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stuff needed in purse

Started by Ellen, November 26, 2005, 07:57:15 AM

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Items kept in Purse all the times
* $5 or $10 - Some emergency cash should be stuffed away in a side compartment. If you forget to move your cash from your wallet to your purse at least you have some cash.
* Phone card - The card should have at least ten minutes time on it. Unless you only call local, this is a good idea.
* Xerox copies of important documents - Documents like your AAA card or proof of health insurance for example. Used only as a backup.
* Aspirin - Clubs, bars and meetings can be very loud. You don't want a headache ruining your good time.
* Safety pins - These can be a life saver if you lose a button or snap. Two or three in different sizes are good.
* Concealer Stick - Very handy to touch up small areas. Be sure it is in the same shade as your foundation.
* Folding hairbrush and/or comb - Let's face it, if you have no way to fix your hair after coming in from a windy night you're going to be self conscience and miserable.
* One dose of any medication you may need - I carry an allergy tablet with me because sometimes smoke will bring on my allergies. Someone else might carry antacid or a dose of a prescription they need on occasion.
* Important phone numbers - If you have a friend or family member that knows about your crossdressing, always keep their number handy.
* Exact change - Good for local phone calls and tolls. If you don't mind driving through the manned toll booth and have a phone card it is not necessary.
* Qtips - Too many possible uses to list. It is preferable if these are of the makeup type (one end flat like an applicator and the other pointed).
* Tissues - Like Qtips, a million and one uses.
* Barrette or scunchie - If you have long hair sometimes you're going to need to make sure it keeps out of your face or isn't blowing around.
* Condom - Even if you think you will never need one of these babies it can't hurt to have it. Of course if you're married you better never be needing one!
* Band-Aids - Not only for cuts. In a pinch these can be used to fix a fallen hem line.
* Breath mints - You don't want to be known as the woman with the dragon breath now do you?
* Pen and paper - To jot down names, notes, numbers, etc..
* Nail clippers and file - If you keep your nails long like I do you already know what a pain it is when a nail breaks or gets a rough edge to it.
Items to be put in Purse before you go out
* Cash
* Drivers license
* Health insurance card
* AAA or other auto club card
* Credit card(s)
* ATM card
* Address & phone number of where you are going
* Any other important papers you need to carry
* Car keys
* House keys
* Beeper/cellphone


Quote from: melissa_girl on November 26, 2005, 12:10:28 PM
This might be good for the Wiki...hint...hint

I'm not quite sure if I have selected the right place for this information, however, it is at least now on the wiki.  Please let me know if you can think of a better place for this info.



Quote from: KyleW on November 26, 2005, 12:30:52 PM
I'm not quite sure if I have selected the right place for this information, however, it is at least now on the wiki.  Please let me know if you can think of a better place for this info.


Expanded it some feel free to add more :)
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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* wheels under the suitcase you need to haul all that junk.


How about:

a stun gun or mace...for self protection


I've said this one before. A nail. Very handy for broken stall door latches in the ladies room, unless you like holding the door shut with one foot.  ;D



Quotewheels under the suitcase you need to haul all that junk.

and don't forget the turbo charged motor to help push/pull it.

What I keep in my purse is mostly stuff I don't use much but may need at times.  Anything important to me is in my pockets or wallet ....  I'm a mobil type and most often leave my purse in the trunk of my car or at home.



                   Just swing that deadly thing, no stun gun needed!

              Seriously I would have a full 60 minute phone card if you need one, many pay phones have a 20 min minimum with phone cards and 10 minutes will not make a call.
