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Top Surgery Recovery Updates (a place for all members to update after surgery)

Started by Bimmer Guy, December 28, 2013, 10:42:57 AM

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6 months post-op as of last week. Still waiting for the color to come back in some parts of my nipples, although you can't really tell here. I also just started using Mederma on my scars.



I am now 3 years post op. Here are comparison pictures. Overall I think they are fading and flattening.

8 weeks post op.

1 year post op.

2 years post op.

3 years post op.


Farm Boy

Guysss!  I can finally post here!!  I had peri top surgery with Dr. Medalie on Jan. 16, 2017.  I've always been scrawny, and my chest wasn't that big, so he felt that we could just do a partial incision around my areolas.  (I will be putting up before and after pictures on Transbucket after I have more time.)  The incisions were made on the outer side of each areola.

The drains came out today, and I got my first shower since Monday!  It's nice to be clean.  In case you're wondering, the yellow is the stuff they put on me, and yes, my right shoulder and nipple are lower than the left.  This is due to scoliosis, so it's normal for me.  I'm thinking that's why there's a slight droop under my right nipple, but I hope that will flatten out as the skin re-attaches itself.  They shaved my chest hair (I was wondering if they would), so I feel kind of bald.  Haha!

I feel numb/tingly (tingly if I press on it, sort of like my foot has fallen asleep) on my nipples, and for about 3" around each one.  I can't raise my arms very high, but I was able to carefully wash my hair.  My back did not get washed.  lol  Being semi-helpless through recovery is going to suck, but I'm so excited!!  ;D

Quote from: veniamviam on September 11, 2016, 05:54:19 PMmy left nipple still looks wonky as heck, and it definitely wasn't two-toned prior to surgery so i have no idea what's happened to it. it's not as sensitive as the right side, but it looks healthy enough to me. it does make me kind of really embarrassed, though, because who's got one two-toned nipple? i'm not sure if it's worth emailing medalie over, because it does look healthy enough, but. if anyone has any suggestions as to what might be up / how i might help it get to the same colour as the areola and other side, that'd be fantastic.

I think you look great!  I don't see a difference in your nipple color.  It's probably not as noticeable as you might think.  Did you ever decide to email him about it?

Quote from: FTMax on October 27, 2016, 05:07:18 PM
18 months post-op. I had DI with free nipple grafts done by Dr. Fischer in April 2015. Started a chest piece yesterday for scar cover up.

That is an awesome tattoo!  Have you had it filled in yet?

Quote from: Alexthecat on January 12, 2017, 01:56:33 AM
I am now 3 years post op. Here are comparison pictures. Overall I think they are fading and flattening.

Definitely fading and flattening!  Your scars are much lighter in your last picture!  Looking good!
Started T - Sept. 19, 2012
Top surgery - Jan. 16, 2017


Quote from: JandJ on May 19, 2016, 10:16:41 AM

This is one month Post-Op...

Just thought I would add my 1 year Post-Op pic.  What a year it has been!

Just thought I would add my 2 year Post-Op picture...



Hey guys, I got top surgery 2 weeks ago with Dr. Sajan in Seattle. Very pleased w the results; no complications. No drains. Very little post op pain. Gonna look dope healed up. Here are a few pics (NOTE still a bit swollen - those ain't no man titties).

Day after surgery (Apr. 14)

Day I got the bandage off: (Apr. 17)

Nipple dressings off (Apr. 25)

Today (Apr. 30)

I've been using the scar gel that the clinic gave me (contains aloe vera, mupirocin & tranilast) and today I just started on the vitamin E oil. Will update again. Tell me what u think.


Had surgery may5th, this is my week post op visit may 12th. I'm still pretty sore and haven't realized yet that I need to take it easy still. I hope the soreness and pain gets better in the coming weeks



Hi everyone!

