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A friend asked me what if life, whay am I here?

Started by angiejuly, June 19, 2012, 01:53:09 PM

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 Allow me to start by saying Angels are real and we do incernate to the lower dencities to learn this dimension , experience pain rise through it and lead by exsample because the third dimensional 2 strand dna is consciously limiting and telepathic abilities are not believed or excercised by very few. If my words do not resonate with you then theyu are not for you. If you feel you want to pick my words apart or post anything twards me I want you to know my words are yours to feel as you wish. I refuse to defend or prove anything. I will refuse to fall to that ego. So read on and take it in without speculation. Posts should be discussions to the world not me. I car less. I work with others and together we say the same thing all over the world right now. Love you....

The purest form of ignorance is when we think we know. It is when we decide to stop growth and experience till we decide it is time to move on. Evolution! That is when we decide we know..........

Every civilization before us claim they knew what lay beyond the horizons of space, time and consciousness, only to find themselves in chaos, war , destruction, suffering and death from man's own words. There may have been many civilizations who did know how to live in harmony with nature and these civilizations also knew things about consciousness we simply have been taught to ignore and think as untrue or impossible. Technology was very advanced in these civilizations. Not like you think of technology today but more to prove to us later we might have missed something. Thousands of years ago people where using technology of sound frequency. Just what sound frequency really is , is in fact something far more than what we have been taught. It shapes matter.
Fear is where these civilizations loose their harmony and peaceful existence with nature. Fear leads to thoughts of protection , then onto control , suffering , and death every time.  ( death being humanities perception to disconnect to the illusionary physical senses)
Time and time again we are told how these civilizations where just crazy and off to think what they did. Every civilization, one after another  has developed fears in its communities to follow a conformed mindset and beliefs that always keep the someone of dominance and control living off the labors of the people they dominate. It starts with early education of outside sensory stimuli to acclimate small children to think of electro magnetic stimuli as all there is. We give our children group psychosis, by teaching them ," No you have got it wrong kids, this is the world live with it.
We come into the world knowing who we are way we are and here and what we need to do for our paths.  We are just punished for remembering and being and individual becomes fear inducing to others and you will fall in this society like that. We are taught to react to fear and take action of protection instead of listening to signals from the heart. Remember, the hearty is a muscle, if you do not use it , it becomes weak. Using it means listening to it not swimming and running. Start to listen to it and the signal becomes strong and it know what we want and need more than the mind has been taught from fear and punishments.
Imagine a world that would bloom as we allow children to make their own decisions who , what and where . We remove parental rights and children live where they want. We hope that choice is with parents and if they choose not it is because a parent decided to own the path of the child. Parental ownership is nothing more than fear. It is about freewill. Allowing people to find their natural talents and be  the inner superstar they came to be to the world. There is one in each of us equally. There are these superstar talents in each of us. It is up to us alone to find it. Nobody is coming to give it to you.
Now we live in a society that has decided it knows and is now starting to come to a realization with all the fear, war, pollution and what ever atrocity we choose to observe for the moment. It is an ancient science of mass population mind control. Humanity is hypnotized to live in servitude to masters at the top who have created and illusion of protection by inducing fear.

