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The All New 'Before & After Topic (v 2.0)

Started by Jennygirl, July 01, 2013, 03:41:32 AM

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Gee Golly people! What heck did I miss? I happy this video is connecting with people. It's very humbling for me to have these positive responses.
Listen guys, I'm sorry about the responses here, I tried to respond to every post with a quote in all one single post but I seem to be having issues with that, so please forgive me until I figure out a way around it, unless someone here knows what I'm messing up, please?!

Ummm The Trans Am I had. I sold it last September. It was a total nightmare actually. I dumped a lot of money into that slug and never really got the satisfaction I wanted back from it.
But there are some times I wish I was sitting in it on the free way when some Snob in a Ferrari pulls up next to me. lol I had some interesting reactions with that thing, especially from the crotch rocket boys.
It made 1200hp on medium boost, High boost and a larger exhaust housing, it may be able to push about 1500hp, and the original turbo for that motor (promod 94mm) it would probably make 1800hp easy.
That wheelie with all 4 wheels off the ground caused about 14K of damage. :(, then I had a horrible fire the next year. I spent 28 months in Afghanistan paying for that silly car. (Pix are on my FB page and videos there as well as my YT.
Thanks for the compliments...

As For my Trans*Formation Dicepticon Skillz that I may posses....

I didn't start HRT or Full Time until Jan 1st (Fulltime) Jan 6 (HRT).
The first two pictures of me (Sona) when I first came out was roughly 4-6 weeks before Jan 1st.
My biggest ally in this was myself and other positive people around me.
I spent nearly 11 years researching peoples transitions before this, so I knew what I kinda wanted to do as far as who to tell first, and how to relay this awesome info to my Mother. lol
Diet, Excericise aside... Another Major help for me was no giving a >-bleeped-< about the negative energy around me as a very not attractive Trans woman.
This^^ allowed me to try tons of different makeup techniques and outfits. ( BE FLUID, constantly change your look, even if you're comfortable with it)
I learned to DRESS YOUR AGE. (That was pretty big)... I'm 31, not 13.... So the Hello Kitty attire slowly found it's way to my donation bin or for house wear shortly after going fulltime.
Yes there are some grown up 40-50 year old genetic women who still go out wearing powder puff girl back packs and 6" glass heels... But people are going to tend to not take you seriously regardless of her actually being a cis female. So dressing against your obvious situation was obviously not helping me get things done. But everyone knows this I think.
I learned that if you're gonna dress and present as the woman that you are, (NO MATTER HOW LITTLE YOU PASS), if you look appropriate, which I quickly learned to do, you should ALWAYS use the women's room no matter what! Using the mens room is simply drawing far too much Neg energy to you, and you're putting yourself at risk... and peeing in the ally way is what drunk high school girls do....
My voice used to be pretty bad, I slowly started changing it by voice coaching. It's still a work in progress as everything will be, but I have it to the point to where its not a clue for 95%.
People looked, starred, and even laughed, but I always tried to keep my cool, and forget about them.

I want this world to understand this community and that we cannot have labels put on us.
In order to do that, they need to be educated and learn to respect our situation/blessing, yes?
So, everywhere I went, I pretended to be an Ambassador for the Transgender Community.
Yes, that's right. If I wasn't passing, then I'm going to take advantage of it. People knew! Hands down! So, I used that to my favour.
They're watching me, they may not even know, that I know, they know, ya know? lol sorry I had to.
In doing this, I could at least try set an example for society, let them see that we are not all "Freaks", that we have manners, intellect, love, and compassion.
Why not? I'm not passing at this point, so screw it. No standing and peeing, no yelling like a >-bleeped-<. If I'm a Lady then I should actually act like one, right?
That idea really helped. It's wasn't until my 7-8 month mark that I started to actually, "pass". I didn't even realize it, why people were looking, I didn't take into consideration that some may be looking because they actually find me attractive. But at this point, I truly didn't care if I did pass or ever. Life is a challenge, so Bring it!