This is my first time posting, but I've been stalking this thread for so long that I feel like we're good buddies already....! *Activate super stalk and make everyone feel awkward*

Firstly, I want to thank all of you have been posting here for so long and provided such rich discussion for stalkers like me. I'm actually a very introverted social media hater (no FB, no Twitter, no nothing over here) but I wanted to create an account and post here because I feel like I've been so helped already by everyone on this site, and on this thread in particular. So, in the interest of giving back (!) I wanted to share some information and updates being now just about 22 hours post op! I'm actually non-binary, not FTM, but again, have felt really helped by you guys and most of my info about top surgery came from my FTM brothers, so it felt right to post here. No T for me. Obviously I'm still in my bandages and vest today, and will try to post a photo later. So far everything feels good, mostly like pinching at the top and sides of my chest.

I had my top surgery yesterday with Dr. Javad Sajan here in Seattle. I want to start there, as I can't say enough good things about this man. From consult to surgery I felt well taken care of, treated respectfully, and, honestly, loved. Dr. Sajan and his whole team made it clear that not only did they want to give me a surgery I could be proud of, but that they cared about me as a person and worked with me to make sure I was always comfortable and confident. For those in Seattle or Washington State who are in the process of trying to choose between Dr. Sajan and Dr. Mangabut, I would strongly recommend Dr. Sajan. It's nothing against Dr. M at all, and, in fairness, I did not do a personal consult with Dr. M, however I already knew both the doctors, as I am a psychologist who works with a lot of trans and gender variant folks, so we actually attend the same consult groups! Why I chose Dr. S over Dr. M:

1) Dr. S. does not use drains - hallelujah! I heard ENOUGH from you guys about the pain of having and removing the drains
2) Dr. S DOES do lipo around the sides, whereas for Dr. M this is a separate procedure, for which I believe you would have to pay extra
3) Dr. M does a more curved incision, whereas Dr. S does a straighter incision with a little curve (though I haven't seen mine yet!)
4) Dr. S does a lot of research and some teaching - as a part time academic myself I know how important this is to keeping your practice and skills sharp

Both doctors also take Group Health (now Kaiser Permenente) insurance, so I was able to have 80% of my surgery covered with insurance, which was fantastic! For reference for everyone: the total cost of surgery was $8500, of which I ended up paying about $2500 (had not met my deductible yet). The meds were about $90 (including 6 scripts filled at the pharmacy and a packet of Arnica that I bought directly from Dr. S) and I'm told there will be about $100 in post-surgery scar treatments. I think I will probably have a $30 co-pay at each of my post-ops as well, so all told this is probably going to wind up at about $3000. I did NOT have to have any pre-op blood work, x-rays, or other procedures. I'm being really specific here, as I know I had a lot of particular questions approaching this, and I know there are probably other stalkers out there who aren't yet in recovery but want to know what it's all about!

Dr. S has an office in Ballard and also his own surgery center, both of which are beautiful. It's a bit weird hanging out in the waiting room with a bunch of ladies waiting for their facelifts but, meh.

Consult: I went into my consult totally unprepared, as I had some questions that I thought might bar me from getting the surgery at all so I didn't do a bunch of research, not wanting to get my hopes up. That meant unfortunately that I didn't get to ask a lot of questions that I needed to, but I sent Dr. S a packet of information about my preferences as well as about 12 reference photos a few weeks later and he was so helpful and collaborative - he went over everything with me, and even reassured me that we would do my marks together pre-surgery so we could agree on nipple placement (which I was worried about). He or his staff always returned my emails and phone calls promptly and absolutely NEVER made me feel weird, out of place, or like a freak. Everyone asked my name and pronouns, and it was charted appropriately. Super win.

