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"God doesn't make mistakes"

Started by Brandon, February 22, 2014, 05:55:43 PM

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Quote from: LordKAT on February 23, 2014, 03:37:44 AM
God made trees not lumber.  That upset one person I ran into.
That's lovely and succinct. :laugh:
everybody's house is haunted


It is very true that God does not make mistakes.

But there were only two men whom God made.
Jesus Christ whom he spake into existence in the be ginning of his creation and Adam whom he formed from the dust of the ground. Both are listed as the Son of God and son of God.

Luke 3:38
[38] Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God.

Since both are sons of God and Adam dwelt in the Garden of Eden with the Lord and one of the two brothers died (spiritually) the other Brother raised up a name for the dead.

Deuteronomy 25:5
[5] If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her.

The Lord came to die for our sins but upon ascending unto his Father sent back his Spirit that he might dwell in us. This is the brother going into us (spiritually speaking) to be his wife in a sense and his duty as a husband's Brother.

After God created Jesus Christ and then Adam he took that rib from his side and made Eve. We can see this same thing as when the Roman soldier stuck a spear into the Lord's side and the water and blood came forth we can in a sense see the bride of Christ come forth. Him making her with the new covenant of water and blood.

After this all people were not created perfect even thou God is perfect. They are born of natural reproduction as the Lord opens the womb of women. Born as David said "I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me." That is why we have illnesses and afflictions and such. From the sinful state of man after the fall and spiritual death of Adam and Eve.

I hope this helps.

May God bless.


Well I don't believe God makes mistakes and I also believe that God makes Transgenders. Why else would we be here?


I am sorry if I wasn't clear but I think I answered that in my post above.

I find it rather interesting that people are quick to blame God for anything but never Satan. If you believe in one you should believe in the other since both are in the word of God.

But the answer  gave is that after sin entered people were born with all sorts of infirmities and such. Straight and cisgender people are just born with different illnesses and such. The word of God also shows where spirits come at all as well.

May God bless.


Quote from: Del on February 24, 2014, 05:51:47 PM
I am sorry if I wasn't clear but I think I answered that in my post above.

I find it rather interesting that people are quick to blame God for anything but never Satan. If you believe in one you should believe in the other since both are in the word of God.

But the answer  gave is that after sin entered people were born with all sorts of infirmities and such. Straight and cisgender people are just born with different illnesses and such. The word of God also shows where spirits come at all as well.

May God bless.

It's quite alright Del, I could sort of understand what you were saying. I think I may have said it way simpler terms.

You make a real good point in what I highlighted from your response. We have wrote back and forth before if you can remember and even though we share similar views we perceive very differently the positive or devine forces of God and the negative or material forces of Satan. So with that said, yes God made my Spirit in the very same image in which I believe is neither male nor female but a combination of both coexisting in harmony which in my opinion the perfect completion of a devine entity. God also gave me Devine Freewill and that Freewill has allowed me to be drawn to the female characteristics of my Spirit for self expression and Spirtual identification and comfort in general. This I will have to overcome in order to be comfortable with both male and female aspects or characteristics of my Spirit which won't happen in this lifetime for sure. Yes I believe in reincarnation but not in being the most important Spiritual aspect by no means.

Now for the physical side or "Satan" meaning just the material aspects. Something happened in which my physical body was born out of synche with my Spirit. Did I choose this in order to experience being a physical male? I really don't know, in my studies of reincarnation possibly. Either way if that is how it is I am failing at it and will have to do it again at my choosing Possibly when I am more comfortable with the male aspects and characteristics of my Spirit. Also could be that I was born like this in order to expand a Spiritual awareness for myself but that certain circumstance would pertain only to me and no one else. Did nature make the fetus that eventually turned into me play a role such as in prenatal conditions such as hormonal imbalances and other variances in the womb? I really don't know that either and seems that science really isn't that concerned with it. Does it have something to do with the physical brain and the mind in a more psychological way? I would say yes on this one but my view is that the brain is physical and the mind is consciousness or more spiritual in nature.

My view of God and Satan are more of an internal nature of consciousness. Satan I don't believe is as evil but rather a physical, material force whether internally or externally to be overcome in order to experience or realize a Spiritual awareness through consciousness or consciousnesses. Yes I do believe in a Creator or whom I call God but keep my mind open to all possibilities of the nature of such. But either way God made my Spirit in the same image of the Creator's, Nature made my body, no matter how much out of synche it is with my Spirit. It is up to me to decide how to correct it whether through mental efforts or physical efforts. In other words I can be female inside a male's body and try to let them coexist or I can take actions to correct the body to make it more in line with the Spirit. Either way one chooses to go in my opinion it is more about overcoming physical handicaps in order to advance the Spirit and overcome physical strife.

I don't blame God or Satan for me being trans just as I don't blame either or for babies born autistic, blind, mentally retarded ( I know not the politically correct description), with deformaties and such and the list goes on. To me it is just something that we have to overcome in a physical existence. These are just my views and opinions and in no way right or wrong because I still don't think that is the whole picture of the meaning of life, physical and Spiritual. I still believe it is way more complicated and complex than what our limited brains and levels of consciousness can perceive at this time.


God doesn't make mistakes. Your formulated through him. Thus when you do look deep into yourself and ask the most personal life questions day in and day out, you come to answers about who you really are. And then you make the decisions from there. God knows who you are. No worries.


Yeah I've heard that phrase quite a few times. My response is always "your right he doesn't, I'm just helping you too see it"


Jessica Merriman

Quote from: Natallie553 on March 26, 2014, 07:03:07 PM
Yeah I've heard that phrase quite a few times. My response is always "your right he doesn't, I'm just helping you too see it"

<Jessica printing this on hand out cards> ;D

Jessica Rush

For a while now this statement has bothered me along with "God made you perfect". I had no reply to when family used it towards me but last night before bed I finally had something to say. We are made perfect and flawed. Not a single person on this earth has done nothing to change themselves or make themselves a better person. They are roadblocks in our lives that we must work past. Being trans and being born one gender but knowing we are another is no different than and other flaw (character/physical/emotional/etc). The complexity of God can not be defined or put into a neat little box.


God doesn't make mistakes. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies do though!,84224.0.html