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Pediatrician On CNN: Transgender Girls Will Walk Around Bathrooms With Their Ge

Started by Shana A, March 01, 2013, 09:06:09 PM

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I searched the medical databases and i did not find a single paper that has been authored by James M. Sears, MD.

It seems the "good doctor" has not made any significant contribution to the field of medicine but I a sure his pockets are full with all those fees from TV, radio, and the "self help" books...


Quote from: peky on March 02, 2013, 12:31:16 PM
I searched the medical databases and i did not find a single paper that has been authored by James M. Sears, MD.

It seems the "good doctor" has not made any significant contribution to the field of medicine but I a sure his pockets are full with all those fees from TV, radio, and the "self help" books...

Yeah, I looked around myself and came up with just the stupid TV, Radio & Books. The really sad thing is that a lot of people will actually believe what he says and think that his ignorant viewpoint is valid.


Here is my opinion on the subject.1) *girls will walk around with their *man* parts hanging out* uh what? im sorry but you lost me there...As a kid,the only time i have ever ran/walked around showing anything was when i was like 2-3 years old and was running away from my mother after a bath.most people are raised to know better and if their not,then that is not on the child but the parents.A difference between not knowing better and knowing better but just out to do what you know is wrong.As far as the bathroom thing goes,here is a good way to put it -Do they make *Trans* only bathrooms? cool then so be it but what happens when they start to feel like a 3rd or 4th gender? not even allowed to be placed into the gender they KNOW they are? It is like how i was raised.kept in this dark closet from the world,never knowing anything,what a boy was or what a female was,what a monthly was *i learned that the hard way mind you* and *protecting* them from all the bad people and all the bad things in life.So IF we do this to our kids,then when it DOES happen by some small chance,they will be completely ignorant and easy prey,am i right? i know i was.i had a kid not even 1 year after losing my V,moved in with a a** hat,was kicked out of school,became a drug addict and heavy drinker.because NO one talked to me about anything,never cared to teach me what to watch for,what kind of people to stay away from,how to be strong and confident.So in MY opinion,teach your trans children what they need to know on this subject,prepare them for the future and anything that may come but do NOT deny them the right to be who they should be..NEVER.A child should not be held responsible for what another does,you or me are not anothers parents.Children have an innocent mind until their parents make every single thing they do,out to be obscene and gross.Yes every child will do silly things like i did,running through the house soaked with soap,laughing as their mother chases them but does that mean,those who are looking on,should see it for anymore then it is? And a doctor who only thinks about the impact such an image will do to his child,his innocent child who knows NOTHING about what even a *penis* is,the same man who see's his children doing the same around their own house,thinks it its wrong for a child to think innocently while making mistakes? in my opinion,i want nothing to do with him is gross and sick that such things would even cross his or anyone elses mind.And if someone *pretends* to be a trans just to enter this bathroom for the sake of causing harm,why is a grown man allowed into a children only based bathroom to start with? as ALL parents know,in school-a child is NOT allowed into an adult bathroom,they have their own set for them ONLY.this allows the sinks to be just high enough and so on.SO can someone please explain to me how that can happen? im sorry if i am raging but i can not stand when no one uses a mind to think before hand.and IF an adult is able to somehow get into this childs bathroom,how should a child be punished for this? how can i take my rage out on my child who did nothing wrong?  that is my opinion on the matter and him.
All Thing's Come With A Price...

Kevin Peña

Quote from: kkut on March 02, 2013, 12:38:34 PM
If he's helped the sick get well, that's more significant than writing a paper in my book.  ;)

Thank you! Sitting at your desk writing a paper is insignificant when there are ill people to help out.  :P


Quote from: kkut on March 02, 2013, 12:38:34 PM
If he's helped the sick get well, that's more significant than writing a paper in my book.  ;)

All the vaccines and other drugs that keep you -and the rest of world- alive and well, were at some point papers that were authored by M.D.'s or Ph.D.'s.

The leading physcians and researchers in any field of medicine share their advances via papers but ocourse most people do not know this little fact.