Sorry guys, gotta go to bed, I have an Math Exam in like 7 hours. lol


Oh my gosh, Sona, I'm speechless. Your video was very well done, and really inspiring. So happy for you. :)
Trying to figure myself out, one day at a time, and hoping it's true that 40 is the new 20. ;)


Quote from: kiara jamie on January 28, 2014, 07:15:57 PM
so i found two pictures that are in close relation to eachother in angle and colour,

my before was in 2006

and my after is 2014

looking at the pictures i can barely see any change with an 8 year difference, am i incapable of aging? and im 9 months hrt, it looks like the only difference is hair length, eyebrow trimming and maybe fuller cheeks

You look terrific in both pics.... just the gender changed! Ya, I don't see any aging affect, we should all be so lucky.

Very pretty.  :)

QuoteGee Golly people! What heck did I miss?

I do believe people are having a hard time reconciling your two looks. Your video is very well done as well and you're commentary in it obviously comes from your heart, very nice. You look great, more important... you look so much happier.  :)

Just Shelly

Quote from: Sona~TS on January 30, 2014, 12:09:32 AM

I learned to DRESS YOUR AGE. (That was pretty big)... I'm 31, not 13.... So the Hello Kitty attire slowly found it's way to my donation bin or for house wear shortly after going fulltime.
Yes there are some grown up 40-50 year old genetic women who still go out wearing powder puff girl back packs and 6" glass heels... But people are going to tend to not take you seriously regardless of her actually being a cis female. So dressing against your obvious situation was obviously not helping me get things done. But everyone knows this I think.
I learned that if you're gonna dress and present as the woman that you are, (NO MATTER HOW LITTLE YOU PASS), if you look appropriate, which I quickly learned to do, you should ALWAYS use the women's room no matter what! Using the mens room is simply drawing far too much Neg energy to you, and you're putting yourself at risk... and peeing in the ally way is what drunk high school girls do....
My voice used to be pretty bad, I slowly started changing it by voice coaching. It's still a work in progress as everything will be, but I have it to the point to where its not a clue for 95%.
People looked, starred, and even laughed, but I always tried to keep my cool, and forget about them.

I want this world to understand this community and that we cannot have labels put on us.
In order to do that, they need to be educated and learn to respect our situation/blessing, yes?
So, everywhere I went, I pretended to be an Ambassador for the Transgender Community.

Sorry guys, gotta go to bed, I have an Math Exam in like 7 hours. lol

First off I think your story is aspiring!!!!

But I do think some of what you show is glamifying transsexuals and trivializing something that really isn't a hobby or a life style but more something that is done in desperation to be happy with who we have always felt we were. You do tell this story but some f the pics tell another one.

The only reason I say this stems from what I seen in a few pics I seen in a earlier post. I noticed some ambiguous poses and I also noticed what looked like your penis showing in one. This is fine, you have the right to post whatever pics you want, but if we are to be taken seriusly and respected I don't think it can happen if some of what is seen could be classified as porn.

Please don't take my response to mean I think badly of you! This is not the case, in fact I would of loved to show your story to my children but after viewing much of it I thought better. I wish I wouldn't have!


Quote from: Just Shelly on January 30, 2014, 11:04:52 PM
First off I think your story is aspiring!!!!

But I do think some of what you show is glamifying transsexuals and trivializing something that really isn't a hobby or a life style but more something that is done in desperation to be happy with who we have always felt we were. You do tell this story but some f the pics tell another one.

The only reason I say this stems from what I seen in a few pics I seen in a earlier post. I noticed some ambiguous poses and I also noticed what looked like your penis showing in one. This is fine, you have the right to post whatever pics you want, but if we are to be taken seriusly and respected I don't think it can happen if some of what is seen could be classified as porn.

Please don't take my response to mean I think badly of you! This is not the case, in fact I would of loved to show your story to my children but after viewing much of it I thought better. I wish I wouldn't have!

