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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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The snail had gotten an ichy foot, and knew it was from the other creatures thinking about him, one of those things the snails mama had taught him long ago..
The snail was fascinated by the girl by the rivers words and thoughts, giving him new ideas and concepts to understand, which makes the snail grow and feel stronger and wiser..
Where he was was back in the CIScities, buying and selling his goods, growing his wealth so one day he can return from one of his trips, and never leave the unicorn forest again.. Winston was also acquiring from his secret dealers special gifts for all the creatures, but is saving them for the right time, when each creature needs most something to lift them up, and make they're spirits smile...

The snail senses that the wish saved by the fairy was used, not immediately realized by the snail, but now deeply felt from invisible words and strong thoughts. He also feels that spark of joy. As the candle burns, and the wish takes effect, Wishton speaks a prayer and ancient chant, to aid the genderless one in finding they're source of truth and power, that it will always burn bright where ever they are, and will be a blessing upon all they meet, as they have been to all of the creatures of the unicorn forest...

The snail feels good, because he has been sharing the gifts and knowledge of trans in the CIScities, where he hopes he has made future creatures and Alli's understand the world of trans better, and many now are getting used to parts that the snail has lived in front of them, and he knows when the terms, faces and experiences he can keep telling the CISpeople about will get them used to us, and soon will not pay any attention, and think of us from the forest as just friends, neighbors, coworkers and attractive mates, just as the book of wisdom  behind the great stone promises will happen one day..

Wishton decides to walk around the forest this morning, to visit with some of the creatures that have also been away and busy..

The sun begins to rise, and Wishton sends a wish to the forest itself, a wish of peace, happiness and love to cover each and all of the creatures here...
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."

♥︎ SarahD ♥︎

Quote from: Dread_Faery on October 27, 2014, 08:29:15 AM
Cerys smiles at the three women.

"Yes, that is my name, and I am a dragon born as a human." She grins micheviously, " though I think you may have figured that one out."

Pointing to her tiny passengers she continues, "this is Kel the dormouse, kind hearted and wise. And this is sootball, third of one or one of three... I can never remember. They are kind and brave and a true friend to all."

Having been introduced both Kel and Sootball wave at the three women and welcome them to the forest.

Cerys smiles again, "Melody, Harmony and Rhapsody... Your music touched the core of my being, it takes me back to the moment of my awakening, when I truly understood that I was a daughter of Gaia."

She pauses, a sly smile on her face, "Was it the 42nd part of the divine harmony by any chance?"

Melody laughs heartily.  "Haha, close - the 43rd," she says, shooting the dragon a cheeky glance and nudging her playfully, "but they sound so similar, so I'll forgive the mistake".  Rhapsody and Harmony bounce up and down, eager to play.  "Oh, go on then!" the Archangel tells her two companions.  The sprites take wing, hovering over to Kel and Sootball and embracing them lovingly.  They begin chattering like old friends - Rhapsody shows off a little of her arcane magic to Sootball who seems suitably impressed with the display, while Harmony produces a tiny crown of daisies from one of her pockets which she places on Kel's head.  "They've always made friends easily" Melody tells Cerys.

The group talks and plays in the skies for hours.  Melody asks Cerys many questions, especially about the forrest below them.  She learns about the special harmonics of the forrest, and how it can reveal any being's true nature.  The sun begins to set, and the cold October night begins to shroud the skies.  "We should find shelter," she tells her companions.  And with that, the three celestial being bid their new friends a loving farewell.  "Travel safe, dear dragon," the Archangel instructs Cerys, "if you ever need protection from the darkness, you need only call my name and I shall be there right beside you with my shield of love, and my sword of truth".  She looks at the dragon's two passengers - "That goes for you both as well," she smiles.  After giving Kel, Sootball and Cerys a final hug goodbye, Rhapsody and Harmony return to their places on Melody's shoulders, who herself does the same, before finally diving into the endless forrest.


The Archangel and her companions stand on the forrest floor.  Darkness surrounds them, and they can feel the demons from the Astral planes cloying at them through he thin veil that separates the dimensions, begging them to come back and rejoin the eternal war.  Melody rolls her eyes at the sad attempts of the dark angel's minions to unsettle them.  "You'd think they'd have learned by now..." Melody says to her tiny sisters, who shake their heads in disgust as they deftly dodge vague misty hands grabbing at them out of the darkness, and disappearing again back to the ether.  The Archangel throws her hands out to either side with a quiet bang, and their antagonists vanish without so much as a word.

