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Unaffordable Care Act

Started by Tatyana, October 05, 2013, 08:41:09 AM

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michelle gee

Quote from: genderhell on October 30, 2013, 04:27:56 PM
Yeah, present day Republicans are finished.

America will keep importing mostly poor 3rd world, non-white people and giving them housing, food stamps, and free health care in exchange for their allegiance to the Democratic party. Then they are told that America's economic problems are caused by selfish, racist white people (Republicans), so vote Democrat.

Republicans are even trying to hasten their demise by legalizing 10-20 million poor illegal aliens that will vote Democrat, if they vote at all.

Republicans will have to change to survive.

Yea the republican's will need to stop hating all people that are not like them but I don't see that happening.

Maybe if we give more tax breaks to the wealthy it will trickle down a little faster?



Quote from: genderhell on October 30, 2013, 04:27:56 PM
Yeah, present day Republicans are finished.

America will keep importing mostly poor 3rd world, non-white people and giving them housing, food stamps, and free health care in exchange for their allegiance to the Democratic party. Then they are told that America's economic problems are caused by selfish, racist white people (Republicans), so vote Democrat.

Republicans are even trying to hasten their demise by legalizing 10-20 million poor illegal aliens that will vote Democrat, if they vote at all.

Republicans will have to change to survive.
You know, I actually taught some of those undocumented immigrants and they were some of my best students. They were not here for a handout, most of their parents were here to work and avoid getting shot at because of our asinine drug war enriching the cartels!

This is their home now, they want to become Americans and many of them have already gone to Iraq and Afghanistan to prove this! Instead of belittling the circumstances they are coming from, maybe offering them a hand up and help in becoming better citizens of the republic would enrich our nation more than excluding them like vermin... or speaking of them in the same manner! >:(


Quote from: michelle gee on October 30, 2013, 04:36:54 PM
Yea the republican's will need to stop hating all people that are not like them but I don't see that happening.

Maybe if we give more tax breaks to the wealthy it will trickle down a little faster?

At some point, we all have to get past these type of platitudinous 'arguments'. We have more people receiving government assistance than people working to pay for it all. There's no real urgency to end the wasteful spending that WILL burden future generations for..... well, generations.  When our country does crash, it is going to be a very hard landing, and it's coming soon.


Quote from: Yukari-sensei on October 30, 2013, 04:37:49 PM
This is their home now, they want to become Americans and many of them have already gone to Iraq and Afghanistan to prove this! Instead of belittling the circumstances they are coming from, maybe offering them a hand up and help in becoming better citizens of the republic would enrich our nation more than excluding them like vermin... or speaking of them in the same manner! >:(

*I* did not belittle anyone. As a trans person I live in a glass house, and I don't belittle. I could be crushed so easily. :embarrassed:

American has been bringing immigrants for a long time, and now we are near bankruptcy.
When do we get this "enrichment" you speak of ? The number of Americans on assistance is hitting records.

47 million on food stamps ...

101.76 million on some sort of assistance ...

Note: this does not count social security people which is tens of millions more collecting money.

This article states: "More Americans are on welfare than working full-time, and In 35 states welfare pays better than an actual job."

This is only going to get worse as we bring in more poor people. We need to bring in college educated and/or rich and or business people. Instead we bring in the poor.

America cannot take care of the world.


Quote from: amZo on October 30, 2013, 05:08:23 PM
At some point, we all have to get past these type of platitudinous 'arguments'. We have more people receiving government assistance than people working to pay for it all. There's no real urgency to end the wasteful spending that WILL burden future generations for..... well, generations.  When our country does crash, it is going to be a very hard landing, and it's coming soon.

Imagine Watts and LA riots on a national level, I think it's called anarchy and it isn't pretty, but let's face it experience is the best teacher.  :icon_ballbounce:


Quote from: Shantel on October 30, 2013, 06:05:14 PM
Imagine Watts and LA riots on a national level, I think it's called anarchy and it isn't pretty, but let's face it experience is the best teacher.  :icon_ballbounce:

That is the lesson of history... unfortunately it gets lost somehow from time to time.

The irony of this debacle called the 'Affordable (LOL) Healthcare Act' is... we all may start wishing for a terminal illness. I'm now catching myself not looking both ways before crossing the street.  :D


I don't see how ACA can possibly work in the long run.

You buy the insurance when you need it, and cancel it when you don't.

You need surgery, well schedule it, then buy the insurance the day before the surgery, get the surgery, then cancel it soon after. You need follow-up care a few months later? Then schedule it, buy the insurance the day before, and cancel as soon as possible.

You get a high-deductible HSA Health Savings Account (not effective to be actually used for insurance) for the IRS requirement of having insurance.

I have a HSA, and this is how I will use ACA, and I have a lot of medical expenses. I am looking forward to the free money.


michelle gee

Quote from: amZo on October 30, 2013, 05:08:23 PM
At some point, we all have to get past these type of platitudinous 'arguments'. We have more people receiving government assistance than people working to pay for it all. There's no real urgency to end the wasteful spending that WILL burden future generations for..... well, generations.  When our country does crash, it is going to be a very hard landing, and it's coming soon.