I'm very glad you find my story inspiring, especially after seeing your interpretation of it.
It's not about anything that is degradable, meaning (anything materialistic or physical).  I could truly care less, if right this minute,  I passed or not.
It's about truly accepting yourself without this very skewed image of the stereotypical standard of "Beauty" that society fabricates for us and then sells to us. It's all in YOUR head.
I changed my TOTAL lifestyle around to match the way I felt I should as a Woman. Pass or not pass, I wanted to live past 40. I wanted to stop eating garbage.
I believe my mental state positively increased the more as I learned about my new way of life while NOT PASSING as a female. I didn't care. The Sona from day1 is equally as beautiful as Sona now.
I never thought I would pass. So I simply learned to pass for myself on the inside and love myself, and respect my new identity. That is far more important than passing hands down.
I wanted to reach new levels of understanding. Yoga opened my eyes.
Society mean nothing to me. This video could be deleted from every web site in the world right now because I know that I have reached out and truly connected with at least 2 people who needed. (That was the point of the video in the first place).
I find it hard to reflect my emotions and intentions through a internet video. I had to use some music, my words and images to explain my story in a timely manner that was compelling and vibrant enough to keep people from switching to something else.
My physical changes are just physical............. Hold on.... Let me say that one more time for you,
My physical changes are just physical. I could get hit by a bus 60 years or 60 mins from now. My body will start to decompose in 6 weeks, my implants with simply fall off, and all the physical changes that I have made in my short life would mean nothing at least to me.

What actually does mean something to me is that for 443 days of my 31 years on this planet were at least genuine. That's all that matters to me.
With me embracing and accepting my self with my eyes closed shut from this fake world, I had already won my own battle.
My eyes open up into the bathroom mirror and I see my temporary shell that will represent me until it dies off and becomes nothing.
As I look at my body, I (As Sona, not HIM, but me finally), I simply said that I love my self. I'm beautiful, but I still want to make some changes and not just to change my appearance but to be the woman I have always been.

I hope you're still paying attention to this, because it is going somewhere I think....

I started burning candles, and listening to classical music. I discovered that I love to paint and draw, and do yoga. I learned that I really didn't want to smoke cigarettes anymore, etc etc and so and so on.... So, my sipirit was happy for that. The lifestyle, the mountain biking, the diet and outlook, everything changed... everything inside, and I did it only for that, not my parents, my friends, just me, not even the look in the mirror. Just my soul and spirit.......................

The drastic changes that happened inside my mind began to reflect on this temporary, physical, degradable, decomposable BODY.
It was all just icing my make own cake, a cake that I baked just for me, not society.  Not you, not Katy Perry or Fashion magazine, but me.

I felt the best parallel to showcase my internal/MENTAL transition, was to use the reflected bi-product of my physical transition, since, ya know, that is what everyone else seems so focused on around here.

Nose jobs, boob jobs, foot jobs, stomach jobs, hand jobs, heart and mind jobs, whatever you want to say..... None of it matters to me. If people thought I looked horrible, that's their mistake.  My boobs, and or weight loss do not make my mind. My smile will be just as wide if I looked downward and saw them missing. They're nice to have, sure. Lots of women like their breasts. But they do not make me a woman. My mind does. PERIOD. END OF STORY.
Others can focus and simple, primitive things like boobies, finger nail polish, and long hair as a benchmark in their womanhood, not me. Only if I, and I only want those things.

I think porn is great. It's natural, it's ancient, it's exciting for many. I don't watch much of it, but I don't judge any one for what they choose for a career or the types of movies they watch, or the type of thoughts they may or may not have. I just don't care. lol
I don't care if people are perverted at times, it happens. People are so insecure with things that do not matter.

My penis means nothing to me... ABSOLUTELY nothing. I would prefer a Vagina, but again, does , me having my vagina make me more of a women now than I was pre-op?    Umm  NEGATRON my friend. It does NOT! To you or anyone else, sure, maybe, perhaps, I don't really care. lol

This is all just my own thought that makes me ME. So I'm not wrong and you could be right....

I had a girlfriend who liked to wear bikinis at the beach....
I asked her why she liked to wear them thangs?
She said it made her feel more feminine and sexy, crap, at least she honest.

