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How often and what do you eat?

Started by Cindy, November 20, 2012, 02:39:34 AM

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Tessa James

Too often and too much.  A seafood diet; I see food I like and eat it.  Really a comfort food diet.  I rarely eat anything but what I like and I like to feel full and comfy.  Amazing I am still alive the way I eat!

Ok who's cooking tonight? I really never cook but have been known to heat things up.
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


I eat about 6 times a day. Diabetic. I start out with coffee and oatmeal. Do not accompany with toast. Two hours later I have   some fruit, Lunch. I eat what I want but discard the bun and restrict portion sizes.  Later in the afternoon I will have another fruit portion. As with lunch, Dinner is anything I want but in sensible proportions. If the pasta is covering more than a fourth of your plate, you're eating too much.  Eliminate all fried foods. Yes even fries. Eliminate bread, reduce portion of pasta, instead of soda drink Ice Tea. 0 calories vs 225. And don't deny yourself that cookie for desert. But only one. Lastly and I do not advocate this but it did work for me. Find an apatite stimulant to motivate your metabolism. I found this out by accident as I was trying to find a method to reduce my neuropathy.  Now for the details that count . I was 298# at my heaviest about a year ago. Today I fit a size 16 and weigh between 220 and 230. I can actually fit some fashionable clothes instead of relying on Omar the tent maker.

Mod Edit:Removed drug reference
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



Once a day.
Its called intermittent fasting or warrior`s diet.
Despite the name its supposed to be healthy.

One advantage is the meal can be eaten in a peaceful and serene surrounding...
its supposed to be better received by the body then...

It can be fun to cook meals that are diverse, and nutritious...
fries with a soup with red cabbage ...  and whole grain bread and some salad...
nutritious and tasty :)



Quote from: Tessa James on March 04, 2016, 05:35:54 PM
Too often and too much.  A seafood diet; I see food I like and eat it.  Really a comfort food diet.  I rarely eat anything but what I like and I like to feel full and comfy.  Amazing I am still alive the way I eat!

Ok who's cooking tonight? I really never cook but have been known to heat things up.

You could try some subs filled with fried hashed eggs and some salad ;)


Tessa James

Quote from: Laura_7 on March 04, 2016, 05:59:09 PM
You could try some subs filled with fried hashed eggs and some salad ;)


I am veggephobic and have never eaten a salad yet.  Green stuff is for spending, smoking or playing in.  I know it is childish and i'm ok with that too ;D ;D ;D  Fortunately for me they now have Soylent Green in patties that taste like chicken...dosen't everything?  Honestly, food is a moral issue and being vegan or mostly vegetarian is of real benefit to the people and other critters roaming this planet.  I may get on board the green train yet....but no hurry, it's time for a pizza lunch. ;)

Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Slowly gone from "part time vegan" to "mostly vegan". Going to put up recipes later.

Vegan for health and lazy reasons. Meat is too much hassle for me I'm a throw it all in the slow cooker and go to work kinda gal (then bag and freeze in appropriate portions for more laziness later)

Good day

Breakfast burrito (400 cal)

Red bean & quinoa chilli for lunch and dinner. (150 cal each)

1 litre of unsweetened almond milk (116 cal)

Multivitamins and fish oil tablets

Unlimited red bush tea with almond milk (1-3 cups on average)
Oh and water ofc

Mon & Sat - Treadmill 71mins 10k
Wed - 1h Freestyle aerobics/sculpting class then treadmill (new program edit time and duration later)

I do allow the occasional bad day where all bets are off but my consumption on bad days is reducing so yay.

When eating rubbish I eat half's or bits so 12 box of assorted Krispy Kreme donuts I'll happily eat 12 half's and throw the rest away. Or order nothing and have wee bits of other people's stuff (god I'm turning into such a stereotype lol)


I don't get up early. Usually anywhere from 9 to 11 is when I wake up and eat, then I go to work and usually don't eat again until I get home at anywhere from 9 to 11 p.m., sometimes 12. What I eat usually varies, with instant noodles being common fare. When I'm off I sometimes eat multiple meals a day, and what I eat depends on what I have at home. I enjoy soda quite a bit, and I'm shocked I don't weigh more than I do. When I go out to eat, i take special care to get plenty of vegetables. In the past ten years my weight has fluctuated between 110s up to 135, usually being in the low 120s.
Am I male? Am I female? I'm just me.


Atm it's coffee, coffee and coffee... and all decaff  :embarrassed:
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


Mostly vegan and mostly gluten free. I have been vegetarian for my entire adult life and my son has celiac. I eat a lot of veggies, fruit and some grains. I try to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks every day...

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I eat whatever happens to be on hand whenever I'm hungry and/or feel like eating what's on hand. That usually translates to one or two meals a day, rarely more, and even more rarely a hiatus of a few days or weeks.


breakfast smoothie- 3-6 bananas + 1-2 cups of frozen strawberries + chocolate vegan protein powder

Lunch- coffee, 20g protein cliff bar, some other random thing i decide to eat that's a whole food maybe a salad or a "turkey burger"

snack- preatzles or apple with peanut butter, glass of oj

dinner- half box of pasta, some veggy and some type of sauce which could be pesto or tomato based
or half a bag of pan seared green beans and a "chkn" soy cutlet.

snack- same as before maybe different just depends on my mood

I do barbell lifting exclusively 4 days a week



I have been vegan for about 20 years, vegetarian for another 15 years before that.

