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Real hair or wig?

Started by Joshua_Sarah, September 30, 2012, 08:18:01 PM

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I didn't see this on the search so I hope I didn't miss it, and yes I know you can get wigs made with real hair :P. I was just curious to see how many people here decided to use wigs, is it more common in the younger years? maybe those first starting out transitioning? There are some really nice looks for shorts hair but I've been looking at getting a wig, something about shoulder length and a lighter brown than my actual hair colour. How about everyone else, if you do use one what length and colour do you prefer? or do you keep a couple depending on your mood? I look forward to seeing what others respond.

Ms. OBrien CVT

in answer to the question.  Yes

Now for the explanation.  I am thin on the top and front.  There for I wear a unit to cover those areas.  The rest is all mine.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


Yep, I have no choice (MPB started 30 years ago) and honestly am fine with it. Easy to deal with: wake up, comb it out on the bed and throw it on. No bed hair to deal with, no long drying time or dealing with having wet hair etc. And no hair stylist or cutting, dying to cover gray etc which likely would end up being more than I spend on wigs.

I found one I love that looks nice, is comfortable, not hot in the summer and are cheap. I get them on sale when has a 30% off sale for about $60, buy 3 at a time to get free shipping. They stay looking good for about 30 days wearing them all day every day. After that they are getting a bit frizzy looking, I keep the last months one around for lounging around the house or doing yard work etc and after 30 days, break out a fresh one and toss the other one.  I know you can get human hair ones but they take a lot of care, don't hold a style well and are $$$, you can't just toss them as they get frizzed or out of shape etc. I honestly don't see any diff, at least this one I like. It looks like real hair to me and just shake it out, brush and it's ready. Even after washing, I brush, wash, shake it out and let it air dry and no need to style it. These modern synthetics are MUCH nicer than the ones they had years ago.

I did end up trying probably 8 different styles and brands before I found this one and think it fits my general style well. I have plenty of people tell me they like my hair, who does my hair etc.

It's a Jon Renau decadent in 12/30BT color

The picture online shows these as having short bangs but the actual wig has pretty long bangs in a crisscross part like in my picture. I guess you could trim them if you wanted straight bangs to cover your forehead like that? All their wigs I have tried are very comfortable too.  I guess it was just one more thing, I could be upset I have no hair but it not going to solve anything worrying about it. Turns out this is easier than dealing with my own hair this length (I had hair that was this length when I was in high school)..

Rowan Rue

Mostly my real hair, but I do Cosplay sometimes too.  Wigs are great for changing your appearance.

My personal blog is [url=http


Hi Sarah;

Unfortunately for those of us that started later in years to transition, a natural (not synthetic) wig is the way to go; but I would strongly recommend you get one fitted properly.
I have bought mine through Natural Image. They sell through various Hair Salons or Department Stores. I bought mine in Dingles in Exeter, as the lady there is TG friendly.





Hi Sarah,

I think if you can your real hair is a good way to go, but as other woman have said that isn't always possible. But do go to a wig salon to get fitted and styled. They are TG friendly as the two biggest client base they have are people on chemo and TG people. You will get good advice about what suits you and in your age group and advice on keeping your wig in top condition.

My avatar is wearing a wig, I've now grown my hair out and had a professional style, colouring and cut. Which I found totally awesome and very liberating, it also means there is no way that I can pretend to be a guy, which helped in my confidence and general appearance.

BTW the hair salon staff were totally supportive, very helpful and basically built a style for me that I hadn't thought of.



Eva Marie

I'm a member of the MPB club so i wear a wig. I tried a variety of cheap wigs just to figure out what cut looks best on me and tossed some questionable choices  :laugh:

The wig i like most is from wigs-us on ebay. Its a light auburn w strawberry highlights shoulder length wig, and it cost about $35. I've never gotten any weird looks when i've been out in it so it must look OK at a casual glance. Closer examination would reveal that it's a wig.

If i were out more en femme i'd probably go to a wig shop and get something better.


As a nearly life-long member of the MPB club I have no option other than a wig. Of course like so many other things I sure do wish I had my own, especially if like my mom's. (I got her hips and tendency for the top so I should't be greedy  :) )

The synthetic wigs I use run $150 to $200. I haven't tried human hair. Out of my justification range being part-time. Plus the care and upkeep is more extensive. After a while either type needs replacement as the wear and tear starts to show. It took some experimenting to know what colors and styles really work best and that I enjoy wearing.
.          (Pile Driver)  
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)


I went with my own hair. I was lucky though, I've never suffered from MPB. I did consider a wig, but decided I'd rather spend the money on clothes. :P


Your own hair is the way to go if you have it.  A good hairstyle can do wonders for your passability not to mention confidence. . If you do go with a wig take your time in choosing it. A professional can be of great help. I went through three wigs before settling on one. Expensive! A good hairstyling should compliment your face.

