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The All New 'Before & After Topic (v 3.0)

Started by Jennygirl, July 02, 2014, 05:49:20 PM

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I've posted before and afters in another post but why not in the official topic? :D

I've been on hormones for seven months and have had seven laser sessions so far... And I've lost a ton of weight. I am still not super happy with my appearance.. I think it's just hard for me too see my new self.. plus my body isn't as feminine as I want.. flat booty no hips.. boxy chest/waist... but face wise I feel quite surprised and happy with how I look most days.. lol! Dysphoria it seems will ever be lurking for me..

I was looking more disgruntled than I probably was.. pulled an all nighter twice to finish some art for a show.. lol! Anyway... not a happy human really.. not as happy as she could be.. lol! Dat facial hair. Circa fall 2013

I think this was pre hrt... if not, it was just a few weeks into it... all makeuped..

Still so much makeup here.. close to the same time... It is great to not feel like I have to pile it on anymore..

liberated from wearing base! lol! Just eyeliner/shadow/mascara and blusher.. haha! freeeedom!

I cry a lot too tho... smiling and crying how human.. lol!

I like bugs.. :D  and the 90s

Anyway... idk if this is good or not but I'm happy! haha! Especially when guys call me hot... I never in a million years thought I could be considered hot. lol! I know that's superficial maybe but still.. weird and nice.




Quote from: Damara on November 17, 2015, 02:28:22 AM
I've posted before and afters in another post but why not in the official topic? :D

Anyway... idk if this is good or not but I'm happy! haha! Especially when guys call me hot... I never in a million years thought I could be considered hot. lol! I know that's superficial maybe but still.. weird and nice.

You are gorgeous. You looked feminine even pre-HRT and you look even better now.
Started HRT on September 1st, 2015.


Quote from: Damara on November 17, 2015, 02:28:22 AM

I like bugs.. :D  and the 90s

HRT has been good to you  :icon_chick:  You look great

Kinda reminds me of Sean Young from the film Blade Runner

The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


You are all beautiful and it all shows through in the wonderful smiles.... It makes my day seeing those smiles!!

Cindi Jones

Author of Squirrel Cage


this picture was took last April

Then here is me at 1 month 1 week on HRT  ( Trying  first woman clothes i bought by my own  ;D  time to build a new wardrobe hehe )

I only wear mascara ,blush and lipstick on this.  No foundation or contouring :)

At this point I would like honest opinion on my passability. I havent went out yet and I am very scared to do it even if I would like . Thanks

Quote from: archlord on November 17, 2015, 04:20:14 PM
At this point I would like honest opinion on my passability. I havent went out yet and I am very scared to do it even if I would like

Pic 1 is nice, but there's still something borderline about it.  Pic 2 isn't passing.  Pic 3 is really nice... you look very soft.  That's my honest opinion and this is coming from someone who literally has a crush on you haha!!

If you're scared to go out... maybe try this:

Dress fully and just take a short drive.  No stops at first; no need to even look at anyone.  Keep driving until you feel comfy just stepping out of the car and getting some gas.  Then you buy a pack of gum and a drink at a 7-11 or something to engage the clerk.  Do this out of town if you still feel nervous, it may help.  Then go shopping... say hi and smile to people you see.  You just slowly get more comfortable doing things as the real you until you're simply living life.  Wade into the deep end~

I know a lot of girls post here and other sites asking if they pass (or will pass, or stand a chance to pass pre-everything etc), but you'll see that once you start being genuine, the world will tell you if you pass or not.  We can judge a 2-D pic and get an idea, but honestly:  the world in 3-D and in technicolor is going to tell you the raw truth... whether you like the news or not.

I can soooo very relate to just starting out and wanting so very badly to let 'her' breathe to curb dysphoria and all that jazz, but realize:  1 1/2 months isn't much time at all and the best to come is still a ways away.

In the end, you'll be fine as frog's hair.



Archlord, the shadow gives you away in these pics but you said you didn't use foundation, so..... you're doing very well.


Thank you so much of honest opinion. I guess I will go see my psychologist in girl mode ,that will be a good start

Jessie Ann

Quote from: archlord on November 17, 2015, 04:20:14 PM
At this point I would like honest opinion on my passability. I havent went out yet and I am very scared to do it even if I would like . Thanks

Hey Girl. Like the others have said your beard shadow is the issue.  Once you get some makeup that will cover that you should not have any issues. 

I first went out in public about a year ago and it was scary and exciting.  I thought I would just drive to my credit union and deposit a check.  Then I lost one of my press on nails so I had to go to a store and get a replacement.  When nothing happened and no one looked at me funny I knew, I knew I would transition.  I ended up going to a couple other stores and getting a few more female clothes.

So the only way for you to know is to try.  From what I have seen you are going to get some looks, looks of guys who are going to be checking you out.  Good Luck Girl!!  You will be fine and once you get over that first step all the others will be easier and easier.


Yeah this stupid beard shadow.. I am trying councealer but it seems like it isnt enough . I have done 2 laser session and the esthetician said I dont have much of a beard . Sigh.. Still to much. Do you have advice for me ??


Beard shadows show blue, so you'll need an orange hue to counterbalance it. Some people use a certain shade of lipstick after a very close shave, others will use an orange concealer. I haven't done this much myself because you are further a long with this than I am but that's what my research has shown me.

Jessie Ann

Wish I could help but I didn't have that issue.  My facial hair wasn't really heavy and dark and so I could get away with a good foundation and then bronzer on top.  I also had a lot of grey hairs so there wasn't as much dark area to have to cover. 

Katelyn's comments are what I have seen as advice for others who have the same issue as you. 

