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Website outing transwomen: Anyone know anything about this?

Started by suzifrommd, November 23, 2013, 04:41:42 PM

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Quote from: MadelineB on November 25, 2013, 02:57:21 AM
Heather sweetie, she and her group have been much less than benign. They have systematically harassed transgender activists, bloggers, and writers. Please be grateful that you have not become a focus of her venom. One of my transgender heroes had all of her personal contact information shared on hate sites, then was harassed in person, in court, at work, online, with unimaginable vitriol and hate. She had her family and associates harassed and threatened, she had lawsuits filed to void her gender change and her birth certificate change. A brilliant, outgoing, compassion woman was driven to PTSD and withdrew from public (and social) life completely for a time because the pain was too great.

We are not talking about people with a difference of opinion. We are talking about people who call for the elimination of transgender women, and back it up with action, on the phone, online, and in person, who will hire attorneys to harass you, will write false articles, do interviews, get on tv, to try to destroy you personally. They will humiliate you publicly, and your family, and try to get you fired and isolated and ostracized, if you draw their ire.

Because you don't have a right to exist, and you absolutely don't have a right to call them out on their bigotry. That is their line, and they have been consistent about it for more than 15 years.

You'll notice that I didn't name any names in my post because I would prefer if their harassment didn't come my way today. I have enough on my plate, and so do the people I love.


Has your friend or any of the others filed for a restraining order? If she is calling their work, families, ect, then she is essentially harassing her and she could file for a restraining order. The attacks to online Trans bloggers is hard to really do anything about.

It seems some political influence could be of help in this case. If we could get a petition going..... Send it to the feminist, women's, & LGBT groups and see if they can't pressure her to knock off the harassment. I just don't think calling the FBI tip line or the SPLC is going to get us anywhere.



Yes she did wherever she could. And she is doing ok now.

The problem with personal legal remedies being, when your chief harasser is an attorney and you aren't, and you don't have unlimited funds, they can bury you in legal punches and counter-punches.

Most of the worst harassment my friend got was anonymous hate that followed malicious but not illegal dissemination of her most private public details. For example, telling her followers to get out the word, where to show up for a hearing that is usually private but is technically open to the public, and what can be said or written that will cause someone the most damage there, with links to the public record that give a person's personal information. Many of the laws in California in place now to protect transgender rights happened precisely because this group's harassment to bloggers, writers, and activists proved that the old processes were cumbersome and made trans* people vulnerable to malicious shenanigans.

It is just really tough when you yourself are an activist, because the normal steps you take to protect yourself from harassment or stalking can cut you off from your ability for outreach, which is the biggest part of doing your work, and isolating you from others is the whole point of the harassment, that, and putting others in fear of speaking out and becoming a target themselves.

Best thing you can do is try to roll with the punches and make sure your emotional support network is very tight, and to keep building strong networks on the activism side so that our leaders don't stand alone. Especially huge is bringing in allies in the form of national organizations that do have the resources for battles like this and have been fighting the same kind of battles for years against other hate groups.

It is really important that this group is recognized for what it is, now that it is linking up with the PJI and the unlimited funds they are bringing to bear against protections for transgender people in California. Shutting up those who speak out can be a very effective strategy in the kind of dirty campaign being waged.
History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.
~Maya Angelou

Personal Blog: Madeline's B-Hive


Hey Madeline,

Glad to hear your friend is doing better! I just glanced at the web site. She seemed to be the same as the right wing "nutter butters" who are constantly out to take away our rights, so I didn't read through the whole site. Regardless, there as to be something, we as a collective can do to stop the harassment. Free speech is all good, but her actions have crossed the line.  >:(

Cali seems to be a "solid" State for Trans folks. Would contacting the AG and filing a complaint be an option? If this woman is a lawyer, then what about the Cali Bar Association? Would her actions be in conflict with their rules/ethics? From what you have said, this woman is just a menace!  ::)


Quote from: DanicaCarin on November 25, 2013, 01:31:39 AM
Really? You want to waste the FBI's time & resources filing a complaint about this miserable douche nozzle? ::) She is nothing more than a miserable person, who's life sucks so much that she has to take it out on somebody else. She doesn't sound terribly bright. You throw in one too many women's studies classes, and she declares war on the Trans community. Her profiling Trans people is not cool, but it doesn't rise to the occasion of ratting her out to the FBI. 

How about we request the powers to be in the LGBTQ leadership admonish her for profiling trans people(especially kids) and leave it at that. If ya really feel the need, contact that hacker group ANONYMOUS and ask them to hack her site. Have them change it so it reroutes to Susan's. ;D Or if you really want to get her goat, reroute her site to one of those trans porn sites! >:-)

Here, ask your self does the activities of this group fits the bill below?

