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You know you are done transitioning when...

Started by peky, July 29, 2014, 06:42:30 PM

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ME: (going into the ladies room)... (it is a foul place, I do not want to pee there)...(checks boys room...nobody there)... (starts peeing in one of the stall)... (suddenly hear some men entering the bathroom)...

Guy one: That is weird"
Guy two: "that sound like a girl is peeing there"
Both guys: "giggles"
ME: (stops peeing)
Both guys: more giggles

(they live, door closes)

ME ( finish peeing, comes out, wash hands, cautiously opens door... see guys over there, makes no eye contact.., walks away as fast as I could)

Both guys: more giggles

I think this esperience tells me I am done transitioning.... How about you, do you have a story to share ?


I was barred from a male restroom by a very frightened looking Alpha male who pointed over to the Women's room which was also standing room only.  In that line were several young male urchins with hopefully their relatives.  One older lady who had rather chiseled features of a particular Native American tribe was in line.  I was not really looking at the brat, but all of a sudden he tells his hand holder "there's a guy in line here".  Not me, the older woman, who was very much cis female. 

I did not really need to call the cops in regard to child abuse, but -----  oh did hell break loose.
I refuse to have a war of wits with a half armed opponent!!

Wiser now about Post Op reality!!

Jessica Merriman

I knew I was done mentally when I started forgetting I was trans in the first pace. The physical will be done next December!  :)


Quote from: Jessica Merriman on July 29, 2014, 07:11:26 PM
I knew I was done mentally when I started forgetting I was trans in the first pace.

That too!!    ;D :D ;)
I refuse to have a war of wits with a half armed opponent!!

Wiser now about Post Op reality!!


I always pondered the question of when are you done transition...

when you pass most of the time?
when your papers shown your true gender?
after one year on HRT?
after one year doing the RLE?
after SRS?
when you say: "done" ?

Jill F

When... I don't know?  When I'm six feet under?  I mean we're all in a constant state of flux, right?

Who knows?  Maybe I get lipo when I'm 65 and another boob job with a feminizing facelift.  That's like 20 years away.

Maybe I'm already essentially done transitioning.   I am after all, socially, legally and hormonally 100% female. 

Maybe I won't worry about this.  I have what I always wanted, and now I just get to Jillax.


Quote from: Jill F on July 30, 2014, 07:25:16 PM
When... I don't know?  When I'm six feet under?  I mean we're all in a constant state of flux, right?

Who knows?  Maybe I get lipo when I'm 65 and another boob job with a feminizing facelift.  That's like 20 years away.

Maybe I'm already essentially done transitioning.   I am after all, socially, legally and hormonally 100% female. 

Maybe I won't worry about this.  I have what I always wanted, and now I just get to Jillax.

thank you for sharing the jill-pill   LOL


I'll feel like I successfully transitioned when in the back of my mind I know that I can make some extra money stripping on the weekends ^_^
A girl can dream...
-Dead or Alive <3
"Isn't it a pity that I'm not the prettiest girl in the world, sometimes I feel when I kick up my heels in the sun,
I'm the loveliest one."


Cassie 4 Ever!!!

Just like Jessica, I am done transitioning mentally. I still have more physical changes and laser to go through.

I realized I was done mentally when I stop saying to myself, "Man I wish I was a woman." and now instead, it is "Gosh, I cant wait for surgery, having that sucks so much."

For me, being completely done with my physical transition will mean my papers are in order, SRS or GRS is done, RLE is done, and Laser on my face is done.



For me it's when I am only reminded I once was otherwise, not that I think I am otherwise.


For me it's when my former life started seeming like a dream. And I can't even relate to the old me. :)


When I look in the mirror and feel nary a hint of dysphoria - only happiness.
Don't lose who you are along the path to who you want to be.



When my body no longer sets off dysphoric feelings.


Last night being told by an LGBTI group that they loathe me because I'm cis so cannot be a representative for Trans rights.

Loved it!!

Eva Marie

Quote from: Heather on August 01, 2014, 10:39:25 AM
For me it's when my former life started seeming like a dream. And I can't even relate to the old me. :)

I'm 6 weeks away from going to court and making it official so i'm not quite legally Eva yet, but what Heather wrote really resonated with me. I cannot relate to what I know my old life was like - I don't know who that person was anymore, and it all has a dream-like quality now. I am living a totally different life than I was just two years ago.

Carrie Liz

I'm admittedly still working on this...

With that said, though, going in for a job interview in a place I'd never been before and being treated like a cis-woman the whole time was a pretty big deal. Gendered properly the whole time, given a lot of that "talking down to" kind of behavior where I could see the male interviewer smiling at me the way male bosses smile to subordinate female employees rather than the "welcome to the club" attitude that they give other males, plus never a single sideways glance or standoffish attitude that would have suggested that he noticed something "off" about my gender presentation.

That was a big moment. And it happened twice, so for the first time I actually started believing that I was really done, and that I might even have the option of being stealth, or at least of being female enough that people have no problems accepting me as such even if they still question if I'm trans or not. I'd never thought that was even remotely possible before.


Quote from: ZoeM on August 01, 2014, 11:04:06 AM
When I look in the mirror and feel nary a hint of dysphoria - only happiness.

this ^^^ ++++

yes, it so resonates with me... LOL