So, next time you get a serious ilness, and you look for the best doctor, look at how many papers he or she has authored dear.

In the case of this pediatrician, Dr. Sears, what does he knows about pediatric GID? How many GID children has he treated? How about ZERO!

But you know, at the end of the day, we all do what ever our high intellect allows to comprehend as the best course of action...

Kevin Peña

Quote from: peky on March 02, 2013, 02:17:10 PM
The leading physcians and researchers in any field of medicine share their advances via papers but ocourse most people do not know this little fact.

Um, I knew that, and so do most people.  ??? I still don't think that the number of papers a doctor writes has a correlation to his/her skill. I've met bookworm medical interns, who graduated from medical school, who were less valuable than paramedics, who are much less educated, in an emergency because when it came to action, they sucked!  :P


Quote from: DianaP on March 02, 2013, 12:40:44 PM
Thank you! Sitting at your desk writing a paper is insignificant when there are ill people to help out.  :P

Research is an extremely important part of modern science and medicine. If you want there to be medical advances; including cures, new forms of surgery, or other elements in the medical field, then realize that research was necessary. Those papers required research, and the goal with the research completed today in society is to be able to cure things like cancer for example. In all due respect, it's hardly insignificant and it's ignorant to think so as well; there are many people who need a cure and sadly won't get one in this life time most likely because there is not enough funding for research. They have made a myriad of progress over the years and research plays a critical role in that.


Quote from: DianaP on March 02, 2013, 02:27:57 PM
Um, I knew that, and so do most people.  ??? I still don't think that the number of papers a doctor writes has a correlation to his/her skill. I've met bookworm medical interns, who graduated from medical school, who were less valuable than paramedics, who are much less educated, in an emergency because when it came to action, they sucked!  :P

Well dear, next time Papi needes a surgery make sure you call your highly qualified paramedic friend

Kevin Peña

Quote from: EmmaS on March 02, 2013, 02:31:16 PM
Research is an extremely important part of modern science and medicine. If you want there to be medical advances; including cures, new forms of surgery, or other elements in the medical field, then realize that research was necessary. Those papers required research, and the goal with the research completed today in society is to be able to cure things like cancer for example. In all due respect, it's hardly insignificant and it's ignorant to think so as well; there are many people who need a cure and sadly won't get one in this life time most likely because there is not enough funding for research. They have made a myriad of progress over the years and research plays a critical role in that.

Research is important. Writing a paper is secondary. The polio vaccine didn't start off as a paper. It started with field work, data collection, and science. Penicillin was discovered by accident through action. Papers are only a means of communicating the results of work. Papers can only be written when there are some sort of results to communicate, which are obtained through work. Results and progress come from action.

Quote from: peky on March 02, 2013, 02:34:11 PM
Well dear, next time Papi needes a surgery make sure you call your highly qualified paramedic friend

No, I won't; I'll call a doctor with experience in the field, not some bookworm who is less than useless.  :P


Hmm I wonder what qualifications are required to sit on a TV show, or, is it because he can't sit in an office where one normally expects to find doctors that is the more interesting question.

That, and I have to say, if a child is in a public restroom, and is not being supervised, is not the real question where is the supervising parent?

The idea of my son walking around unattended with his pants not up at age 5 in a public restroom is 100% idiotic. My son has not needed to concern himself with my attendance of late, but then he IS an 18 year old full grown adult too.

And it sounds like the doctor has never heard of the urinal rules of use. Men don't walk around with their gear on display!! Heck men seem to have an obsession with you NOT looking at their junk in the restroom thanks to homophobic behaviour. And that likely gets taught to most males damned early too.

The only time in my life when I have felt NO need to care about leaving my gear on display to other males, was in the military when it was made plain no one gave a damn. Gays in the military makes sense when you think about it. All that male gear on display and no one is making any effort to hide themselves.
Well being TG is no treat, but becoming separated has sure caused me more trouble that being TG ever will be. So if I post, consider it me trying to distract myself from being lonely, not my needing to discuss being TG. I don't want to be separated a lot more than not wanting to be male looking.