What is life? Why am I here?
Consciousness! Are you conscious? How do you know for sure? All things you think to be true are merely your perception of what you perceive to be true and reality. What is life?
Life is a dense holographic illusion of turning soundwaves  into physical matter.  How? Quantum entanglment!
At a time when scientists in the 90's wanted to discover what was going on on the subtonic level of the tiniest peace's of matter  . Atoms are very small and made up of electrons. So scientists decided to see what these tiny peace's of matter would do if they shot it through a slit to a back board. Electrons where shot through a slit to a back board. A pattern of the slit appeared on the back board. So the scientist made two slits to see what these tiny peaces of matter where doing.  Two slits appeared as he presumed. Another scientist thought Elections where waves that act like matter and did the same experiment but something strange happened. If you place the single slit in water and send waves through, you get a pattern like the matter makes. With two slits the waves come through the two slits and cross over eachother and make an interference pattern. Multiple lines basically appear on the backboard. The second scientist "THOUGHT" that electrons work like waves rather than matter. So when he shot electrons through the two slits exactly what he thought happened. The electrons made an interference pattern and not two slits. The electrons acted like waves of energy making an interference pattern. How can that be? If the other scientist knew they acted like matter and they did and the other knew they acted like waves and both had successful experiments , that only leaves one amazing thing left. The electrons listen to the observer and did what the observer knew they would. It was a feeling in the heart that they demanded and knew what was and it came true. The outcome of the test was we create with our thoughts. Thoughts of sadness bring more sadness, thoughts of war bring war, thoughts of prosperity bring prosperity.
Our thoughts emanate sound frequency.  Each consciousness is this sound frequency. Low frequency thoughts have a low soundwave that crosses centerline fewer times over the same amount of time as higher frequency waves. Remember that picture. Our thoughts bring from the universe what we know is coming to us. We create the world with our thoughts. Thoughts of fear are a lower frequency, thoughts of love are high frequency thoughts.  The more we live in high frequency the more we experience the manifestations of the thoughts we have from those higher frequencies. Those would be our thoughts of love from the heart and not thoughts of fear from the minds ability to learn to protect itself. Living life in protection is a low frequency of fear and will keep thoughts in protection and away from growth and self development. High frequency thoughts and lifestyle is living in growth and love. It feels good and is done through the perceptual markers we have placed in the stars of our consciousness.
When you look up at the stars you may think how far away that star is. What you did not know was the star you see outside of you ,you see because your perception has taught you stars are in the sky at night. What you know is there is there. What you know does not exist you cannot perceive and therefor cannot be seen. The stars you see are inside you, they have been there the entire time. How can you really know what is outside of you? All things you perceive to be real and reality, are a combination of light photon sensory  coming into our 5 senses giving us a perception from what we have learnt to be out there is what we will see as truth and reality. Just know most of humanity can only see with 30% of their eyes ability because of  our limiting 2 strands of DNA. So there is a lot more to what we are not seeing. Our minds only see 10% with this limiting DNA into our consciousness. What do you think full consciousness would bring you? What do you think you would see with full sight?
Earth life DNA was once 12 full strands of DNA giving humanity creative abilities we today would think of as impossible to physics or miracles. These 12 strands of DNA when activated gave full consciousness and universal intelligence.
13 thousands years ago ( Just before the fall of atlantis) these 10 extra strands of DNA ( todays scientists call ,"Junk DNA") can be reactivated living a life in the higher frequencies of thought s of love and actions through the heart. This high frequency crosses center line more frequently and brings us closer to having those extra strands activated more and more we avoid low frequencies of this world and know in our hearts love is all and there is nothing to fear.
Having a two strand DNA locks our consciousness away from the connection to our source and leaves us disconnected to learn through painful experiences about love and fear. We live here in the third dimension. It seems very real because we feel pain, love, frustraightion,  and emotions that can be triggered. When we have moments that others commit atrocities against us, we loose things or great harm came to our lives. This is a moment to sit and dwell in sadness or low frequencies to feel pain and live without growth or we can use this wonderful moment that we unconsciously  have demanded to experience for ourself.  We can learn from pain or we live on without growth in ignorance when we decide to dwell in that , that bothers us. 
The purest form of ignorance is when we decide we know. It is when we stop learning and decide to experience until ready to move on.
Our physicality is a third dimensional illusion to learn duality. I say illusion because if you where really here we would be able to point to what part of our anatomy holds consciousness. You are self aware aren't you? Consciousness is the ability to react to a given situation and make changes to the self to better the self.  We are conscious, plants and trees are conscious, mountains are conscious, Earth is conscious, the galaxy is conscious and a sound frequency does come from the center of the Galaxy and is giving a sound frequency for those of us who decide to live in the higher frequencies of love to have the extra strands of DNA activated by this frequency bring your consciousness to full consciousness. The lower densities of  the third dimension make us very physical and need food for energy and lower frequency thought over time has shattered our 10 strands of DNA leaving us disconnected to bask in our fears of perceptual markers.  When we are in fear we are not in growth thinking with our hearts and acting from it instead we ignore our hearts path and think from protection or fear and our decisions are 99% wrong when made from the frequency of fear. We are looking for what to do and how to protect ourselves. So we see what others do and choose to do it. It  is an action that has a prosperous leader at the top artificially inducing fear into a mass population to have control over that population to live in ownership of the lives and benefit from the labors of the population that thinks they are being protected and have to live this way to keep the protection. It is the ancient science of mass population mind control, or hypnosis. 
