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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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The snail has been asked to go into the CIScity and have breakfast with the little snails spouse, then go to the snails favorite shops afterwards and look at rare gifts and beautiful trinkets with her.. The snail is giddy with anticipation..

Wishton dresses, wearing the new silver neckless with engraved trans emblem in the middle he got yesterday, and finishes his look with one of the decorations the fairy left him last week..

The snail says a prayer for all of the other creatures of the unicorn forest, takes a deep breath of excitement, and walks down the path proudly with his lady snail towards the scent of cooking in the CIScity......
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


Quote from: Kova V on October 21, 2014, 06:22:34 PM
A refreshing night breeze sweeps over the warm forest floor,  dances through the thorned defences of the dark worn tree to say hello with a silent welcoming hug.

*lets one of her last leaves fall for the night breeze as a hug back* 
dont come too close i m can be a little toxic.


The flower watches the menagerie of creatures playing in the forest. She is awed and terrified. "How do they know what to do?" she wonders.  How do they fit so comfortably into their environment, while everywhere she takes seed she never quite belongs. She longs to ask them how they do it, but she fears she already knows the answer. They just know. They've always known, while the flower, for some reason she doesn't understand, is forever trying to figure it all out.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


sitting in the forest under the moon's eye, the guide finally asks the question, "vampire, who are you?" stunned by the blunt question, the vampire stares, speakless. "i was once the queen of the dark forest, the king of all immortals,undead, and faes. i had everything i ever wanted. i had power, servants, land, and even a giant fortress the enveloped the skies and the land. but now, i'm just lost, afraid and lonely. de-crowned and de-throned. i forgot who i am." crying, the vampire folded their wings as if being encased by a cocoon and sobbed. "your indeed lost and afraid, but your never lonely. your heart is just split into 7 pieces  each time you discover something new, a piece will return. the creatures you travel with, they are your heart so your never alone." the guide than points to the bracet around the vampire's wrist. at the end, dangling doen, is the sword that the vampire received. "that sword is actually a key. with it, you can gain all that you've lost, or" the guide paused, than spoke with a smile. "or you can gain something that has been proven to be impossible. the choice is yours. find yourself and the answer will come to you." a sudden flash of light appeared. one of the creatures turned into what looked like a shard, than disappeared. " by admitting your lost, you've accepted yourself a bit and a piece of your heart returned to you." with a tearful smile, the vampire repeated, "i am a lost one" before drifting off to sleep. finally, she can dream again.

♥︎ SarahD ♥︎

Quote from: Dread_Faery on October 24, 2014, 03:02:29 PM
The great dragon circles as the three winged women sing and dance in the sky alongside her. She smiles and flows into her human dragon form, and her two tiny passengers squeak in surprise at the change, but are safe and secure, nestled behind the horns that protrude through her copper hair. Kel and the sootball look at each other, they remember the willowy women with elfin features and green eyes, and they can still see that person in Cerys, but the dragon and the human are in harmony now, and she is beautiful in a way that transcends both forms.

Unaware of the contemplation of her two passengers, Cerys arches her wings to catch and hold her in the wind, and she seems to float almost effortlessly to the three circling women. She hangs impossibly in the sky for a moment, grace and strength flowing from her, before cracking a wry smile.

"well I'm done with showing off, do you mind if we soar while we talk, I need a rest. And what was that music, it was... Beautiful"

The three women circle around and pull up along side the dragon lady, intrigued - although not surprised - by the transformation, and in admiration of her beauty and grace.  The two smaller entities land on the lager woman's shoulders, their fiery shrouds vaporising as they do so and revealing the two small fairy-like creatures once again.  They cling to the woman's shoulder pads like two small kittens learning to pounce for the first time.

The woman smiles at the dragon lady proudly, and tells her "that was a fragment of the Devine Chorus, which is a part of the larger Celestial Symphony.  It's the symphony of life, creation and the universe".  She pauses for a moment, and then continues "..or to put it another way, it's the symphony of love".  She gives the dragon lady a knowing look, suspecting strongly that she'll understand the cryptic metaphor.  She glances back down at the forrest below them for a split second, still pondering over the strange new resonance she had felt, before a look of sudden realisation spread across her face like fire.

"Oh gosh, we haven't even introduced ourselves!  How rude of us!"  She gestures first to the red, and then the blue entity in turn "This is Rhapsody, and this is Harmony" she says.  "They are my sprites.  They're supposed to be servants, but I treat them much more like sisters".  The two small beings straighten their backs and smile proudly, clearly pleased that they're being talked about with such affection.  "As for me," the woman continues "I'm Melody.  I'm... erm..." she stops for a moment, realising that she's forgotten the words to describe herself.  It's been so long since she's had the opportunity to talk about herself, she's not even entirely sure that she's ever had the words.  She furrows her brow, scanning the deepest recesses of her ancient memory.  "What was it they used to call me..?" she mutters in a slightly frustrated tone.  Rhapsody sits up on her knees, cupping her hands around Melody's ear and whispering something incomprehensible into it.  "an 'Archangel'..?" Melody asks the tiny red being quizzically, "That's a funny word..  are you sure?".  Rhapsody nods her head in confirmation.  "Ok then," Melody says turning back to the dragon lady, "the mortals call my kind 'Archangels' apparently.."  She shoots her two small companions a playfully suspicious look, still feeling like she's being had by a practical joke.  Sprites are mischievous like that, but what is life without a little fun?

