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How Open Minded Are You ?

Started by Anatta, January 02, 2013, 12:45:35 PM

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Kia Ora,

::) Rehashed, from an old threat... that wasn't locked  :angel:  :icon_joy:

It's a common belief that  People who are open Minded:
•   Are more accepting of others and have fewer prejudices
•   Are more optimistic and make the most of life
•   Have less stress because they are more open to change
•   Have better problem solving skills
•   Want to learn more, therefore are more interesting

As a trans-person do you think the above statements hold truth ? Especially number one....

::) When it comes to people doing their own thing, I like to think I'm very open minded, but not so open minded that my brains fall out !  ;) ;D

::) So how open minded are you ?

Happy Mindfulness  :icon_joy:

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Tough question.
At first glance, I'd say I'm open minded.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Kia Ora FA,

::) One would think as trans-people our level of open mindedness would transcend that of the average cisgender, but for some [possibly due to ones upbringing] deeply held prejudices like those relating to race/colour/ sexual orientation might still linger...

::) Prior to transition [and due to my ethnic mix and the era in which I grew up, I lived in an all white family in 1950/60s racially divided Britain ] my acceptance of those of different ethnicity didn't eventuate till in my early teens... Up until then, I didn't feel entirely comfortable around other 'people of colour', I was in denial of not only my gender identity, but also my mixed racial heritage[Afro Caribbean father-Anglo Saxon mother]. I over came the racial mental block with relative ease, once I moved away from the UK, but my gender identity took hell of a lot longer to over come and accept...

I was never prejudice in a hostile way, it was more out of fear of being seen as 'one of those' [Which when I think back was irrational- After all, I was 'one of those'  :icon_yikes:] ...All this happened over 40 years ago...

Now as mention before "When it comes to the choices other people make - I like to think I'm very open minded...But not so open minded that my brains fall out !"

::) I forgot to add, nowadays I'm just as open minded as the Pope is............................................................................................ not ! 

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Quote from: Zenda on January 02, 2013, 12:45:35 PM
Kia Ora,

::) So how open minded are you ?

I like to think of myself as open minded, but what is open minded? I am definitely a card carrying skeptic when it comes to religion, ESP, aliens etc. I feel I have the right to question everything and at the same time not to expect answers for anything. If I need to know something badly enough, I can figure out how to learn that thing that I want to know.

In the political sense I am more limited in being open minded only because of my libertarian beliefs. I believe that rights are things that people have that cannot be undone or revoked ever. At the core of humanity are a certain set of rules that are fixed and define that nature if what freedom means. But my belief in that is far far different from the way our civilization is turning out today.

In 1996 a interesting person ran for president on the libertarian ticket, named Harry Browne. Just before the election I ran across one of his books at a tag sale called "How I freedom in an unfree world"  and bought it for 5 cents. It is just as relevant to read it today as it was when it was written, describing the kinds of traps that people build for themselves political personal financial. Once I set myself free I stopped worrying and stated living.

Did it make me more open minded? Maybe, or maybe it was just me finding more answers and freeing myself from what I didn't know before.



Quote from: Zumbagirl on January 02, 2013, 02:21:09 PM
I like to think of myself as open minded, but what is open minded? I am definitely a card carrying skeptic when it comes to religion, ESP, aliens etc. I feel I have the right to question everything and at the same time not to expect answers for anything. If I need to know something badly enough, I can figure out how to learn that thing that I want to know.

In the political sense I am more limited in being open minded only because of my libertarian beliefs. I believe that rights are things that people have that cannot be undone or revoked ever. At the core of humanity are a certain set of rules that are fixed and define that nature if what freedom means. But my belief in that is far far different from the way our civilization is turning out today.

In 1996 a interesting person ran for president on the libertarian ticket, named Harry Browne. Just before the election I ran across one of his books at a tag sale called "How I freedom in an unfree world"  and bought it for 5 cents. It is just as relevant to read it today as it was when it was written, describing the kinds of traps that people build for themselves political personal financial. Once I set myself free I stopped worrying and stated living.

Did it make me more open minded? Maybe, or maybe it was just me finding more answers and freeing myself from what I didn't know before.

Kia Ora Z,

::) "The more one learns-the less one fears !" Or so it would seem....
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Quote from: Zenda on January 02, 2013, 12:45:35 PM
It's a common belief that  People who are open Minded:
•   Are more accepting of others and have fewer prejudices
•   Are more optimistic and make the most of life
•   Have less stress because they are more open to change
•   Have better problem solving skills
•   Want to learn more, therefore are more interesting

I think the above are quite true. I have been told, and agree, that I am very open minded. Especially when it comes to others living their lives. Just because they live in a way I don't want to live does not mean what they are doing is wrong. If it is right for them then it is right. I also agree with the less stress, better problem solving, and desire to learn more. I feel that the more open you are to life, the richer your experiences will be.


