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question on counseling

Started by Kellsie, May 21, 2007, 01:12:29 PM

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Hi ladies, Kira here, long time no been here just got my computer back.  This question is for Susan.  Susan, I have been desiring to be a woman for over...well quite a few years.  I have started seeing a counselor for this, as I feel I am always depressed.  Is being depressed normal for those who are trying to transition?  I know being lonely is.  However this community has always been supportive.  I really hate being a man.  I don't know what type of questions to ask this counselor or where to go from here and I have just had my first session last month next one is on the 29th of this month, what if anything should I tell him or ask him?
Smile, everyone will wonder what you are up to.


I will be honest.  Everything you are feeling is normal when many of us start out therapy.
Be honest with the therapist about your feelings!  If the therapist never dealt with somebody was transgender, they will send you to a specialist. 
Sometimes the depression is also clinical, it really is the nature of the depression.  If you know it is directly related to your gender identity issues you will start to feel better once you start transitioning.  But depression related to your gender identity issues is VERY normal. 

Also you should start discussing your gender identity as soon as possible.  Ask your therapist if they are familiar with the six edition of the standards of care, if need be bring in a copy with you. 

Emily Ivy

Being depressed is completely normal in this case, I suppose. At first when I realised that I'm TS I became happy, because I had a path to follow, but on the other side I felt even more like an alien to society.  I found out what transition means and it scared me. I visited my first therapist, but she turned out to be impostor and I was in despair for awhile.

I agree with Amy, it is very important to let this problem vent out. Find a therapist, look for local support groups, talk about it with your best friends, if possible.



Amy what are the six edition of the standard of care? I really appreciate you two, and I don't really have any friends that I can tell.  That is why I turned to the internet as I need friends; At least friends that understand me.  I almost feel abandoned by friends and family, at the same time I feel scared, but I also want to just be accepted for who I really am.  I long to just seems like such a long road, but I know it will be worth it in the end.  If anyone wants to IM me or e-mail me my e address is or aol im EMTcurtis.
Smile, everyone will wonder what you are up to.


Kira, I'll send you my copy of the 6th edition of the SOC(Standards of Care) in pdf format. It is the guide which most therapists and doctors use when working with TG people.




When I got thrown in the psych unit they diagnosed me with GID and depression.  Depression is often caused by the rejection of being trans, hatred of your body, etc. Often goes hand in hand. I was initially in there for 'self mutilation behavior' but when I talked to the shrink the first thing I said was making me depressed was being stuck in the wrong body. I guess that's a good place to start. Went from there talking about stuff related to that.



For the SOC, see also our fancy dancy wiki (=
(The wiki has quite a lot of other neat information as well.)

P.s. Yes depression is quite normal unfortunately. It is flabbergasting just how much this mismatch can mess things up. Quite fascinating really, in a morbid sort of way.

An you know doll, if you are (a M2F) transsexual you are NOT a man, rather a GIRL with a physical deformity. That is an important bit there; We have NEVER BEEN MALE! We have, however, done practically anything to try and fit in. Anyway one of the things we almost always tend to do is build up a façade that we present to the world; THAT is a 'male' mask (I would think it is the same for the guys but I am unsure), but it is not who we are. It is a strange setup but obvious once you get past it.


Rhonda the pdf file was damaged, and I was unable to open it.  If you would be so kind as to try and send it again maybe to the e-mail here or try again to my hotmail address.  Thanks, Kira
Smile, everyone will wonder what you are up to.


***ADVISORY** This is purely based on my own opinion and experiences.

Unfortunately depression and transition seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly. Although this is considered normal, it is not always the case. I, for one, did not fall into this path of destruction. I had an enjoyable time and look back on as one of the most enlightening times of my life. Anger, depression, misery all of these feelings and emotions come from not having what we want at any given moment. So instead of simply accepting where we are at any point in time, we blame the world around us and use gender as our scapegoat.

When I made the choice that I was eventually going to transition I was on active duty in the Marine Corps and had several years before I would even consider making any changes in my life. By the general consensus, i should have been in a world of self-pity and misery until I left the Marines. That wasn't the case at all though. I had some mild anxiety from time to time in regards to being caught or outed but that usually passed relatively fast.

I began writing a journal. This was my therapy since there was no way I could tell uncle sam i prefer heels to combat boots. Writing in my journal helped me organize my thoughts and clear my mind. I eventually did see a therapist but only because it is the only way I could get a letter of diagnosis telling everyone what I already knew. My sessions basically consisted of me reciting the same stuff I had wrote in my journal. There was no magical question and answer session between my therapist and myself at all.

After this experience I got to thinking about the entire process of transgender care. I began to question whether we are depressed because we are transgender or because we are made to feel like crap by a system that ensures it always has a steady income. I am not alone in my thoughts on this either. I have friends who feel the same way as i do on this subject. One friend was put on HRT and the estrogen put them into a state of depression so the therapist then put them on Prozac. Now they are hooked on it.

I don't think being transgender on any level has to be a life of angst, depression, or hatred of the life we live. So many of us go through the motions and "transition" but still live with so much repressed anger, resentment, and rage for our pasts. Why is this? Isn't the end all solution to our misery supposed to become the gender we want to be? If this is the case then why are so many "transitioned" people still an emotional train wreck? Was it the therapist not doing the proper evaluation and not giving the proper care? Is it that we have learned what to say to get our letters and we don't really get the treatment for what is really bringing us discomfort in our lives?

I think many of us rely on therapy to give us the answers that we could just as easily find ourselves. Since therapy is a necessary part of the legal process it easily becomes a crutch so many of us depend on for our validity and acceptance. So, when it come to finding the right therapist or asking the right questions, I think if we take a good look inside, we will find the answers to that we seek.

This is my $.02


I too have started a journal and that seems to help a little bit.  I don't think however that the Doc hasn't done his job rather the latter, that we aren't being honest with him or her.  I really want to just be able to be honest with someone and be me.  I mean, I hate having this thing between my legs.  I want so bad to just...I want to look like the picture on my profile.  I want to have the long hair, the nicely shaped eye brows the pretty makeup, I want to have guys flirt with me, I want to be fussed over.  I am just so tired of all the social and political bs that I can hardly stand it.  However there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Smile, everyone will wonder what you are up to.