"I caught the name 'Cerys' on the wind," she says turning back to the dragon lady, "am I right in thinking that's your name?".  She then looks lovingly at the two small creatures hiding in Cerys' hair, continuing "and who are these two lovely beings?".
"You never find the path to your true self, but rather - you find your true self along the path"

Ms. OBrien CVT

It does not take courage or bravery to change your gender.  It takes fear of living one more day in the wrong one.~me


The fairy quietly flies to the flower and the thorny tree and curls up into a ball.

Stay with me tonight, Sh'e said.

The day had been hard, emotions deep, and these two seemed to also have been through the harder paths.

So it is in the forest, we never really are alone, there are many that  have found their way in, that search, that hurt.  It is part of trans, part of life, the cost of love.

The future is not clear, but this night will be the flower, the tree, and the fairy, two deepening roots, and one, just getting through the night.

In the Cisworld a daughter cries.  In the forest, a fairy father weeps, seeking the wisdom to protect her daughter, struggling.

Exhausted, she rests against A thorny tree, and she is comforted, and she holds the flower to her heart, watering it with tears.

Rest my dear ones, you are of the forest.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


"oh there's a lycan. the last time i've seen one was in the dark forest." the vampire slow creeps up to the lycan. "strange, never thought i see one here." the pixie guide smiled at the vampire's curiousity, and said " yes, there are many here, some you wouldnt expect and others that you've known." after the events of the last few nights, the vampire has revert back into a child. a new life to start, but still kept some memory. "i'll just keep my distance though. i hear they can get pretty scary." the vampire was walking and sees a dragon sleeping.  whispering what would be a chant, the young vampire goes invisible. " a little micheavous fun never hurts anyone." the vampire get gets a water ballon and throws it at the sleeping dragon, than hides while still invisible.


Cerys smiles at the three women.

"Yes, that is my name, and I am a dragon born as a human." She grins micheviously, " though I think you may have figured that one out."

Pointing to her tiny passengers she continues, "this is Kel the dormouse, kind hearted and wise. And this is sootball, third of one or one of three... I can never remember. They are kind and brave and a true friend to all."

Having been introduced both Kel and Sootball wave at the three women and welcome them to the forest.

Cerys smiles again, "Melody, Harmony and Rhapsody... Your music touched the core of my being, it takes me back to the moment of my awakening, when I truly understood that I was a daughter of Gaia."

She pauses, a sly smile on her face, "Was it the 42nd part of the divine harmony by any chance?"


The flower knows that it's her time to blossom. The winter will come soon and and she will wither in the frost. "Who will blossom with me?" she calls out to the other flowers. "We're busy", they say back to her. "We started blossoming long ago, when you were trying to grow into a tree. We don't have time for someone who is figuring it out."

So the flower tries to blossom alone.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


One of the popacorns land next to the flower trying to blossom, having been touched by dragon fire it has been filled with a tiny spark of dragon magic, and it raises it's tiny voice to speak to the flower.

"One should never have to blossom alone dear heart, I will blossom with you if you wish."

And with a crack it splits open and a gleaming shoot the same colour as the scales of the dragon circling far overhead bursts forth.


Quote from: Dread_Faery on October 27, 2014, 09:08:15 AM
One of the popacorns land next to the flower trying to blossom, having been touched by dragon fire it has been filled with a tiny spark of dragon magic, and it raises it's tiny voice to speak to the flower.

"One should never have to blossom alone dear heart, I will blossom with you if you wish."

And with a crack it splits open and a gleaming shoot the same colour as the scales of the dragon circling far overhead, bursts forth.

Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


The fairy lifts her head and sees the flower and the popacorn.  She is in agony today, it is a moment of grace Sh'e needs to see.

The little moments of the forest.

Our moments.

A closeness incomprehensible to others, and as vital as the air we breathe.

He'r head goes down again, the pain must be endured.  Creatures will be called, tears shed, food.ignored.

The pain of fatherhood.  One day it will turn again to blessing, today the fairy grieves for the cruelty of life, and he'r hard choices.

Sh'e pushes hard against the thorns, praying for the loved ones Sh'e hurt, trying to protect them from themselves, trying to save a future, trying to be a real person, a fairy father in warrior mode, it costs, but it must be done.

Sh'e grieves for the boy she's hurt, for the daughter Sh'e tries to help, praying hard for them both, and for the child who's end came before birth, miscarried through no one's fault, lost until the next world comes.

The agony of two families, the desperation of needing the forest.

It hurts so much...

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Far above the forest, in the Horticultural Orbiting Research Station of Equestria (H.O.R.S.E) the Science Giraffe looks down, confused by the goings on.

