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Progress and phallo

Started by Andrew, May 24, 2007, 11:28:58 AM

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Yay! First topic!

I just wondered if there had been much progress made with phalloplasty since the procedure was first performed. It still doesn't look fully realistic, and they don't seem to be getting better. I wonder this because I'm thinking of having it when I'm older and hope that it'll get better by the time I have the money to get it.
Lock up yer daughters.


I haven't heard of anything new. But I have seen some good results. Kind of hit or miss, depending on your healing and the skill of the surgeon.

My concern would be that the risk of complications is fairly high, which could result in loss of sensation.



Has anyone had phalloplasy in here?


Quote from: OtokoSuki on December 06, 2007, 02:21:28 PM
Has anyone had phalloplasy in here?

No, I don't think so. I think if one wants genital surgery, meta is the only way to go at the moment. Phalloplasty just is not worth the risk, the cash, or the pain (it's a multiple stage surgery) at this time. But that's just my opinion.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


nope.  I havent heard anythin.  Meta is the way to go for now.  a buddy of mine had phallo but it doesnt look real.  its like a pc of skin hangin from his crotch but it aint a dick.


I know this topic has been dead for a bit, but since I am out of the loop on most current news.  Has anybody heard an update from the surgery (maybe more than 1 now) where a surgeon was doing penis transplants?  I have heard of 2 now.  One on a bio male that was in an accident and was given the surgery and somebody elses equipment because his was lost in the accident.  There was another that was to be performed on a FtM.  I can't seem to find more updates on either one other then the bio male was not too happy his new eqiupment was getting arroused more than he was comfortable with.  Neither of these were North American, so has been tough to even hear about them in the first place.


Considering the risks of rejection which can easily kill you and the problems with matching donors, especially in something like that, I have trouble believing someone would even attempt such a thing except in a ethically challenged country like China which indeed perform improbably dangerous first time operations. Besides rejection, ensuring proper blood to prevent necrosis and proper reconnect of the nerves to prevent loss of sensation, would be a feat in itself, not to mention reconnecting the uretra, etc.

There's plenty of iffy experimental ops in China. They don't follow western protocols for enroling patients on these that's for sure. So I wouldn't be surprised if something like that has been attempted there; that the patient survived seems improbable, but what do I know.


You are right, the "accident" one was in China.  I remembered it incorrectly as far as why they wanted it removed.  Here is the story I read on that one some time back.]]

The other article was this one:
2 of the doc's patients were approved for gender reassignment, so thats why I was wondering if anything ever happened and I missed it.


The second article is from 1998, and it doesn't sound like the doctor actually has a clue, from this part of the article:

QuoteThe penis transplant operations could take place by twinning sex change patients--a man who wanted to become a woman could donate his penis to a woman wanting to become a man.

Because MtF's need their parts for the SRS surgery. It's not just cut off.

The first one, the guy only had the penis for 14 days which doesn't give much of an idea about the long term issue of immuno-suppressant drugs. Although at least it is a 2006 article, so there could be followup from that surgery.

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't risk a lifetime of immuno-suppressant drugs just for a penis. Although some may make that choice. The risk for me of drastically shortening my life would be way too high. There also wasn't a whole lot of information about function. If it's just cosmetic, might as well have a slab of your own flesh sewn to you. At least you're not risking your life to the same extent.

Stem cells look the most promising, but we seem to be a fairly low priority for research.



I would tend to take any news from China with a couple of pillars of salt, they are not exactly noted for accuracy.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


THIS was recently posted in the FTM community on LJ (warning: Not Safe For Work) and I thought it was pretty interesting.


Quote from: Lane on January 25, 2008, 12:29:59 AM
THIS was recently posted in the FTM community on LJ (warning: Not Safe For Work) and I thought it was pretty interesting.

yep interesting but it dont look real though.  If I'm gonna spend hella a lot of money on gettin a d#ck, I want a d#ck not a long pc of skin hangin from my crotch. Nah I aint paying nothing for somethin that looks like that. :laugh:


I just wonder about people over the age of 34 since that was the oldest person they have done that operation to.  Heck, if I saw enough after photos that made it look decently normal...I would do it.  Not like I am trying to show the whole world my private parts.  I would be happy if it looked pretty real and functioned for everything a bio males does...which according to that article it does.  I do wonder the price though as that would also be a decission factor.


looks great to me! MUCH better and more real than many I have seen (though most of the pics you can find online are from year 2000 and down). But, have you noticed in the pics on that article (at least a few) there's something below the penis base, what I am thinking might be the clit still intact. This leads me to believe the thing itself has no feel. And again the epic question returns, would you give up the feeling to have a cock? A terrible trade, especially since I'm practically nympho and strongly desire to have both.

That there, i would get if it were the best there is. It isn't that bad really to me ^.^' though sometimes I figure this: if i could have it AND keep the clit beneath it in such a way that would give me a cock AND the feeling, i might just do it ^^ I'm not scared really. (dont be afraid to destroy my logic lol).


Hey I found this link from a Miami doc.

the meta results are cool.. whoo hoo & the phallo photo is good to.  it looks like the real thing :laugh: :icon_dance:

Posted on: February 12, 2008, 02:30:07 AM
u got all the info here.  nothin new yet


Quote from: Lane on January 25, 2008, 12:29:59 AM
THIS was recently posted in the FTM community on LJ (warning: Not Safe For Work) and I thought it was pretty interesting.

Now I am really liking this.. this looks really good!!! :D

My Doctor has had phallo and he says that its very good.. dont really want to see the results.. thats with the surgeons in the uk.. but to be honest as there is so much risks I am very intrigued about the thailand surgeon to be honest.. wonder how much it will actually cost..



Quote from: Chris on April 02, 2008, 02:38:39 AM
Hey I found this link from a Miami doc.

the meta results are cool.. whoo hoo & the phallo photo is good to.  it looks like the real thing

Example #9 (the one at the very bottom) looks really good. Fee's not bad, either. Hmmm. Florida's nice this time of year.
Lock up yer daughters.


Is example 9 meta or phallo?? It looks amazingly good! ;D



I think its a foto of testicle implants on a bio dude. but the dick is the real deal. it aint a meta or a phallo. >shrug<