Preop: Got TONS of info here, and a lot of questions answered - mostly done by the nurse, but Dr. S made time to pop in and go over my pictures again with me and make me feel comfortable. He does several top surgeries a WEEK, so he really knows his stuff. They also let my partner in with me the whole time, which was great. I would recommend making sure you schedule this at least 3 weeks out, since there's stuff they want you to stop at 2 weeks (alcohol, some meds, etc)

Surgery day: I got a call from anesthesia 2 days before, and my anesthesiologist was a total delight. He reassured me about my bizarre and admittedly totally irrational fear of waking up during surgery with stats (of the 4 million cases of general anesthesia administered every year, there are 24 TOTAL documented cases of this happening. Ever. Set your minds at ease, gents!). The nurse was very kind and both eased my nerves and played up my excitement, reminding me of those excited parts too! I waited around for about 1.5 hours after check in as various folks came in and out to meet and check in on me - anesthesiologist again, nurse, then Dr. S to do my marks. I consented to have before and after photos, as well as allow the Dr. to snapchat my surgery (without my face), so he was narrating my marks as he also asked me questions and made sure we were working together. Again, I felt very comfortable and cared for. I was SO grateful to those of you who advised to bring reading/distracting materials for this waiting period before things got started - I would've been going out of my mind otherwise! I would recommend something silly and or funny to keep you lightly entertained and spirits high - I brought Hyperbole and a Half, which was bang on PERFECT! My partner and I could read together and were laugh-crying, which was exactly what I needed.

Post-surgery: I came to in the recovery room already dressed and having apparently been "awake" for almost an hour. My partner was already there, which was great, and they discharged me about 30 minutes later. Dr. S gave me his personal phone number to text whenever I needed and repeatedly encouraged me to do so - LOVE. THIS. GUY. Was pretty out of it throughout the afternoon and evening, and Dr. S called at 10pm (clearly on his drive home) just to check in on me and answer any questions I was having. Sleep was rough - even with a pillow fortress and several good neck pillows I'm still sore and it was touch getting in and out of bed during the night (drinking lots, so needed to pee lots!)

Some special things about my case that I wish I had heard more stories about:

1) I have fairly severe endometriosis (hysto here I come in August!) and take estrogen and progesterone to stop bleeding and pain. I couldn't stop my estrogen prior to surgery, as the last time I did I wound up in the hospital on and off for a week as they tried (and failed) to contain the catastrophic bleeding and pain. Dr. S was really reassuring that this would be ok, although it does increase my risk of clotting, and took extra measures to help mitigate this. I work compression massage boots during the surgery itself, and was sent home with compression stocking to wear until my post-op Tuesday (surgery was Friday, yesterday). I have also been ambulating 500 steps every hour that I'm awake, and got the go ahead from the Dr. last night to walk as much as I feel comfortable. So, if you're out there worrying about taking estrogen, this is what's been working for me - so far so good!

2) I use marijuana to treat endo pain, as well as insomnia and some other issues, and was worried about this prior to surgery. I don't smoke, but I do usually vape. I stopped this 2 weeks prior to surgery and switched to edibles (about 30-50mg per day) and so far have experienced no problems. If you also use marijuana, be very honest with your anesthesiologist, as they will need to administer more anesthesia to keep you under, and with your doctor. Unfortunately as long as it remains federally illegal (legal here in WA state) they can't do proper research on the effects, so we're all flying a bit blind - my Dr. advised me that he "couldn't say yes or no" but also that he's had other patients using edibles up to the surgery and they have all been fine, which so far is the case for me too.

3) Other meds - I tend to respond better to promethezane (phenegran) than odenstron (zofran) for nausea, so I swapped these. No problem according to my doc. I also got a Scope patch, which I think has been helpful. We had an hour long drive home and I threw up almost as soon as I stood up in the parking garage, but after that haven't been nauseous at all. I was prescribed oxy for the pain and have been taking 1-2 every 4-6 hours so far - I have a hypermetabolizing liver, so I tend to metabolize substances much faster than other folks and therefor need a bit more to stay on top of the pain.  I also have a script for Tramadol (acts like a narcotic, but isn't) for my endo and the docs also cleared me to use this pre and post surgery as needed so I can avoid taking any more narcs than I need to and get back to work earlier (I can work on the Tram, definitely NOT on the oxy)

I think that's all for now! Thanks again to all of you for all your help so far, and I'll try to keep posting in the coming days and weeks as things heal and shape up!



