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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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Hi friends

Let's all just make sure we are all playing fair and being nice and respectful towards each other

The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


My dear Taka, well done  and thank you for commenting.  As the OP I should have set rules but I have absolutely no experience in doing something like this.

There is nothing wrong with having fun here in the thread.  That is part of its intent.

However, respect is a key element, and understanding of each others perspectives, which are revealed in the creatures we create here.

This is a place - sanctuary and I mean it - where we can reveal parts of ourselves too painful to show, and parts that are unexpectedly joyous and free.  There are surprises in here and they are totally wonderful.

There can and is deep emotional involvement found within the thread here.

Please respect this.  If there are issues, kindly PM me and I will forward to a moderator.  It should not be needed.

But the fun and frolic is just as important as the character revelations.

I have 2 more posts coming in here that I am hoping will create joy in this place.  I am going to write us in together, as many as I can, in a single post.

This thread is my gift to all of trans.  A deeply sensitive and heartfelt bouquet of flowers offered up to everyone, in all its fragility and beauty.

It would utterly break my heart if we lose sight of the joy it is intended to bring.

Please respect this, I am deeply emotional to begin with, and am highly invested in every single one of the posts in here, they are precious to me.  A bright spot in a life sometimes hellish with pain.

Love to all here.  Please have fun with the thread.  No more downers.

Claws out, face like fire, wings unfolded, arms outstretched, do not provoke the wrath of the fairy.  But she is so ready to play with the forest creatures, so ready.  Protector of the forest, fragile and fierce, she dances in the moonlight, a creature of joy and thunder.


And Sarah's post with the bow is one of the most profound and amazing pieces of writing on the trans heart that I have seen in my life.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


There is a fountain in the forest, in the center of the deep woods.  It is the heart of the forest, a gathering place for the creatures of the family of the Unicorn, filled with light.  Warm water sparkling in its own merit, fueled by joy and pain, a gift to the forest by the forest's creator.

In a moment, there is the sound of a silver horn, clear and loud it calls, announcing something new, something exciting, soon to be released.  The creatures of the forest gather together, surrounding the fountain, the stars of the silent watchers above come down and light as fireflies, watching the creatures and the fountain, all in a spirit of expectation.   The combined warmth and passion of the creatures ignites a fire within the water, a burning hue that warms all, powered by the deeper warmth of the hearts of the creatures around it.

In come the wonderful creatures of the forest, first the small ones, dear to us all, little child and the eternal child,  they curl up together, hoping for a new story and storybook, the groundhog meets up with the squirrel and they warm each other with an embrace,  then the pony avatar saunters in, secure in their peace.  At the edge of the glade but part of it is a dryad with a flower delicately near its feet, both creatures of beauty, and majic, and charm.   On the edge but in the center are the protectors of the forest creatures, the green warrior, the succubus, Johnn, and the woodelf, all watching, guarding hearts and minds. Even Medusa roams the edge, striking terror into those who would harm the unicorn family, loyal and terrible are they.  Elusive as the night, the shadow roams, in the corners of our eyes, never seen, always present, sometimes trailing the pixiesprite, sometimes being trailed by... who.. we have not yet seen her in the full, both are fascinating creatures of mystery... overhead, circling in expectation, an amazing assortment of uniqueness bonded to each other and the forest, cirling are the eagle, the fairy, the raven and the witch, also protecting, watching, waiting, in readiness and passion.

Somewhere on the edges lies the snake, hidden among the leaves, seeking to understand, watching, she waits.... and by the river flowing from the fountain, just beneath the water but also watching and waiting, the walrus seeks their happiness too.

Waiting for the moment, they watch the fountain.  It warms, it glows, all the colors of gender coming forth at once, one and the same, part of the same flowing source of love and light

And then, it comes, a new idea soars from deep within the fountain, amid the joy and laughter and tears of the lookers on, as they scramble to share, to bring to force the light of who they are, adding to the river of the life of this special place deep in the forest.

Sometimes a firefly comes close, and enters into the fountain..... when they do, the most amazing thing happens, the birth of a new unicorn, coming out to play, to heal, to learn.  The creatures celebrate, looking forward to the new life joining them, wondering what sort of creature will emerge, as the unicorns transition into the beings of joy they were always meant to become....

Blessings from the heart of the forest my dears.  May your days be filled with incense and candles and joy, every single one of you.

Edited to include the accidentally omitted walrus on 8/21, so sorry, lots to remember.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Chillin' in the forest and picking berries.
Sprinkling pixie dust
And looking for fairies

Hey, Portia. I don't think that these mushrooms were what we thought. Are you seeing colors too?


You found one sweetie and sh'e is delighted to be found

I'll have one of those shrooms..... missed that opportunity back in the day.....

Wonderful you are here...:)
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Quote from: Laura Squirrel on August 20, 2014, 11:09:15 AM
Chillin' in the forest and picking berries.
Sprinkling pixie dust
And looking for fairies

Hey, Portia. I don't think that these mushrooms were what we thought. Are you seeing colors too?