The mass mind control keeps the population in servitude and work to survive. This keeps the frequencies of the population low and the DNA strands from being activated. If the DNA strands are activated people in the mass population would see and understand this fear based metaphysics and mind control and disclose to the people what is happening to them. (The Disclosure Project). To know this information is to see we have a chance to move humanities consciousness to the higher vibrational frequencies and live in the 5th dimension of pure love thought, telepathically and unanimously amongst all oneness.
Conscious energy is light energy. Light energy is a source of zero energy. If we lived with 5th dimensional physical bodies we would be light bodied. We would get our energy from this conscious light energy that emanates from the center of our galaxy. Food can still be enjoyed but will no longer be a necessity for survival.  Our thoughts in this dimension are your survival. Low frequency thoughts of fear are instantly manifested to be your true and outer reality. Why this dimension is only for those who have lived constantly in the higher frequencies no matter what the 3rd dimension throws at them. They will know how to navigate this instant power of manifestation of real physical matter.
It takes many, lives in the third dimension to master this ability to look past and stay positive and in thoughts of love. Once this is mastered and you stay in the higher frequencies your cells begin to be changed by this light energy source from carbon based DNA to a crystalline based DNA. (from analog to digital would be a good example)
How do we escape and move on? We know this world to be an illusion to teach us pain and understand love and fear. Without a physical body pain cannot be felt and emotions are non existent.  Without the physical body we cannot learn duality, good –bad, and feel it. Here we can experience it. We came here to learn how to raise our consciousness through the dimensions and understand duality through experiencing pain and pleasure to fully understand what they are. Earth was created by us. We made it for our evolution to the higher dimensions. We are the cells that inhabit the host body. Gaia's body. We call disconnected cells from the host cancer.
We have life to have pain and pleasure. Nothing bad happens to us we did not want to happen.
Love is the path to higher consciousness and the path through the higher dimensions of consciousness. Love is light energy, when we create our world of love and not protection we create a physical heaven on Earth.
Earth is a conscious person just like you and I. She feels and wants love too. Her name is Gaia. She is waiting for her last sickness to be healed and that is humanities fears and disconnection from the truth. Gaia is now ready to move her body to the 5th dimension as our solar system get ready to enter alignment with the galactic equator and send us through the photon belt surging us with cosmic radiation and giving us a multidimetional experience. Those who have practiced living in the higher frequencies of love will know how to make it through this experience and come out lightbody in the fifth dimension of physical conscious existence. Earth passes through this alignment every 25,800 years and evolution ( as shown by ice core samples) abruptly evolves at this time and changes the DNA of life on the planet. The next scheduled crossing is Dec. 21 2012 at 11:11 am universal time. Those who live in the higher frequencies of unconditional love for all created will know how and have the crystalline DNA to pass through the light  or heat of the photon belt and live in the fifth dimensional earth. All those with fear, or in other words any kind of wickedness to their consciousness will have their consciousness shifted to  what I want to say is a very beautiful comfortable hospital for troubled souls. Because the fifth dimesion is a heavenly holding tank for us until every single soul has learnt what they came to learn and has joind us in the fifth then we can move on together as a whole to the 8th dimension. The reason non move on until all are ready is because moving on to the fifth is the realization we are all one and must love all created as just that. All people and things created are peace's of "your" body. It is you doing to you what you do not want done. Our collective telepathic love is the oneness of our goal and evolution. Coming back to the oneness is in fact the supreme being. You are the god of you, you follow your own path you made for you. You chose to come here, you chose to experience what you have no matter how much it hurts to know and admit you did it to yourself. You cannot move on until this is absorbed. Love those you despise and put energy into them. They are peaces of you. All souls on earth right now agreed to be light and hold light for earths Ascension to the fifth dimension and that is why we are so lucky to be incarnated at this time of passing into the Age of Aquarious and the fifth dimension with Mother Gaia. We who are here and have this opportunity have been chosen because we are the most worthy of the work within our past lives to prove we will do the jobs we promised to do here. In a society based on fear and self service we get lost in that life and choose for ourselves to stay behind with a carbon based DNA. This choice is ok and what happens to these people is not a punishment but can be perceived as such. Always follow the path of love and know everything created was created out of love. It is the only way to walk through the fires loves path places in front of us. When we decide to walk the labyrinth to enlightenment and your evolutionary goals of your souls path We are hit constantly by those who are irritated by our light. To balance is to know what ever has been done by these people to you was to deliberately throw you off balance and lower your frequency. Unconsciously those who choose to stay behind are in fear of what they do not know and the energies that come with it. With hell breaking loose all around and a balance high frequency person will stand tall with a smile in the middle of it all without any fear in the world. Because we know only what we choose to happen to us does. There is nothing to fear and faith is the fires you must walk through to find conscious growth.
Our Physical life is about our conscious evolution to co creators equal to that consciousness that has created us. Consciousness is light. Light is energy, Zero energy. We are nothing more than conscious light energy. Our physical human form is a hologram we perceive to be real. Pain makes it seem real. Loves path is learnt to be what we desire. To know love as currency is to know your true core. To know your true core is to be one with all creation and see no segregation.
We must value ourselves at our contributions to other and environment and not our abilities to acquire monetary values through means of greed and backstabbing.
Love and Light always unconditionally from my heart. Angel of July 7/7/71

