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Started by MarcBanks, April 18, 2014, 06:50:23 PM

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Quote from: MarcBanks on April 27, 2014, 05:38:48 AM
NIP, thank you so much for your advice  :) It has been really helpful since i barely know anything. It sounds pretty complicated, the same as in Belgium. It isn't easy but you're right i'm tired of being treated like i'm a "demon" when my parents tell me they love more then anything...It's never easy to ask money from the government. I don't need a glamorous lifestyle i will be happy with a roof above my head. As long as i get the opportunity to start my transition, i'll be happy. I just have one final question, what is the best way to apply for a NINO and where?

When you go to the relevant local council's offices to apply for Local Housing Allowance, you'll need to tell them you don't have a NINO. They'll tell you that you need one to claim benefits. Tell them (nicely) that you understand that they can do it for you and "fast-track" it so the application happens a lot faster. You're an EU citizen so they shouldn't screw you around too much.


Quote from: MarcBanks on April 27, 2014, 05:31:29 AM
@ crowcrow223 Thank you for your advice  :) This will sound very weird but i don't know how to leave i write a goodbye letter and secretly pack my stuff and when they're not home i go away with my stuff somewhere else? I don't know how prepare for this moment. And how much does a room cost, for just me, and nothing too fancy just where i can eat sleep and wash myself. And let's say
i save up some money and get the proper psychological assessment from my therapist here since it's pretty easy to get it after 1 or two sessions. As i've heard that in the UK you have to pay quite a lot of money for the proper psychological assessment and that it takes a long time before you get it. It's great news that i can get hormones for a cheap price over there. My plan was to get the proper psychological assessment here in Belgium and use that document in the UK so i can continue my hormones at this cheap price.

If I were you I'd just simply move and leave a short card/letter for them to read. Tell them where you'll be staying, that you're safe, not to call the police, and good luck. Definitely don't try and talk with them about it as they will go crazy (although they'll probably go mad anyway lol)

You don't really have to get a proper psychological assessment, all it takes is just a medical certificate that states you're transsexual, present yourself as a man, and.. persistence. I was fortunate enough to get hormones without going to gender identity clinic, but it depends on your GP.
Room prices depend on the town You live in, but You should get sth for about 60/70-90 pounds a week, if you're looking into something basic. But once you get the local housing benefit, you won't have to worry about it!

latoya rayne

Religious people really annoy me lol I'm sorry you have to deal with this sweetie, I fortunetly never experienced rejection from my family, in fact it made us closer.



Perhaps your parents really do believe that you are a woman, and because they love you, they want to protect you from making mistakes.  However, if that is true, then they should seek some better explanation for their feelings than "it is God's will" (because they cannot know God's will with certainty) or "it is against Catholicism" (because, in truth, the Catholic Church's position has yet to be fully formed and presented).

You may wish to consider the possibility of taking the initiative to seek out your priest and your mother in a friendly way asking for a constructive and loving conversation, to speak with them as follows.

First, to ask, "How do you know for certain that transexualism is against the will of God?"  Isn't it true that many, many times, we think we know what is God's will, when we really do not?   

The Bible does not make a definitive statement *against* transexualism.  The Old Testament does make certain statements against cross-dressing.  However:  (1) in the New Testament, St. Paul makes it very clear that Christians are not bound by the legalistic restrictions of the Old Law; and (2) we have to consider what is a 'man' and what is a 'woman'.  If someone has a man's soul in a woman's body, then is this a woman dressing like a man?  Or a man dressing like a man?

In Genesis, God is said to make the first person both male and female.

Genesis 1:27.   So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 5:2.  Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

These passages might be understood to mean that a person's soul is *both* male and female; if so, which gender a person prefers to present to others is somewhat arbitrary.

If it were me, I would ask the priest in a friendly way:  I know you care about my soul, and that is appreciated.  However, may we make this agreement:  that you and I both pray, "God, may *your* will be done."  And then to humbly await guidance.  Humility here means *not* presupposing in advance that the priest or you know what the answer is.  Right? That is, true Christian humility before God means that the priest should not automatically assume that God is opposed to f2m. 

