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Breaking a thousand year silence - things that have been done to me

Started by Theo, April 24, 2007, 11:24:51 AM

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Today, I would like to finally speak. I have tried to see it from a different perspective; I have tried to rationalize the mental, physical and spiritual abuse. I have tried to rationazlize betrayals, deceits, outright thievery, name calling, advantage taking and absolute and utter disregard. I have tried to say to myself that maybe I was wrong, maybe they did not mean it, after all, maybe...maybe...I have tried to make myself be "understanding" and in the process I realized that my needs were dwindled, my personality erased and I was turned into a slave, who was not allowed to say that he and she were a slave. How is that possible?

I would like to speak about males. I would specifically like to speak about gay males. As a senstive girl child, I always suffered more than anyone esle I knew. Most women agreed to mandatory dress codes, outlines of behavior, territory designed by patriarchy. They acted subservient around males though when called on it, they usually screamed and denied it... They denied the facts. I have learnt that women ALWAYS deny the facts because they are afraid to anger the men. Well, I wasn't cut out from the same cloth. Observing the outright cowardice, subservience and lip service, I grew terrified and fearful. Men openly abused women: they rationalized it. They punished women for speaking up and out and created terms like "bitch" and "whore." No matter how untrue these terms were, women did not seem to dispute them. Women, in fact, did not seem to dispute anything: don't make waves, they told me. Don't make waves. When in public and I spoke out they acted embarassed, as if it was I who was the abuser, and not a defender. "Look at yourself" I would tell her, "why do you shave? Why do you paint your face" Why do you give him sexual attention though you are sick to your stomach?" She would smile faintly and I would see a glimpse of tear in her eye. She would look at me for hours this way, then say: he's a man. I don't want to anger him. Or she would say another version of the same idea: boys will be boys. And I, I asked her? What about me? She said: it's bad to be a woman, don't got much choice. Gotta be happy with even what we have. At least they don't beat us now and we can work.

Yes, at least they don't beat us now and we can work. I will never forget your words. Never.

So, as I unravelled into a transsexual, with a strong and dominant but good, honest, honorable and protective male in me, I came across the fact that I Homosexual. If I thought that I had it bad as a straight woman, boy was I mistaken! The gay men bashed me, mentally abused me and did horrible things to me. The person I was involved with would treat me as a man when it was convinient and when it was not, he would not. When I called him upon his broken promises, his violated oaths, his mental torture of me, do you know what he would say. with a smile. thinking I was going to repress it and forget it because I loved him too darn much: you feel like you don't exist, right? And you're right, you don't. Then he would pat me on the head and say: you are a victim, D. (This was my original name). Be nice now...

In the LGBTQ center gay men attacked me both verbally and physically. I got physically pushed, my feet were stepped on, I was pressed agaisnt the wall, spat right next to. "You **** crazy bold-headed bitch" was their term for me. The people in the center saw it, most women saw it and ...did nothing! But when I spoke back, ah, that is when the attacks came. It was amazing for me to learn that no other one woman hates as much as ...amother woman! Why?! And especially in such a situation, why did these women take the side of the aggressor? Why did men who were there in charge of our safety did nothing byt flipped the facts on their head?! Why was I unable to be safe among LGBTQ people and why was I supposed to take a back sit on the bus, because I am a transmale, a lesbian? Why did gay guys considered it ok to discuss me right in front of my face, as if I was an inanimate objects while when I would as much as sound like I was discussing them they dare to come up to us, if we are girls, and tell us to "shut up." They act as if it was their due! I have observed the same people speak among biological males: politeness, respect, humanity. Smiles. Friendshliness. Respect. But even with the female staff, with trans people, with lesbians there is: hissing, pushing over, outright hateful remarks about their wombs and vaginas. We are not in the zoo, this is a violation of human rights and an outright bigotry and discrimination. When a woman does the same, she might get arrested.
When a man would stand in line behind another man, there was no reaching over one's head, pushing over or nasty commenting. When a man would stand in line behind a woman, there were all the aforementioned things and more. That man would stand and listen to her conversation if she was having one witha friend or a brief exchange between her and the staff member. He would interrupt and get involved, steal away the thought and interfere. The women meekly smiled and stepped aside. They would NEVER turn the guys' comments down and allowed them to partake and enter their life ANYTIME, ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE these guys felt like. When it is done to me and I object, I get called names like "bitch", "stupid", "crazy", "insane", "rude".