QuoteDoes the FBI investigate hate groups in the United States?

The FBI investigates domestic hate groups within guidelines established by the attorney general. Investigations are conducted only when a threat or advocacy of force is made; when the group has the apparent ability to carry out the proclaimed act; and when the act would constitute a potential violation of federal law.



Quote from: suzifrommd on November 23, 2013, 04:41:42 PM
I came across an open letter to the Southern Poverty Law Center claiming there is a website that deliberately outs transwomen, and asking them to investigate.

Does anyone know anything about this? Is this true?

They can have my name.  I've been out and everyone including my employer knows.

Michaela J.

I think many of the people in this thread don't seem to have followed some of the torturous abuse inflicted upon them by B*****n and many others of her ilk. Names being released are just the start of it, one of my personal inspirations in coming out has been falsely accused of being a paedophile for no other reason than that she's a trans woman. These people falsely accuse trans women of heinous crimes, and then sell them to the media as complete fact (don't believe me? Look up the PJI case and a girl I can only refer to as 'Jane Doe').

They completely abuse the privilege and power they have to further demonise a section of society that is constantly discredited and abused. This is not simply a case of 'ignoring them and they'll go away', because they will not go away. They are absolutely intent on making the lives of many trans men and women a misery, and they know full well what they're doing. This petition is not trying to get B*****n and her ilk to shut up, it's about bringing the attention of a hate group to a powerful law firm that has had notable victories over hate groups and defamation in the past. I'd much rather have their support than have the fear of a group of hate-mongers levelling false accusations at me or any other trans person.


Cathy Brennan is one of my local peeps.  She has been known to try and bug me via Facebook or email in the past, but she actually is relatively nice to me for some reason.  She does not misgender me the way she does most transwomen.   She also is not abusive toward me the way she is to others.

I've come to see Cathy as someone who is very wounded.  I think that Heather is right about that.  Like many wounded people, she lashes out at perceived threats even when those threats aren't real.  And it can be very hard for such a person to let go.  I feel sorry for her.  In fact, I suspect that the reason she is nicer to me than to others might be because of a very public stand I took last year to put a stop to some threats on violence that had been made against someone in another LGBT group.  Either that or someone told her I'm a biological female who retransitioned and therefore I'm somewhat outside of her target zone.

Quote from: MadelineB on November 25, 2013, 09:52:30 AM
The problem with personal legal remedies being, when your chief harasser is an attorney and you aren't, and you don't have unlimited funds, they can bury you in legal punches and counter-punches.

This could be a third theory.  I'm a lawyer too and probably a better credentialed one than her.  Maybe she just recognizes that I'm not as easy a target for bullying.  No idea.  But if that's it, someone needs to let her know that I'm also willing to represent trans* people and protect them.  Maybe then she'd back off a little.  But at the end of the day, I think she needs help more than she needs punishment.  Not much can be done until she gets that help.


Quote from: ThePhoenix on December 15, 2013, 12:07:03 AM
I've come to see Cathy as someone who is very wounded.  I think that Heather is right about that.  Like many wounded people, she lashes out at perceived threats even when those threats aren't real.  And it can be very hard for such a person to let go.  I feel sorry for her. 

Well, seeing as I only know of this woman from threads like this here on the forum, we have different perspectives about this. Going on what I see her do in regards to her website, I think she is the scum of the earth. I don't care how "wounded" someone is (go cry me a river, will ya?) it gives them no right whatsoever to do what she does. What she does is dangerous to the people she is outing. Do you think she would care if someone she outed ended up in the hospital or morgue due to her actions?

I doubt it.


In no way am I justifying Cathy Brennan's actions.  I think they are as reprehensible as anyone else does.  But sometimes it does help to understand where someone is coming from, even a person who is doing bad things.  For example, in my case, understanding her better allows me to deal with her without nearly as much unpleasantness and trouble as many other local activists and community organizers have had.  It spares me a certain amount of aggravation.  I hope that as events unfold, it will also be helpful in rebutting and advocating against her.  And, of course, if we ever hope to change a person's behavior, it really helps to be able to understand them.

I don't believe that trying to understand people is a sign of weakness or of accomodation.  It's actually very important to know your enemies if you are going to cross swords with them.  As Sun Tzu says, "if you know your enemies, and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles."

It is by knowing her that I am equipping myself to defeat her.  She's in my home state.  So if I hope to get certain things done around here (i.e. gender identity legislation) then I have to be ready to cross swords with her. Because, alas, it will happen.

[edited to fix a typo]


Again, Ms Brennan's writings are not allowed on this site, so I hope no one fetches any of her work. Hugs, Devlyn


Quote from: Jamie de la Rosa on November 23, 2013, 09:19:32 PM
The website exits and is operated by that loathsome Cathy "Bug" Brennan.  She recently outed the teen transgirl who was involved the PJI smear campaign.

