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My low dose HRT experience (was 9 month low dose HRT)

Started by luna nyan, November 21, 2012, 08:05:19 AM

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Quote from: ElizabethK on June 30, 2017, 09:09:05 AM
It was not something I had heard said often so was just a bit curious. There is nothing wrong with wanting to increase HRT. Is this the opening to you for Transition or is there still more exploring?

I hope you find your peace
I am still trying to figure things out. Sometimes I am not opoosed to fully transitioning and excited about that prospect. Amd other days i am terrified. But most days I am just open minded about it and want to experience real breasts.



Met with my GD yesterday after 1 month on Estradiol.  She doubled my dose and ordered some bloodwork.  My T came back today at 180.  THis time last year it was 194, so no real change there.  She did not mention my Estradiol levels, but I cannot remember if she ordered that lab work as well.  When I met with her yesterday we discussed the pros and cons of adding a Testosterone blocker, and after seeing my levels today, I decided to try that out and check my potassium and T levels in a couple of weeks on that.



On what dose of estrogen were you when you started transition? and what does of AA? I am a guy who want to feminize without boobs but i know thats not possible but you developed AAA size and i don't mind that. I would like to know your dosage if its not a secret. It will be of great help because i will be able to discuss with my therapist.


Just a quick reminder that we are not alowed to discuss actual dosages as per TOS:8

Global Moderator
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019

luna nyan

So it's been 1 year since the last pellet was inserted.
Bloods: 389pmol/L E, effectively no T.  Everything else was well within normal ranges.  We forgot to get haemoglobin and haematocrit tested.

I'm effectively in a steady state - development has effectively stopped which is what I wanted.  I had another pellet inserted (same as previous dose), much as I was tempted to go higher - I need to remember that I am playing a long game here.

Physically, I definitely now notice the loss of strength - a lot of things now require more planning and effort.  Body hair is now thin and wispy, and the libido is basically indifferent.

Emotionally, things have been the same, with the same level of emotional lability, and the dysphoria is manageable.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Quote from: luna nyan on July 20, 2017, 08:19:06 AMPhysically, I definitely now notice the loss of strength - a lot of things now require more planning and effort.  Body hair is now thin and wispy, and the libido is basically indifferent.

Emotionally, things have been the same, with the same level of emotional lability, and the dysphoria is manageable.

A few Qs:

why more planning? I get the loss of strength but what does it have to do with planning?

Libido indifferent as in none?
I am not a medical doctor, nor a scientist - opinions expressed by me on the subject of HRT are merely based on my own review of some of the scientific literature over the last decade or so, on anecdotal evidence from women in various discussion forums that I have come across, and my personal experience

On HRT since early 2004
Post-op since late 2005


Some of us from time to time have to do heavy lifting of weight right at or above our limits. This require we carefully consider our approach so we don't get hurt. One example would be if I were to lift a window air conditioner. The heavy side has the compressor so I would want to be on the other side. That reduces my lift by 15 or 20 pounds. I also use a dolly to move heavy stuff rather than grabbing it and carrying it off. No more me Tarzan when it comes to working with weight. I am fortunate in that I never had muscle so my lost was minimal however this caused me to learn working smart at a young age.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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luna nyan

Quote from: KayXo on July 20, 2017, 10:33:30 AM
why more planning? I get the loss of strength but what does it have to do with planning?

Libido indifferent as in none?
As Dena said, I have enough occasions where I need to lift heavy weights, or alternatively do something that requires good hand strength.  Instead of brute forcing my way through these situations, I now think about how to finesse my way around the issue at hand.  The loss of general athleticism is quite significant as well - my vertical leap has decreased by about 20-25%.

Libido is essentially non-existent, it takes a decent amount of mental stimulation to get the engine going so to speak.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


Much of the strength loss can be reduced through proper training and diet.  This includes grip strength and leg and back strength which are the main heavy weight lifting muscles.

For me, the biggest effect of HRT has been a decreased aerobic capacity that is highly resistant to my efforts to get it back to previous levels.

Conform and be dull. —James Frank Dobie, The Voice of the Coyote
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


Ditto on what Dena, Luna and Deborah said. At 7 months into it I think through heavy lifting of any kind the dolly has become my friend. It's not so bad. I have a rather butch friend who I've observed doing a lot of physical labor that I learned from - she does amazing things physically without hurting herself. I also discovered that it's ok to ask for help and it's good to have a 21 YO son around  :) - Thanks Luna for updating!


I'm new at this topic. But my low dose experience over 2 weeks opened my eyes. I starded spiro (medium dose)  3 and a half months ago, and low dose E 2 weeks ago. My doctor want to start E very low and ramp it up. So my plan was to increase as fast as I was allowed. But with this combination,  my dysphorea is gone. I'm thinking: Maybe this is enough... Some part of me want to transition as fast as possible, because of the changes of my body. But my mind says: Don't hurry, you will get there anyway...
I already got boob-growth (started with aa-cup because of phytoestrogens), but I already got a full A. And they are growing fast. My ex-wife says it is facinating how fast they grow (I massage them 45 min erery night). I can't afford facial hair removing now, I think that is a reason for slow path. I don't want to be the bearded lady...  ;D


Hi All,

This is a very useful thread.  Thank you Luna for starting it.

So last week I went with my wife to her therapist.  Her therapist has been involved with gender therapy for years and is very well connected to the Ontario area gender therapy community. 

I told her that I was on low dose E to try to manage my dysphoria.  She told me she had never heard of transgender people doing this and would ask her colleagues if any of them had heard of this.

This sort of amazed me.  I was expecting that she would of least heard of this, maybe not agree with it, but heard of it.  Do any of you know how common this type of therapy is.

Paige :)


Yes thanks must beginning  my self... Just twice the dose a  cis female would take ....hell I work with a 90 % male work force..... Hmmmm


This thread looks relevant to my issues, but I wonder if anyone in-the-know could give me a run-down?

I'm looking for a regimen which will give me mental changes but minimal irreversible physical changes. So low-dose HRT is an obvious starting point, but it sounds like breast-growth etc. are unavoidable (just delayed). Can anyone comment on this? Maybe if I took little Spiro and less Estrogen?


Quote from: Autrement on November 23, 2015, 02:01:19 PM
Since 4 months on both low anti-andro and E, I experience reduction in dysphoria, both physically and in relationships, with more emotions and easier connection to others.

I am thinking of reducing or removing E if at some point in time, too much feminisation becomes a problem for my life as a male.

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I'm new here, so I don't know how to DM or 'reply,' but in case quoting causes a prompt, would you mind giving an update? And could you specify what your dosage was?


Quote from: Gasket on October 08, 2017, 05:12:04 PM
...would you mind giving an update? And could you specify what your dosage was?
Discussion of actual dosages is not allowed per the forums rules.



Take as little as you can while still getting the mental effects. Since no sex hormones cause osteoporosis I'd be careful taking antiandrogens and insufficient estrogen.


Quote from: Gasket on October 08, 2017, 05:12:04 PM
I'm new here, so I don't know how to DM or 'reply,' but in case quoting causes a prompt, would you mind giving an update? And could you specify what your dosage was?

I have now been on HRT for the past thirteen months. The initial six months was on a low dosage regime with both E and Spiro. During that period there was a noticeable reduction in dysphoria, with also a noticeable reduction in anger and bitterness. The changes physically during that period were very slow and minimal. Everyone experiences different reactions with HRT and how it affects each individual. I can only offer you what I have experienced and give you that as an example. By talking to your doctor they should be able to give you some thoughts on what you may experience, by all means make sure that they monitor your blood work during that period to make sure that there are no side effects.  Since then there has been a steady increase in my dosage and with that increase it has brought increased physical changes that have become noticeable. Mentally I am in much better place with increased emotional feelings and with dysphoria becoming something that I rarely experience anymore. I truly feel that my mind and my body have finally aligned as one at this point in my transition. If you take it slow and be aware of the changes as they occur you should be able to monitor the effects and maintain a place in your life where you are comfortable, and with your dosage levels. Hope this helps, hugs.


Quote from: Gasket on October 08, 2017, 05:12:04 PM
I'm new here, so I don't know how to DM or 'reply,' but in case quoting causes a prompt, would you mind giving an update? And could you specify what your dosage was?
Since 2 years and 3 months I keep taking moderate dose of E and very low androcur (antiandro prescribed in Europe). It is not allowed to say how much here. But I just tried and easily found the minimum dose that works for me. It really helps. I live a happy life (although still presenting as a male), enjoying time with my wife (supportive), my children and my friends. I am much calmer, much more able to focus on what makes sense for me. Since then, I have been able to write a book on philosophical matters and find a more interesting job... probably I dare to do more than before.
Body changes are minimal, not noticeable as long as I wear anything.

Lucy Ross

I started on the very lowest dose offered of spiro and estradiol 3 months ago, only increasing the estra to alleviate waves of hot flashes.  My skin is softer and hair slightly slower growing; physical strength is down a bit, perhaps.  Occasional puffiness or soreness in the breasts, no real growth yet.  Immediately I felt a lot more at ease.  I've had a couple of emotional outbursts that were really powerful, and wholly transitory, too.  What was that!   ??? 

QuoteI already got boob-growth (started with aa-cup because of phytoestrogens), but I already got a full A. And they are growing fast. My ex-wife says it is facinating how fast they grow (I massage them 45 min erery night).

I wonder if massaging would kickstart things for me.

I'm having hormone labs done anyway tomorrow, so will know where my levels are.  Like Luna I probably shouldn't rush things at this stage, though.
1982-1985 Teenage Crossdresser!
2015-2017 Middle Aged Crossdresser!  Or...?
April 2017 Electrolysis Time  :icon_yikes:
July 12th, 2017 Started HRT  :icon_chick: