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Need to Loose weight and change diet

Started by alexandria26, August 31, 2013, 10:24:49 PM

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i have been trying to loose weight does anyone know what foods to eat and what to avoid like the plauge am currently 306ish pounds


Track what food you eat and start walking every day. Once you know what you usually eat, plan your meals. Buy only what you need for a week or less. Plan the meals with smaller portions than you currently eat.


im also taking lipozene 30 mins before i eat


At that weight, unless you are very tall there is a problem.

Cut out sugar and processed foods, stop buying take away and start cooking. Eat less.

I realise it sounds silly but get used to being hungry. Fat people eat and fail diets because they feel hungry.

Look at what you want to achieve to be you. Forget the food, do you want to be you, the one you see?

Focus on that. It isn't easy but then nothing on this journey is.




I forgot one important thing, drink a lot of water. It fools you into thinking your tummy is full and that helps a lot. It also helps flush out bad stuff.


Hi Alexandria !

Logging your food and activities will keep you on track if you do it diligently. I used a website called It's free, it has support groups, you can get recipes ideas. I love the phone app that lets you scan the barcode of what you are eating and syncs it to your account. 

Little steps. you have a long road. Like lordKat said. Eat 5 or 6 small meals.
I use the Michi Ladder to make my meals it's a graet guideline:

It's hard, but once you get into a routine and see results you will feel great.

Good Luck and Walk Walk Walk. Water Water Water.  ;)


i have recently reduced my portion sizes and am active again walking almost 4 miles a day on the local trail just feels good to soak in a tub and shave after a long walk


I too need to lose weight. I'm a big girl and would like to lose 20 - 30 lbs. Drinking water and staying away from processed foods sounds like great advice. I feel it's important to eat healthy while cutting back on calories. I realize that eating less will not be a good feeling. Anything worth achieving requires work and commitment. To keep my sanity I think I'll eat whatever I want about one day per week.  ;)


I am currently 110 kg, I guess that is about 240 pounds at 174 cm size. Not good, so I need to loose more. I tried some things, what helped me most (I used to be at 120 kg) was to really cut down on carbohydrates, mainly sugars, wheat products and processed foods like french fries and such. This includes soft drinks (grapefruit is a great replacement - it can be diluted with lots of water and still have a good taste). I try to eat fruits and maybe nuts or such instead of more sugary snacks when there is a desire to snack. I cant say it is a miracle recipy, but at least I seem to have lost some pounds. Moving more helps me and oddly for me to get properly treated for my high blood pressure helped a lot as I am less tired and thus more active in general. Still I also need to go a long way - my desire is to get at least below 90, better to go to 80, which was about the weight I had 15 years ago when I started transition. (Damn the weight gain side effects of HRT and surgery - and those stupid antidepressants I did get for a while)

I tried, but they do not have that app for blackberry - I found no similar app for blackberry that can do the barcode scan and I am just too lazy to type in every food I eat manually, especially if it is "real food" consisting of 5 or more different parts.



i use runtastic to record my walks and myfitnesspal apps for iphone i also play the boxing game on the nitendo wii is lots of fun and gets you moving and sweating if you go at it long enough


always have some bananas in the house. eating one helps keep your sanity when you get too hungry. no matter how much i want cake and chocolate or other very bad things, by eating a banana i'll end up not being hungry any more and able to think clearly for long enough time to plan a healthier meal than fast food.

what's really hard is to cut out the rice. my favorite carbohydrates... but i'll only be that extreme until i've lost what is too much, then i can start making good curries again.


just got a wii fit today and tried yoga after completing the body test


Bananas sound like a good idea. I also like nuts, but they are dangerous as one tends to eat too many. Bananas are quite high calory too but not that bad if it is only one. Exercise is certainly a good thing, but I am not that good in that department. I tried swimming for 45 min every week last winter, but I did not loose a single pound from that. Yoga probably is more of a mobility thing than really about loosing weight, but I intend to do that if I manage to get a more regular job schedule and workplace. I could definitely use more mobility. Sadly for me jogging is out (not good for the joints if one is already too heavy), which is why I opted for swimming, but I guess I would have to do more of that. Hiking is something I like a lot, sadly that is not something that can be done after work really. That is the biggest problem I have with sports anyways - after 8 hours in the office or lab and an hour commuting I am tired and not at all in the mood to do anything - to get motivated at that time to go out and swim or bike - next to impossible ;) - so the main hurdle is mentally, I guess.



After srs I got married I settled into a rut and ballooned up. Many times I tried to diet, but it was just so hard and I gave up. About 18 months ago though I got really fed up and started dieting.....hard. I was so anal about what I ate it was ridiculous, and again I failed and gave up. I had however managed to make slight changes to my eating habits, and after a while I noticed I was actually losing weight without even trying O_O What I had done was to stop drinking soda, eating chips, candy, junk food and slightly decrease in portion size.

I didn't lose weight fast, but over time it really added up. May of this year I had gone down from 205lbs to 165lbs. I was pretty happy with 165, but to my surprise I still kept dropping and today I am at 149. I now have to put in a real effort not to lose any more weight. In fact I'm trying to gain a little back, but it's proving to be just as hard as it was to lose it in the first place.

