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Help!! Hair advice?

Started by BaileyC, August 24, 2013, 01:04:34 AM

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I'm getting a haircut tomorrow and right now I'm stuck with an androgynous/slightly masculine hairstyle. I'm in need some advice on how I could get it cut and styled to frame my face in a much more feminine way. I don't want to take too much length off. This is what my hair currently looks like: Pictures of styles that would suite my face would be very appreciated. I realize that there is only so much that I can do with hair that length, but I need to do something about it. Thanks in advance :) Any advice will help greatly.

Jamie D

I am no sort of expert on haircuts, but I love your bright eyes and engaging smile!


Your hair is so cute! And you are very pretty.

I did a bit of a cop out, I just told my hairdressers to make me look as feminine and gorgeous as possible. They looked at me and said 'Free rein?'  Yep. They have been awesome!!!!

Ok my hair is little longer and not as thick, me fringe has gone to a geometric bias cut that touches my eyebrow on my right, is about an inch shorter at the centre of my left eyebrow with a straight line cut, from the left continues to fall full length to start to cwl my ear with a soft curve to the side of my head, the back is longer touching my collar, the sort curve on the left is mirrored on the right. I have dyed it dark auburn with light purple highlights to catch the light. I was grey so I needed colour!

Something like that might work? Or go on line and look for hair styles, there are hundreds.

Oh and I suggest that you forget the 'slightly masculine' comment :laugh:, no way do you look masculine!! You are a very feminine young woman!




Yes, the only person to really have this discussion with is your hair stylist. She/he can doubtless advise you of the best way to reach your goal there. I'm a bit confuses as to why you're getting your hair cut at all, though. You've got great looking hair and I think it would look fabulous in a below-shoulders length. Why don't you just do that?

~ Lyric ~
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs


@Lyric Oh don't worry I wasn't going to get the back cut at all :) I just want to have the layering changed up a bit and have my bangs slightly trimmed, because they're really heavy right now.


Heavy bangs, huh? You don't know how much a lot of envy you.
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs


You could always go for texture, my hair is kind of like your's (I'm letting it grow it out) but when I go and get my hair trimmed I just have her add texture which gives layers and then trim my bangs.


Wow- a total pass in that photo.   Cute!  ;D

Body... meet brain.  Now follow her lead and there will be no more trouble, you dig?



I'm a hair stylist and I don't really think you need it cut. It's more the style, I'd say part it higher on the head and unless you're growing out your bangs I'd have them less side swept. That way you'd be getting away from that androgynous look.

That being said you're very feminine looking even au natural. I think highlights would look really pretty on you and make your hairstyle more femme and put together. I think just that subtle touch will make your hair more feminine  8)