I have a bikini of my very own. Why? Because it has a funny print on it and it makes ME feel even more feminine than I already do. PERIOD
I have picture of me wearing it.
I had an idea of using it to compare my parallel reflection of my metal transition to the static photo of "Him" or Kimbo Slice before.
I mean, That's the whole idea, right??????????????????????????????????????????

Are you with me?

I didn't post that bikini picture because I wanted my friends (both current and past who never let go of "him"), to view it and NOT feel too uncomfortable.
Why, Women wear bikinis everyday. I see it on the front pages of magazines on the bathroom floor of my Mom's church... So what.. Is it porn to you? Maybe, sounds like it could. I don't care either. lol
I chose the last comparison pic because it was simple and physically revealing  and I didn't feel the need to have my friends view me in a thong bikini just to show the physical change.
So, I picked that so perhaps as you say "PORN"  photo to use, my mom and I both thought it would be more appropriate, and I wanted to have my genitals region covered. I could have used a sports illustrated (swim suit edition) to cover it up, but I used my hands instead.

Sorry you interpreted the video it the way you did. I think if you actually knew me you wouldn't have a doubt. But you don't.

So yea. bottom line is... If you think its porn... Then maybe to you it is. Maybe that's how you view it. I'm not sure where you're mind is wondering when you stop, and take moment to look at that image. If you think it is, than go for it. Here's a box of tissues!  You'll be the very first person to bring that term or even the idea up after several hundred people I know personally seeing it. I have heard it's "revealing" though by one person.... I ask her if she meant my entire video or just the material flesh decomposing in it?

I hope this helps you. If not, oh well. :)

Thank you for the compliments to did give me! :) I do appreciate it.

Just Shelly

Quote from: Jenelle327 on January 31, 2014, 05:00:59 PM
^^^ Checkmate :D
I never checked!! Just voiced an that's not to favorable in the TS circles though!

Never Ever did I say your video was PORN!! Just some parts could be CLASSIFIED as possibly soft porn!

and the few times I do wear a bikini or even a dress for that matter is because I wanted to look good and yes, sexy....but I thought that was wrong for me to feel when I first went FT....something I struggled with my first year FT. I have come to find out this is why many women wear certain makes us feel good about ourselves. Could VS be in existence if it relied only on the sales from men!!

and yes you look damn sexy!!

I think some of my thinking is still stuck with me thinking I or anyone trans is not allowed to look sexy....I don't believe I do this purposely but I think it shows up at times.

One minute I look at myself and say damn can rock those skinny jeans and the next minute I'm thinking oh should I be dressing like that! Thankfully I think more in the prior and don't limit myself on dressing choices just because I am trans....I must be doing something right, I have had many compliments from women and men on how I dress.


Quote from: Sona~TS on January 31, 2014, 04:49:11 PM
Thank you for the compliments to did give me! :) I do appreciate it.

Hey girl, quite a fantastic to see the power of truth and then the power of few tiny pills, give life and transform otherwise existence into a blooming wonderful life. I too have taken the green pill (matrix pun intended lol) and found out how deep does the rabbit hole go!!!
It isn't easy, or rather near impossible, but with a bit of love and perseverance anything is possible.

Go Girl!

PS. I did sent you a friend request via fb :-)


Quote from: Sona~TS on January 31, 2014, 04:49:11 PM
The drastic changes that happened inside my mind began to reflect on this temporary, physical, degradable, decomposable BODY.
It was all just icing my make own cake, a cake that I baked just for me, not society. 

As much as i pray for a body like yours one day, the biggest prayer for me is to have such a strong acceptance and resolve for myself as you have for you.

thats what i love about your story the most :) the joy that occurs in your mind that is reflected everywhere else.

much love :)


Wow Sona!!! You are like night and day. :D

This month will be 3 years of HRT, fighting tooth and nail for my transition and everything that goes with it. From rejecting family to being homeless to lobbying for a transgender inclusive ENDA and Immigration reform, I think I have weathered fairly well. I mean, I'm still alive and fighting, right?
If I can go from this:

(Happy isn't he? :P)

to this:

Then it was worth all the crap I've been through.


