's a new Pee Cock on the market...


"But for three years I had roses – and apologised to no-one."


Over the past hour, I have been exchanging emails with the guy that is making the prosthetic. He says that he is updating his site with a new foreskin model. He also said that filing the dispute slows down his process because he cannot ship the prosthetics without the funds. He also said he was behind on orders by a few weeks because of his top surgery. I guess I'm still going to give him a chance with this but I have also notified paypal about it. Hopefully he can still come through with this.


I really want to believe that this guy is legit, because I like the product and want to see it improved, but at the same time it does seem dodgy. I noticed that the last email sounded a lot more professional, perhaps he got someone else to write it, or finally decided he better step up his game? Either way, did you receive the pictures of your prosthetic akimbo?


It sounds like he's playing you all as fools, the disparity in his final e-mail suggested that Paypal got in contact with him and told him to get his act together. I would follow through with the threat and get your money back. Even if he's somehow legit, he needs to learn the lesson that this isn't how you do business with people.



For a start the language and grammar that he uses is seriously unprofessional.  You're not his mate and so he shouldn't use "text speak" or slang with you, I've just been doing business letters in college and the first and biggest "no" is using "text speak".  He also has clearly not proof-read his emails before he sent you them which just smacks of unprofessional isn't and a "I don't really care" attitude, heightened by the fact that he clearly is capable of doing it from his last email.  If I saw someone who was supposed to be running a business writing things like that about a very serious matter then I would never, ever go near them.  Maybe I'm a bit picky about that type of thing, but if someone doesn't realise that giving the impression you can't be bothered, or know basic grammar skills then I'm not going to have the confidence that they know how to run a business.  And then he has the nerve to call you unprofessional, you're just the customer, he's the "professional."

He shouldn't have been relying on your money for everything, I know that he's just had top surgery and that's expensive, but at the end of the day it's still a business and should be run as such.

His offer of showing you the prosthetic being made is a nice one, but there's no proof that it's your prosthetic, it could be anyone's, or even photographs he took while making the one that he's used for photographs on his site.  There's just no way of telling.  Timestamps can be faked and such.  Maybe that's a bit too cynical, but this doesn't look 100% legitimate, and isn't helped with how he tried to wriggle out of contacting you through PayPal.  You wouldn't do that unless you've got something to hide.