"The path ahead will be long and full of both dangers and wonders," she tells the pair of sprites, "and 'THEY' certainly aren't going to make things easy for us" she continues, gesturing to the previously threatening darkness.  "It has been written in our stars, and no demon shall stand between us and our destiny".  And with that, the three celestial being dissapear into the darkness of the forrest to begin their treacherous journey.

"So where does it go from here?  Who knows.

It's been some time since I came into consciousness, and since then, I've found myself chasing a past that doesn't want to be found.  Only the dreams.  Echoes of a life I've never lived are what remind me.  All this time trying to answer these unknown questions, analysing the life I know for any recollection of who I was, so that once I do find out - I'll be ready.

But it's coming to the point where yesterday doesn't matter anymore, and the only test that matters is the next one.  I was once told, that you never find the path to your true self, but rather - you find your true self along the path.

Those who know me now have given me a name, and people are noticing me more because of what I can do.  I see the path I must travel, but I don't know what I'll find along the way.  I don't know where I'll run when the demons come.  I don't know where I'll hide when the darkness falls, and I don't know who I will turn to when the world is set on fire.  All I know is that there is no turning back.

I am Melody - the Archangel and a trans* girl.  And this is my journey."

"You never find the path to your true self, but rather - you find your true self along the path"


Quote from: Satinjoy on August 25, 2014, 07:05:49 AM
I offer this in the hopes that it give others hope to keep walking and hold their heads up high

An allegory of the Non binary genderqueer trans life, just one of many lives, all different, but many parts the same.

Satinjoy the fairy woke from her slumber, a slumber of peace.  She had not dreamed the succubus last night, that creature who comes to make love in our dreams, and the succubus is the wrong gender for her anyway, she prefers males in her dreams, not females.  Part of the strange duality of her needs.

She wakes and heads to the mirror, after grabbing her wig first to soften that initial shock of dysphoria.  Reaching it she began doing what she must daily to maintain her life, for she decided long ago not to sacrifice the world of the cis for her world, for the sake of her loved ones that are cis.

Looking in the mirror she felt the familiar emotions of seeing what she does not wish to see first.  She pauses, breathes, refocusses.  She allows her female components to override the male, she allows herself to see the beauty in her eyes, those womans eyes that are always present, windows into the world of her soul, and deeper into her core being.  Then moving out, she takes in that which is girl, ignoring that which is not. 

Inevitably she sees the mask she wears for the needs of the ciswoman she loves so dearly.  The mask she always wore, from the begining, worn because of the fear of rejection early on, with no training of how to be authentic and courageous.  The ciswoman is straight, it is difficult, but it works.....  So she looks at the mask and forces the core to see it, not see past it as she does so often, but see it as the handsome man the ciswoman married.  The fairy decided long ago not to murder that man, in dysphoric rage and selfish need, but to validate him, and he is her protector nonetheless, well able to protect in the hostile land of the wilderness of the Cis.

The she allows the man to see the girl, to see the body now bare before the mirror, midtransition as she is.

It is her time of the week, she takes up the elixer of life for her, a needle filled with the nector of transition, and she does what she must with it to fix the endocrine system she was born with, a birth anomoly to be understood, and repaired.  Soon she feels the familiar euphoria and peace that comes with estrogen supply, her brain easily aborbing the food, colors brightening in her starved eyes, feeding on that which is needed for transition, her emotions, and her basic physical needs and wiring.

She suits up for hte day ahead.  From her sanctuary, she must emerge.  She will walk the daily tightrope of trans.

She steps out of her treehouse to a long, diamond encrusted tightrope, on the other side of which are the cliffs of cisworld.  This is actually not a place in the forest, it is a portal to another world, one in the fairy's house, she does not know if there are others.

Undetected but ever present, some of the creatures of the forest watch.  Some hold their breath, they know the fairy well, and the trans of the city look in fear and concern at where she is, sometimes comprehending the need for journey, sometimes wonder why she would ever leave the forest.  A shadow, the shadow, becomes alert.  They will be there if she falters, they always know where she is.