We have more on govt. assistance now because 8 years of GWB and the repubs whom put us into a recession and double digit unemployment and now try to blame everything on O'Bama.

Funny I don't remember repubs complaining about spending then?  We are still paying for that now.
America go bankrupt? Not gonna happen unless repubs get back in office.

Interestingly, the stock market is at all time highs.
Perhaps if employers paid their employees a decent wage instead of giving CEO'S exorbitant amounts of money things would be much better.
Most people do not choose to be poor and don't mind working for an honest days wage.
Most people would like to have health insurance if they could afford it also.



Unfortunately there are a number of factors that can't be blamed on any one party, probably one of the biggest is the fact that due to over regulation by the EPA and trade pacts creating a global economy a vast number of large manufacturers have moved their plants and jobs overseas in order to remain profitable. Those great profits recorded by the wizards at Wall Street are made outside the country and don't directly benefit the average person with no investments. Meanwhile all of the debt created under all of the US Presidents through GWB's administration combined don't even come close to matching what has been spent thus far by the Obama Administration alone. That being said, what is truly exacerbating the financial problems here and now is the misguided idea that somehow the government can spend our way out of this morass at the taxpayer's expense for many generations to come. The government does not create wealth and only spends it. These are immutable facts that cannot be argued away. So the probability of a national healthcare program becoming viable at this time is out of the question and most likely won't come to pass. Meanwhile it is sad to continue to read the polemic rants and shrill arguments going on here when in reality nothing good can come of it other than the same disunity and hatred we see in congress.

Jamie D

Things are getting so bad for 0bama and the Affordable (sic) Care Act, that even Kenyan T.V. is claiming he is 100% American!  :o

michelle gee

Quote from: Shantel on October 31, 2013, 09:53:53 AM
Unfortunately there are a number of factors that can't be blamed on any one party, probably one of the biggest is the fact that due to over regulation by the EPA and trade pacts creating a global economy a vast number of large manufacturers have moved their plants and jobs overseas in order to remain profitable. Those great profits recorded by the wizards at Wall Street are made outside the country and don't directly benefit the average person with no investments.

Without the EPA and regulations our country would be like China. They are there to protect Americans and it is mostly greed that has drove company's overseas for cheap labor and No benefits.
Many company's setup a ghost office overseas just to avoid paying their fair share of taxes.
Hopefully in the near future this will change and we should tax them accordingly.

Quote from: Shantel on October 31, 2013, 09:53:53 AMMeanwhile all of the debt created under all of the US Presidents through GWB's administration combined don't even come close to matching what has been spent thus far by the Obama Administration alone. 

"The truth is that the nearly 18 percent spike in spending in fiscal 2009 — for which the president is sometimes blamed entirely — was mostly due to appropriations and policies that were already in place when Obama took office."

"Ordinarily, an incoming president has little or no influence over spending that was approved under his predecessor. So in normal circumstances, all spending for fiscal year 2009 would have been rightly tied to Bush, and fiscal 2010 would be the first year for which Obama would have prepared a budget and signed the major spending bills. And for the most part, big spending programs that require no yearly appropriations, including Social Security and Medicare, did indeed continue to operate during fiscal 2009 under the policies in effect under Bush."

Most repubs conveniently avoid telling the real truth and they are masters of propaganda.

Quote from: Shantel on October 31, 2013, 09:53:53 AMThat being said, what is truly exacerbating the financial problems here and now is the misguided idea that somehow the government can spend our way out of this morass at the taxpayer's expense for many generations to come. The government does not create wealth and only spends it. These are immutable facts that cannot be argued away. So the probability of a national healthcare program becoming viable at this time is out of the question and most likely won't come to pass. Meanwhile it is sad to continue to read the polemic rants and shrill arguments going on here when in reality nothing good can come of it other than the same disunity and hatred we see in congress.

The same thing was basically said about Medicaid when the Demo's passed that. Many conservatives felt it was a socialist program but look how many people depend on it now.
The hatred was already in congress when McConell said he would do aeverything in his power to see that O'Bama would not get a second term (so much for that?) I truly believe many are in fact racist since they hate O'bama so much.

One thing is certain, not all repubs are racist but the ones that are mostly belong to the republican party.

One last thing, it is obvious we will never agree on anything so I leaving this topic for good. You repubs can argue over O'BamaCare all you want to. Bye.


Quote from: michelle gee on October 31, 2013, 04:26:46 PM

One last thing, it is obvious we will never agree on anything so I leaving this topic for good. You repubs can argue over O'BamaCare all you want to. Bye.

Gee you'll be missed dear we've had such a lively discussion, regardless of what any of us think time will reveal the truth concerning the future of the ACA.


Quote from: Jamie de la Rosa on October 31, 2013, 01:22:36 PM
Things are getting so bad for 0bama and the Affordable (sic) Care Act, that even Kenyan T.V. is claiming he is 100% American!  :o

That's pretty bad alright... but on the bright side, it lays to rest that whole 'Obama was born in Kenya' controversy...  ;)

Ms. OBrien CVT

OK.  ACA is the law.  And calling each other names will not change that.

Locking topic for now.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me