Quote from: Brooke777 on January 02, 2013, 03:11:16 PM
I think the above are quite true. I have been told, and agree, that I am very open minded. Especially when it comes to others living their lives. Just because they live in a way I don't want to live does not mean what they are doing is wrong. If it is right for them then it is right. I also agree with the less stress, better problem solving, and desire to learn more. I feel that the more open you are to life, the richer your experiences will be.

Kia Ora Brook,

::) You have a great outlook on life !

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


I've learned not to expect open-mindedness from others, which helps - and I'd like to be less judgemental than I am, but I'm told I'm still pretty good on that score. When I have my blind spots, it's usually because I'm scared "rigid" - and the same goes for other people, so I try to put them at their ease (though not at anyone's expense).

On the whole, I think the essence of open-mindedness is to ask instead of informing. I'm cultivating creative uncertainty even as we speak ;D.


Quote from: Padma on January 02, 2013, 04:07:54 PM
I've learned not to expect open-mindedness from others, which helps - and I'd like to be less judgemental than I am, but I'm told I'm still pretty good on that score. When I have my blind spots, it's usually because I'm scared "rigid" - and the same goes for other people, so I try to put them at their ease (though not at anyone's expense).

On the whole, I think the essence of open-mindedness is to ask instead of informing. I'm cultivating creative uncertainty even as we speak ;D.

Namaste Padma,

::) So true !  Wise as well as pretty, which makes you....pretty wise....

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Honestly, I'm probably not "open minded" in the sense that I'm accepting of others who are significantly different in moral terms. I don't agree with moral relativism; morality is either absolute, or non-existent. I do consider myself open minded in that I'm not dogmatic in my views. I'm happy to discard a belief that is proven false.
Started HRT in October, 2014. Orchiectomy in August, 2015. Full-time in July, 2016!

If you need an understanding ear, feel free to PM me.


Yeah, open-minded does not equal agreeing with everything.


Quote from: Padma on January 02, 2013, 04:28:08 PM
Yeah, open-minded does not equal agreeing with everything.

Which it shouldn't be.   There's being open-minded and then there's being so open-minded that your brain falls out.

I'm a pessimist, but I'm fairly open-minded.  I believe everyone has the right to believe what they want to, but I also have the right to believe that their beliefs are idiotic.  I'm also a skeptic and I question just about everything, including my own spiritual views.  I look to science first then I look at other things for what science can't explain.

I'm also open to the idea that I'm entirely wrong in my beliefs.

In a real world sense, I believe people should be able to do what they want assuming it doesn't infringe on the rights of others [such as how religions are practiced, what laws are created, murder, etc.] They can believe what they want and do what they want as long as they don't try to take away my liberties.

Anyway, I'd say I'm open-minded and willing to listen to other viewpoints.  I just can also believe that those viewpoints are stupid.


Kia Ora and thanks for the responses so far, my mind is 'open' to more  ;)

::) To be open minded can be as simple as having the ability to see where the other person's point of view is coming from, what has happened in their life for them to behave or express something in such a way and if what they say or do is or is not to ones liking, don't take it 'personally' let it flow through the mind unobstructed =open mindedness...People don't just do or say things just for the fun of it, there's always more to it  ::) unless that is, it 'was' just for fun.... ;)

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:


Quote from: Zenda on January 02, 2013, 09:38:52 PM
Kia Ora and thanks for the responses so far, my mind is 'open' to more  ;)

::) To be open minded can be as simple as having the ability to see where the other person's point of view is coming from, what has happened in their life for them to behave or express something in such a way and if what they say or do is or is not to ones liking, don't take it 'personally' let it flow through the mind unobstructed =open mindedness...People don't just do or say things just for the fun of it, there's always more to it  ::) unless that is, it 'was' just for fun.... ;)

Metta Zenda :)

Empathy =/= Open mindedness.
It is possible to understand how someone feels and see why they feel that yet be totally accepting of their thoughts.

Objectivity vs taking personally =/= Lack of open mindedness.
It is possible to not take things personally yet feel they are entirely wrong.


Being "open minded" is such an umbrella term. One could type near anything in this thread :P
You can't really get much out of this without a tighter definition.

I do not think that being open minded necessarily means you are less prejudiced. You could be entirely willing to hear people and their opinions out, thus being open minded in that way. Yet you could also disagree with their opinions entirely. This does not necessarily make you closed minded though so long as you have a basis for your belief.

I do not think being open minded has anything to do with optimism or what you get out of life. You could be open minded yet pessimistic these are in no way mutually exclusive.

Why does being open to change result in less stress? I would imagine most of the people are on this forum are rather open to change. I would also imagine that many of us experienced a lot of stress in these changes...


The last two points you made seem to be using a different concept of open mindedness from the others. Open to ideas/education =/= open to people emotionally and accepting etc.