Judging by the facts of how a woman has a limtied domain and has no safety for her person and is abused, spoken down to and humiliated EVEN IN FRONT OF HER FRIENDS OR SPOUSE OR/AND CHILDREN, did anything change? Did anything change from patriarchal abuse of females, to homosexual (this is a term for males only; women- are lesbians. Language is based on distinction of concepts and precission. Though althouhg this is what my gay friends practice, when I tryt to think or speak normally, they interrupt me and COMMAND!! me to speak...faster. They don't care for what I say but want me to get through it. Often, I found my ideas stolen from under me and presented as their own. My girlfriend resigned from a leading company because her boss would "milk her" or "harvest her" for ideas and then steal them away from her, like a Southern plantation owner would steal Black woman's babies, and give them away to...male associates. When my friend tried to protest, she got called names and terms, hinting at her "bitchiness" to her "incompetence" and threatening her, subtly, with early termination. They tortured her so mych that she was unable to go to the water cooler without her hands shaking. They would **** (mess around) with her psyche so much she had to go to mental insitution for months, and even now she is unable to appear in public without shaking. She has developed an agorophobia and cannot stand a sight of certain colors. She spent many day locked in the house, after the treatment. I suggested she sue the bastards, but she said to me: how can I prove it? You know the courts and the laws are all on their side. We only live an illusion of equality, but in truth, we are no better off than servant girls in the mid 18 century. Same disrepect, same hate, same misrepresentation. I agree. And, THERE IS NO LIFE AFTER THIS. HOW CAN ANYONE SUGGEST THAT? WHY DOES NOT ANYONE SUGGEST FOR OUTRIGHT RACISM-LIKE DISCRIMINATION TO STOP? THE PEOPLE THAT DID THIS TO HER, AFFECTED HER MIND. THIS IS NOT FUNNY. THIS IS NAZISTIC. THERE IS NO "LIVING LIFE AFTER." THERE IS NO ALLOWING IT. THERE IS NO "COPING" WITH IT. COPING WITH WHAT? WITH A BACK SEAT ON THE BUS? SEGREGATED FACILITIES? OUTRIGHT HUMILIATION AND ABUSE? PREFERNTIAL TREATMENT? MANY PEOPLE MIGHT THINK BECAUSE THEY HAVE THIS FANCY PSYCHOLOGICAL LANGUAGE FOR ABUSE, IT DOES NOT MEAN MUCH. AND WITH THE SAME LANGUAGE ANYONE WHO CALLS A BLACK PERSON A ">-bleeped-<" OR A JEW A "KIKE" SHOULD BE ANALYZED THE SAME WAY. WHY DON'T THEY GET ANALYZED? WHY TO SAY A "BITCH" OR A "HOE" IS NOT EDITED OUT LIKE ">-bleeped-<" OR "KIKE" OR "SPIK" OR "GUINEA"? WHY NOT? WITHIN THE DOMAIN, IT IS THE OFFENCE OF THE SAME LEVEL, IT IS OFFENCE ON THE SAME PRINCIPLE: PROHIBITED CRITERIA. WHY WHEN IT IS WOMEN ONLY, THE PSYCHOLOGICAL "WISE" LANGUAGE IS USED? WHY ARE WOMEN DYING AND GETTING SICK AND ABUSED DAILY AND NO ONE, BUT NO ONE SO MUCH AS MOVES THEIR FINGER TO CHANGE THAT?!) abuse of females? Actually, yes and no.

The abuse straight men render straight women is no different from abuse gay men render to queer women, lesbian women, as well as transger males, in that it is the same in content and is based on the same claim, it is..........................................................justified........................ by male's body!
White people are superior to black people because of their body.
Males are superior to females because of their body.
If you have a biology of a male, regardless fo your sexual orientation, you can abuse, steal, and speak to people disrespectfully, if these people are women or female bodied, and society will defend you. No one believed me when I spoke about the abuse I received from my teacher and boyfriend, and from my father. No one believed me when I even showed the bruises my roommate gave me. The first police team that arrived, laughed in my face. They have left me crying hysterically, by myself, in the house with a guy who physically and verbally abused me...He came out that evening and abused me some more. Even in the presence of another person, a guy, and my friend. That's the lesson of unaccounatability. If the police did not care, why would anyone else, right?! It took me 3 more times of police contacts and a presence and testimony of black male witness, for the second team to listen to me. Only then was the action taken. "Assault of a third degree," confirmed the police officer. "I don't understand how the fist team could overlook that!" And this is just one incident in my young life so far. There have been thousands. Thousands of incidents of mental and spiritual abuse, physical abuse, outright taking of advantage because of my gender and gender identity, all justified by making light of the word "abuse." "Ha ha, get over it", "Move on" "Life goes on" Comments adied by or substituted for bland and blank faces, nowhere to go, labels like "troublemaker" and "perpetrator". "Bitch" "unsatisfied" "crazy" "mental hospital" "retard" "stupid stinky immigrant" "hoe"