You see, the devil is not so much worried about making people think they are transexuals; his business is instead to turn people into enemies, creating tensions and divisions in families, producing anger and hatred.  The way to beat the devil, then, is for everybody to use this 'problem' as an opportunity to grow in love, understanding, patience, and humility. 

Also, there are many priests in Belgium.  You might find that some other priest has a more open-minded attitude towards transexualism.

As far as your father is concerned, in Iran, a very Muslim country, m2f transexualism is permitted (I don't know about f2m).  So the possibility that a person's soul and body may have different genders is accepted.

Cathy Anderson


Hi Marc,

Of course you have freedom in you ! I am sure. Just believe in you.
I understand you about money, I need too... (but my situation is different).
You have the country choice in Europe with an europeen passport.
Now, you are young and the goal is to build your happiness.
It is easier - but other ways exist - to find a job (you need money) with diploma.
I know what I say now will be hard for you ; please excuse me. Try to live how you are now ; manage your relationship with your parents ; you can have, for a part (and in your head, you are the alone to decide what you want to feel) your female life and the other part your male life. It is easier for a girl to live in a guy mode. Then, you study a lot (for that, male or female, no change), you manage the minimum time (if it is a problem) with your parents (and studies are an excellent excuse), you patient. Then you got a good job, your freedom... and the life you want. deal : about 5 years (depend of you) to manage you and your parents, to be patient, for after, an entire life as you want... is not a good deal ? But during this time, you think what you want, you are who you want in your head and you can wear close to guy mode (a lot of reasons to justify that to your parents exist...).
Other solution is to find scholarship and more...
But, please FIX YOUR MIND ON THE SOLUTION ! problem (no mistake, singular) exist because there are SOLUTIONS (plural...). Each day, more and more, fix your mind on the solution, on what you want for you and believe in that and in you. I am sure that you will find solution and happiness for you.


NIP, Thank you for your advice I will ask to fast-track i'm glad i'm a European citizen then  :)
Narrow minds are the poison of this beautiful world


crowcrow223, Thank you for your advice  :) You're indeed lucky in your situation with your GP and hormones without needing a psychological assessment. But I think that when it comes to surgeries, you will need that psychological assessment in order to continue surgery, am i right or wrong on this one? Since it's a bit more serious then hormones.
Narrow minds are the poison of this beautiful world


Latoya, that's great your family is kind hearted and awesome! I think it depends with each religious person, one is more open-minded then the other and is willing to accept anyone because the message of God is and will always be love at the end of the day. And acceptance is a great contribution to unconditional love  :)
Narrow minds are the poison of this beautiful world


Cathy, thank you for your advice & beautiful words :) I think you're right, we do not know what God's will is. And they should realize that my body is that of a woman but my soul is that of a man. And maybe it's better to explain to them that the body is a shelf that protects the soul and all i'm doing is adjusting my body so i can become who i am and finally become one with my body heart, mind and soul. I think i will be seeking out that same accepting priest again and tell them that my problem could indeed be an opportunity to grow in love and stop the anger hatred and ignorance. And i tried telling the Iran situation to my dad...but Iran is a country that is ruled by the law of Sharia there are two (even three) groups in the Islam and my dad is Sunni muslim and not a Shi'ite (Iran has one of the largest Shi'ite population in the muslim world). Even though Sunni muslims form the majority of muslims. The groups all hate each other. And my dad basically told me that the Sji'ites are crazy people that go against the word of God he thinks Sunni muslims are the "right" muslims.
Narrow minds are the poison of this beautiful world


Hannah, thank you for your reply and kind words :) 5 years for me is like a century and i am really doubting that i will be able to hold it out for so long because my dysphoria has doubled over the year. I think the problem lies in the fact that my parents know no better then a bad image of transgender individuals. All they know about trans people is the bad images that the media has portrayed about us and they listen to the opinions of close-minded friends and priests that say horrible things and words filled with anger, ignorance, hatred and poison. So that's how they based their opinion on transgender people. Which is terrible, and i'm no one to them to tell them who transgender people really are, because they think i'm young and dumb. I've been doing a lot of research over the past 6 years so i know what transgender is. You cannot know what transgender is by listening to a couple of close-minded fools ::)
Narrow minds are the poison of this beautiful world