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Our avatars now all over the web... eish!

Started by AbraCadabra, August 30, 2012, 02:32:17 AM

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I just noticed that my avatars (old and new) are all over the web, going to Google Images, and sure as heck they all nicely linked to "Transgender Resources" ...

The sort of outing I was not aware of and it seems to be something new, and embarrassing (to me).

As well as the numerous new "clicks" now for FB and Twitter... $$$?

Progress? Not so sure... how "famous" does one wish to get?!?

Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."

Jamie D

Look on the bright side.  The whole world knows you have a nice tush.

Ooo.  Look what shows up for "Jamie D".

Not me, but I don't care!

Beth Andrea

OMG! Look at that! Right to my Google/YouTube/FaceBook accounts!

I. Never. Knew. (Well...I did, but I gave up caring a long time ago)

Ohh...if only they could tie my old name and my new...what a sordid tale we could weave...

...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017


6. You should not give out personal information which may lead to your being identified, or contacted in person, by email or other means. If you chose to do so, then you also accept all accompanying risks. Aliases and the use of alternate email addresses are strongly encouraged.

That includes images...
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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Some say: "Free sex ruins everything..."


 As Susan says in her ToS, basically it is up to you to provide your security.

I walk down the street and go to work everyday, If  I'm on the web. So what?

So are all the other Super Models :laugh:


This is pretty much why I don't have images of myself on the internet... along with not supporting "real ID's" online.

I know there's people that abuse the anonymity of not having to identify yourself, but there's many reasons, this site included why I feel anonymity is beneficial to most people. If I was forced into disclosing my real ID before logging onto the internet (which would provide that information to sites like this for public view) I wouldn't have setup an account here. All it would take is someone to search for "John / Jane Doe" in Google and there it would be. 
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)


I have never put up public images of myself because you never know what will happen to them. But I hate that every time I open a new Firefox window, the page shows a snapshot of a bunch of sites that I use on a regular basis. I don't mind seeing Google or even Wikipedia, but I hate that two, count 'em, TWO Susan's Place snaps show up, with my avatar and my screen name clearly visible.

This means that if someone visits me who doesn't know I'm trans, I can't just close my Susan's tab and be done with it. If that person ever wants me to look up something on Wikipedia or Yahoo Movies or whatever--or wants to do it himself--I will be outed by my own computer in my own home. Jeez, what if I had a bunch of porn sites popping up, or something? Any casual visitor would see what I've been up to lately. Even a good friend who knows about me would be able to see my screen name. Really? We really need this?

All of this stuff is linked to my IP, of course. I'm uncomfortable enough with that. But to have a TRANS TRANS TRANS moment every time I open a new tab...I don't need that for myself, and I don't want visitors to see that stuff, even if I'm already out to them.

Also, I'm taking my computer in to be serviced today, and I'm extremely uncomfortable knowing that these little snaps could out me to the computer guys.

Is there any way to turn it off or opt out?
"The hammer is my penis." --Captain Hammer

"When all you have is a hammer . . ." --Anonymous carpenter


With Firefox, if you open up Firefox and then hold the SHIFT key and press the P key you'll open up "Private Browsing" which will not save your history, log in information or passwords when you close Firefox.

If you want to completely delete all of the browser history, log in and passwords you can hold CTRL, SHIFT and press DEL key to open up the action window for doing that.

Also, I'm running Firefox ESR (for notebooks and Tablets) on my laptop. I feel it's a slightly cleaner version of Firefox with a few less silly options that I don't really need. I don't know how to turn off that "previously opened pages" view in new tabs, ESR doesn't have that.
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)


To be fair, if it can be displayed, it can be cached on some server and displayed in searches, the state of technology is such that we really don't have privacy anymore,  rather the thin veil of anonymity only works if we have KGB like information control in our own lives.

The way I see it, anonymity is hardly worth the trouble these days.
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html

Beth Andrea

Quote from: LivingInGrey on August 30, 2012, 09:36:39 AM
With Firefox, if you open up Firefox and then hold the SHIFT key and press the P key you'll open up "Private Browsing" which will not save your history, log in information or passwords when you close Firefox.

If you want to completely delete all of the browser history, log in and passwords you can hold CTRL, SHIFT and press DEL key to open up the action window for doing that.

Also, I'm running Firefox ESR (for notebooks and Tablets) on my laptop. I feel it's a slightly cleaner version of Firefox with a few less silly options that I don't really need. I don't know how to turn off that "previously opened pages" view in new tabs, ESR doesn't have that.

Also, Firefox will save all your user names and passwords, unencrypted if you let it (when you sign in somewhere for the first time, a little window will pop up "Save password for ---?" Go to "Tools/Options/Security" and click on "Saved Passwords"...there they are, in all their hard-to-crack (yeah, like an egg...) integrity.

And yes, you can change settings but not everyone will know about this little security issue, it is.
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017


Your browser cannot help companies like google caching search results, including your avatars, browsers privacy settings affect your local computer. This is not a client side issue.
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html


searched my screen name and my pic is on page 8

not to much to worry about I figure
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


Another problem is when someone tags your image on there fB/G+ page you start to show up that way. You can legally protect your image but it would cost $$,$$$ There face recognition technology is hard to defeat.
♪♫ You dont look different but you have changed...
I'm looking through you,. Your not the same ♪♫ :)

Maya Zimmerman

Well, other than an image I'm not fond of from the RPM Challenge (that I only have myself to blame for using), I'm content with the images that come up when I search for my user name, which is my real name.  It's like one page of me and my album covers and then pictures of George Zimmerman (gross), with a spattering of pictures of Maya Rudolph (yay).



"The hammer is my penis." --Captain Hammer

"When all you have is a hammer . . ." --Anonymous carpenter


Arch, have you tried setting your 'new tab' to open a specific website or image? I use fast dial for my new tabs with all my frequented websites (of which this site is one :D).
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Meh...I don't care. If you want absolute privacy than stay off the web alltogether.


I've probably filled half of google up by now.

Oh well. :P
Natura nihil frustra facit.


I have a kid, and I've worked with government and schools and hospitals, and I kinda just expect that nothing I do is likely to be anonymous. But I understand the discomfort it can bring.
everybody's house is haunted