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Shaving or Nair

Started by KaylaW, December 12, 2012, 12:48:24 AM

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Yes. For me, facial hair would be the first on my list. I'm not proficient enough with makeup yet to hide the shadow.  And sadly I never see myself being able to transition. 


Ugh I hate facial hair. So itchy and unflattering! I have tried numerous things to make it go away, but shaving with a blade is what works best for me. I tried removal creams and waxing, but the result wasn't worth the discomfort. Waxing especially made my face mad. Nair anywhere else on my body doesn't do much and burns my skin.

This is my next investment. These get fab reviews and are designed only for the body.

Good luck, and I'm sure you can pass! There are days I feel like I can't, but being referred to as a lady in Frederick's makes me rethink!
Just another girl screaming to be herself.


I've tried the Nair for the face but i have very sensitive skin and it did burn me. That being said I use it everywhere else and it is very good. I guess it is something you will have to just experiment with and see what works for you. We are all different and have to find what works for each of us.

"Only in Love are unity and duality not in conflict"

Quote by Rabindranath Tagore


hmmm... i will not prefer either... because shaving makes your hair little bit coarse and Nair may cause burning sensation. Go for laser or waxing, laser can be little bit expensive but it is worth as you won't have to bother for hair for next few months.. waxing is also good but can be painful, i remember my first time literally a cry came out of my mouth but its benifit is long term effect and also the hair which will grow will be smoother and can easily be waxed out.


I tried Nair one time and never again. Burned liek hell and didn't even git rid of the hair.