She steps out on the diamond encrusted tightrope. Her feel are calloused, and she spreads her wings wide so that she does not fall.  She cannot fly over, such is the nature of her personal portal, she must walk the walk.  Today is isnt bad.

Sometimes the wind rises, blowing from the cis world.  She balances carefully.  Sometime she calls to the forest for help, and they stand in gap, keeping her from falling...

In the middle of hte tightrope waits the ciswoman, coming halfway out to meet her, she is a woman of courage and love, never to be cast aside.

Sometimes the ciswoman speaks, and she says the wrong thing.  The fairy wobbles and rises above it.  Sometimes, the wind blows hard, and the diamonds begin to cut deeply.  She puts one foot in front of the other, daring anyway.  She resolutely lifts her face to the sun, eyes fixed on Him, for it is the suns strength that carries her through, and ignites the fire in the diamond of her core.

Twice on this journey she had faltered, twice she froze on the rope, unable to think, frozen in time.  The succubus once waited such a moment out with her, for which she will be forever grateful, as did the woodelf that showed her a way out of hte city of the binary tranz.

Once, not long ago, darkness covered the sun.  The Ciswoman did not believe the fairy could keep walking, and on the other side of hte wilderness,  wanted her gone, the same day on her job where she is almost stealth,a brutish cisman threatening to destroy all she had, in hatred of her core, and the threat it poses to his reality.  It was too much for anyone to withstand.

She could not get back to the forest that night, nor for a week of nights, but the folk of the forest were watching, and the elf and the shadow knew where she was.  Far below, on the jagged rocks, stood a large green warrior of the trans city, her arms out ready to catch the fairy if she fell to the ground, and carry her to a safe place.   She always watches that walk.  She retreated into herself, and the elf and the shadow went after her, not allowing her to give into the darkness, and passing messages to the forest creatures, who held their breath in deep concern.

Eventually the wind died down, and the fairy came back to the forest, stronger, more resolute, knowing what she must do.

For the tightrope on one side is dysphoria, a place of hell for the fairy, and on the other is full time transition, with all its costs and all its pain, and its freedom.  Its price is everything the fairy holds dear in life, she will not pay, she will walk the tightrope, cutting her feet, and living in joy.

As she walks, from the sun comes hope, and she begins to assemble her body armor, starting to blend.  Early on she meets her wife the ciswoman, when she is barely hidden, body dimly revealed, blatantly so below the waist, but her hair is off, the head is male.  Her transitioned chest she will hide from her forever.  It is what must be.

By the end of the tightrope transformation is complete, it looks like a man, something strange about his eyes, something not male, and if they look for any length of time, the nails remain, polished and shining like the sun, 4 mm from the fingertips, statements in the cisworld that will not be hidden, will never be ashamed, for she is of the world of trans, and she will not bow down to the cis.

At sunset she returns on the rope, staying halfway with the ciswoman, meeting her needs, living life and abundantly so, and she ignores the mirrors, they sometimes are disturbing.  She is still amazed at the ciswoman, who stays and helps, yet cannot handle her full transition, but she handles so much, not tolerated, but loved, now a part of their lives, part of the feast of marital bliss.

And then the ciswoman, knowing her needs, lets her walk the rope back to the forest, back to santuary, where she regains her hair, dresses again in satin and silk and nylon, always those are with her anyway, just hidden from view in the wilderness of cis, but here, she can be sh'e, all girl, for the moment, authentic, and at peace, yet knowing her core is genderfree, rising above it all and amuzed at the illusions, and her fluid presentation works for her.  But in this place of full transition, ignoring the remains of the cisworld disquise, she is complete.

So this is the allegorical life of Satinjoy the fairy.  This is the life of the late transition mtf who chooses to be genderqueer, who sees through the binary to the reality of the nonbinary, who takes strength from above to walk below, supported by the forest, loved by a ciswoman, and willing to sacrifice whatever is necessary for the sake of those around her, for her love is deep indeed.

I offer this to bring hope to the others who walk the tightrope, in hopes that they may have courage to continue, to use the validation of both components to see themselves always in the positive and never from the paradyne of dysphoria, and for those who do not understand, to see a vision of another world.

This is only my story, all are unique, all are special, there are many authentic paths in the forest and in the city of tranz.  This is only one of them.

