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Started by Laura91, August 25, 2012, 03:44:42 PM

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It's a Mapex with birch wood.  It's a really nice set.  I only use the bass drum, floor tom and 1 other tom.  1 medium crash/ride and a splash symbol is perfect.

Do you play?


I don't listen to much, but I rap in a couple of groups. I make music in a video-game inspried hip hop group. It's a two-piece band, and I have a drummer as well. We have a lot of fun and tour the country. I can rap your face off.

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Erik Ezrin

o_o sorry for being a topic necro. But how can a MUSIC topic die!? HOW! *drama*

Ahem... sorry, lol.

I listen to A LOT of music, and honestly I couldn't even do without it. It's my life line. It's the one thing that has kept me sane for years of hardship. I love a lot of genres, the only things I basically don't like are rap, techno and jazz, the rest... well, about all the rest. I also love going to rock concerts (I'm going to ruin my ears some day D:)

I never played an instrument for a long time because I kept telling myself it was too hard, etc. but about four months ago I started self-teaching myself piano, and I just frigging LOVE it! (what have I missed out on!? :O)
I especially like improvising a lot, and eventually would like to write my own songs. I mean, what is better than hearing your own music brought to life!? *dreams*
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not" -Kurt Cobain

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Sir Real

I agree, cannot let a music thread die!
I've been playing music since I was in grade 5.  Suffice it to say, playing music is a part of me now.  I learned Clarinet, French Horn, a bit of Piano, Singing, Ocarina and some Pan Flute.  Something amazing about playing the piano, although I'm relatively a newb at it.  I love it and wish I had more self discipline about practicing while not taking lessons.

As for listening, I love music from other countries (folk, classical and contemporary) and pretty much everything except most heavy metalish scream-o type music and most rap.  I can handle small doses of rap though if it's done really well.



Music is one of my only ambitions in life.
I've been playing the guitar since I was 13, and the drums here and there. I wish I knew how to play the piano.


Quote from: Asa on May 29, 2013, 08:45:03 AM
Something amazing about playing the piano

Agree about the piano - my sister's been playing for a few years now and it's wonderful. I started with recorder/clarinet myself and moved on to play saxophone for 6 years, and by now I wish I had played piano all this time instead.

I don't like dealing with the pressure playing the saxophone puts on the mouth - playing becomes hard after 2 hours  - and there is also too much spit involved. Someone knocked one of my front teeth in half in high school, and since it was glued back together, I have been paranoid about it breaking again. This makes playing the saxophone hard - you're supposed to bite down on the mouthpiece, which I no longer do  :(


I play guitar and sing. I used to play keyboard but my idiot father discouraged me from it. My brother plays the drums in a alternative rock band and they have released an album, which didn't help my inferiority complex at all.


I have been playing guitar for about 6 years, even though the first 1-3 years were mostly just messing around, then I self taught using youtube, then got a teacher for 1-2 years, surpassed him, and have been continuing to improve by myself. Though I think the guitar was obvious :)

A few months ago, I started violin, and love it, though it is hard to find time to practice. But I laugh when my friends say it is an instrument for girls, and is limited(hasn't anyone heard of Lindsey Stirling?).

Now I have like.. 4 people who want me to teach them to play the guitar, my dad, brother, and two cousins. Honestly, I am afraid to teach them since they will kind of learn my habits(since I can't bend one of my thumb joints, I kind of improvise sometimes, and hold my guitar funny), and I have never taught anyone. But I did get to work on my brother's left handed Les Paul a few weeks ago :) and that was cool, even though he is missing a nob and I have to find a replacement.

I also am considering a third instrument, one that I can teach myself for a few years. But it is cool since I play violin and guitar, one of my cousins is learning bass guitar(no amp so he has no idea if he is good or not, the two cousins mentioned above are his sisters) and knows a bit of piano, one of my cousins who wants to learn guitar knows a bit of piano, and the other one who wants to learn guitar is learning the flute in school and teaching herself piano.

I love to talk about music by the way :D


I'm constantly listening to music. If there's nothing playing around me, there'll be music playing in my head. I listen to various genres, but I particularly enjoy various kinds of electronic music, like synthpop, darkwave, electro-industrial, etc., as well as some symphonic rock/metal and experimental music. Oh, and let's not forget both the nostalgic 80s/90s cheesepop and the ever-delightful (sometimes so-bad-it's-good) Eurovision cheesepop!

As for playing music, I had lessons in both descant recorder and piano during my school days (I never got good at either of them, however), but my main instrument these days is my voice. It amuses me, in a shake-head-facepalm-why-universe kind of way, that I seem to be a soprano. I also poke at tracker programs from time to time.


I have two guitars, a bass, a keyboard and a bass cabinet sitting right next to me. :) An older Hartke stack, but it still makes sweet rumbling bass after all these years. It's a 3500 head on a 4.5 and a 215. (That's 4 10" and 2 15" subs.) I used to play bass in a few bands, and I sang two others. (Not all at the same time. Over the years.)

Currently listening to Arkona through a Jolida tube amp and my wonderful Mobile Fidelity speakers.

I like music too! ;D


I love both... Music is my life, my drug! I make rap and r&b instrumentals as well as write music. I actually have shows locally right now.
"If God brings you to it, then he will see you through it."


I like lots of different types of music it's so hard to decide, but if I had to pick my favorite type of music, it would have to be modern violin. I love violin music. My favorite violinist is named Lindsey Stirling. She is a very creative musician! I play the violin too, but I am no where near as good as Lindsey.  :D