At least your lucky that you can do laser on your beard.  I've heard it is faster and cheaper for clearing than having to fully go the electrolysis route.  I have just done electrolysis and I am just getting to my first complete clearing after about 75 hours of treatment, and that took 13 hours of zapping.

Quote from: archlord on November 17, 2015, 08:05:39 PM
Yeah this stupid beard shadow.. I am trying councealer but it seems like it isnt enough . I have done 2 laser session and the esthetician said I dont have much of a beard . Sigh.. Still to much. Do you have advice for me ??


Archlord, looking good  ;)... you're blessed with a feminine face, and very cute features!! You should definitely take a look into a foundation,  helps with the shadow a ton. Luckily it looks like your facial hair either comes off very nicely or is thinner, and I bet you won't need much to cover. But laser +1! 

Ok so Here is a before, middle, and after of me going from boy mode to girl mode today. It was the first time I ever stepped out of the house at Kelsey. I put on my big girl panties and went to the ATM for money, and then to my Therapy appointment, woohoo! My Therapist said she had to do a double take, didn't recognize me at first. I did get 'clocked' so to speak pretty bad, and the guy said 'thanks man' at the end of our convo, but what more can I expect LOL.
Anywho, it was an experience, one I'll need to become more confident with ;) No Hormones yet, my therapist is referring me to someone more versed in GID who can write the appropriate letters. I hope this isn't a before and after hormone thread? I have read through all 3 but somehow missed if it is or isn't :facepalm:
Enough typing..

At school (all online, from my couch)

After making my face... seriously can't wait til the laser does it's magic, and my hair is long enough to not need a wig!!!!


Or no glasses?

In the car, whew I made it!

If you have feedback on anything I would so so so appreciate. Good or bad, no matter, I would rather know and adjust than look like an idiot in the future  :laugh:
My name is Jordin, or you can call me Kelsey, whatever floats your boat! Don't be shy to message me if you want to talk, always up for meeting new people :)



Quote from: kelseygal on November 17, 2015, 10:50:33 PM
Archlord, looking good  ;)... you're blessed with a feminine face, and very cute features!! You should definitely take a look into a foundation,  helps with the shadow a ton. Luckily it looks like your facial hair either comes off very nicely or is thinner, and I bet you won't need much to cover. But laser +1! 

Ok so Here is a before, middle, and after of me going from boy mode to girl mode today. It was the first time I ever stepped out of the house at Kelsey. I put on my big girl panties and went to the ATM for money, and then to my Therapy appointment, woohoo! My Therapist said she had to do a double take, didn't recognize me at first. I did get 'clocked' so to speak pretty bad, and the guy said 'thanks man' at the end of our convo, but what more can I expect LOL.
Anywho, it was an experience, one I'll need to become more confident with ;) No Hormones yet, my therapist is referring me to someone more versed in GID who can write the appropriate letters. I hope this isn't a before and after hormone thread? I have read through all 3 but somehow missed if it is or isn't :facepalm:
Enough typing..

At school (all online, from my couch)

After making my face... seriously can't wait til the laser does it's magic, and my hair is long enough to not need a wig!!!!


Or no glasses?

In the car, whew I made it!

If you have feedback on anything I would so so so appreciate. Good or bad, no matter, I would rather know and adjust than look like an idiot in the future  :laugh:

girl your already lookin cute 8)


Kelsey, amazing transformation. Congrats. Hugs
Quote from: kelseygal on November 17, 2015, 10:50:33 PM
Archlord, looking good  ;)... you're blessed with a feminine face, and very cute features!! You should definitely take a look into a foundation,  helps with the shadow a ton. Luckily it looks like your facial hair either comes off very nicely or is thinner, and I bet you won't need much to cover. But laser +1! 

Ok so Here is a before, middle, and after of me going from boy mode to girl mode today. It was the first time I ever stepped out of the house at Kelsey. I put on my big girl panties and went to the ATM for money, and then to my Therapy appointment, woohoo! My Therapist said she had to do a double take, didn't recognize me at first. I did get 'clocked' so to speak pretty bad, and the guy said 'thanks man' at the end of our convo, but what more can I expect LOL.
Anywho, it was an experience, one I'll need to become more confident with ;) No Hormones yet, my therapist is referring me to someone more versed in GID who can write the appropriate letters. I hope this isn't a before and after hormone thread? I have read through all 3 but somehow missed if it is or isn't :facepalm:
Enough typing..

At school (all online, from my couch)

After making my face... seriously can't wait til the laser does it's magic, and my hair is long enough to not need a wig!!!!


Or no glasses?

In the car, whew I made it!

If you have feedback on anything I would so so so appreciate. Good or bad, no matter, I would rather know and adjust than look like an idiot in the future  :laugh:
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
I am also spouse of a transgender person.
Retired News Administrator
Retired (S) Global Moderator


I tried to get a closer shave and to apply a little councealer on upper lip beard zone ( i applied it once, waited 30 min and applied another time).  My face is all natural except this (no foundation, no mascara,  no eyeliner, no blush, no lipstick, really my face).

is it better for the shadows? :)



Quote from: archlord on November 18, 2015, 12:15:22 PM
I tried to get a closer shave and to apply a little councealer on upper lip beard zone ( i applied it once, waited 30 min and applied another time).  My face is all natural except this (no foundation, no mascara,  no eyeliner, no blush, no lipstick, really my face).

is it better for the shadows? :)

I dont think your shadow is noticeable at all. I don't think you will be clocked for your shadow. I think you blend very nicely and if you went out in public you'd have nothing to worry about and everyone would "ma'am" you and treat you like a lady (unless your voice is super deep or something). You have very feminine facial features and in my opinion you make for a very attractive woman.
Started HRT on September 1st, 2015.


Been on HRT for 3 years now, and made a new timeline video