The thing that did change about abuse of those not in a male body, REGARDLESS what they identity is, is that: with the whole homophobia thing, women can't even mention the abuse gay men render them, without being called.... homophobic. The abuse I received was along the lines of my body, biology and my nature. The way God made me. I was born this way. It is like being born black of spanish or asian or gay. It is being born a woman.  Gay men openly abused my breasts, making fun of them and suggesting either an injection or removal. They were saying nasty things about women breasts in general, very loudly and very publically. The said things about my womb, my sexual organs. They were making horrible comments about woman's vagina, in front of young girls, who got off school and were hanging aroud. The girls even stopped their conversation to listen. If I said something about men's penises in front of junior high school kids, I would be called a perpetrator and probably killed by "public opinion." They commented on my shaved head and spoke about it as if it was there time and place to mention how I should do with my hair. They are the authority, you see! They said nasty things about lesbians TO MY FACE. They passed by when I was talking to another girl, stopped and were listening, smirking and making dirty comments. When I as much as pass by flirting gay guys, they tell me to "get the hell out." Although we are all in the public space and I was walking through the hallway to get to my lecture. They refused to recognize me as a transperson, they said that they "should have more rights" and when I asked, they made a joke of it and added with a serious face" because, after all, I am the man." When I tried to tell others about how I felt about being a trans person and a gay and a lesbian, and how things in my life were happening, I got constantly interrupted and attention was shifted to gay men and their problems. Even if I only started telling about my life, I would get interrupted and the topic would be shifted to some boy or man. When I would attempt to finish my sentence, they would say: you are being selfish. Well, if you were my friend, I wouldn't be friends with you. And as my teacher and officially responsible for my well being, you are violating your duty. This is serious. And humanely, what is wrong with you? You think there are no societal measures to stop your abuse? You think there are no legal measures to stop your abuse? You think there are no human measures to stop your abuse? You think there is nothing women can do at all? You think your racism will go on much longer? I think you are mistaken. So, anyway, God forbid! I would try to ever talk about lesbian or trans issues: I was always called selfish. Always some subconscious message was sent that it was disgusting or bad. Its not like a COMMON VOTE could decide a topic of my race, gender, gender identity or nationality. IT WAS. And discrimination against it is a serious charge. A serious damage both to me, to others, to this country and to human race especially. There is nothing to make light of or about. Abuse and racism, nationalism, genderism and gender identity discrimination ARE NOT FUNNY NOR AMUSING. They are deadly and many people have been hospitalized, ended up committing suicide or being killed. Lesbians and queer women, transmen and straight women are 4 groups that are severely abused, mistreated, manipulated and underpaid. They are treated as if they were not human at all, but some stepping stone to the goal of gay male, queer male, transwoman and straight male. Do you know what some MTFs told me?! That we were an experiment! That people were just "training on us!" WHAT?!!!!!!!
The abuse gay men rendered me and my friends, as well as lesbian and trans community is even deeper. They always act impatiently and with disrespect and aggression towards developing young people like transguys are. When people are growing and developing, this is monstrous. Many of mothers or fathers who would be reading it, know, how deadly is rushing the kid and desroying the integrity of her or his being and way. Its a child abuse. And little and evolving transmen are children. Why do we get abused? No one there to help! Its like we are left top be slaughtered and die because we are guilty of a  crime of HAVING FEMALE BODIES. This type of abusive and hurrying attitude kills anything gently, feminine and beautiful, this type of attitude is as deadly as placing a 10 year old boy in front of an army ready to fight, a 10 year old boy with a toy gun. This is what abusing developing transpeople and lesbians equates to. Our needs are diferent and no one has ever bothered to pay attention to THAT. But an 11 year old girl gets censored for the TONE she uses?! Or for a dress she wears? How important is that in comparison of young people not having a right to their own bodies?! Why nobody censors the abuser? Why is he allowed to abuse? Gay men have no desire to understand our needs, nor desire to repect feminity.I was called less of a man because I point-blank refused to gain "respect and love" by "bashing" females and calling then names. As a transguy, I stood up to ALL other transmen saying horrible things about females and female kind. I am not many enough? And who is a man enough, the one that beats a woman up, yells at her, deprives her and humilates her? The name for such people is "abusive and in need of treatment."
"Gay" changes very little in who these men still are: males who really, truly hate females. The hate is so obvious, it spills over and all over the place. When a white person displays this type of a hatred for black person, it is called "racism." I use males bathrooms often, as a transsexual male. Do you know how many conversations you coudl overhear there, while on the pottie? Not on purpose, they are usually VERY loud. About 89% of these conversations feature some kind of woman-hatred. It could be a straight woman that is an honored topic, a lesbian woman or "these *** trannies." When women say anything remotely similar about men: they are men haters. When women say something remotely similar about gay men: they are homophobic. When women try to speak up and to speak out about the abuse they have received, they are...still haters and homophobic.