Laura Emily

When I first started transition, I was wearing wigs. Eventually i got confident enough with my hair (I was growing it oout and taking supplements to thicken it up and make i healthier looking. Finally one day I got the courage to go out without a wig on, and I haven't worn one since. I'd recommend natural hair, if you can get away with it. =)
Those who live life to please others, rather than live the life they please, live only to exist.  - LEV


I had a big bald spot on my head when I first started hrt and had to wear wigs at first. But luckily with time, hrt and finesturide, my hair thickened up and filled in enough to not need one by the time I went completely full time. I used a really good synthetic and didn't have much trouble. In fact, several of the ts women that I was around a bit early on in support groups and even hanging out with them thought it was my real hair.  I found wigs to be uncomfortable and hot though, even with lace fronts.

Laura Emily

Quote from: Jaime on October 03, 2012, 10:20:12 PM
I had a big bald spot on my head when I first started hrt and had to wear wigs at first. But luckily with time, hrt and finesturide, my hair thickened up and filled in enough to not need one by the time I went completely full time. I used a really good synthetic and didn't have much trouble. In fact, several of the ts women that I was around a bit early on in support groups and even hanging out with them thought it was my real hair.  I found wigs to be uncomfortable and hot though, even with lace fronts.

I would have to agree with you regarding comfort. Plus in the winter time I was always worried it would move or come off while i was taking my hood down.
Those who live life to please others, rather than live the life they please, live only to exist.  - LEV


No wig, god I have so much hair I never know where to put it all... the layers do nothing ;D I think in a wig I would have a heat stroke.


a wig or two might be convenient, since i can't seem to stop dying my real hair in the most ridiculous colors
on some occasions it might be good to have either short or long hair in a more natural looking color


I used to use wigs when my hair was very short but now my hair has reached my shoulders I try not to bother, I find wigs are too hot now I have lots of hair & I can't afford to buy the more expensive types that are cooler.
I would wear one for a short period however, for example if I wanted to change my style for an evening.


If it is possible your own hair is better. Now I do understand that certain factors can make long hair difficult to achieve. And in that case, I think one should invest in a very high quality wig that matches their own hair color.

As for myself, I started growing my hair out right after puberty. I didn't even realize I would one day actually go through with what was in the back of my mind screaming at me. Anyway, having two feet of hair going into the womanhood process makes it easier on me. Plus there is a certiain joy in playing with your own hair. I was always afraid to do it before because guys, well first they don't have long hair, and second, if they do they don't play with it in public!   


I would answer both.  In my avatar I am wearing a wig.

I'm not full time and my hair is fairly short but I wear in in a feminine style.  If I was full time I could get away with my natural hair especially if I let grow a little longer.  But right now I feel self conscience in public unless I'm wearing a wig.  I have several different styles and colors (all real hair).  Some look better than others and it's a good way to see how you look the best.  It definitely pays to go to a wig shop. 

"Happiness is not something ready made.  It comes from your own actions" - Dalai Lama
"It always seem impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela


I honestly wish I wore wigs in the beginning or got hair extensions/weave..

Sadly I painfully grew out my hair from very short to mid-back length, there were about 2 whole years where my hair looked like a mop-headed boy.. I suppose a hair awkward state? hehehe
Either way, If I could do it all over again I would go with a human hair wig or at the very least human hair clip-in extensions...

I perform at many bars through out my state, and I can say that synthetic hair is very hard to take care of.. I'm always replacing my wigs and pieces almost monthly or using them only for hair stacking ex. buns.

Get that remy hair guurrrl <3


Well, if passing is your priority real hair is the way to go if it all possible. I grew mine below my shoulders shortly after moving out from my parents' home and have worn it in many lengths and styles since. That said, as something of a hairstyle enthusiast, I've owned and worn wigs since the '80s. Wigs offer a quick way to change your color and style, but I can say from experience that a the wrong wig-- or poorly cared for wig-- can look like a real piece of s__.

My biggest peeve with crossdressers and transgenders is with wigs. I can't count how many times I've seen a pic online of someone who looked just fine except for the thoroughly unconvincing wig. When choosing a wig it's super important to choose one of good quality that is right for you. And if you are wearing a style that normally shows the front part and all you've got is a front wig edge, you've totally blown it in the passing department. It's not easy to wear a wig and have it look like your own hair-- and you're probably not going to do it for $59.95.

~ Lyric ~
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs