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gonna tell my marine brother

Started by Jake_to_Jackie, May 11, 2007, 10:34:52 PM

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marine ok my brother is the whole redneck "we dont take kindly to your type" breed whome has always though i might have been gay well he knows im pro choice and him and i will almost always get into arguments about gay rights and other things that are not pro choice cause like i said he is a marine and is 100% republic in one of are arguments im goign to say"well what if i your own brother was a >-bleeped-< and even though not gay still dressed up and did not act like a testosterone filled pig you want me to be but a gental sweet women would you diss own me or what" this make me sound like i hate my brother but i dont he is in iraq right now and i want all who belive to pray for his safe return cause even though he will never accept me as his sister i am proud to be his sibling even if i will only be his brother and he will never think of me as his sister i still love him in spite of his flaws

your sister,


You might be surprised. My cousin (who is like a brother to me, we grew up together) is now on his way home from Iraq and is a marine. He is very similar to your brother in the sense that he's very traditional, republican (though he's starting to rethink his political views after Iraq...), and doesn't take change very well. I thought he'd hate me when I told him.

But he said "that's cool....does that mean I can teach you how to wrestle? Do you want to learn how to shoot and stuff? That'd be cool. I guess I'm supposed to call you Lane now?"

And that was it. No problems. Like I said, I was REALLY surprised....but you never know.


thanks im really releaved to hear that. And for the record i did tell my realy Male freind Mark he is a master at karate can use 5 wepons with remarkable skill kinda nerdy but you know the who male nerdy but an stil fight so they dont realy mess with him what im getting at he is extreamly male i told him and he did not care at all he felt i was the same as always so that made me rely happy as soon as my bro gets back and i tell him my lil seret ill tell you guys what he said and if it turned out good god i hope it douse like i said pray for him....but please pray for me to this is a dangerous step that will defenityly prove to my self i am what i am




Quote from: Jake_to_Jackie on May 11, 2007, 10:34:52 PM
even though he will never accept me as his sister i am proud to be his sibling even if i will only be his brother and he will never think of me as his sister i still love him in spite of his flaws

your sister,

and he will still love you in spite of yours  :P

I pray for our soldiers all the time. He is included.


thank you hunny it means alot to hear that im still scared though it is just if he went to fight and died over there well you see the last time me and him talked and well baisicly every time we talk we alwas say hatefull things and the reason is he douse not know why i bet he might or at least i hope he might be more understnding of how i am if i told him and well im scared that he is over there and if he died over there the only thing i will remeber is that we told each other we hated each other and that i lied to him till the day he died and that would tear this old girl up



Jackie you cannot internalize that as your own mistake or regret. Write him a letter today just telling him you love him.
Him in harms way in Iraq is prolly not the time for you to come out to him, especially if your relationship is already volitile. It could put him in more danger if he is emotionally distracted from what he is doing.


thats what i was thinkign that is why i was going to send him a letter and tell him i still love him im proud of him and i still love him and i am praying for him letting him know he is important to me the song letters from home is hitting me  close to home ya know


:hug: Sit down and write that letter...if nothing more it will make you feel better Jackie.


thanks i will
ok everyone here is the message i sent him

Listen Jeremy ive been thinking the last time we met was not pretty we where at each others throughts the whole time and it was as if there was some sort of secret competition to better one and other and like we where trying to make each other look bad i dont like that and im sorry now im not goign to take all the blame obviously there is proublem between use that cant be settled over the internet but i had something i had to say that i should have said a long time ago something you deserve to hear Jeremy i am damn proud of you and i just want you to know that i love you and every thing that i have ever said to you i did not mean it i was out of place and im sure you feel the same way and when you get back home me and you are going to have a one on one talk ok i was thinking that we could go to Casa Ole and just me and you could talk both being open minded ill admit i never realy listened to you when you tried to tell me bout the marines and again i feel like >-bleeped-< now for never listening to what you had to say your only thinking the military will be best for me so when we talk ill listen and i hope you will do the same i know it is weird me all of a sudden writeing this to you and all i can tell you is ive kinda had a revolation recently not even mom and dad know this and if you love me you will not tell them but i am going to tell you dont worry it is nuthing bad but in a lack of words i am a brand new person and when you come back i will tell you every thing i jut want you to know i love you and nuthing will change that i am sorry for the hell i caused you and i know you are sorry to i dont realy know the best way to end this so i guess ill just stop typeing

reply back soon


In the future, if you are going to break the news via email, try to include a bit of punctuation and paragraphs. The easier it is for people to follow the message, the quicker you can get to the heart of the matter and hopefully without any mishaps due to miscommunication.


imgetting scared neither me or my mother have heard back from my brother in weeks god i hope he is ok
ok the last time i told you i have not heard back from my brother it ends up that three soliders where captured and that they where in a black out and unable to talk in any way not by letters or internet but that has finally passed and he sent me a letter back here is how it went
hay bro havent writen back . been in the >-bleeped-< a lot latley . it takes a real man to do what you juest did . and know that i love you and am looking forward to drinkin some beer with you and juest tralking . we are different people but we are brothers . well iv got to go   another mission coming up ill write agine soon     love jeremy

it sounds good i cant wait ti tel him i think he will understand