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(Graphic content) Photos of SRS performed by Dr. Suporn Watanyusakul in Thailand

Started by tinkerbell, May 25, 2007, 07:27:27 PM

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Rather interesting all in all; I think things like this should be required viewing for anyone even remotely considering such :p

I would never make it as a surgeon, but it sure is interesting what can be done.

Thank you Tink (=

By the by, the imagery is just a normal SRS procedure with no compilations and stuff.


Quote from: Kimberly on May 25, 2007, 08:38:09 PM
Rather interesting all in all; I think things like this should be required viewing for anyone even remotely considering such :p

I would never make it as a surgeon, but it sure is interesting what can be done.

Thank you Tink (=

I agree Kim, and you're very welcome! :)

tink :icon_chick:


Dear Tink,

Thank you for your many educational threads!

If I understood the article this patient had a post-op vaginal depth of 6.5 inches which increased with dilation to 7.5 inches (19 cm).  That seemed impressive.

Thanks again.


Laura Eva B

Just read this thread ....

All I can say is that if my five month post-op result had looked remotely like this patients I would have been devastated  :( ... positively among the very worst of SRS outcomes I've seen (apart from a few other Suporn results) !

Sooo absolutely and horrendously ugly .... and a million miles from any natal female.

And 4 hours recommended daily dilation even at six months !

It just rests my case that cosmetically Suporn is easily the worst of the "name" surgeons .... I'm still looking for independent links to "pretty" Suporn outcomes that might substantiate his claimed status as the "best" !

Guess the only reason to go to Suporn is that he requires no "letters" or referrals, and pretty much operates on demand if you have the cash.

Those who've seen my own result will know what can be achieved by a decent (North American) surgeon ....

Laura x



What does being in North America have to do with being decent?


Quote from: Wendy on May 25, 2007, 09:36:30 PM
Dear Tink,

Thank you for your many educational threads!

If I understood the article this patient had a post-op vaginal depth of 6.5 inches which increased with dilation to 7.5 inches (19 cm).  That seemed impressive.

Thanks again.


I thought so too, Wendy.  I mean, most sugeons go for what it is considered normal in a genetic female (4 1/2 to 5 inches). 
Now, regarding the photographs....I have to agree with Laura Eva, the results don't look anything like mine and I have only been post-op for five months; however,  I wonder how old the photographs are..  ???

tink :icon_chick:

Laura Eva B

Just making the point that N American surgeons can deliver results as good and often way better than their Thai counterparts ... and the cost of Suporn is on par with most US, Canadian, European surgeons.

Just love someone to back me up that the SRS result posted in the link is absolutely horrendous, the poor woman has been butchered, and is enough to put anyone off surgery.

Laura x

P.S. Tink,

Who was your surgeon, and do you feel your result looks way better than in the posted link ?


Quote from: Laura Eva B on June 08, 2007, 08:51:18 PM
P.S. Tink,

Who was your surgeon, and do you feel your result looks way better than in the posted link ?

Dr. Toby Meltzer was my surgeon, and yes, my results look waaaaaaayyyyy better than the photographs.  My mom says that no one could ever tell that my vagina is not natal.  ;)

tink :icon_chick:


The problem with Suporn is that his method is more complex which leads to longer dilation times and also more possibility of mucho problems; the method has more inherent risks. If you know that from the start and you go there then its OK. If you go to him because he's the only choice (no letters), then your taking a blind risk.

I prefer my surgeon to be consistent then to hit one out of the park once in a while.

I've seen how Brassard was for my FFS. I showed him all sorts of nose to show him how I'd like mine and he bluntly said to me that for each type of original nose, he had a basic way of feminizing it, that if he tried to customize this, the risk of variance from results would be higher. He said he'd give me a classic female nose with the best modern esthetics (not the O nose, which is NOT the classical nose, the bridge is too low and its proportion don't relate to other facial proportions, its the forced bridge height that dictates it).

He said he had the same view of SRS, increasing the risk of variant suboptimal results esthetically and funtionally for slightly better cosmetic results would not be worth it. He's got a very streamlined method of doing things; he's a very systematic man.

In rhinoplasty, there are doctors which are like clockwork while others that are very well known have some fantastic results and a very good PR machine, but in general run a big risk of really messing up your nose. On the internet, there are many patients with cautionary tales about these doctors who often are well known and are very good at selling themselves; but, all the lucky patients who did not get the bad results are defending their doctor with rage.



I really do not think I would choose Dr. Suporn.  Not because of his location, but because I would not want to end up looking like this poor girl, who IMHO looks like a freak downstairs.

I don't really understand this statement:
"My choice of Dr. Suporn was made after considerable research of all the better-known surgeons performing SRS worldwide. An excellent overview of this landscape can be found at, where Dr. Suporn has by far the highest rating. "

Where are these ratings?



EeeeeK, horrid!  :o  Who is this surgeon?  hopefully he is not doing genital reconstruction anymore.  Poor lady.  Horrid, just horrid results.

Laura Eva B

Quote from: Ell on June 09, 2007, 04:28:39 PM
Aw C'mon!!!!

1st) did you see the last two pictures on the page, when she was actually healed? i think she looks very good. i mean, we're not talking candy apples here, ladies. we're talking about pu*** !
i have seen a few of them over the years, and if there's one thing they all have in common, it's an aspect i'd have to call naughty. (that's a good thing). and this girl's has really got a naughty look, ok?