Blessings, nails out, heart wide open, and just trying to help, with great love for all here.

This was written months ago.  Today, the fairy dances on the tightrope, and sh'e sails, h'er protectors sing, we are blessed, we are nonbinary trans.

It was in another thread, it is time to bring it in here.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Kel the dormouse scurries around leaving acorn messages in the forest clearings.. She wonders if if the creatures of the forest will see them..


The Fairy sees, approves, and loves the little Dormouse and her amazing heart.  She loves all in the forest, but this little one is so cute and has so much heart to give, rare and special, one of the very beautiful spirits in this place, priceless to us all.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Winston also watched the Doormouse hide her acorns around the forest.. He giggles as he tries to remember where they are, sliding on his one foot trying to collect as many as he can.. :D The snail is so happy to see the Doormouse again.. The snail also notices the fairy finding acorns to, and feeling in a sneaky playful mood he tries to reach into the fairies pocket and sneak an extra acorn, only to get his hand slapped from his clumsiness... :)

The snail also read all the other creatures messages, and is moved and as often happens, goes back home with many things to think about, wanting to in some small way make them happier and feel safer and protected on the forest..
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


A small fox, or a large woman, a shapeshifter.  I'd want to run through nature, nose first and tail last, to enjoy the thick forests and rivers, to show off my gorgeous fur, let the good folk pet it, and be clever when I need to defend myself, or those I love.


The fairy is bending to grab an acorn and jumps as a touch brushes against layers of nylon.  Instinctively Sh'e blushes and slaps...spinning round to see who grabbed her ass, she laughs....

Darling snail, little one, my silk skirt has no pocket, but thank you dear for the thrill....

Embarrassed Sh'e walks away, and her walk is a bit....activated.

The naughty fairy needs the naught witches broken broomstick handle....

Oh dear, again my sweet?  Wild fairy of the forest, still untamed?

And she.smiles at the New creature, they need the smarts and beauty of the Fox and fluidity of the shapeshifter, welcome my dear to the forest.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Kel is pleased that the others have found her acorn gifts.. :)

She senses a new resident in the forest and seeks them out with a special welcome acorn..


Watching the three winged women fly down towards the forest, Cerys wonders how Melody would protect her from the darkness when it is a part of her being. She sighs, there are things she could do, should do even, but the joy has gone out of her again. She realises that both her tiny passengers have departed and in knowing that she flows without conscious thought into her shadow form. The shadow dragon circles silently through the night sky once, twice, three times, before folding her wings and plummeting to the ground.

There is no sound to mark her passing, no wind that betrays her presence, she is both there and not there and when she reaches the Forest floor she passes through it, insubstantial as mist, and is gone.


Cerys, the part of Kel that always remains a phoenix saw, heard and felt you, only she knows not what she can do to help.. So she launches herself in to the air in all her multicoloured, flaming, glory..

Kel the phoenix sheds a single feather on the place where she last saw Cerys, hoping it might recall her..


The snail had climbed to the top of a large broken tree, where he saw the other creatures below..

He watched the three winged woman soar past downward, and sees Cerys, then watches shadowy mistic shapes swirling around the forest.. The snail tries to think of a way to help Cerys find her joy again, and lift her towards that special place where she felt complete and strong..  As the shadowy dragon disappears into the earth, the snail throws one of the acorns he was given by Kel the doormouse, which he sprinkled with magical dust, into the place the dragon disappeared, where this acorn will find the dragon, adhere to it, and grow slowly into it, to when the season is that a bloom forms, and the acorn flower will again offer back all lost joy, giving the dragon a reason, and magical underground path to return to the forest by....

As the snail climbs down slowly from the broken tree, he also notices the fairy returning from the distance, from her secret tree house, where more stars than at any other place in the forest always illuminate her with knowledge and a magical beauty..  The snail remembers the sensual feel of the layers of transparent nylon that cloak her, and giggles bashfully remembering the curves he felt, feeling flashes of naughtiness, while awkwardly trying to find a pocket and an acorn.. The snail continues down the trunk of the tree, hoping to think of another innocent plan to touch the fairy without anyone else noticing.?

Wishton the snail makes his way to the forest clearing, where he spots an inviting evening fire burning down near the water, and several of the forest creatures talking and laughing, sounding inviting after a long day of foraging among the fallen trees far away.