I wonder, though, where does all that feminity and womanhood go in a screaming, foaming at the mouth, pushing you to the curb, cutting the line, speaking obnoxiously and rudely and hatefully gay man? What happenes to his feminine attire? Why are MTF the meanest people on earth and get upset when you don't act "feminine" as if my acting "feminine" simply because I have a female body, was expected and necessary for them to be who they are? Leave me alone! Why are you moderating me and my masculinity? You are the one who is an MTF, so why do you harass a transguy? Why do they think they have a right to abuse people in a female body? Why hide behind another label, like patriarchy done forever a simple but true fact: MEN HATE WOMEN. THEY HAVE NEVER TREATED THEM HUMANELY AND THEY DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER THOSE IN FEMALE BODIES, HUMAN. A concept of "real woman" is an artificially made female, whereas a real woman gets relegated to "crazy bitch" or "carpet muncher". ?

Do you know what people at my FTM meeting said? about 97% of them? "If society was different towards women, we would NEVER take hormones no have operations. I just can't stand it anymore. It is horrible. Life is much better as a man, society treats you with respect and love. You don't even need to do much..All is allowed." Then I watched these people, only about 4 months down the road, start talking about women as "bitches and hoes" and talk about their sexual organs and natures like the most misogynistic straight guy would. Do you not see what's happening? Old pattern of abuse and hate does not stop. It changes form, but it remains. Now transmen trash women. And gay men still trash transmen, and they elevate breast and vagina in an MTF, but when these breast and vagina are from birth, on a woman, then they are disgusting. I think the problem could be a complete and utter spoiling of male children and a complete and utter disregard of female children..


Cindi Jones

So Theo, what can we all do to help prevent this?  I've seen much discrimination in my life as well. 

I can remember calling the police when a neighbor was threatening to kill his wife with a large kitchen knife.  The police told him that I had called.  They took him away and he was back the next day threatening to kill her again.  I was fearful for my life. I thought that the poor woman would turn up dead every day.

There have been many more, too numerous to count. I stand up against it whenever I can. I suppose that's all we can do. But do you have any ideas?

Author of Squirrel Cage


Quote from: Theo on April 24, 2007, 11:24:51 AM
Why are MTF the meanest people on earth and why do they think they have a right to abuse people in a female body?
Could you clarify this?  I know not even one single MTF that fits this description.


Yes. You are right in what you observe. I never thought it was so before recently. I don't understand it, and never have.
For what it's worth, thanks for saying these things openly.
Blessings, Tara


To your friend that quit the job: Good, now go out and there and get a capital loan for your own business. Never let others try to make you deny your own ability. You are competent and able; seek the best from it!

To you: as much as I sympathesize, I've come to realize that one cannot change the attitudes of others, no matter what rational argument one may present or how well you pick your words, such people will never change until the consequences of their actions come to bite them back. Until then, they will forever act in malice toward you and your own. The best course of action is to avoid them, and when you can't face them with reason, showing no anger, because that is what they want from you: an admission of unearned guilt. Never give them that, only give back what they deserve: unrepentant justice.

