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Three Months and I'm Developing!!!

Started by gina_taylor, May 27, 2005, 02:02:59 PM

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having something to say, and being willing to say it might work also .....



I have to say when I first came here I thought my life was a little complicated and recently even more so but HRT sounds down right scary.

I like your explanations and comments Terri I think your right this is a no holds barred subject that needs to be clearly stated.



It is a no holds barred subject Shelley, not only in nice safe forums, but in the reality of life, and nothing to play with because you can or want to add a little diminsion to your life.  To become involved in them for any other reason then that they are necessary to make your life worth living is the ultimate insanity.

Those that would self medicate do not understand what they do not understand.  If not of the "proper" psychology to need them in the first place, even if they use them and develop perfectly, it will cause them problems and concerns that may foul up thier lives forever and make any problems they had in life so very much worse, even to the point of taking their own life as the newly created problems increase in intensity.

This is hard to put into words as it is a touchy subject which can easily be misunderstood by some, but consider the ramifications to a male identified crossdresser who would use hormones to make themselves more "feminine" when dressed. Before, it is simply a matter of going home, removing enhancements and aids, cleaning themselves up and they can return to the male live as if nothing were different.  This is not the case when Hormones have done their work.  One could never again do simple things like removing thier shirt in the presence of other people, they may incur jokes or hardships because of he thinner skin, which buises, cuts etc. so much easier, the loss of physical strenth and mass, and even their attitudes and emotional states may be adversely affected for their particular environment, and of course, there is always the possibility of medical risk they will have to live with.

If a person does not want to accept being a true woman, living and identifying as one at all times, under all circumstances, and able to deal with the public outrage of what they have done to themselves, loss of friends and family which WILL happen in most cases, less job ability for their present skills, and possibly lower pay when they do find a job they can do, they will find no happiness in the achievement of feminisation.

Those who have accepted what it truely means to give up male privilage and truely be a woman in the real world sense and not just the sexual/sensual ones and do so for life and for life, need hormones, but others without this particular mind set, do not and should not use them under any circumstances at all other then what a doctor may use them for in relation to serious illnesses which may require their use.

Your right Shelley, HRT is scary, hold that thought and dwell on it anytime you feel an attraction to them.



Besides the health risks there is a psychological risk as well. For a person who does not truly identify as female taking hormones will only cause the same problem a true TS is trying to fix. You will end up with a body that does not match the mind. In a sense, they will actually be turning themselves into a TS. Why would you want to do that to yourself on purpose? It's not exactly all sunshine and roses, ya know?


QuoteI'd have to speak with my psychatrist. But as I've said before, he seems to be uneducated about transsexuaism. maybe I may have to go to the big city to find someone and get out of my conservative town.

Gina, I realize that a lot of focus goes on in forums about how qualified a therapyst is about Gender problems, specifically with Gender Dysphoria, but I'm gonna have to say this right out front:

Most any qualified, licenced therapyst can help you to a great degree, and find and identify specific problems.  When they get into an area they know little about (there are many such areas) they can recommend someone with more experience, or familiarize themselves with the subject.

You seem to be to focused on someone clinically identifying you as having G.I.D. rather then wanting to explore other issues which in fact Have to be explored and ruled out in order to make a G.I.D. diagnosis that has any credibility at all.

I see and hear it all the time, if a therapyst isn't in agreement with your own feelings well, just ditch the S.O.B. and find another one.  in other words, find a rubber stamp that will give you a rubber stamp rather then persue your best interest.

You would do much better then you presently are to just allow the therapyst to work through your personality and see what help they can be to you, and if they find problems that they do not feel comfortable with addressing, then and only then go looking for another.

I can tell you by personal experience that GID may only be the tip of the iceburg regarding your emotional and mental health and other problems must be addressed seperate and aside from the GID issue if you are to make it through as a confident, healthy individual once you have seen the GID issue through.  After all, GID can be diagnosed, but there is little a therapyst can do for it but help you to face the truth about yourself and how it affects your relations and your feelings about yourself.  Other problems though can worked out directly and most do in fact need to be addressed if you are to live a healthy, happy life.

Just see a therapyst, keep the GID issue to yourself and let them work to make their own determinations and suggestions.  You have mentioned many times about seeing different therapysts and doctors and that each and every one of them has been uncomfortable with you and you always attribute it to thier lack of understanding and education about Transsexualism.  Has it ever occurred to you that your own over compensation and defensiveness/insistance about GID might be part of the equasion in their relatoinships to you?

Simply let a therapyst do thier job rather then demanding they simply take your word for it and you will get a lot further a lot faster, Sometimes what some think of as a "gatekeeper" is simply an ethical and responsible Professional working for your best interest as a person, and when you don't cooperate and work with them, they can't obtain the information they need, or you don't have it in yourself to give.  Be less pushy and more cooperative.