Quote from: Keaira Raine on February 01, 2014, 04:27:36 AM
Wow Sona!!! You are like night and day. :D

This month will be 3 years of HRT, fighting tooth and nail for my transition and everything that goes with it. From rejecting family to being homeless to lobbying for a transgender inclusive ENDA and Immigration reform, I think I have weathered fairly well. I mean, I'm still alive and fighting, right?
If I can go from this:

(Happy isn't he? :P)

to this:

Then it was worth all the crap I've been through.

You look absolutely marvelous! That's a pretty amazing transition:)
Only a dark cocoon before I get my gorgeous wings and fly away
Only a phase, these dark cafe days

Calder Smith

Quote from: Sona~TS on January 29, 2014, 02:20:54 PM
You guys are too kind.

It's not fully polished yet, but this is my Male to Female Transition Timeline video and 1 year HRT video
(This video is for motivational purposes only) :D

Please put on your best pair of head phones and turn it up about half way through....

Wow. I'm a FTM but this is truly inspirational. Great transition. :)
Manchester United diehard fan.


Quote from: Mr Hockey on February 01, 2014, 12:19:32 PM
Wow. I'm a FTM but this is truly inspirational. Great transition. :)

It's encouraging to everyone to know that it's possible to realize your dreams if you have the desire and drive!


Quote from: Keaira Raine on February 01, 2014, 04:27:36 AM
This month will be 3 years of HRT, fighting tooth and nail for my transition and everything that goes with it. From rejecting family to being homeless to lobbying for a transgender inclusive ENDA and Immigration reform, I think I have weathered fairly well. I mean, I'm still alive and fighting, right?

Keaira, you look wonderful :)

I love the new avatar!


Quote from: Gwynne on February 01, 2014, 06:00:00 PM
Keaira, you look wonderful :)

I love the new avatar!

That makes two of us, and she does look terrific!


Quote from: Gwynne on February 01, 2014, 06:00:00 PM
Keaira, you look wonderful :)

I love the new avatar!
Quote from: Shantel on February 01, 2014, 06:18:39 PM
That makes two of us, and she does look terrific!

Thank you ^_^ It's not as impressive a transformation as Sona's, lol. BUT, I'm fairly happy so far. I think I did this to prove to myself that I was okay. I spent 2 days being called by male pronouns during the move out of my apartment and a good friend and a trans woman herself had called me "Sir" at one point. I was so hurt and angry.

Here is how my hair is cut. I've wanted this style for a very long time and it actually looks good on me. ^_^

I would like Breast augmentation though because the women on my Mother's side are generally tiny.

oh hai!

I see no signs of this "sir" anywhere, but we'll keep looking for him  ??? ...

You look very glamorous Keaira, don't sweat the small stuff.



I am in agreement with you, your hair style is perfect for you. Love the dress, you are looking really Beautiful!
We are made of star stuff - Carl Sagan
Express Yourself
Own your zone


Quote from: oh hai! on February 01, 2014, 10:37:31 PM
I see no signs of this "sir" anywhere, but we'll keep looking for him  ??? ...

You look very glamorous Keaira, don't sweat the small stuff.

Thank you. :) When I do, I dont worry about it for long.

Oh and if you find "him..", Please give him my thanks for protecting me until I could stand on my own feet. ^_^

Quote from: Jamiep on February 01, 2014, 11:41:26 PM

I am in agreement with you, your hair style is perfect for you. Love the dress, you are looking really Beautiful!


Thank you. btw, thats a lovely dress you are wearing in your avatar. I love that style myself. :)


Ok so i know it hasnt been that long since my last photo. however here we go now im only 2 and a half months in. what do you think?


Post 2months

---Content is not being happy with what you want, but being happy with what you have.---

---2014, New Year, New Me---

---screw being the black sheep, be the rainbow sheep its more fun---