Quote from: Wolfy on May 14, 2017, 04:46:41 PM
Had surgery may5th, this is my week post op visit may 12th. I'm still pretty sore and haven't realized yet that I need to take it easy still. I hope the soreness and pain gets better in the coming weeks

I hear you on this, Wolfy! I'm one week post op as of yesterday and it's pretty demoralizing how slowly I still have to go at everything, and how tired I get by EVERYTHING. For some reason I feel like now that the immediate aftermath is over and I am not running a physical obstacle course every day I should be basically back to my usual self. I know that's not true, but it's hard still having to ask for help for everything and not being able to do the things I used to (or at least, not as many of them).

I dressed myself and went out for brunch yesterday and just the effort of getting clothes on and sitting someplace else totally wore me out... I ended up taking an hour long nap at home after! I hadn't anticipated how tired I would be, and how everything takes about 2-3x effort and time. I'm off the prescribed pain meds and just on Tylenol now, but my side/armpit areas are also still very swollen and sore.

Are you back at work? I tried to go back Thursday but only made it a couple hours before I had to cancel and go home. I'll be trying again tomorrow *fingers crossed*.

You look great, by the way! I like how straight your incisions are and it looks like your nipples are healing up nicely and looking good and red! I had a DI too and have been so paranoid about my grafts taking!


Quote from: CatBat on April 30, 2017, 11:29:16 PM
Hey guys, I got top surgery 2 weeks ago with Dr. Sajan in Seattle. Very pleased w the results; no complications. No drains. Very little post op pain. Gonna look dope healed up. Here are a few pics

Looking good CatBat! I had surgery with Dr. Sajan too on 5/26. He's awesome, and I've been super happy with the team and the results so far. Plus, no drains = the >-bleeped-<ing best. Now I just gotta wait until Tuesday to take this stupid corset-ey binder off. Can't wait for that (I mean, I get that we have to wear something to keep everything in place, but it feels a little cruel that the last binder we have to wear is like a hook and eye ladies' lingerie deal, amirite?).

Wanted to ask about your April 30th pic - looks like you've got a kind of black patch on your right nipple. Is that a scab or something else that ended up going away? I've got a similar dark patch on my left nipple right now that I was a little worried about, since obviously they told me to look for darkness as a potential sign of nipple death. I think it's just the blood flow returning and maybe a scab forming, but since you had a similar one thought I'd ask your experience. There was a gray sort of patch on the nipple when they took the bolsters off Friday (6/2) and now that patch has turned mostly pink, with that bit of dark in the center (really similar to your 4/30 pic). Will probably email them tomorrow if it looks the same or worse, but just wondering about yours.

Thanks, and hope your recovery process is continuing to go well! How does it feel now at 6 weeks post-op? I'm still getting used to (read: STRUGGLING) with the exhaustion and extra effort that everything takes.



Hey all, I'm officially one day post-op with Dr Andrew Ives in Melbourne, Australia!

I've had no nausea and very little pain so far. Most of the pain is on the left side of my chest, which I think they took more tissue from. I have much better mobility than expected, especially now I don't have a cannula taped to my hand so I've have to actively remember not to push myself.

After about 12 hours, my back was just as much a source of discomfort as my chest. I (surprise, surprise) have a bad upper back and struggle to get to sleep lying on it, but it was more uncomfortable than I expected to lay on it for so long. All in all I think I managed 5 hours sleep last night, but i'm hoping I'll get used to it now I'm out of a hospital bed and back at the hotel.

I'm making more detailed updates on my Tumblr blog. Shouldn't be hard to find if you search my surgeon's name.

I'll be posting photo updates here once I get my drains out next week and have more to actually show you guys! Feel free to ask questions - I don't think there's enough info out there about my surgeon but I think his results are amazing.


2 days post-op now. Forgot to mention I had a double incision w/ nipple grafts.

I was able to take my binder off to have a bit of a wash today even though I don't get my drains out until next week.