Understand that getting a psychiatrist to perscribe HRT for you is not actually all that hard these days, as perscribing such is viewed as a diagnostic tool to help determine GID rather then a conviction that you actually are.  Under the latest definitions of DSM and HBSOC it is simply a tool used to find out if the actual experience and acceptance of hormone influence, and living as a female in the female invironment, is in agreement with previous desires and expectations.  If the subject actually improves in a relational way with the world and themselves, then surgery can be recommended with more confidence, but if doubts persist or if no relatoinal improvement is noted, then a recommendatoin for surgery is probably not warrented.  A professional who has at least familiarised themselves with the HBSOC, could easily recommend HRT and reference you to an Endo and give you what you want, even without having in depth knowledge of Transsexual issues.  The therapyst could then monitor your emotional health issues while on HRT just as easily as they could anyone else with other issues, though they may not ever feel comfortable enough to recommend surgery, in which case you would then need to find a professional who has more indepth experience and education.

I've said it before, but different people in identical circumstances will get different results, and I at least would have no doubt of obtaining goals of HRT in your very same invironment, given my very different mentality, it is just a matter of knowing yourself and the way you approach situations.




Yeah I guess I was in a spot where I was faced with thrapist that knew very little or nothing about transsexualism. I've been though two so far, and the first therapist seemed more concerned about consequences more than anything, which I guess ia part of everything, but unfortunately I was reading too much and it seemed like I was educating my second thearpist instead of the reverse. But unfortunately they couldn't recommend me to anyone with more experience.

I personally feel that I do suffer from some form of G.I.D., so naturally I would look for some therapist who could give me a proper diagnosis that I do suffer from it.

Unfortunately I do fall into that category that if the therapist doesn't agree with my train of thinking, then dump them. I'm going to have to change that if I am going to allow the therapsit to do her/his work properly.

My company is with Blue Cross/ Blue Shield so I have to follow a set plan, but my neropsycholgist told me recently that I may have to step out of the plan if I want to get the right treament. Recently I found a Behavioral Clinic that might be the place for me to start and they're not under the BC/BS plan.

I'll see what happens



yes Gina, it would seem that you are simply impatent with delays and most including myself can understand that, it is just that you have to rationalize it all out and work with what you have until you have exausted the particular course of action.  As said before though, even if the therapyst available to you isn't familiar with GID, use them to complete advantage in understanding and addressing any other problems you may have.  There is no doubt that GID is your primary concern and you would rather just hold off on messing with anything else until that is suffiently on it's way, but like you say, your options are limited, so take advantage of them for what you can while you have them. 

There is nothing stopping you from going outside the plan you presently have, so yes, persue any course that seems reasonable to you along with what you have, but if it is perceived that you are honestly working with these people, they will likely do all they can for you.  This has been my own experience, though I specifically moved into an area where the proper therapy was available and took a job where the insurance would pay for it, but I had to tough out a year and a half of on call status, without insurance, to take full advantage of the system and then had to go through numerous stalls and seeming dead ends thereafter to keep progress in motion.

It's hard to have patience Gina, I know that all to well, but when you are in a stall, continue doing what you can in any applicable areas even if they do not directly address what you want to address.  Things you can do in the mean time, if you arn't allready are electrolysis, financial security, and building your support structure.  These are all things you will need and can do without anyones agreement or "permission" and will be needed throughout transition.  Transition is a lot more then just hormones, though I well know the necessity of them, but I also know I could go all the way without hormones if I had to.  I wouldn't like it, but I could and would do it and consider myself a better person, to myself and others, just to make the table, hormones or not.

All I'm saying is that while you have the insurance you do, use it for all it's worth and what it can do for you.  That doesn't stop you from looking for other options, or even from plainning a move to another location where you can obtain a job and insurance that will help you if you can't afford the cost yourself, consider it a test of your ability to adapt, research, and follow through and strive for an "A" on that test.  And don't forget the out of pocket expenses that will have to be planned for and spent over and above HRT, such as electro, which in many ways can be as important as HRT itself.  In some ways, I would just as soon have electro completely done and be without HRT as to be completely done with HRT without having had electro, especially during werewolf week.





Yeah I guess I'm somewhat of being an impatient creature, but most times I do  rationalize things out and work with what I have until I have exausted the particular course of action.  But I do plan on using a therapist to my full advantage when I find one. And I will address other problems that I have. 

Thanks for agreeing with me that going outside of my network is a good idea. Sometimes you have to do that if you want to achiebve things.

Patience is one thing that I've learnt in the last four years and I've learnt that attimes it does pay to be patient with things.