-- Brede


Cindi, I was thinking about what you said. And I think the good start is to recognize patterns among female bodied, patterns of interaction among ourselves. How hard to we come down onto another female bodied and how many excuses we have for a male bodied? A female who does something outside of triumvirate of "daughter-wife-mother" gets questioned in her very sanity! As if, thousand years down the road women still did not want anything nor need anything outside of these roles allocated by the patriarchy. Historically, patriarchy among many religions and cultures struggled hard to "enculturate" a woman in the way of thinking along the lines. Punishment by death of exile for "adultery", a concept of "whore", an elevation and sanctifying of motherhood partially but not only through "madonna with child" idea...All that is embeded but not natural. A great book to read is "A harlot by the side of the road" by Jonathan Kirsh. The book analyzes the role of women in the old testament and the struggle these people led to establish any type of name or a position, for themselves. The concept of "woman can want nothing outside of family life" is so pervasive that it mutates and shifts to give rise to seemnigly new concepts, but all offsprings of this belief in woman's primitivity. Freudian psychology, one of the leading psychology schools in NYC states openly: biology is destiny. I am sure you are familiar with the concept of "self-fulfilling prophecy" as in "Black people are dumb and all criminal." The power of self-fulfilling prophecy is in its subversive, psychological affect on the mind. "Yes, indeed, women are bad in math", thinks to herself a girl after receiving a terrible explanation of very simple concepts and a brush-off. My mother always told me I had no logic and was bad in math. Both philosophy and an ability to think logically is what kept me alive so far, moreover, I have made it to the top of my math class in high school and in junior high, in spite of all attempts on my mother's part to convince me otherwise. I remember that as I started to get better and better, my teacher started to ignore me and instead started to help the boy who was severely lagging behind. The teacher would shut me down, ignore my answers and even when the answer was wrong, would encourage the boy and even give him credit! My own father, when I shared some of my own discoveries in a pretty advanced math, for someone who left her house at 18, peniless and largely self-taught, brought me down, mocked me and absolutely ignored my desire to study. He said outright that I will not study what I want but will get a trade. Like him. I still managed to prove to my mother she was wrong in attributing backwardness to me. Do you know what she said? If you are so smart, why are you so poor? I am her only daughter! She would often look through me and say something about mine "not being a boy." Although I may be the only one who says these things openly, many a mother foregoes her female child for the sake of her male child. Mostly women repress these painful memories and start believing that yes, the brother was better! But I can usually tell if a person had this type of a mother or not by the way a woman ends up in her life. Women that get encouraged do better in life. Smart women who do not, are still smart and it shows.
The other problem, is that women are too jealous of each other's accomplishments and attempt to actually make a person who has accomplished be silent on the subject. This is not wise: we should share in each other's findings and give due and credit. Look at men: they can do both. But women are taking things apart too much. A lot of fault is our own.
Allowance is another issue. NO ONE, EVER, EVER, NEVER AND ANYWHERE should dare to speak disrespectfully to a woman or threaten her or take advantage of her. Immediate actions must be taken in order not to establish any precedence. I don't understand why women who many have been through motherhood, don't understand such simple concept: children try their boundaries all the time and if a parent does not establish firm ground rules, the child will take advantage of the parent and end up badly himself.
So, large chunk of responsibility rests with women. Small every day choices are very important. Out of small things larger things get built. Next time, when some "woman" does something you may not like. try to see her perspective instead of immediately throwing away the baby with the water. By the way, I use "you" as a neutral address form.
Psychology is a powerful weapon of extreme warfare and should be NOT be applied to female person's feelings, soul and emotions. A budding young woman needs every woman's help, please, each and every one, show her the kindness you show to your boys and do not judge her like she was one of you. She may be fundamentally different from you, and she may just have the same body. It is a huge mistake to attribute sameness to ALL female bodied, a mistake so cotly in produces patriarchy with its great hate of female. So, if you hate your own kind, how do your expect men to like you? Why do you, yourself (any female) hate another female? If anyone does, time to do some soul searching. This could be a solution part as well.
Our job, as a society, deal with the consequences, not control people through messing with their heads. It is fundamentally wrong. Time for women to be guided by higher concepts, not just a concept of physical survival. Right and wrong. Good and bad. This is simple but it would elevate a person out of a state of an animal who only looks to sruvive. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid the struggle and pain if people want to be respected and have a life of a human being. But back to psychology: how can a girl evolve if ANYTHING SHE DOES OR SAYS is immediately "understood" by her wise mother in terms of the old and possibly unapplicable patterns? Whereas a boy gets a license: boys will be boys. "He's a man." "He's inventing." Why can't she be inventing? Why not say: girls are great, girls are evolving, girls will be girls? Why put your girl in the back seat of the bus while giving a teenage boy keys to the car, full credit card and a permission to do whatever? I hope this analogy will serve to illustrate this my final point.


They may say biology is destiny, but tell them this, "Free will is the axiom of every action you have made thus far, because you suppose your thoughts to be objective and impartial. How can they be both if there is no free will, no destiny beyond biology? Then it follows that if there is no free will there is no objectivity in knowledge, because there is no way for you to know otherwise. And there is no impartiality in knowledge, because everything depends on biology for it to be so."