We must value ourselves to our attributes and contributions to others and environment and not our ability to aquire monitery value through means of greed and backstabbing. In this system the greedy would eat what the dogs dont want.
a blog on truth,

Elizabeth K

My Gawd that was intense!

I do have some of those insights but my path is different.  I follow the belief life is of our own choice, and a way we chose to accomplish "something" - something we cannot understand now, because that is part of the experience - an ignorance of what we were before and what we will be after our bodily "death."

Yes - angels are real. But the devil is an invention. HA!

The search for 'The Meaning of Life"  is a wondrous 'GAME."  At least how I see it after 65 years here "this time." 


Oh oh oh - next time?  I am going with NO FRICKIN' GENDER DYSPHORIA!!!



Yes wonderful hun. We create our own world. We choose everything that has happened to us. Love everything you are . Very good love, IU am glad you read me. Many write me of as crazy and that is ok, They are just not ready yet. We are all Angels just some of us came to remeber this. YA, Devil is a choice to be, never created but within us only as a choice to experience hell. :)
We must value ourselves to our attributes and contributions to others and environment and not our ability to aquire monitery value through means of greed and backstabbing. In this system the greedy would eat what the dogs dont want.
a blog on truth,


Not consciously but all things that happen to us was our choice to have these things happen to guide us into something else. We really do choose these things and it comes from the soul. When you incarnate your choice to not have these things happen makes it happen. We take on horrors all life to learn or dwell in that , that bothers us. I am sad it happened but yes you chose it. I chose to be transsexual and be ridiculed , loose my family and be sent to the streets unjustly. Why ? everything that has happened to me was to shape me into what I am and have an understanding of things. Also maybe you chose it because it is what you did in a past life and wanted to deal with that karma in this life. Only you know why but If you want to cast blame you will stay behind in suffering untill you choose that it was you the entire time. You where raped by light photon energy coming into your five senses. It was a very real illusion. You are not really here you are more than human. The pain of rape shoulod drive you to inner self love and excape of physical body in meditation to travel the cosmos. If you choose to dwell You will suffer until you decide it was you. You will live many lives like this one till you come to this realization.
Yes you chose it. I am so very sorry and hope you learn and speak truth you have learnt to put these rapists in their place. Many people look away from truth because taking on respocibility hurts. You want to cast blame but no growth is in casting blame on a physical illusion.
We must value ourselves to our attributes and contributions to others and environment and not our ability to aquire monitery value through means of greed and backstabbing. In this system the greedy would eat what the dogs dont want.
a blog on truth,


We're here for a good time, not for a long time.  There may or may not be life after death, you'll find out soon enough, why rush it?
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...