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Hate and this website

Started by Susan, May 23, 2005, 02:23:25 AM

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For what it is worth, post count and such started at ground zero for everyone.

ReWelcome and ReHi Lisagurl (=


Quote from: Rose Dawson on May 25, 2005, 01:02:04 AM

Are you going to press charges? If so, I'd publish his full name on this site along with a full description of his actions (and felony charges)......that way, whenever somebody were to run a Google search for his name for whatever reason, it'd show up and he can then be as humiliated as he thought we'd be  >:D

I hope Susan does decide to press charges against this creep. I'd love to know his name and email address. There are a couple of things I'd like to say to him.
Live for today. Tomorrow is not promised
  • skype:MaryEllen?call


Hatred is irrational.  I have a Ph.D. in philosophy and have been teaching ethics for over thirty years.  I will never understand hatred.

The only response to hatred is to keep loving one another.


Hatred is an emotional thing, and as such things go, defies logical explaination.  You don't have to understand it, just recognize it before it recognizes you.


QuoteHatred is irrational.  I have a Ph.D. in philosophy and have been teaching ethics for over thirty years.  I will never understand hatred.

Hatred is simply the manifestation of fear.  People fear that which they don't understand.  Until it is realized that uncertainty is the order of the universe, they will continue to fear, and thus, hate.
"The cake is a lie."


Quote from: VeryGnawty on May 27, 2005, 08:38:34 PM
Hatred is simply the manifestation of fear. People fear that which they don't understand. Until it is realized that uncertainty is the order of the universe, they will continue to fear, and thus, hate.
I was going to comment similar but was never able to make it sound right. Nonetheless I agree.

Truthfully at a blind guess I'd say mr. 'hacker' (rofl) has a peer group he is trying to raise his standing in... as if thrashing a phpbb board was noteworthy, but I digress.


Hate is the absense of luv.    Without love in our lives,  we are at the mercy of the beast which lives inside of us.   Luv tames the beast and allows most of to reside in each other's presence with some level of civility.   Universal luv reaches outside of ones current social environment.    When we only luv those within our social definition of acceptable it still leaves the beast within to hate those whom we consider unacceptable by some standard:  many times its a religious standard or a community standard or racial standard,  gender stereo type standard.

My philosophy sees people as just people.    I have taught different minority groups for so many years that I just look for the peron's personality in my dealings with them and base my relationship with that peron upon whom they show themselves to be.    Of course in teaching as with any job one has to interact politely and civilly to the best of one's ability on the job.   Off the job I tend to avoid people whos goal in live is to make others suffer or manipulate life to meet their selfish purposes.

I try not to waste my energy on hating people,  though my ex-spouse is working awfully hard on trying to get me to hate her.

Let's not fill our lifes with the emptiness of hate and depression.   I try to remember that my depression and shy with drawal have a silver lining.
Be true to yourself.  The future will reveal itself in its own due time.    Find the calm at the heart of the storm.    I own my womanhood.

I am a 69-year-old transsexual school teacher grandma & lady.   Ethnically I am half Irish  and half Scandinavian.   I can be a real bitch or quite loving and caring.  I have never taken any hormones or had surgery, I am out 24/7/365.


I can't attribute hatred to this so-called hacker, who is really nothing more than a block of frozen dung fallen from a passing plane: deaf, dumb, blind, beneath stupidity, but still offensive wherever it has landed.  Best forgotten.  Might make tolerable fertilizer. :angel:

Only the young die young.


I don't tend to like eye for an eye but if you have his IP address. . . .

I will miss all the old helpful posts also but the new site will grow I am sure.



I am not transgender, however I am the SO of someone who is intersexed.  I have said before how ashamed I am for the way I felt or actually didn't feel about the transgender community.  Until I met my partner, I hadn't known anyone who was transgender nor intersexed and had actually not given it much thought. When I met my partner my life changed 100%!!  He has taught me that life is not black and white.  Things are not always one way or the other.  It saddens and angers me to think how narrow minded the world can be.  And how asinine some one is to think that someone "chooses" to have these issues of not knowing who you are when you look into a mirror.  That is how my partner described it to me... "It's like you feel a certain way...(in his case he feels like a man)... Yet when you look into the see someone completely different! (a woman)"  I have vowed to try and teach the narrow minded people of this world how transgender people are hearts...souls...and spirits just like everyone else that God made.  And you know...I think that is a wonderful way to explain it to someone.  That is how we explained it to our children... "God makes some people very special.  And we all know God doesn't make mistakes!!!!"  How simple..yet how powerful!  If adults could be as lovingly innocent as children!!!! 

To the person who did such an awful thing to this loving site.... I pray that God reveals to you his awesome blessings in all different sizes...colors...and "shapes"!!   :)  So that you don't go through this world missing out on some of Gods greatest creations!!! 

Thanks yall for your time....


QuoteMaybe he is a closet homo.....

Who? Did I miss understand?  ???


Sazi, i would like to say that you brought tears to my eyes when i read your beautiful post about how God has made some very special people and that He doesnt make mistakes...Thank you so much. I dont dont know if anyone else was touched by that but it brought tears to my eyes......

sazi are welcome..I was only speaking the truth.  Hope everyone had a great week and an even better weekend!!! :eusa_dance:



*smiles unseen in the shadows*

sazi got ALL that from my simple little sentence Annagirl??  **Teasing** **Hugs** That was beautiful and very insiteful!!!  Thank you for sharing..."It really had my thinker going!!" **In my deepest southern accent**  :) (Bama girl) ANY-HOO.... thank you hun! And by the way... 4years...I seen you peak out....  :icon_wave:



Thank you Sazi -
You have an incredibly beautiful name, and an amazingly beautiful nature to be as strongly loving, open-minded, and truly accepting as you are showing yourself as being...
Many great blessings to you, and thanks always for your sharing.

Love Forever,

Level the playing field


Awwww...Thank you Annagirl!! **blushes**  To be completely honest...I have been giving the greatest blessings in life!! I have 7 beautiful children!! (6 girls 1 boy) Three of them I didn't even have to go through the pain or change dirty diapers!! **laughs**  And I have been given a love that most only dream of!!  I meant it when I said that I hoped the person or persons who did this to the website would see that they are missing out on some of God's greatest creations!!! I wish narrow minded people would get off their soap boxes long enough to think with the brain God has given them instead of the "flab" between their ears they have created!!!!  It is so frustrating how ignorant people can really be!!!  **deep breath** I'm sorry.  **laughs** It really gets my blood boiling... **laughs**  I truely hope that all of you realize just how special you really are!! God DOES NOT make mistakes!!!  Each of you are a creation by God made with his own two hands!!  I can't begin to say that I know how you feel or know what you have dealt with in your lives.  I know that sometimes it is hard to understand God's plans.  I do firmly believe that everything happens for a reason!  The catch is.... if we can only be patient enough to wait and learn what the reason is!! 
ANY-HOO.... I hope all of you are having a wonderful week!! 



Hacking is a power trip for the lowly and lonely. Doesnt it seem kinda sad that someone would go to all that trouble when it has absoloutely no other benefit to them except so-called power. True power is a state of mind and I guarantee we have; you do not.


Every time I am reminded of this so called hacker I start to giggle.
The google term it found susans with speaks volumes. :icon_chuckel:

Maura Hartman

It is very unfortunate that people have to express themselves through acts of hatred and violence toward others. I believe everyone is welcome to their own opinion, but when that individual acts out their beliefs in such a mean and hateful manner their freedom to believe the way they do becomes a crime.