Electroylissi is a long process but it will be something that I will be undertaking soon. Doesn't hormones aleviate some of the hair growth though? I realize that hormones are a small part of transitioning, and I feel that it can make a better woman out of me , but that's my opinion.

I will be looking for other options but I will be taking it all one step at a time.




I've been a subscriber to a magazine called TRANSFORMATION and I've seen some of the products that they've advertised in the magazine. I've recently been in touch with a TG sister who has been using a product caled the breast enhancement cream and she's been using it for a year and has already developed a 42 B size bust. So I am thinking about going a different route and trying out the breast enhancement cream and see how well it works.

I'll let you all know how things develop.



Gina, have a care with "enhancement" creams and such.  while it is true that they can interact with actual breast tissue, in some indivuduals, which differrs somewhat from male body fat on the chest, they may have little if any actual effect on male anatomy for just that reason.  Despite the ads and claims of these products, for the most part they would just be sales pitch and wishful thinking.  If it were all that easy, A lot of TS individuals would have a lot fatter pocket book.



Hi Gina,

Teri has given you some good advice there. Magazines make money by selling advertising. They will sell advertising to just about anybody and they do not check the validity of any products advertisers are selling. There is no scientific data to prove nor disprove the efficacy of these creams. caveat emptor(buyer beware).

Good Journey,



Hi Gina,

I suppose this doesn't work for everyone but as I read this thread I had this thought.

A medical doctor gives diagnoses, as does a psychiatrist but my understanding of psychology and therapy is that it is process designed to assist selfdiscovery. A therapist aims to open your thinking to possibilities and help you to work through problems. One important part of this is to challenge your beliefs and through this challenge to open your mind. Often the solution to our problems comes from within. Acceptance is one of those such instances.

Think for a moment, what if you are confirmed GID what will change in your life? Will you find acceptance from within then or do you have that already and you just want confirmation that you are right? How will you know if that person that you seek confirmation from is right? Right for you comes from inside and therefore you need someone to help you find your path. That person will need to challenge your thinking to help you confirm within that which you feel.

You are on a path of self discovery Gina and the only person you have to justify anything to is yourself. If by that process of self justification a therapist challenges your thinking aren't they assisting the process.

I think we are all on this journey.

Gina I wish you only good luck and as straight a road to travel as possible.


P.S. If I were to choose someone to discuss something that I was unsure of I would choose Terri as I know she would challenge my thinking and not let me get too melancholy. Surrounding yourself with people who agree with you all the time will not asssit your personal development. If you read Terris posts they often, as they have done this time, provide you with ways to challenge your thinking and reading your responses she has achieved that.



Quotemy understanding of psychology and therapy is that it is process designed to assist selfdiscovery. A therapist aims to open your thinking to possibilities and help you to work through problems. One important part of this is to challenge your beliefs and through this challenge to open your mind. Often the solution to our problems comes from within.

I like that thinking Shelley, as it has been my experience with them is just that.  They can have a focus on particular morality and ethics and some will try to imprint you with these, but for the most part, all they are doing is as you said, making you face your problems, understand what they are, how the relate to and affect your life and focus you to making a decision on what to do about them in a realistic, doable manner.  They don't and can't tell you what is right, only help you understand what mainstream considers right and how your own thinking varies from that, but anything you actually do can only come from a desire from within to do so.  They only get you to the point of thinking things out, taking responsibility for your own life, and making decisions based upon what you believe is best for you.

Just watch it you don't get to analytical and therefore freeze yourself up from making any decisions by making to many possibilitities to decide between.



Thanks for your advice girls, but as I said in my post I have spoken with an actual person that has used this breast enhancement cream for a year and has had success with it. So it's not like some advertisment that was written up promising that it would develop breasts. This cream does actually work.

Very good point Shelly about us being on a journey of self discovery and that we only have ourselves to justify to.

My journey has just begun and I'm starting to enjoy it. :)



 ??? funny i must be losing it! i could have sworn i already posted this!
anyway, congrats to you gina on your new boobs!
I have been taking 'mones myself for 9 months & am really pleased with the size ive got (38B) just remember that hormones can give nasty side effects too.
more info the better!
angel xx :angel:

[edit](Kimberly)Please read the site rules.[/edit]


Hi angelallen,

I'm really excited for you that you've achieved such a large size in such a short time. But I'm sure that you've been taking Spiro from day one. I just started to take estrogen and never bothered with the Spiro until I realized that maybe I should be blocking my testosterone. I was going to start taking the Spiro, but my order was delayed. Maybe I'll just hold off and keep up with the breast enhancement cream and I'll see what happens there.

Send me a PM I'd love to talk with you sometime.






I always found it better when estrogen works over the entire body instead of just one area. hips, bust, softer skin, etc. the whole kit and kaboodle. (do people still say that?)