-- Brede


I have made myself go to the center on thirteenth street, because there were supposed to be Latina immigrant women, speaking about their experience. While waiting, I decided to start doing some prep work for my art project, and shot some floor and windows, along with the ceiling. Some gay guys did not like the fact that I and two other girls were talking and exchanging ideas. We got looks, whispers and further I got my coffee spilt on my notebooks. I went and came back from lunch and continued brainstorming and shooting some pictures. The two guys whe stood near by, commanded me to "stop shooting them." I am not shooting you, I don't take pictures of folk, only things. I am an abstract artists." They were not satisfied. They got someone who worked there involved, he came by and commanded me to close the camera and "stop shooting people." "I am not shooting them and I have already closed the camera." Without either checking to ascertain what I was saying - I kept showing him the closed window of my little camera, he ordered me to "leave the facilites." I asked him why, and he said "its just is so, leave." I went to the front desk and inquired what was going on. The women seemed to be bewildered and afraid to speak. The guy who kept telling me to close the camera after I closed it right in front of him AND SHOWED HIM said he will "get the president." Some guy came downstairs and ordered me to "exit the building." We exited the building and I told him that this treatment I have gotten was not the first time and that there was already a report out (he was the one to take it, a few months ago) about gay men openly and notoriously harassing either lesbian women or transmen. He was there, that day when an older gay gentleman by the payphone started yelling at me to "get off his bench" demanding I leave and stop reading my book next to him...His attacke on me started when he approached the phone and I was peacefully reading my book. He was enraged when he commanded me to leave and I wouldn't, and then he ordered me to "bitch, shut up." The person named "Rob" who was now standing outside with me, run up to see what happened, because the guy was threatening to take my head off. He was screaming so violently and aggressively, that security came up to check on me. It took them about 10 minutes before they finally came up. And now this person stood outside with me and I told him about how I did not feel safe at the NY LGBTQ center on 13 th street. He interrupted me and told me to "speak after I speak." He raised his finger and he placed it in my face. He even told me to "shhh". He said to me the following: if you don't behave (I am in my late twenties, immigrant with two immigrations, an artist, a playwright, an activist, a patron, and a person who had a complaint) I will walk away and not listen to you. "You can't speak with such disrespect to your patrons" I retorted. He said to me: you're continuing? You will not be quiet? I am walking away. He then went off and started to accuse me of things without even letting me speak on the subject because of which we have gathered. I objected and explained that this was not relevant and that he did not hear yet what the issue was, how can he already know something about it? Instead of listening to my point and respecting the person who was his patron, he started yelling at me, saying that it is HE who will speak first, and I, second. And I should be quiet and not interrupt!. He carried on for 5 more minutes preaching to me as if I was a 10 year child. I had enough and said that I will not continue talking this way if he does not respect me nor stops his open and abusive disrespect of both my person and my patronage. Do you know what he did when  I demanded respect? He slammed the front door in my face and ordered me to leave or will call the police. He said I was prohibited from entering the facility that evening. When I tried to inquire what has happened to the very matter we have come to discuss, he came back, and spitting angry saliva in my face told me I better get out.
I came the next morning to speak to the head of the department, Richard Burns. I have, of course, previously called on the phone to make sure he was in, as I was coming from Brooklyn. I was told he was at the meeting until 12noon. I came around 12:30pm and the front desk person put me through to someone named "Jeff." The front desk said that Mr. Burns was not available but that Jeff will speak to me and take my complaint. I went upstaris, three floors, to the indicated room, but there was no one there named "Jeff." A person named Henry said that Rob will speak to me. Rob was a person who has acted rudely and disrespectfully the night before. I requested to speak to Jeff, because I have just spoken to him, and because the front desk has told me he was the person I needed. I came upstairs to speak to Jeff. Henry got up off his chair and said to me that it was "tough luck" and I "better be quiet" and wait for Rob. I said I will nto speak to Rob as he is the person about whom I have the complaint. Henry said I could leave if I did not like what he had to offer. I went downstairs to speak to the front desk, and Rob was there already. The front desk told me Mr. Burns was not in. "But you just told me he was in", I said. "No," said the front desk looking me in the eye. "He is not in." The person who was yesterday introduced to me as "the president" (which was a lie, he is not) said that Mr. Burns will not speak to me. I asked the front desk what was going on. The person at the front desk told the patron that Rob has gone to speak to Mr. Burns and Mr. Burns will not see me because of that. "But how can he believe a person about whom I have a complaint? I don't understand why you are telling me he will not see me." Somebody else got involved and said that Mr. Burns will not see me because Rob spoke to him. "You have no right to the apointment any way" said the front desk. He also added that he will not assist me in making an apointment because Rob, a person whom I have told the front desk I had an issue with yesterday, told him not to. "It is my right as a patron of this establishment to make an apointment with the head of the facility to place a complaint in regards to suffered abuse and mistreatment."  "No, it is not your right," said the front desk person. He has refused to make me an apointment. I asked him why did Mr. Burns first was not in, then was in but busy, then was in, not busy but would not see me, then was in, was not busy, would not see because Rob has spoke to him. I also inquired why it was that the person who worked for the center refused to make an apointment for the patron to place a complaint. My questions were not aswered. All the time during the interaction, all three people addressed me as "she" although I have made an open and specific request to be addressed as a "he." All of them laughed in my face, in the LGBTQ center, all of them said different stories about the head of the facility. All three people WORK THERE AND GET PAID. All three people ARE THERE TO ASSIST THE PATRONS IN THEIR ENJOYMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MISSION STATEMENT OF THE CENTER. After having spoken to me down, rudely and disrespectfully as if I was someone begging for money and not asking for what was my due and my right, I got threatened to be removed, after I have insisted that my apointment be made. "She is still talking?" asked one guy from another. All that time, the person who was in a position of authortiy over other people and was placed in a position to assist the customers, spoke to me using a wrong pronoun, and the front desk would not respect my request to not have him around, after the incident. My word was ignored, false accusations were made against me a night before, and I was denied an opportunity for getting the assistance that I needed. Do you know what Rob said to me as he sat at the front desk? "I will get you to the center care. This is where you need to be." Center Care is a mental facility for people. Basically, because I had a complaint about him, he has threatened to make a mental case out of me. He even said that "Mr. Burns said to refer you to center care." What does having a complaint about being disrespected by the staff twice in the same day and spoken down to poorly and abusively, has to do with mental issues? Or in a tradition of patriarchy, women who complain go to Bellivue? Or get arrested? Or thrown stones at? Or burnt at the stake?
Do you know what else happened to me that day? As I was taking pictures on the street and was squatting to get a shot, someone came up to me, squatted next to me and getting in my face said: you spat at me the other day. You are >-bleeped-<ed up. I asked him if he did not like queer people. He said he too, was queer. I looked up and I think it was one of the guys from the center. He walked away and warned me to "behave." He turned around and looked at me as he walked away and lifted his finger in a warning fashion, like Rob did yesterday.
I have called a friend and let her know about what happened. She said it may be a gay mafia anti-lesbian and anti-transmen. "Careful," she warned me. "Remember what has happened to Sylvia Rivera's friend." I do remember, and even at the place I am supposed to feel safest in, the LGBTQ center, I get harassed and hassled, my words get ignored, my story, not listened to, my rights - violated and my person, denied. I remember, only to live like a slave, even after you pay money for the membership and support the economy, is not a way to live. And there is nothing funny nor normal in what I went through. I lost information I needed, was mistreated and spoken down to, lied to, denied, ordered around and threatened a few times. These people have acted with me as if I was a slave or a dog who wanted something it was not supposed to have. There is a very small chance winning when you are a woman, because society ALWAYS believes a man. A man can take words out of the context, yank out meanings, pile up false accusations, society goes by hunch when the matter concerns a woman. A guy gets investigation, support, equal rights rally, but a woman is assigned to a psychologist or told to get married or made fun off. She is never a person, she is never an individual, she cannot be ofended nor can she want something. All her wants, all her needs, all her person has been assigned a term, a limit and a price. You could be a patron and pay money, you could have 5 degrees, you could be a most hard working and honest individual, but so long as you are woman, abuse agaisnt you gets overlooked, ignored, brushed aside, you get allocated terms like "bitch" or "mental case" when you complain. What am I supposed to do now? I was abused. I was lied to. I was mistreated. I was treated different because of my gender and gender identity. That always gets denied. I was spoken to as if I was a poor relative: I am a patron who was doing his/her work and got attacked. Then the person responsible for security, attacked me. Then I was denied an opportunity to speak to a supervisor, and when I continued to complain I was ordered to leave and a warning was sent agaisnt me later that day. Mafia and murder, false accusations and no Habeus Corpus nor due process nor search for warranty is necessary when you are a woman. Anything said agaisnt you by a man or by a woman who is friends with a man, will be listened to and given credit. As a woman, YOU ARE GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. AS A WOMAN, YOU UNDERGO TRIPLE JEOPARDY ON A REGULAR BASIS. As a woman, you are spoken down poorly, like a disobedient dog, and you are forced to shut up and told to listen even if you are in your late 50's. I have often seen a son speak this way to his mother. As a woman, impressions about you count more than any facts.
Do you know what's the other, fundamental signature? Men gain experience. Men gain power. Men go ahead and invent biology, mathematics, logic, philosophy, architecture, fashion and high heels. Women are fed psychology: he did it because, or, this has happened because. Women are swimming in people's intentions, explanations and excuses. When times passes, they get married and have kids, sometimes they have "an accident". Sometimes they "fall". Sometimes they have a "mental breakdown." Sometimes they "loose it." But one imporant thing remains: the law, the power and the money remain in the hands of men. Women sit and talk. Analyze. No action.
What will I do now? Write a letter to Richard Burns that the staff will read. I hope he will read it too, because then I will have to go there again, in person and demand to be treated properly.


