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Transgender Boy Harassing Girls in the Bathroom Gets No Punishment

Started by Amelia Pond, October 12, 2013, 10:52:55 AM

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Amelia Pond

Transgender Boy Harassing Girls in the Bathroom Gets No Punishment
10/11/2013, 1:00PM EDT

The push for radical transgender rights in schools is trumping privacy rights at one Colorado high school.

A male student at Florence High School who claims to be a transgender has been harassing girls in the bathroom. When parents complained, school officials said the boy's rights as a transgender trumped their daughters' privacy rights.

As the controversy grew, some students were threatened with being kicked off athletic teams or charged with hate crimes if they continued to voice


Courage is the power that turn dreams into reality.

Jessica Merriman

This is exactly why we have the issues we do today. It would not surprise me if this person was put up to it by parents or staff so they could justify changing the rules back to before. I bet this person is not even transgender. If this person was they would be happy with being able to live like they want and would be covert to keep such rights, not rubbing it in peoples faces. This is a setup, plain and simple to show just cause why this should be discontinued. You have to love people who do things like this to discredit, embarrass and keep us subdued and back in the closet, so to speak. My closet door lock broke!  ;D They are not locking me back up, ever!  ;)

Eva Marie

There is something.... fishy.... about this story.

When I read a story I always want to know the perspective of the website that published it. On this story I noticed that there are links at the top to "big news" with topics including Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, and abortion. This tells me that the story might have been written with a certain bias or agenda.

The next question I have is what kind of harassment is the transgender youth accused of? Could it be that she is trying to defend herself against harassment from the other students and is instead getting the blame?

And finally, why would a transgender student harass anyone after getting the OK to use gender appropriate facilities and then put herself at the risk of being forced back into using non-gender appropriate facilities?

I'll bet that there is a lot more to this story than what was written. Like Jessica said it smells of a setup.


In the comments section of that "article" there are a few comments from two people that apparently go to that school and it seems the "article" is inaccurate in its claims. Although to some, we are harassing merely by existing, which is likely the case in this instance.


Jessica Merriman

The reason I know it was a setup is because of the fact no punishment went out. If it was a true transgendered student they would have been burned at the stake.

Ms. OBrien CVT

Consider the source.  Charisma News is owned by CBN, which is the home of Pat Robertson.

All lies.

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me

Eva Marie

I didn't read the comments the first time so I went back and read them and now I sort of wish I hadn't; its sad to know that there are so many people out there that refuse to educate themselves about the world around them and live in ignorance.

There was no harassment; everything was fine until a "do gooder" outed her on facebook and started the whole mess.


I've been harassed many, many times by boys in the boy's locker room. Maybe boys should be banned from the boy's locker room as well.

Jessica Merriman

dalebert, thank you for the first good laugh I have had today. Kind of opens up a whole new thread there, doesn't it? *giggles* Love ya!


Quote from: Eva Marie on October 12, 2013, 11:07:20 AM
When I read a story I always want to know the perspective of the website that published it.

No mystery there. Charisma News is a right wing anti-LGBT religious website.

Given the lack of details (what form did the harassment take, what actually happened, what teams were people going to be kicked off and specifically what were their offenses, etc.), I'ts clear no really reporting happened here.

This is a reason why I've suggested we have a separate forum for anti-trans propaganda, which this clearly is, as opposed to actual, meticulously reported, news.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


 I question the truth of this story and after reading about it on another website I sent an email to CNN asking if they have any information and if not could they look into it. So I am hoping to get a response from them but so far the only "news organization" reporting it are conservative anti-LGBT websites. I really hope it is fake and that it doesn't damage the forward momentum of the Trans rights movement.


Hahaha, are the people in the comments actually serious? My head hurts.

Danielle Emmalee

QuoteWhen your child tells you he is the opposite tell him very firmly, "NO, you are NOT a girl, and that's the end of that!"

Wow guys....I think someone just found the solution to all of our problems.  Who knew it was so easy to change someone's gender identity.  If only gender therapists had the wisdom of this person, we could all be cured.  ::)

I wonder if that works to fix "the gay" as well.
Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
Discord, whatever did we do
To make you take our world away?

Discord, are we your prey alone,
Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
Discord, we won't take it anymore
So take your tyranny away!


Quote from: <3 on October 12, 2013, 06:50:38 PM
When your child tells you he is the opposite tell him very firmly, "NO, you are NOT a girl, and that's the end of that!"

If I had my way, this would be child abuse, as much a crime as any other type of child abuse.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


There is definitely another side to the story.  The following was posted in the CharismaNews article from someone claiming to be a FHS student:

This post is credible because a week before CBN and CharismaNews published their stories, a FHS alumni wrote on his personal Facebook page something very similar to what Honest Jane says:


Amy The Bookworm

Yeah... I saw this earlier. They aren't saying ANYTHING about how these people are being harassed. That's kinda a red flag, since you'd think they'd give more information than they are about that. They are making it sound to me a lot like they are feeling harassment is that trans kids exist and they're using restrooms like everyone else.

This comment also caught my eye:

Quote"As a Christian girl who attends FHS, I'd just like to say that I've
never been harassed by this individual not have I ever seen him harass
anyone else. He's actually shy and a nice person. Do I think he should
be able to use the girls bathroom? I'm torn. He either uses our bathroom
and makes MAYBE 30% of the girls uncomfortable, or he uses the boy's
restroom and gets beat up. I don't feel uncomfortable by him. Also,
there are a lot of holes in this story. No parents initially complained.
There was a mass Facebook message that included 150+ students and
parents, outing him publicly. It was such a big deal, all electronic
devises were confiscated if seen that day. THEN it was a problem and
parents complained. This boy wasn't treated fairly. As a Christian, I
had to put the truth out there. He didn't hurt or harass anyone."


QuoteWhen your child tells you he is the opposite tell him very firmly, "NO, you are NOT a girl, and that's the end of that!"

I certainly hope people would tell me this if I said I was a girl...
"The hammer is my penis." --Captain Hammer

"When all you have is a hammer . . ." --Anonymous carpenter

Amelia Pond

Quote from: Arch on October 13, 2013, 02:33:00 AM
QuoteWhen your child tells you he is the opposite tell him very firmly, "NO, you are NOT a girl, and that's the end of that!"
I certainly hope people would tell me this if I said I was a girl...
If you ever say that you're a girl, I'll set you straight. ;)