2nd) if you've got links to SRS pics which you think are so much better, why not post the links?

3rd) the only thing that was really painful for me to see, was that sweet girl with male glands. Ugh! (i just hate testes). now she's got rid of all that T, she looks great, and apparently everything is working out for her. Yay for her!!!!

Ell ... just Google "Anne Lawrence" .... gives you a broad overview of what SRS results look like (though you won't see any Suporn results there as he threatened litigation unless his pictures were removed !) .... and any of thousands of porn sites to give you an overview of the range of natal vaginas (sure threy're all cute 18 - 20 somethings ... not mature women ... but it gives a pretty good idea of the variation in genetic females).

My own result is 1000% better than that Suporn result, and in a less than sober moment I briefly put pics up in the "post-op only" section of this site .... but no way am I prepared to share my results in open forum .... only with women who are comitted to having SRS and who are genuinely considering Brassard.

Tink, Kristi, Yvonne and I think Keira agree with me as to how "horrible" the posted result looks (all pics were taken in a time frame of 5 minutes - check the date stamping). 

Its hard I guess to say why the result looks so bad ... maybe its the wide open "gaping hole - ski slope" for a vagina, that pink & white mass above it (what's that all about ?), and a general appearance that looks like a "splayed and sewn" down penis ... all Suporn trademarks. 

As to "hating testes" and male bits.... well actually I find them quite cute, especially when they're on a potential sexual partner  ;) !

P.S. ... Tink, my mum saw my result at just two weeks, and regularly watched the healing progress during my my dilations in the ten "recovery" weeks I spent with her and dad.  Yes she came into my bedroom to bring coffee and to chat to alleviate the tedium of dilation.  She was absolutely amazed at how good it all looked and worked (having feared the worst for my outcome) and sees Brassard as a genius  :) ....

Laura x


Quote from: Laura Eva B on June 09, 2007, 06:16:36 PM

Tink, Kristi, Yvonne and I think Keira agree with me as to how "horrible" the posted result looks (all pics were taken in a time frame of 5 minutes - check the date stamping). 

Laura x

I do too.  The pickies are utterly horrid.  I'd never go to Thailand for my GRS.  I know a few girls who have spent thousands of euros trying to fix the mess left by Thai surgeons.  If they were French surgeons, their license would have been revoked a long time ago.  I'm still undecided about my GRS surgeon, but one thing is certain, I'll have it done in Canada or the States.  Dr. Brassard, Dr. Bowers and Dr. Meltzer are on my list.


I looked at the pictures and I have some video clips as well. The surgery doesn't scare me in the least. I don't think some gorey pics are going to scare anyone who really needs to have this done. So, I'll agree with Tink and say they should be required viewing for anyone thinking about SRS.
While the results in the pics aren't esthetically pleasing. they're certainly much better than what I'm stuck with for the time being. Fortunately, I've already been in contact with Marcie Bowers and hope to be scheduled soon.

Karen Lyn

Laura Eva B

Quote from: KarenLyn on June 09, 2007, 07:33:22 PM
I looked at the pictures and I have some video clips as well. The surgery doesn't scare me in the least. I don't think some gorey pics are going to scare anyone who really needs to have this done. So, I'll agree with Tink and say they should be required viewing for anyone thinking about SRS.
While the results in the pics aren't esthetically pleasing. they're certainly much better than what I'm stuck with for the time being. Fortunately, I've already been in contact with Marcie Bowers and hope to be scheduled soon.

Karen Lyn

Thought the obvious choice in the US was between Meltzer and Brassard ....

With Chettawut and Sanguan in Thailand (and possibly Perovic in Serbia - an unknown genius ?) the surgeons so obviously so much better than the best available in the UK.

Marcie's training and credentials as a surgeon rather worry me !

And her "aftercare" arrangements ruled her out for me (as did certain serious allegations about her "fitness to practice", which might be quite untrue, but which I guess we all know about).

Laura x


I'm not familiar with Dr Brassard's prices, but Dr Bowers was, the last time I checked, more than $4000 less than Dr Meltzer. Travel is also a consideration since I expect to be driving. I also have friends who have had SRS done by Dr Bowers and the results were fantastic. But when it comes right down to it, I don't care what I will look like down there as long as it's done.

Karen Lyn

Laura Eva B

Quote from: KarenLyn on June 09, 2007, 08:34:19 PM
I'm not familiar with Dr Brassard's prices, but Dr Bowers was, the last time I checked, more than $4000 less than Dr Meltzer. Travel is also a consideration since I expect to be driving. I also have friends who have had SRS done by Dr Bowers and the results were fantastic. But when it comes right down to it, I don't care what I will look like down there as long as it's done.

Karen Lyn

Brassard is $16,000 US (a snip in more ways than one   :)  !).

I cared soooo ABSOLUTELY about the cosmetics, sensitivity & orgasmic capability, and functionallity of my result ....

And wasn't dissapointed !

(and what is $4k, a month or two's savings ?  You don't price a "life changing" op in the way you would a new car ? .... and as to driving back home post-op, are you crazy ?? )

Laura x


Not everyone has a nice career and income. $4000 a couple months savings? Try 4 years. I'm tired of waiting. I've been saving for 10 years and I'm long past ready to be complete. As for driving post-op, I had a spinal fusion last december and was up and walking the same day. I'll stay in Trinidad and recuperate long enough to be able to make the trip.
And what makes you an expert on what's right for someone else?

My 2ยข

Karen Lyn