Losing weight is all about adjusting habits and being patient. Don't expect miracles over night, because if you do you'll be disappointed and give up even before you've gotten started.

Having lost all the extra weight I feel amazing. Not just because I look better and way more feminine, but rather because of how I feel. I put on the weight after srs, and when it first happened I experienced a sudden and serious drop in energy. Everything was such an overwhelming task. Just walking up a flight of stairs felt like a huge struggle. At first I thought it was because of my srs and because I was getting old or something. Today I'm as bouncy as I was in my 20s and I feel fantastic. My migraines are even gone. Only drawback is that most of my wardrobe now fit me about as well as a burlap sack with holes cut out for arms and legs :)
"Of course!"


Sounds awesome Maria, I'd not be unhappy about dropping the wardrobe I have now due to such a weight loss :D ;) - but I think your recipe is quite good. Every time I actually managed to loose some weight, it was because I stopped drinking soda and stopped eating sugary stuff - even if I did not cut back on the more salty/fatty things like pork roast for dinner (yes I know that is a stereotype of us Germans but I actually like that food ;) ). I will definitely try to go for that again. I just wonder how it came that I just lost 7 kg in a month now. I was sick once with stomach-issues, so maybe that actually "helped" but I did not fast a lot after that, just 3 days of no or light food. Maybe it is because I just am more active and generally eat less. But dont ask too much ;) - accept it and try to get more of that, thats the plan. Now I just need to repeat that about 4 or 5 times ;)



That's great anjaq :)

I tried dieting many times over the years, but I always failed. I think I tried too hard to lose weight fast, but I failed because the diet was unrealistic. I thought I had failed last fall too but as luck would have it my habits had shifted just enough so that I kept losing weight over time.

Just try to keep good habits and be patient, and it will sort itself out all in good time :)
"Of course!"


I sure hope so. Trying to stay away from this drug called sugar ;) - I seriously need to loose these kilos - alread have some issues with blood pressure and at least I believe that loosing weight might bring back more confidence in being perceived as I  want to be seen - I just noticed that if I make a bad move, I have a double chin - ugh! So definitely at least 20 kilos more to loose, but that will probably take 1 or 2 years if I manage that. Darn it was always still easier when I was younger. HRT gave me about 5 kg, that was not so bad but in the long term it was more and I think the worst was those stupid anti depressant drugs that some therapist gave me. They were useless like crap, gave me 15 kg and did not help at all. A well ordered job and more confidence in my outward appearance not showing too much traces of a male past was much more helpful than the therapists constant blathering about having more sex and relationships plus medication. Though I admit that relationships and sex are a blocked topic in a way that is an issue a therapist looks at and has the urge to solve... ah well - Now the kilos are there and dieting has to be done - or rather changing habits which seems to help a lot more than diets. So no more than one bottle of soft drink a week, no more than one bag of sugar treats or potato chips in a month and insted more veggies and fruits and I am hopeful. Though winter is coming... I would not be surprised if that hinders these plans a lot...



Don't call it a diet, its a lifestyle changes in your food. Dieting implies its a short term commitment.  I try to cook my own food, avoid the process stuff if possible. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Personally I do not keep soda, candy, chips or anything in the apartment. I have no self control on that stuff. Also if you eat out at a restaurant; you will still go to restaurants and such;  eat out with a friend or friends and share especially if you are in the U.S.  I have no idea why, but the U.S have this stupid mentality that humongous portions are better. I do have my go wild days at least once a month. Eat everything in sight. I get so sick from it lol.

You can eat healthy and all but you also need to throw in some sort of fitness. I found cardio to work good especially walking or running. I use Edmondo on iphone, keeps tabs on routes for walks, runs, cycling and such, you can also participate in events and such. I like it because it gets me to find new routes to try, like I didn't realize how cool the trail where I live was :) but yea get the cardio in.

Just keep at it :)


Michelle G

It's not all that rosy on the other end of the scale, I need to gain weight and try and eat better/more,

It's always been hard for me to keep weight on, some of it is my fault for not taking time to eat while I'm working on a project.
I try and stay at 160 for my height and weigh myself daily only to find I'll slip down to 156 over a couple days of not paying attention to food.

I need to figure out something healthy to keep in my art studio that's fast and easy to make during the days I'm working.
Just a "California Girl" trying to enjoy each sunny day


Quote from: Michelle G on September 07, 2013, 01:48:28 AM
It's not all that rosy on the other end of the scale, I need to gain weight and try and eat better/more,

It's always been hard for me to keep weight on, some of it is my fault for not taking time to eat while I'm working on a project.
I try and stay at 160 for my height and weigh myself daily only to find I'll slip down to 156 over a couple days of not paying attention to food.

I need to figure out something healthy to keep in my art studio that's fast and easy to make during the days I'm working.
I sort of have the same problem now. When I hit 165 I was pretty happy with my result. Now, 4 months later, I'm 149 and I'm struggling to put weight back on.
"Of course!"