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Crossdresser Acceptance

Started by Debtv, July 23, 2005, 12:18:00 AM

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I had a wonderful "coming out" experience this week.  A few weeks ago I decided to talk to a woman I work with/for about Anne, based on a number of conversations we've had over the years.  Her initial reaction was shock, but not in a negative way.  After she got over the initial thoughts, she was very interested in meeting Anne in person.

Last week we met at a busy downtown coffee shop (which scared me at first, but was not a problem) and spent about an hour talking about a variety of subjects, not just gender or cross-dressing issues.  The subject of my age came up, and she seemed way more surprised about me being as old as I am than about my cross-dressing.

All in all it was a great time, and her closing comment when we left was that she was truly sorry that I couldn't be myself all of the time.  That made me feel very good.



Here is a message I sent to a genetic female I work with, and her response:
Hi Jxxxxx:

I am sending this to you (with a copy to Bxxxxx) in the hope that you will be able to accept a part of me that you have not known before.

The essence of this message is that I spend as much time as possible (not nearly enough:)) "presenting" as a female I call Anne.

I have spent a lot of time (actually a number of months) trying to decide if I should even send this message to you, but at this time, I feel it is the right thing to do.

Revealing this part of me is very frightening to do since I realize that you will most likely share this information with Rxxxxxx (her husband, and my boss).  I would be devastated if I lost xxxxxxxx as a client because I am a different person than you and Rxxxxxxx have known over the years.

I know that you are both very liberal and accepting and I truly hope there is not a limit to your acceptance of alternative gender identification.  I am doing this out of a sense of wanting to be honest with the people I work with and honest with myself.  I view myself as primarily female, in spite of my physical male "parts" and day to day presentation.  By revealing this part of me, I am in no way trying to suggest that I would ever appear in the office as a female.

If you are comfortable with this information, please call me when you receive this (xxx-xxx-xxxx) so we can talk about this part of me and possibly set up a time for you to meet Anne so you can find out more about me.  If you are uncomfortable with this, I'd really appreciate it if you could just ignore the fact that I sent you this message and hopefully we can continue as we have for the past several years.

Tuesday is the day I spend as Anne.  Lxxxxxxxx (my wife of 25 years, who knows all about Anne) teaches students (adolescent girls) at home everyday except Tuesday, and that is why my time as Anne primarily takes place on Tuesday's.

Thank you for your understanding and I sncerely hope that revealing this part of me will not harm or jeopardize my working relationship with you and Rxxxxxx.

Anne W

Here is the response:

Note from a friend:

Dear Anne, Rxxzxxx  and I have been out of town and this is the first time I have checked my email.

I think that it took a lot of courage for you to send this email.

I have spoken with Rxxxxxxx and we both feel that you are and always will be the same kind, caring, and loving person that you always have been (whether it is as Rixxxxxx or Anne). We could not and would not ever judge anyone based on their race, religion, or sexual gender (wish we could say we would not judge someone based on their politics~but that is really a stretch).

Rxxxxxx and I would love to met Anne and talk about how you plan to proceed and move into the future. 

It goes without saying that your working relationship with xxxxxxx would have nothing to do with your personal life choice.

xxxxsxxx is gearing up for trial (next Monday). As soon as things calm down here, we would like to get together.

Take care,  Jxxxxx

These are the things that make me think that people are truly better than we think a lot of the time.




Hi Anne,

Sounds like you took a major risk coming out to your friend and boss. How wonderful that they were understanding and accepting of your feminine self. This is truly wonderful news. It is very true that people will surprise you. I hope all goes well with your meeting.



Well done Anne,

I'm so glad things worked out so well.


Vanessa V.

Bravo Anne!

As for me I've told only a very few people about my crossdressing, and I actually feel fine about that. I have definitely taken the step now to accept me as me, and to take certain steps to fulfill some of my feminine wants and needs.

But as for others, I'm just not interested in dealing with the troubles you brave girls go through. Its probably because I'm not so much as TS as I am a CD. Its almost like I've made two personas that are intricately apart of me. The one I show to the world and the one that I keep to myself. The nice (I suppose) part of it all is that I don't have any particular problems with my "world face," and that he lives in happy harmony with the woman inside.

Just putting my two cents in.... ;)



I see your two cents Vanessa and raise you two more.

I agree with your choice. For me the aggravation was not worth it. I am happy with two personas and also choose to keep Shelley to myself and my friends here.