He sighs and goes back to reviewing episodes of my little pony:



The fairy is feeling better... they had called h'er Mercurial seems they are right, and Sh'e gently untangle herself from her sisters.

She gives a gentle smile and spreads her spacious wings. Gilded with gold and iridescent in the light.

Heading aloft Sh'e explores, there are places in the forest to revisit, the unicorn statue of Nero, the path of transition, there are some things that were hidden, calling for finding.

The forest sings, it is good.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


"the forest glows brighter and brighter, and soon, the dark night will disappear from this place. i had fun here, but i must return soon. i am a creature of the night, therefore, if i dont return, i will become even more lost."sighing, the vampire picks up a rock and throws it, watching it glide along the water's surface."i just dont know what to do anymore. my pendent is running out of energy to sustain me, the night grows shorter and shorter. i'm hungry. i just feel even more lost, like i'm about to loss it like i did before."folding her wings to block out the light, the vampire sobs. her tears are starting to become blood again, as all vampire cry blood and not tears. the pixie tries to pull the vampires wings apart, but to no avail. they simple remain shut. "please don;t give up. what about your wish? can't you use it and wish to become a day walker? your an immortal aren't you? can't you wish to become, well alive?"there was a slight silence. the vampire than open's her wings, her face red with crimson. "impossible. its just impossible. once your dead, your dead. there is no way to bring the dead back to life, even if they are immortal. a wish like that messes with the balance. to bring someone to life, someone must die; a sacrifice no will make no matter what the circumstances are. humanity isnt that merciful or given."folding her wings back and starts crying again. her cries seemed to echo, because the plants around began to weep. "i could stay, but i would have to sleep for eternity. when a vampire is left in the light, one of 2 things happens. they turn to ash, or in my case, the will sleep until the night returns."the vampire begins to glow, turning into a ball of black light' "this will help a little bit, but its not a permanent issue. it'll protect me while i travel back to the dark forest. but first, i need to rest. all this crying has drained me. will you follow me, or will you remain here?"the pixie climbs under the vampires wings and borrows into her pocket. "i will follow you. i am a shard of your heart."shock, the vampire rolled into a ball, under a tall tree, protecting them from the sun, and they both fell asleep, silently.


The child was stuck in the middle of a river, the currents pushing them under, despite their best attempts to stay afloat.

They cried for help to the pink butterflies on one side, the birds flew away, "You have given up your female privileges. You are not wanted here."

They cried for help to the blue trees on the opposite side, they huffed, "You will never be a real man. You'll always be inferior in our eyes."

The child cried, stuck in-between both worlds. Their intersex birth condition and extremely delayed puberty divided them apart from other trees and now transitioning drove a deeper wedge between both worlds.

Being intersex... transgender... non-binary... the child's legs pushed under the water, coughing and spluttering water out of their mouth.

A light of hope appeared, a therapist who has had experience with helping non-binary folks. She reached out her hand to the child, pulling them out of the raging waters, "It will be okay, little one." She whispers, "I understand how hard it can be to find your place in this world but do not fret, I will help you through this difficult journey."

The child cried tears of joy and grasped her hand gratefully, glowing in a white light of serenity and peace.   

The child walked along the path and wondered where the snail travelled to... their affinity for all things pretty and shiny was something they had in common. Oh, the genderless fairy thought, I would love to go shopping with the snail!


You and me both my dear, winked the fairy, suddenly remembering the Winston wish.  Sh'e would use it some day, and had hot stuff for the genderless one too, but she was waiting to grow on top before letting that go.

And waiting, and waiting, and waiting....

A life goal of filling an a cup.   Gotta be kidding me...

You can swim my dear, know this...
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The therapist hands me a pair of floaties, slipping them onto each of my tiny arms.

The genderless child is placed back into the water, learning to swim against the current. The Fairy was right, they can swim with support and inner strength from within their core...

They remembered they used to enjoy swimming when they were younger and they giggled, smiling and splashing in the water. The darkness that once gripped them gently resided in the corner of their mind, the darkness itself felt a spark of joy, almost sharing the same excitement as the child from the playful swimming in the clear river.

The child fluttered their wings, the water washing them clean to show their transparency.

It was a wonderful day, moping around and being stressful about things that have yet to happen in the future just causes unnecessary pain.


The fairy looks inside the genderless one, and sees the spark of joy.  She sends a breath of hope to fuel the fire, and remembers the precious gift of wishton, a wish to grant.

Sh'e closes her eyes, looks at their core, and lights a single candle deep within the genderless heart.  It burns with a light that will never fail.

The source is not the wish nor the fairy, but the prayer and the light are real, it will be the quest of the genderless one to find that source, perhaps a lifetime, perhaps right now, but the answers are out there, with the cis, with the forest, with each other, and with ourselves.

Burn bright, little light, pierce the darkness to reveal their truth.

So goes the wish of wishton, a fairies prayer for joy, never to end.


Satinjoy the fairy
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.