Quote from: kkut on March 02, 2013, 05:20:25 PM
I have about ten years of experience in research and development. My experience is department heads usually write the paper while often having little to do with the actual research, including the ideas for what items to research. I'm sure there are plenty of cases to the contrary, but this is beside the point I was making.

I don't think not finding Dr. Sears as author of any research papers is a means to discredit him. His statement pretty much started out of the gate being discredited. I think the point he was trying to make was poorly stated and quite inaccurate, and it came off as very flippant.

I don't think we need to run him out of town with torches and pitchforks, simply disagreeing and pointing out the absurdity should suffice?

While I agree with your final point. I feel the comment about Dept Heads is inaccurate and in today's literature is sufficient to disallow the paper. The developments I have seen over the last 30 years in the literature and granting bodies supports that. However the argument is trivial in this context.

Diana an expert needs to be well grounded in all areas of her discipline. Research has been crucial in Medicine to teach practioners  how to think and to interpret knowledge.

Paramedics are very important, but medicine needs a holistic approach to the patients needs and some one has to take ownership.

Usually it is the head medic, and their overall training is crucial, administration, management, research and of course in depth knowledge, indeed the knowledge level has to be high enough to be understand collaboration and opinion.

It's pretty easy on the TV programs, in real life it is more difficult.

But that is why we train.

Kevin Peña

I'm not saying that research is unimportant. I'm saying that writing the paper is not that important compared to data collection, tests, etc. Also, I know that education is important, but experience is also necessary, which is why med school graduates don't just immediately become doctors. They have to start as interns until they have the practical know-how to do their jobs. Anyone can read a book, but it's important to have action. I've volunteered on ambulances and saw medical interns freeze up in some emergency situations. With more experience, that wouldn't happen.

Sara Thomas

Of course! Because if there's one thing every transgendered girl wants, it's to flaunt their penis!

I ain't scared... I just don't want to mess up my hair.


Quote from: Sadie May on March 03, 2013, 11:32:56 AM
Of course! Because if there's one thing every transgendered girl wants, it's to flaunt their penis!


Sadie May has trumped the entire thread and has captured the essence of the central problem as seen in the article in one sentence!   :eusa_clap: May we now move on to something else?



Sara Thomas

Quote from: Devlyn Marie on March 03, 2013, 12:06:41 PM
Well, I'm sure some will be interested in not accepting his apology........,136718.0.html

Works for me!  ;D

(Thanks for directing attention to the other thread, and update, Devlyn.)
I ain't scared... I just don't want to mess up my hair.



Sara Thomas

I ain't scared... I just don't want to mess up my hair.




Quote from: Shana A on March 01, 2013, 09:06:09 PM
Pediatrician On CNN: Transgender Girls Will Walk Around Bathrooms With Their Genitals Exposed
Blog ››› February 28, 2013 11:05 AM EST ››› CARLOS MAZA

During the February 27 edition of CNN Newsroom, host Brooke Baldwin led a panel discussion about Coy Mathis, a 6-year-old Colorado transgender girl who is suing her school district for the right to use female restrooms at her elementary school.

Everyone on the panel expressed support for Mathis' led lighting except for Dr. James Sears, co-host of the CBS show The Doctors. Sears, who is a pediatrician and television personality, warned that Mathis might walk around the girls' bathroom with her penis exposed, like "most boys" allegedly do at that age:

    SEARS: I have three kids, a daughter and two boys, and as when my daughter was that age, I would have been very uncomfortable if there was a boy with a penis walking around their bathroom. And you say that the stalls are private. You know, at that age, most boys especially will use the bathroom then leave their pants down while they walk to the sink to wash their hands and then pull it up.  So it's going to be very uncomfortable for the other girls seeing a penis in their bathroom.

    JENNIFER HUTT: She's a girl.

    SEARS: She has a penis, though.

not good at all.. It just disturbs complete society