The snail collects wild mushrooms along the way, and scoops a jar of morning dew left by giant leaves, squeezes a handful of secret herbs into the jar and stirs it 3 times using a magic stick, watching it bubble and turn to wine..
The snail then joins the other beautiful forest creatures with food and drink, where stories, tales and warm laughter fill the unicorn forest..
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


standing at the edge of the unicorn forest and the entrance to her home, the vampire looked up at the night sky. the morning was approaching faster and faster. she than asks the question "do I really belong here?"


The snail notices the vampire sitting alone, and offers her some home made wine and wild mushrooms..

Come over by the fire.. And tell us how you're feeling.?
We always have a place just for you..

All the creatures run to the Vampire, take her hand, and bring her to the fire..

You have many hours before sunrise calls you away, stay here with us till then......!!!
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


the vampire stares at the snail suspiciously, wondering what is going on. she puts her hand on her sword but does draw it from the ground in defense"unfortunately I'm in my child form so I'm underage and I don't like mushrooms but thanks anyways. now if you have some blood bags, I won't mind taking those though I'm suspicious but I haven't eaten anything since I left home." she maintains her hand on her sword's handle just in case


The young boy who had skin as dark as the night, curved horns, pointy ears and a long slender tail. He was really they, the genderless fairy in another form.

He smiled at the vampire, "I understand your fear and apprehension of those who give you unconditional support and love," He grinned at the snail, glancing back at the vampire, "The people who have hurt you in the past or the present do not exist here in the forest. Do not fear us, instead, please come along with us...!"

With a giggle, the young boy patted the snail gently, admiring the shiny decorations on their shell, "Such beautiful gems for a beautiful soul~"   


the vampire shifts back into her vulnerable child form, causing her sword to became a bracelet. "sry, hunger  and force of habit." she than flies to a nearby rock than stares at the starless sky above the floating castle fortress. "thats my home up there. i miss it." witha sigh, she buries her head in her wings.  "some demon i turned out to be" she whispers. her stomach begans to rumble and she stares to feel those all to familiar hunger pains from not feed for 2 weeks. " i guess i have to return or thus starve until i go insane. starving to death doesnt really apply to me anymore." with a sorrowful chuckle

♥︎ SarahD ♥︎

Melody crouches on a branch high up in a nearby tree, concealed from the others by the leaves, her two celestial companions clinging as usual to her shoulders.  "Such a beautiful being.." she remarks lovingly in a hushed voice to her two tiny sister as they watch the Vampire.

They witness the Vampire's defensive actions as the other creatures approach. "Such ancient wounds for such a young creature.." Melody thinks to herself. She knows most - if not all - of the creatures in this forrest carry deep and ancient wounds.  She looks down at her own assortment of battle scars, and is thankful to the stars that she was gifted with the ability to tolerate injuries that would surely destroy most other beings.  A gift that she has tried many times to impart on others, but she always fails to find the words to explain this rare ability.  All she really knows is that an undying love for the world is at the root of it.  A love no demon of the Dark Angel - or even the Dark Angel itself - can ever extinguish.

The three celestials decide that their astral song may help the Vampire feel more at ease, so they begin singing.  The music fills the forrest, gently wrapping itself around all the creatures in it, soothing them and filling them with an infinity of love and peace.  It's a new song that the three have been working on since they arrived in the forrest, designed to better understand the intricate harmonics of the place.  It's unfinished and far from perfect they think, but it seems to be practically writing itself.

The Vampire and the other creatures look around, trying to see where this celestial music was coming from, but the Archangel and her companions were too well concealed.  The Vampire and other creatures begin to wonder if they're just hearing things, and carry on about their business.  None-the-less, they all feel a strange sense of being unconditionally loved to their core by an unseen entity just for being who they are. "What they each do with that, is up to them." Melody thinks to herself, "That is the nature of free will".
"You never find the path to your true self, but rather - you find your true self along the path"


The boy smiled at the singing and danced to it, his tail swirling around his petite body.

"Oh Dearest Vampire," The boy sung, his pre-pubescent voice was carried by the wind,

"Does your soul reflect your outside body?
Does your darkness within twinkle like the wonderful night sky?
I wish to see your beautiful soul but your walls are in the way.
If I had hurt your feelings, please tell me so I may apologize..!"

He swooped into the sky, no visible wings as he did not need them, his energy of accepting his core identity allowed him to levitate on command. He flew to the crescent moon, watching the forest down below, seeing a campfire and the forest creatures surrounding it, laughing and smiling without a care in the world.

The boy felt a sudden jolt of pain in his chest. He faltered mid-air, stabilized his position of levitation but it gave way again, his body fell to the forest floor...

Before he hit the ground, their body jerked awake in a bedroom, panting heavily and noticing their cheeks were wet with tears.

W-where am I? They asked, rubbing their cheeks and they shuffled in the bed, the linen and pillow cases was decorated with pink and purple flower circles. Their bedroom had a closet, bookcase, bedside table and storage containers underneath the bed. In one corner, there was a window with the curtains drawn. The child climbed out of bed to realize they did not have a body of a child, nor genderless. Their body was that of an overweight seemingly female adult. They felt their breasts moving freely under their clothes and it made their face drain of color. The breasts were too large, too wobbly for their liking. They were used to having a flat chest that could imitate a flat female's chest if there were small pockets of fat on the chest to grasp with their hands. They touched their lower body and they grimaced, they had genitals of a female, however a visible growth from testosterone could be noted.

They shifted to the window, opening the curtains to let the daylight in. They glanced out at the CIS-city and realized where they were. But why were they within this strange adult body...? Why did it feel so similar...? Did they live somewhere else, look completely different before they found themselves within the forest...?

The adult looked through their clothing in their closet, there were mostly masculine attire. Glancing down at their body, they silently understood why the closet did not have any female-orientated clothing. Nonetheless, the adult picked out a neon grunge-style muscle tank, a pair of starry knee high canvas boots tossed onto the bed and pulled out one of the storage containers from under their bed... somehow, they felt like they had done all this before. It was second nature. The container held female clothing, ranging from leggings, stockings, skirts, tutus, panties, swimsuits and an assortment of frilly lingerie. The adult pulled out a pair of cute striped panties, a black pleated skirt and galaxy leggings to go with their boots.

They stripped off their pajamas and looked at their naked reflection in the closet mirror, blinking as they remembered vivid flashes of their Mirror of Truth. Tears prickled their eyes and they wiped their tears away, not daring to let them fall. With a renewed sense of will, they took a quick shower to freshen up and dried their hair off. They pulled a binder over their head, making sure their breasts were flattened. It wasn't the best flat appearance but it was much better than the alternative of wearing no binder. The adult pulled on the neon muscle tank, slipped each leg into the striped panties, pulling them on. They pulled the galaxy leggings on, running their hands over their legs, relieved that they shaved their legs as they noted they could not feel coarse hairs sticking out through the fabric. That was the one of their many categorized icky feelings.

They looked at their knee-high canvas boots laying on their bed, the fabric of it decorated with stars. They smiled widely and pulled them on, doing the laces up as they hummed to themselves gently.

The adult looked at their reflection the closet mirror and brushed their towel-dried hair. They frowned, their hair was a bit too short and was in the early stages of growing out to their chin. They pulled a chin-length wig out, tugging it onto their head and brushed the wig's hair so it looked presentable. They placed a few hair-pins to ensure the wig stayed on firmly and kept any loose locks out of their eyes.

Now, was the make-up. A bit of primer, foundation, concealer to cover the dark circles under their eyes, a bit of eyebrow pencil, some brown eyeliner and mascara. Last but not least, a nude lipstick was applied. They smacked their lips together and smiled at their reflection. They gently cleared their throat and began voice training exercises as a warm-up, their voice had deepened from testosterone and needed to be gender neutral for their own comfort. After the warm-up, the adult felt confident enough with their voice and headed out to leave their house, into the giant CIS-city.

They needed to make their way to the forest, it would be long journey but it will be worth it, as they would learning many new lessons along the way. 


"i have no feelings left to hurt" she said. she than reverts back into her adult form and than leaps into the air. "just plz leave me here for a bit long." the hunger in her stomach grew more intense and painful. "just leave me be, just for now." she lands in a tree, crawls into a ball falls asleep. maybe she'll dream that dream again or another nightmare