Hey Theo, you sound somewhat like me while ago.

The world is a really f*cked up place, and your life is what you make it. If you carry this list of unavenged crimes, and your (justified) rage at them, you're letting their ignorance/attacks shape your life, and you as a human being. 

However, not all men are evil. I personally know several men who are simply intelligent, decent, trustworthy, and everything a real human being should be. They cop sh*t in their lives because some women think all men are evil. You might feel like you won't ever be able to dismiss all this evil, but those kind of people are not worth the time it takes to remember their antics. In spite of them, rather than letting them shape you into an angry person --- focus on everything that is good and worthy about you. You can achieve anything. You're not less of a human for any reason. Disregard the hateful bile haters spew; it makes them less of a human, to be filled with such malignant, destructive ways. Don't take it in.

You've obviously got a fire in your heart about this, and that's the main thing you should keep from your experiences. The drive, not the hurt. It will take you far if you don't direct it negatively on yourself or make choices based on anger and pain.

Sorry if I'm carrying on, and sorry if I've misunderstood your meaning. But I have been there. And I'm happy to have moved on. 


Born male, all I can say is: Something went terribly wrong. Yes, males are naturally more aggressive than females. Because men don't carry children, they need to be. Well, they needed to be, a long time ago. Yes, men are generally stronger, physically.
But that doesn't make males better than females, nor the other way around. I think what you've encountered is not really aggression, not really dominance, but fear. The males you describe seem to be afraid of the females, and vice versa. Because only when there is no fear between them can they live together as equals.
As much as your past is hurting, I would advise you to leave them all behind. The entire community. Find new friends, friends who can live up to your standards; friends who do not let fear control their lives.
Friends you can actually be friends with. They're not that hard to find, and abuse, though it happens a lot, is not something that happens everywhere. I've been in abusive, life threatening, situations, and I've fought in those for years. But I also know that it's not all that common. There's a whole lot of life to be lived beyond those borders. Go find it!


Quote from: Melissa on April 24, 2007, 11:54:03 AM
Quote from: Theo on April 24, 2007, 11:24:51 AM
Why are MTF the meanest people on earth and why do they think they have a right to abuse people in a female body?
Could you clarify this?  I know not even one single MTF that fits this description.

Theo, this is my question, too.

Also, I can hear such pain in your story, and for that I am truly sorry for what you have suffered.  I also wonder (WITHOUT IMPLYING ANY BLAME WHATSOVER) what circimstances would lead you to keep hanging around a part of society who treats you like that.  I hear you venting, and you, of course may do that here any time.  But what would you or anyone do to solve this problem?  And if the community around you is so terribly flawed, have you ever thought about forming other relationships outside of that community?  Even if you are relatively healthy, the insertion of one healthy person into a sick system will not fix the system.  It will usually make the healthy person sick.  You don't need that.

I've seen a lot of this life, both the good and the bad.  I would love for you to experience some of the good.  Choose your battles carefully lest you be consumed by them, and end up much like that which you are fighting.

I wish you the very best in your pursuit of justice.  I also wish you a peace and contentment of spirit that will make your message meaningful to others.



This reads like a feminist manifesto.

How can you speak like this about men? If you're ftm, you're vilifying your own kind.
I've been treated worse by females than I ever was by any male. But, I don't see women as the devil incarnate.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.