Personally I am open minded in some things and closed minded in others. It depends how strongly I hold a belief in something. However being the philosophical sort given enough evidence I have to change my opinion on something if it is shown to be so.



I would risk it and say I am however!

When i was really young I was beaten by a very macho man and so i developed androphobia to big strong muscular men, I suppose in a sense I have a prejudice to those kinda men.

However I am pretty chilled with anyones choices I even have a few Satanist friends(please if you hate them go die they are really nice people).

So i rate I am open minded I simply have a fear of most men  :)
Awww no my little kitten gif site is gone :( sad.

2 Febuary 2011/13 June 2011 hrt began


Quote from: Seras on January 04, 2013, 04:21:12 PM
Empathy =/= Open mindedness.
It is possible to understand how someone feels and see why they feel that yet be totally accepting of their thoughts.

Objectivity vs taking personally =/= Lack of open mindedness.
It is possible to not take things personally yet feel they are entirely wrong.


Why does being open to change result in less stress? I would imagine most of the people are on this forum are rather open to change. I would also imagine that many of us experienced a lot of stress in these changes...

Kia Ora Seras,

::) I guess coping with stress for some is more along the lines of them being able to "Go with the flow" and not put up much resistance to the changes that occur[it tends to stress people out even more when they fight 'against' something instead of trying to find a way around it]...I wouldn't say many here are 'open' to 'all' the changes that come from them transitioning-open to the changes to their bodies perhaps, [ after all, that's what they've always wanted to happen] but as for the other changes, I don't think many are open to that...Being open to change can also mean accepting what 'is' and finding/looking for a way to cope with these changes.... 

"Psychological resilience is an individual's tendency to cope with stress and adversity.[1] This coping may result in the individual "bouncing back" to a previous state of normal functioning, or simply not showing negative effects.[2] A third, more controversial form of resilience is sometimes referred to as 'posttraumatic growth' or 'steeling effects' where in the experience adversity leads to better functioning (much like an inoculation gives one the capacity to cope well with future exposure to disease). Resilience is most commonly understood as a process, and not a trait of an individual.[3] !"

Metta Zenda :)
"The most essential method which includes all other methods is beholding the mind. The mind is the root from which all things grow. If you can understand the mind, everything else is included !"   :icon_yes:

Jamie D

Quote from: Zenda on January 02, 2013, 12:45:35 PM
Kia Ora,

::) Rehashed, from an old threat... that wasn't locked  :angel:  :icon_joy:

It's a common belief that  People who are open Minded:
•   Are more accepting of others and have fewer prejudices
•   Are more optimistic and make the most of life
•   Have less stress because they are more open to change
•   Have better problem solving skills
•   Want to learn more, therefore are more interesting

As a trans-person do you think the above statements hold truth ? Especially number one....

::) When it comes to people doing their own thing, I like to think I'm very open minded, but not so open minded that my brains fall out !  ;) ;D

::) So how open minded are you ?

Happy Mindfulness  :icon_joy:

Metta Zenda :)

Good observations, Zenda, but let me play the "Devil's Advocate" here.

The "open-minded" are open to suggestion, thus easily manipulated.  They can be gullible and naive.

The open-minded can lack the attributes of reason and rationality, and become incapable of making a judgement or decision.  They fall into fads and for whims and can be conned.  All of which can be counter-productive.

Certainly, being close-minded or narrow-minded can be counter-productive as well.  But irrationality serves no good purpose.

Emily Aster

I become more open-minded as time goes on. I don't just take things at face value. I need to research... a lot. And that research includes social interactions in many cases from people that have direct contact with whatever it is I'm trying to understand. Once I understand it, I tend to be okay with it, but that usually takes a long time for me.


Quote from: Zenda on January 02, 2013, 12:45:35 PM
Kia Ora,

::) Rehashed, from an old threat... that wasn't locked  :angel:  :icon_joy:

It's a common belief that  People who are open Minded:
•   Are more accepting of others and have fewer prejudices
•   Are more optimistic and make the most of life
•   Have less stress because they are more open to change
•   Have better problem solving skills
•   Want to learn more, therefore are more interesting

As a trans-person do you think the above statements hold truth ? Especially number one....

::) When it comes to people doing their own thing, I like to think I'm very open minded, but not so open minded that my brains fall out !  ;) ;D

::) So how open minded are you ?

Happy Mindfulness  :icon_joy:

Metta Zenda :)

This "common belief" has not been validated. That aside, I would say that patiently reading the posts of a Buddhist :angel: :laugh: :laugh: would qualify me as an "open minded" woman

Shawn Sunshine

well 8 months ago i was a conservative christian, and just look at me now, I am beginning to be so open minded that you can probably rent space up here now.
Shawn Sunshine Strickland The Strickalator