See below:

Haters gonna hate.

Amazing! She looks like the average ex hetero/lesbian TS herself!

Jenna Stannis

Quote from: Heather on November 23, 2013, 11:46:29 PM

If you want [Cathy Brennan] to stop attacking us maybe we should just let her be instead of attacking her. I'd fight back too if I had a bunch of people telling me how to think.

Like speaking out against people like Cathy Brennan?


The thing is people like Cathy Brennan cause harm. It is as simple as that, she does what she can to harm People from a community that isn't doing her any harm. Isn't evil doing harm without cause to do harm? I think if there could be a concerted effort to discredit this person from being a lgbt "expert" because her role in this position only causes further harm and the best nonviolent way to deal with harmful people is to limit their ability to influence the situation.

Honestly I just cannot understand someone with such hate in thier heart.
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html

Jill F

Transmisogyny=misogyny.  Way to shoot yourself in the foot.


Quote from: learningtolive on November 24, 2013, 12:36:22 PM
I read her site and was confused.  How is it that all of us are MRA's or homophobic because we are trans?  I have nothing against gays or lesbians and don't begrudge anyone who would not date someone who is trans nor would I want to date a lesbian because that isn't my preference. ...

She's saying regardless of our trans status, we're still men, and any amount of medical intervention (HRT, SRS, FFS, etc.) isn't going to change that. Since she views post op trans women as men, she's on a mission to make sure trans women aren't able to escape their history. I didn't read her legislation desires, but I suspect it has to do with preventing trans women from completely changing their identities in order to keep them out of 'protected' female spaces (restrooms, locker rooms, etc.).

She's a radical feminist and many do hate all men, many believe any sex is rape, they're predators after all. Their position on this isn't surprising. There will be natural conflict between the L and the T in LGBT.


Quote from: JS on February 02, 2014, 02:58:53 PM
Like speaking out against people like Cathy Brennan?
Well have you read some of the things being said about her? (not just this site) Every argument needs two sides and putting her down for how she looks and other negative comments about her I've seen isn't speaking out that's just furthering the argument. I would like to understand her point of view more and why she believes the way she does than call her names and put down how she looks or dresses. But I consider myself a feminist and I find it offensive that we would put her down for how she looks or dresses no matter what views she has. We need to be above such behavior. ;)   


Quote from: Heather on February 02, 2014, 07:55:10 PM
We need to be above such behavior. ;)

That won't make a bit of difference. She sucks. She's a loser. She's pathetic and that is all there is to it. It's no different than someone who runs a site that is homophobic, racist, etc. Anyone under that umbrella sucks.


Quote from: Laura Squirrel on February 02, 2014, 08:03:57 PM
That won't make a bit of difference. She sucks. She's a loser. She's pathetic and that is all there is to it. It's no different than someone who runs a site that is homophobic, racist, etc. Anyone under that umbrella sucks.
Wow I swear some people just love to argue.  ::)

Jenna Stannis

Quote from: Heather on February 02, 2014, 07:55:10 PM
Well have you read some of the things being said about her? (not just this site) Every argument needs two sides and putting her down for how she looks and other negative comments about her I've seen isn't speaking out that's just furthering the argument. I would like to understand her point of view more and why she believes the way she does than call her names and put down how she looks or dresses. But I consider myself a feminist and I find it offensive that we would put her down for how she looks or dresses no matter what views she has. We need to be above such behavior. ;)

That's my point: people are free to say what they like, including Brennan and the people she targets with her bigotry.


Quote from: Heather on February 02, 2014, 07:55:10 PM
Well have you read some of the things being said about her? (not just this site) Every argument needs two sides and putting her down for how she looks and other negative comments about her I've seen isn't speaking out that's just furthering the argument. I would like to understand her point of view more and why she believes the way she does than call her names and put down how she looks or dresses. But I consider myself a feminist and I find it offensive that we would put her down for how she looks or dresses no matter what views she has. We need to be above such behavior. ;)

I went to her site and found some areas of agreement. She has a valid concern of allowing transsexuals in female restrooms and locker rooms. There WILL be non-transsexuals who will take advantage of this for their own devious desires. She posted many articles of these very cases. I don't feel she's implying transsexuals and these criminal deviants are one in the same. She speaks repeatedly of 'clouding' the gender definitions and its implications for women. She's a feminist, that's what she does (speaks out for women's issues). It's a legitimate concern and I have no doubt these deviant acts will increase if not addressed somehow. Pretending this isn't an issue won't go away.

She believes in information, that depriving women access to this information is wrong. Given the frequency of sexual assault against women, they have every right to know who is in their private spaces. I don't feel that makes her a hater.
