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Almost did a crazy word vomit

Started by MellowMoxxi, December 30, 2012, 03:35:38 PM

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I have been working on what I'm going to do to come out to my wife for a few months now (I plan everything like crazy). It is something that I am easing myself into and have had mixed emotions about (dread, excitement, shame, anxiety,...). It is still not time yet, but I am getting impatient and nearly lost it yesterday. I am interested to see if anyone else has experienced this.

She has always been annoyed at my relatively reclusive personality. She was telling me how I have to hang out with my friends or they will stop inviting me out. Most of these friends are really into football (American, for all you Aussies and Brits). I have given it so many tries, but cannot become interested in it. Usually for football, we go to a crowded sports bar and drink beer late into the night. When my friends are not doing this, they also hang out at crowded bars and drink beer late into the night. I like my friends, but our interests have diverged in the past few years.

Anyways, towards the end of this rant she stopped and asked me a couple questions that pulled the right strings. Very roughly quoted, "Is there something wrong with you? What do you actually like to do?"

I clammed up. I was a hair away from telling her, ruining my planning, possibly ruining my life. She noticed and asked me about my anxiety attacks I had in the past. This gave me a break where I shrugged it off.

Has anyone felt this during there approach to coming out? I'm glad I have the patience and self control to prevent this, but it was such a tense moment.

This was a bit of a needed vent, so thank you for reading it.
each day stepping through :-X :) :D >:( :( ??? :-\ :'( :embarrassed: | maybe one day truly :D

I think I'm about to go for it. I did it.


I hear and heard much of the same from wife. My basic feel has always been if my "friends" aren't seeking me out than why should I do the same? Result =No real friends.

As a person who wrapped so much of my identity into being an "Engineer" I also think things out to the absurdity, Occupational hazard. I hate having my ass bit almost as much as I hate messing up.

My wife knows of my current 3 year struggle with my gender issues. She knew of part of them for over 30 years. When asked "What's wrong?"How do you answer? At times when it was truthfull, it hrt her and me. In the end it made us stronger as a couple. At times when I clammed up, it drove us further apart in spite of my good intentions to shield her from my pain.

Talking about feelings, much less things that bear so much shame and guilt, is not easy for us. I sure wish I wasn't trans yet I know since the age of 4-5 I was. I've worked hard at being normal. I do all and then some what is expected of me. Telling the one person in our life whom you can reveal all to should be easy. Yet all that shame, all that guilt, all that fear of the unkown!
.          (Pile Driver)  
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)

Emily Aster

After years of planning, when I finally did it for the first time, I fired off an email then tried really hard to retract it. Too late. They were on their email client when I did it. Turned out that I was overplanning. At the rate I was going, I never would have told anybody.


Thank you Emily.


Thank you for another great response. I'm so glad there is someone here that understands some of the issues even outside of just the TG ones. I often wish I was just normal, even dream of it, but that doesn't change anything. I know who I am. As much as I love my engineering work, I believe I tend to use iy and other responsibilities to attempt to forget my personal problems and hide.

Related to this, I partially came out to my wife a few years ago. Incorrectly telling her that "I think I'm gay." Even though I knew I was trans, I thought that I would keep it general and not corner myself. Of course, it was all wrong and the conversation was just absurd. We dropped it and I have so far refused to return to that topic with her.

The reason I say this is that I noticed something as we were hanging out with our friends for new years. She has two close friends that I know combined she tells everything to. It was us, them, and their respective boyfriend and husband. When everyone started to get a little tipsy, we played a game similar to apples to apples (anonymous phrase cards).

A couple cards came up (one about something "gay" and another about a "transvestite"). Both times in guessing who put the cards down, the girls looked at me and in someway made a comment to me asking if those were my cards. It made me curious about if my wife has told her friends anything. Also, if she is catching on to anything I'm saying or doing and make further assumptions.

Am I just being paranoid or could I be showing my true colors without even knowing it?
each day stepping through :-X :) :D >:( :( ??? :-\ :'( :embarrassed: | maybe one day truly :D

I think I'm about to go for it. I did it.


Is it paranoia when you know they know? Lucky for me I never had guy friends who were sports nuts. Though I could never understand why some of my girlfriends would put up with guys that were. So much so that when a group of us were together, he or they had to seperate himself to see some idiot game. Like, we are not talking football or baseball either.

My basic advice for you is that you have plenty of other things to fret over, don't get too paranoid over a game where anyone getting those guestions will get the same treatment as you did.

My wife always pegged me as a cross-dresser. While way back when we first dated we did talk a little about me, I was far from one wanting to talk about me. I glossed over some facts but basically told her the high points of me "experimenting" twice before her with transition. Only to finally resign myself to giving "normal" a shot with the occassional escape as needed.

She does have a great deal of first hand knowledge on the subject since she is MTF. This first hand knowledge makes it ALL the harder to talk at times since she has seen a lot over the years being a TG comming of age in NYC back in the 70-80's. We've had our share of up's and down's over the past 3 years. Especially, putting the trans stuff aside, having to deal with her hot button issue of betrayal. Especially since twice when you were young and very stupid you tossed her aside in search of being "Normal". Even more especially after she attended one of my TG meetings becomming very jealous of one woman, also an EE.

So much goes unsaid between us. She knows all too well my pain, my turmoil. I worked hard for a good 30 years to be normal. Still basically wish I can be. Just curling up with my Teddie Bear, almost crying, this past week started an anxiety attack for her. She knows all too well. Our lives are so intertwined, tacit agreements made, let alone the overt responsibilities I sign on for with her.

Word vomits for me are very critical in nature. Usually just short of looking for that bridge abutment at 90 MPH on the interstate. Over the past about 4 years now I don't have a challenging job to keep me preoccupied. I deal most days with a bunch of (expletatives deleted) that can't design their way out of a paper bag since having to work for the military industrial complex vs the way cool commercial stuff I did. I hate my job. Hate my life more than ever. Been in a major funk for the past year almost seeing no hope or change ever occuring without complete  total disaster. Which BTW pretty sums up my entire life, a complete disaster aside from work and my wife. Between having lost my previous job and dealing with the trans issues, I have no real job to define me and have nearly lost my wife.

Perhaps it is the ruination of one marriage, followed by the abrupt end of an engement, while being a romantic compells me to say communication is crucial. I never fell in love with a woman who wasn't at first my best friend and confidant... to most things. I learned a hard lesson with wife #1. After that I fessed up. Not always with great results but something I needed to do. After all, If I cannot talk to the one person in my life that means everything to me, who can I talk to?

There never is a good time to spill the beans. No matter what variety they are. My wife and I have both been through some big hardships as a result of us spilling our guts. So far we're still together and have a stronger relationship than ever. Once we got through the vomiting.
.          (Pile Driver)  
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)