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The Never-Ending Story

Started by Alexis, September 08, 2012, 01:57:16 PM

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Thought this could be an entertaining thing to do

Pick up the story where where the person above left off. Add as much or as little as you choose. Continue the plot in any way you see fit or take it in an entirely different direction; doesn't matter. Just have fun with it. So, to get us started;

Once upon a time...

Jamie D

Deep in the woods, there was a little cottage, with a thatched roof ...

Ms. OBrien CVT

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me

Jamie D


Ms. OBrien CVT

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


One day one of the ferrets decided he wanted to leave the huntsman's cottage and see the rest of the world...

Jamie D



So he caught a bus to the city in search of his soup. On the bus he met a girl...


...who didn't date ferrets. He got off the bus at...

Jamie D

... the 7-11.  He needed some cigarettes.


When he got to the counter he realized he left his wallet on the bus.

Kevin Peña

The bus was still parked in the driveway and the ferret got his wallet back. The ferret purchased his cigarettes, but doesn't smoke. He used them to tease prisoners at the local jail. However, one of the prisoners reached through the bars and grabbed the ferret's arm...


...several hours and an orgy later, the guards ferreted him out and put him on the train to...

Kevin Peña

pick up any litter as part of his community service for assaulting the rescuing officer he thought was another prisoner trying to molest him. Underneath one seat, he found...


...a tricorder! The monogram indicated it belonged to...

Jamie D

Leonard "Bones" McCoy.

Meanwhile, the fat huntsman sat in his little cottage in the woods, with a thatched roof and large circular door, sulking and thinking to himself. "If I only had a can opener, I would have 100 ferret friends, instead of just 99."

Then it occurred to him.  "If you love something, set it free.  If it fails to return, hunt it down and kill it."  The huntsman then resolved ...

Kevin Peña

to go after the ferret so that he could eat it for dinner. He grabbed his rifle and...

Jamie D

And his wallet, because he needed to buy a can opener at the 7-11 ...


....but he bought a six pack instead and...

Jamie D

Wrigley's Juicy Fruit chewing gum.

On the ground he saw a discarded receipt for cigarettes and the ferret's credit card number.  "That damned ferret!  I'm going to ..."