My wife loves to bake, so sometimes I'm a junk-food vegan: cakes, muffins, pies, etc.  I have oatmeal porrige for breakfast, typically a sandwich for lunch, and some kind of veggie dish for supper.  And 50 grams of dark chocolate a day: it's one of the four food groups! :D 

I used to enter in a cross-country ski marathon (42 km) every year.  The year I went vegan, my time dropped from 4:30 to 4:00 with no changes to my training regime.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


So yeah didn't really pay much attention to what I ate and now I am kind of feeling different on it. I am making conscience decisions on what I am eating. I also noticed my appetite is changing. I can't eat as much as I want to, this is promising.


Three times a day, and vegan.

Breakfast: Apple Oatmeal cake, sliced apples, and yoghurt,
                   Almond Apple Oatmeal waffles with yoghurt

Lunch & Dinner: Salad, cheese, avocado, and spicy hummus roll,
                             Tofu Baozi,
                              Spicy Moroccan Tofu Couscous,
                              Tofu Fried Rice
                               Baked Beans and Lentils on toast,
                               Mushroom Sausage Rolls

As for snacks, it usually includes pecans, almonds, green tea, corn relish and cashew cream cheese dip.
"For anyone who is considering a transition - prepare yourself, you're in for a bumpy but thoroughly enjoyable ride. Buckle up and make the most of it! Be brave, be proud and be true to you. Set yourself free - I promise it will be worth it. And for anyone out there who knows somebody who is transitioning... tell them how wonderful they are for doing it!" - Rhyannon Styles. The New Girl: A Trans Girl Tells it Like it is

Came out to Mother: 31/8/2017      Came out to Father: 9/9/2017
Started HRT: 1/3/2018 ;D


I eat one or two times a day, mostly paleo.  Right now I aim for 2600 to 3000 cal depending on the day.

Lunch (if I have it)
Home fermented sauerkraut
Varied meats

Homemade bone soup
Really big salad
Varied meats
Potato (sometimes)
Varied vegetable (usually)
Homemade yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts.
Cheese and almonds (sometimes)
Pork rinds (sometimes)
Dark chocolate (sometimes)

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Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


Quote from: Cindy on November 20, 2012, 02:39:34 AM

I was wondering about health issues etc and reading how some/many people diet. So I thought I'd do a thread about it.

I eat three times a day:

Breakfast: usually a lightly fried/poached egg on toast, black tea, no sugar.

Lunch: a meat sandwich or a salad of lettuce, carrot, capsicum, tomato, mushroom with either low fat cheese or lean pastrami as protein. I may have a boiled egg as well.

Dinner: Normally meat and veg.  Steak and salad, chicken and veg, pasta and stuff. Casserole, stew depending upon the season. Def the main meal of the day.

Evening snack, Cheese and biscuits, glass of wine.

I'm about 5' 9'' and weigh 60kilos.
I also work out at a gym 2-3 times a week.

I saw this thread and it is a time to revisit.

I went to 46 Kg when I lost my throat and now I'm 54.6Kg 6 months after that.

Breakfast. 3 weetbix, fruit, cream, full cream milk and maple syrup. .. all designed to increase fat and calories.

Lunch. Sausage, fried egg, toast, beans. Or equivalent type of meal. With lots of liquid. High Calorie and fat.

Dinner. Roast chicken, fish or other lean meat, veggies. Anything high protein and fibre with lots of sauce so I can swallow.

I'm putting on a kilo a month of muscle and good fat. I'll stop when I reach 60 kg again.

I do not recommend my weight loss program!!!!


big kim

Got a brace on my teeth for a couple more months so it's soup, scrambled egg & spagheti



- Breakfast: 2-3 Eggs and a piece of bread

- Lunch: A 6 inch sub sandwich from firehouse, or  2 mozarella flatbreaad from panera

- Dinner: Either a turkey sandwich or something light.


- Breakfast: Nothing

- Lunch: A sandwich

- Dinner: A couple pieces of chicken or something

I eat somewhere around 1300 calories or so a day. Sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more.


Two meals a day. Breakfast at 9.30 and dinner at 8pm. Sometimes fresh fruit between meals.

Breakfast. Normally 1/2 waffle with olive oil butter and syrup. Fresh orange juice and coffee. My Dr encourages me to have a higher sugar intake as my blood sugars are a little low.

Dinner. When eating at home my chef makes alot of vegetables, fish, pork or chicken ( never eat fried foods or beef) with rice or noodles and fresh fruit. I eat out 3 nights a week and dont eat fried or foid with lactose. Im Asian and have lactose intolerence.

I exercise daily and run  3x per week totaling 22 kikometers. On days I run I will eat fruit afterwards.

Very concious of nutrition and keeping in my desired weight zone.

When we first start our journey the perception and moral values all dramatically change in wonderment. As we evolve further it all becomes normal again but the journey has changed us forever.

SRS January 21st,  2558 (Buddhist calander), 2015


Quote from: warlockmaker on September 30, 2017, 02:02:32 AM
Two meals a day. Breakfast at 9.30 and dinner at 8pm. Sometimes fresh fruit between meals.

Breakfast. Normally 1/2 waffle with olive oil butter and syrup. Fresh orange juice and coffee. My Dr encourages me to have a higher sugar intake as my blood sugars are a little low.

Dinner. When eating at home my chef makes alot of vegetables, fish, pork or chicken ( never eat fried foods or beef) with rice or noodles and fresh fruit. I eat out 3 nights a week and dont eat fried or foid with lactose. Im Asian and have lactose intolerence.

I exercise daily and run  3x per week totaling 22 kikometers. On days I run I will eat fruit afterwards.

Very concious of nutrition and keeping in my desired weight zone.

Your chef?? Wow, that must be so nice! If I don't want to cook I use my chef too.
Chef boyardee.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018