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Why HER??? I Do Not Understand.

Started by rhonda13000, April 12, 2007, 06:58:00 PM

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I'm neither a theist (the belief in God, a god, or gods, who is/are actively involved in maintaining the Universe) nor a gnostic (someone who claimed to have special knowledge, particularly of a religious nature,) and it has helped me deal with my life and the things that happen around me. Taking a path that led away from these two concepts has helped me make sense out of the world that I live in and still believe in a power greater than myself which I call God. Not a being so much as a concept. Yikes. Did I actually say that out loud.

I blame my radical theology on Émile Durkheim's book The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. It took away my faith completely and I rebuilt it from scratch. The result has been a faith that is pretty near unshakable. No that isn't an invitation for anyone to try to shake my faith. It is also a faith that is very open and affirming to other peoples beliefs.

My theology works for me and I offer what I say only as an example of what has worked for me. You certainly are a deep thinker and have chosen what works for you and I affirm you and your views.



Quote from: debbiej on April 25, 2007, 11:01:50 AM

I'm neither a theist (the belief in God, a god, or gods, who is/are actively involved in maintaining the Universe) nor a gnostic (someone who claimed to have special knowledge, particularly of a religious nature,) and it has helped me deal with my life and the things that happen around me. Taking a path that led away from these two concepts has helped me make sense out of the world that I live in and still believe in a power greater than myself which I call God. Not a being so much as a concept. Yikes. Did I actually say that out loud.

I blame my radical theology on Émile Durkheim's book The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. It took away my faith completely and I rebuilt it from scratch. The result has been a faith that is pretty near unshakable. No that isn't an invitation for anyone to try to shake my faith. It is also a faith that is very open and affirming to other peoples beliefs.

My theology works for me and I offer what I say only as an example of what has worked for me. You certainly are a deep thinker and have chosen what works for you and I affirm you and your views.



And concurrently, you need to understand Debbie that anything that I say is not intended to be antagonistic, born of petty malice nor confrontational.

That I can say, that love demands.

'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me...'
- Revelation 3:20 (New American Standard Bible)

'If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or (A)the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.'
- Joshua 24:15 (New American Standard Bible)

It's purely a function of choice and never of physical nor psychological coercion.

God forces Himself upon nobody, nor is violence in any way, shape, fashion or form sanctioned or countenanced.

Please do not therefore interpret what I say here as maliciously critical, neither mean spirited. Such are wholly unjustified and bereft of Divine sanction.



You are one very interesting woman Rhonda, I'm glad we had this little chat.



Quote from: debbiej on April 25, 2007, 03:39:24 PM

You are one very interesting woman Rhonda, I'm glad we had this little chat.


In reality Debbie, it is I who am honored, in chatting with you.

May your life be blessed always:)


Quote from: rhonda13000 on April 13, 2007, 05:49:53 PM
Quote from: Dryad on April 13, 2007, 04:28:03 PM
A god can't interefere with your actions. You decide what you do; nothing else does. It may sound harsh, but you chose your beloved, and she chose you. No god made that happen.

I was not implying otherwise.

Not at all...

I do not ascribe to a belief in 'fate'; my point is that God could have prevented the formation of our union, even before it started, via Providence.

Why He chose not to do that I just cannot understand. He knew what the future held and He knew how much she would suffer because of this and witnessing her suffering is killing me.

The mere fact that I do not understand and see why however, is meaningless; His perspective is infinite whereas mine woefully finite.

But intellectual acknowledgment of this truth is not helping me much at all.

Why he couldn't interfere?
Well... Where would the interference end? If he'd had interfered, you would not have met her. You would have missed out on her love, your love, and quite possibly a lot of understanding about yourself that you desperately need with your GID. May sound harsh, but if God could stop a war, then there'd be a lot less people dying. This would lead to a lot more people living, a lot more people loving, a lot more people breeding, and a lot more people eating. A lot more people polluting, a lot more people in need of space...
This would result in pestilence, in famine.. In suffering. All because God stopped war. It would also mean tyranny, loss of personal freedom, stress and rage. But with no means of channeling all this, it would also lead to mass suïcide, and, in the end, extiction of the human species, and just about every other species on this world. The world isn't perfect, but the smallest alteration would mean it would run different. And if God would alter the smallest things that cause harm and hurt, even the small and seemingly innocent things, that would mean two things:
1: Something else happens elsewhere; a chain reaction is triggered.
2: God also has to deal with the big things. A huge and destructive chain reaction is triggered.

Gods cannot interfere; a god cannot afford to interfere. I know that sounds harsh, and I know you feel heartbroken over the entire event, but asking yourself why your god didn't help you is like blaming him for your suffering. And I don't think he'd deserve that.