There's some swelling but very little bruising. I'm very happy with what I can see so far. The only thing I'm worried about is the drain appears to be poking out of my skin on the right side. You can see it a bit better in this photo:

There's still fluid coming out, so it's working fine. I'm more concerned about it leaving me with a permanent dog ear on that side. :-\


wanted to post an update about 14 months post surgery with dr medalie. still have some dog-earing at the middle of my chest, but it doesn't bother me much at all. the weird nipple discolouration that i had noticed in the past has basically evened out, my scars have faded very nicely and only stretched a little bit. sorry for the poor picture quality; it's very difficult to keep my tattoo and other identifying features covered up and also take a good picture : p


veniamviam, nice results, your scars have healed very nicely. What size were you before?  I hope my scars look like yours in time.


Just over 6 weeks post-op now! Really happy with how it's healed up so far ;D

Right areola is more puffy than my left (which is absolutely perfect) and there's still a bit of swelling on my left side, but I expect that'll continue to settle over the next few months.



Quote from: mm on July 14, 2017, 08:31:39 AM
veniamviam, nice results, your scars have healed very nicely. What size were you before?  I hope my scars look like yours in time.

thank you! i'm very pleased with how everything turned out ^__^ i was very nervous about this being the one time i've scarred badly, but a combination of good resilience and silicon gel has done wonders for fading my scars out. i don't know what size i was pre-op, as i think i went proper bra shopping, uh.... once? and i was eleven at the time lol. i wore a medium sports bra when i wasn't binding, but i don't know what that means in sizing. i could never do a proper bra thing even if i could get the strength to try presenting femme, as the underwire in most bras was a very painful pressure on the centre of my chest. i have pre-op pics on my transition tumblr somewhere, though!


6 weeks post-op with Dr. Keelee MacPhee in Raleigh NC
It's turning out exactly as I want it, and I'm really happy with how it's healing.

Check me out on instagram @flammamajor


Hey guys! I'm currently three weeks post op double incision with Andrew Ives in Melbourne, Australia. More than pleased with the results, and he and his team were amazing and super nice. I very highly recommend him! I've still got quite a lot of swelling on one side though, and I've been looking through Transbucket etc and haven't seen anyone at three weeks post op with this much swelling. Ives did say at my one week post op appointment that when I see him again (I see him in one week) that he's going to have to drain that side if it doesnt settle. I'm not super stressed out about it, just a little uncomfortable as it's quite alot of swelling and it hasn't gone down from when I saw him two weeks ago. In fact, the swelling actually got a little worse on that side around the two week mark, but has slowly gone back to what it was. What do you guys think? I know there's nothing I can do until I see him in a week, but I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has had this amount of swelling because I can't seem to find any pics out there like it. The photo was taken at 14 days post op.



7 days post op and just had the bandages taken off yesterday. Very happy with how it looks but cant help but feel I'm not 'flat enough'. Hopefully it'll just take time for bruising to go down and to become accustomed to how my body now looks. And I suppose it suits my body type better to not looking completely flat.

7 days after surgery
They/them pronouns preferred.



^ looks great! Swelling can take months to completely settle, it's hard but we just gotta be patient :) . I'm now one month post op and had to have some fluid drained from one side today, and it instantly reduced some of the swelling. Now both sides are even and over the next few months will just slowly settle on their own. It's so hard to keep patient when all we want is to be flat straight away, but if we have waited so long already a few more weeks or months is easy!


Quote from: emptyspiral on September 26, 2017, 07:06:42 AM
^ looks great! Swelling can take months to completely settle, it's hard but we just gotta be patient :) . I'm now one month post op and had to have some fluid drained from one side today, and it instantly reduced some of the swelling. Now both sides are even and over the next few months will just slowly settle on their own. It's so hard to keep patient when all we want is to be flat straight away, but if we have waited so long already a few more weeks or months is easy!

Thanks :). I can't help but check out my chest each time I pass a mirror  :D
They/them pronouns preferred.
