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Going to Gurdwara

Started by LearnedHand, February 15, 2013, 08:42:11 PM

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I am thinking of going to a Sikh gurdwara for the first time on Sunday. I feel slightly nervous as I've never been to one before, and though I've read up on the religion and what you do at gurdwara, it is just always a little strange going to a place for the first time.

I am also not 100% thrilled at the type of gurdwara I am planning on going to, because it is run by 3HO, which normally sounds like a perfect fit for me but I am not a fan of Yogi Bhajan and some of his teachings. But, the only two non-3HO gurdwaras are a bit too far for me to drive to (this 3HO one I am thinking of attending is already quite far for me but it is the closest to my house).

I am also thinking of presenting male, and going by my male name instead of introducing myself by my birth name.

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions, tips?
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


Since it is 3HO, be aware that they are a sect of Sikhism that mixes with kundalini yoga, and is not typical of normal Sikhism.

So as long as you societally 'pass,' you'll be fine!  ;)

Bring a hankerchief so that when you enter the Gurdwara, the place where their Scripture (the Guru Granth) is, you'll have covered your head by then. The temple (or in some 3HO scenarios, yoga studio with Gurdwara services) may have some hankerchiefs too for you if you do not have any.

Women will generally wear a scarf, or a kerchief. Men wear kerchiefs. Both sexes who are 'baptised' (taken Amrit, which means that they take vows of Sikhism seriously) will often wear turbans to keep their hair neat.

Make sure you bring a donation, like a five dollar bill!

When you come, one can show respect by first coming towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib (the holy book), and then after praying, bow down in respect. Then you can give a donation at that front. Then, there may be a person beside who has fruit or a spongy substance [it's flour, butter, and sugar mixed together] (these are called prashad; it is food blessed by God for people who come to the Gurdwara). Kneel down and receive it with your left hand.

You may proceed to sit down - generally, men sit on one side, and women sit on the other side, so choose your gender side, lol!

You can partake of the prashad while sitting down. NEVER point your feet at the Holy Book, since it is a sign of disrespect. You can sit cross-legged. When leaving the sanctuary, make sure to bow down first at the Book before walking out.

You can leave whenever you like, but make sure you ask for 'langar' (kitchen), and they can sit you down so you can have some free vegetarian food before you go. :)

If all of this confuses you, just go there and enjoy. Know that the presence of God is in the Gurbani, or devotional prayers and chants.

Good luck, and Satnam!


Sat nam Mohini!

I wish we could've talked earlier, I went last week, and am considereing going today (need to check the weather to see what's going on with theese snow flurries). I did a lot of research before going, so I was aware of the 3HO yoga stuff and that not everything they do is exactly what people in the Punjab would do.

This one seemed fine, no pictures of yogi Bhajan anywhere, and they have the yoga in a different building. There was quite a number of non-3HO Sikh and also some from India there as well. I was the first person there, so I did make a mistake by not washing my feet since I didn't see the water bowl, but no one noticed. I did bring a big scarf but they also had some kerchiefs in the entrance hall as well.

Since I was the first person there I just choose a side to sit, which later turned out to be the man's side anyway, so score for me.  :D

Thanks for telling me what the prashad is, I had forgotten that they bring that around and was a bit surprised later when someone came and started giving it out to everyone.

I basically just spent the whole time following the guy next to me.

Eventually I might go to those other non-3HO gurdwaras to see if they seem any different, but this one seems fine for right now.

Are you Sikh or raised Sikh?

Edit: I just saw your posts in the "How Strong Is Your Faith" thread, so that answered my last question there. You seem really interesting, and I'll ask you any questions though if I come up with more.  ;D
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


Quote from: LearnedHand on March 03, 2013, 06:51:03 AM
Sat nam Mohini!

I wish we could've talked earlier, I went last week, and am considereing going today (need to check the weather to see what's going on with theese snow flurries). I did a lot of research before going, so I was aware of the 3HO yoga stuff and that not everything they do is exactly what people in the Punjab would do.

This one seemed fine, no pictures of yogi Bhajan anywhere, and they have the yoga in a different building. There was quite a number of non-3HO Sikh and also some from India there as well. I was the first person there, so I did make a mistake by not washing my feet since I didn't see the water bowl, but no one noticed. I did bring a big scarf but they also had some kerchiefs in the entrance hall as well.

Since I was the first person there I just choose a side to sit, which later turned out to be the man's side anyway, so score for me.  :D

Thanks for telling me what the prashad is, I had forgotten that they bring that around and was a bit surprised later when someone came and started giving it out to everyone.

I basically just spent the whole time following the guy next to me.

Eventually I might go to those other non-3HO gurdwaras to see if they seem any different, but this one seems fine for right now.

Are you Sikh or raised Sikh?

Edit: I just saw your posts in the "How Strong Is Your Faith" thread, so that answered my last question there. You seem really interesting, and I'll ask you any questions though if I come up with more.  ;D

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

No, I wasn't born Sikh, lol. But I live in British Columbia, Canada, and in this province we have plenty of Sikhs and Muslims. Sikhism is also the third largest religion in Canada, and I grew up with lots of Sikhs and Muslims, so naturally those two religions were first introduced to me as a cradle Catholic back then. I even know how to recite Mul Mantar and Al-Fatihah in their respective liturgical languages (classical Punjabi and classical Arabic)

We have many churches, gurdwaras and mosques in British Columbia, and I've been to plenty of gurdwaras when I was younger!

You do not need to wash your feet; it may have been prevalent in India where the sun dries up one's body very quickly, but certainly not in the West! All you need to do is take off your shoes and cover your head prior to going into the sanctuary.

3HO has a very different atmosphere than a normal Sikh temple. If you can, plan a visit some time to a more traditional gurdwara, and you'll see what I mean!

In any case, good luck with your studies in Sikh Dharma. I wish you well, and always do Waheguru simran! :)


Sat nam Sita, I have another question for you.

I've been to Gurdwara again, and it was really packed this time (Khalsa holiday) so I had lots of time to really observe the people. And I noticed that some people bow to the Guru Granth Sahib every time they reenter the Gurdwara (mostly the 3HO people) and others just go back to sitting down, and others will sit down but bow from where they're sitting instead of up at the Guru Granth (these last two are mostly people from the Punjab). I haven't read anything anywhere about what you're supposed to do when you reenter the Gurdwara after you've already bowed and made the offering. Do you know what's supposed to be done, or is it just whatever feels right to you?
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


Quote from: LearnedHand on April 07, 2013, 07:31:48 PM
Sat nam Sita, I have another question for you.

I've been to Gurdwara again, and it was really packed this time (Khalsa holiday) so I had lots of time to really observe the people. And I noticed that some people bow to the Guru Granth Sahib every time they reenter the Gurdwara (mostly the 3HO people) and others just go back to sitting down, and others will sit down but bow from where they're sitting instead of up at the Guru Granth (these last two are mostly people from the Punjab). I haven't read anything anywhere about what you're supposed to do when you reenter the Gurdwara after you've already bowed and made the offering. Do you know what's supposed to be done, or is it just whatever feels right to you?

It is of deep respect that every time you enter into the sanctuary, you must bow down to Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Now, when you come to Gurdwara for the first time, you can go all the way to the front to do so, pray, give something, and take prashad, and then go sit down.

When you go to langar, or wherever, and you are 're-entering' the sanctuary, you can just go to your appropriate carpet spot, and bow from that area towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib instead.

And of course, whenever you leave the sanctuary, always bow down to Sri Guru Granth Sahib before you leave the room, generally from where you sat!