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All-Gender Bathrooms: Would You Be Comfortable Using One?

Started by Shana A, February 05, 2013, 01:46:19 PM

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I was molested in a locker room (by someone with the same gender identity and type of genitals as I have).  This is why I won't use an open locker room, as I don't want to be naked and thus vulnerable with *anyone* without a locking door between me and them.  I couldn't care if they had a penis or vagina, if they stand or sit, or whatever else.  I want privacy and safety.

A couple of my friends were molested/raped in the men's room.

You stop molestation and rape not by banning one type of genital, but by providing security, privacy, and a positive way of reporting criminal actions without shaming the victim.

I don't know anyone who was raped or molested by someone of the opposite sex in the bathroom.  I'm sure someone has been, but it doesn't seem to be a common event (or, indeed, the biggest risk of bathroom use).

I also think the last place a sex offender would want to go to find a target would be a mixed-gender environment that has a high chance of getting caught.  So a busy all-gender bathroom is probably much safer than a quiet single-sex bathroom.  We need to base our rules and laws on true risks and dangers (kids getting molested and raped by others - which is not prevented or stopped by genital or gender signage on bathroom doors), not imagined ones (like "if this sign let everyone undress behind a truly private cubical door, tons of people will get raped, because the rapist will follow the signage and is only attracted to someone with different genitals and/or gender!").


Quote from: kkut on April 16, 2013, 11:06:46 AM
Here's the bottom line for me... it's inappropriate to allow adults in the restroom with minors of the opposite gender.

Even if there comes a day when I can enter my zip code into the public database of sex offenders and not find significant numbers around my residence of such people, I'm still not going to be ok with it. Let's not deny these people are out there, nor that a lot haven't been caught. As negative as your nightly news is, it only scratches the surface of all the rotten crud going on out there.

I expect society to put kids first. Once adults, do with other consenting adults as you please, enjoy.

Anyway, interesting none the less.

Maybe just a semantics issue, but, I disagree with the word 'inappropriate'.
I suspect your primary concern is vulnerability to sex offenders. I have no beef there.
Chances are we need to be nastier to the sex offenders, and not permit them to use any form of multiple person rest room facilities under any conditions. In that way, well at least it greatly reduces risk.
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


Hi friends  :)

Let's all do our best to stay on topic

Thank you

The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


what if we divide the toilet into two rooms separated by a door: you enter the toilet to a room of stalls for all, and at the further end past the door is another room that has urinals. that would be a much more efficient use of resources imo.
I have a post-op recovery blog now...yeah!

Cassie 4 Ever!!!

Actually, currently I would be comfortable. I have actually used several unisex restrooms here in the United States.. also grant you they were at gay clubs, but still never did it feel weird, awkward, or uncomfortable to me. However I believe that when I go FT, that perhaps I will be a little more sensitive on the issue and will want gender segregated restrooms.


Gender segregated bathrooms are weird.  Its just a bathroom. 


I would totally be fine using one.  Regardless, I use which ever one has the shortest line. In the case of no line, I default to the womens.   I just dont really care, men sometimes are a bit shocked that I walk in. Womens bathrooms?  Why would they care if Im in there.  What they dont know, doesnt hurt them. 

I will even own the fact, that sometimes, I just like to push sociopolitical ideas (particularly if I am drunk), and I will go into a mens restroom and pee standing up at a urinal in a skirt, just to make men uncomfterable.

I know plenty of butch lesbians who have mastered the art of peeing standing up and will often do this as well.
Not just free, but M***** F***** Priceless!


Quote from: ParadigmCrime on May 10, 2013, 04:19:24 PMI just like to push sociopolitical ideas

I love a good tree shaker. Welcome to Susan's, Para.

~ Lyric ~
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs


Look, I do not have a sugar daddy, everything I have I worked hard for if I wanted a sugar daddy, I could probably get one because I am what? Sickening you could never have a sugar daddy because you are.not.that.type. of girl  I built myself from the ground up



Michelle S.

Really tricky question. I think we should all be able to use the gender specific bathroom of the gender we identify with. But, outside of this, I don't really think I'd be as comfortable in a gender neutral bathroom. Wouldn't be the end of world or anything to fuss over. In my area at least, I don't want to be in the same store with most of the guys here let alone the same bathroom!



I'm just curious why this is always a question? I was always told that your supposed to use the bathrooms of the one you look most like. If you look like a woman then that's your restroom to use and vice versa ?


Well we have all-Gender Bathrooms at work and it could get a little uncomfortable. Basically I wouldnt mind in some situations, but its difficult when you come out of the cubical and need to "adjust" yourself in any way by the mirrors and have someone of the opposite gender watching you.

I am pretty sure women would feel uncomfortable seeing their "crush" enter the bathroom after they have just taken a dump lol or maybe these a creep at work they would rather not share the same space with.

Some guys might not feel comfortable or be shy walking into the all gender bathrooms when he sees a woman in there.

I guess as a trans man, it really depends on what stage you are in, mentally and psychically
On, still on, I wandered on,
And the sun above me shone;
And the birds around me winging
With their everlasting singing
Made me feel not quite alone.

Christina G. Rossetti


Quote from: ParadigmCrime on May 10, 2013, 04:19:24 PM

I will even own the fact, that sometimes, I just like to push sociopolitical ideas (particularly if I am drunk), and I will go into a mens restroom and pee standing up at a urinal in a skirt, just to make men uncomfterable.

Hahah! That's hilarious, for some reason. Just imagining the uncomfortable expressions on their faces; horrified, confused. Totally not my style~ But that's okay!
::) As for the actual topic, all-gender bathrooms would be WEIRDER I think, but probably SAFER. At least in my mind, it would feel that way.

I personally find dealing with men in a restroom overall strange, it's just a weird experience all-in-all. Urinals aren't fun, because what if somebody gets right beside you despite there being 30 open urinals around you? That's just a rule even normal MEN should abide by! And if there's 30 open urinals around, and I go into a stall to pee instead, because I prefer sitting down, what is everyone thinking of me? Oh my, oh my! "Did they just walk in there, hogging a stall, just to pee?" You know, obviously everyone has that on their mind, they're thinking deeply about you while you do your business. I might just EXPLODE in the end! And such is the life of someone who is dreadfully paranoid whenever they walk into a restroom.

But I don't think such would be felt in an all-gender bathroom! Because everyone is coming and going, women and men all about, who cares what you do in a stall? Though urinals would still be awkward (at least for me) ...

EDIT: I realized my thoughts were POSSIBLY a little spazz-tastic, soooo~ I am just going to point out, it'd be weird that an all-gender bathroom has everyone all sorts coming together in one place, but it'd have a safer atmosphere feeling to me. And that I would avoid urinals, guy or girl! No lifting skirt for me!


I don't get the non-binary thing.  I like using the ladies toilet. I don't want a whole lot of smelly men in there. If we take away all gender barriers we'll have nothing left to hide behind. E.g. women wearing makeup. Should we all stop wearing makeup? How passable will many of us be then? No I'll keep the binary thank you very much.
;) :D


If anything I would be thrilled to use a Multi-stall public, all gender bathroom! It would remind me every time I used it (I work in a busy mall, keep that in mind) that despite our differences, at the end of the day we're all human. :)

It's a bathroom, guys... We all do that same tinkle and plop! Just different positions! :D
I'm shy, and rarely reply, but give me time and I'll eventually open up to Susan's ^u^


Plop plop
Winky winky
Everyone's gotta
Drop a stinky

All together now!!! Everyone sing along!!!...LOL
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


If society requires me to use restrooms where men are in the, thats the last straw, I nailing my door shut and never coming out again,


Amanda M

I can´t imagine why I´d be uncomfortable at all!
If you always do what you always did, you´ll always get what you always got!


Remember, equality means equal for ALL, so a transgender person is not more important than a boring cis male.

The only downside to a rest room that is non gender, is the moment you leave the stall, you have to have your pants done up properly, you need to have your dress adjusted correctly and you can't walk in wearing outfit A, and get undressed in front of the sink and change into outfit B regardless of what outfit A and B are.

You can adjust your lipstick, you can fix your tie, you can take off a shoe and remove a stone, but the rest of the people in the room expect you to be properly dressed otherwise.

A proper genderless rest room has no urinals, regardless of whether you as a lady can do a decent aim from your gear or not. The guys might not want to see you do it, they might not want you looking while they give their own the allowable maximum shakes after going.

My only concern, is I have seen lots and lots of stalls in my time, and they are hardly what I would call entirely private. You can stand next to many and see over, you can often see plenty under. And once you have made the stall an entirely enclosed room, it's a separate room and the discussion becomes moot.

Ideally, a well designed rest room is that. A common outer room with a sink and a mirror if you desperately need it. And a row of actual separate rooms that are just that entirely separate rooms and fully enclosed with a full on door. At that point, they are not required to be all gender if only one person can use it at a time. If you have 10 rooms, all only open to a single person at a time, it is no different than having a men's room right next to a women's room in the building.

Make a toilet an entirely enclosed room with nothing but a toilet, problem solved. Then it becomes a case of telling people, don't do anything in front of the sink and mirror, you wouldn't do out in the rest of the building.
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.