Yeah, let's all have some tea. Even the wicked witch can chill out and be nice to all the forest creatures every now and then. ;)

BTW, I really have no idea how to play this game. Am I messing up? If so don't let me mess it up. I have no idea of these kind of roll playing deals. :embarrassed:


Quote from: Jess42 on August 20, 2014, 06:03:15 PM
Yeah, let's all have some tea. Even the wicked witch can chill out and be nice to all the forest creatures every now and then. ;)

BTW, I really have no idea how to play this game. Am I messing up? If so don't let me mess it up. I have no idea of these kind of roll playing deals. :embarrassed:

I don't know. I'm just putting in stuff as I think of it. Little blurbs and whatnot

Phew! I think that Portia and I have come down off those strange mushrooms. Lesson 1: Be more careful with what you eat here in the forest.


you'd be doing it right when we're all having fun being true to ourselves. don't you think?

i'll just go stalk this dark shadow that i saw between some trees over there.


No nobody is doing anything wrong.  Its how this was envisioned.

The next level is for people to begin writing the subplots with them and others... I have already done some.

The absence of malice is the key here, and to respect the needs of the other creatures.  Some are serious, some playful.  We interact based on who we are.

I hope what follows works:


The fairy had the same dinner as the squirrel and the porcupine that day.  She felt a little strange.... the porcupine was sitting under a tree relaxing, haveing a smoke, blowing smoke rings into the air and dreamily watching them entwine with the leaves on the tree. 

Feeling giddy, like on an estrogen high, the fairy spotted the frolicking squirrel heading back to the tree to play with the porcupine.  She noticed, as she would, the fluffy tail of the squirrel dancing around as she walked.  A mischeivous thought crossed her mind...... she rose and chased the squirrel, faster and faster she went.... the squirrel did not notice, the squirrel reached the tree and began to climb.

The fairy, watching that tail, flew straight into the tree, waking the druid, and them fell flat on the porcupine.  Discoving quickly that it was not fur on which she sat, she flew up like a rocket, upending the miniskirted witch on her broom leaving her upside down, and then plummeting into the river to cool her now sore behind.  Looking up she saw the flower roaring with laughter....

So that is how we know  the upended witch is a wicked witch indeed,  :o  and the moral of the story is:

Never chase tail in the forest.....

heheheheheheheheheh  ;D ;D ;D :laugh: ^-^ :angel:

Come have fun, write my dears, write, don't worry about how it looks, I have more to come and do not want to dominate the thread.

As OP, any concerns at all, pm me.  It can be serious, it is fun, it is revelatory, we just need to cognizent of the feelings of the others around us and have a ripping good time with it.

I love this thread.  I have not been able to creatively write in thirty years.... this is a riot here....

More to come.  Let the subplots begin, the stage is set, the characters cast, the producers watch, and the playwrites are on their way.  Lights up!!!  Anyone can come intoduce themselves too....

Nails out grinning ear to ear in pure joy.

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The wood elf looked down from the great pine at the forest edge, where the city road left the unicorn's domain, and smiled.  They had been unsure at first.  But now it was clear.  While many travellers had once sought a fast and direct path through the forest, now fewer were leaving and more were remaining.  In fact many who had left were now turning away or returning from the city to re-enter this magical place.

Perhaps they recalled their true nature which had been given form by the magic of the unicorn.  Perhaps they remembered their dreams of being whole, neither being judged or judging others.  Some may have even sensed the music of the unicorn's Paravian dance, it's creation melody still echoing through the millennia.

Either way they were indeed coming home, they were returning to the forest.  They were finding themselves and celebrating their lives.  This was a good thing, auguring of the future long predicted in the few remaining  texts of their elven race.  Perhaps there had been no need for their people to leave this forest and seek their home across the sea.  Well they remembered the arguments, the final vote to leave this fair place.

Alone they had remained with the shadow and the fairy.  They had waited many human lifetimes until the first travellers knowingly left the city road and chose to stay.  As travellers realised their true identity and, in expressing this, became creatures of the forest, the first unicorn had returned to again lead their dance and this joyous celebration of life.


And the upended wicked witch, me, with the black miniskirt and broken broom al wet and so on, called on her dark minions to come and help her and cast a magic spell on all the other creatures of the forest. Who can resist the spell of a dark wicked witch with a black mini dress, a broken broom stick and wet hair and running makeup?

I lost my witches hat, help me find the hat or face my wrath.


Perhaps it is time to tell you, to let you know, the time has come, for truth to be known.
We stole your hat, along with the wickedness that has little power here anyways.
We took the little minions and turned them all into furry little things that nobody seems to have a name for.
Follow the path to the broomstick shop and while a new one is being custom made for you, stop by that place they fix hair and running makeup.
Your hat is being redone in the colors of a rainbow for reasons that are unfathomable, as you read this.
Something the little furry unnamed creatures new to the forest wanted to do for you...
I heard talk of how they wished to do the same for a little black dress as well.


OK now so instead of the wicked witch in the black dress, no I am a sorceress in a rainbow hat and dress. What happens next now that my dark magic doesn't work?


Hard to say,.. You're the sorceress, try some NB magic and see what happens?
You just never know, it's the forest and you just might unlock some of it's secrets...
I'm gone until Monday, so behave yourselves.  :P


The fairy, sopping wet and still a bit dazed from the Squirrels food, sat in the river.  There was something underneath her, actually it felt a little familiar.

Reaching under, she found what it was, the end of the broomstick of the wicked witch.

Now what on earth would she do with this ten inch stick?

oh oh

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The fairy, in another moment of time, for time is not linear in this place, it moves in memories and in the moment, the fairy was walking through a particularly beautiful part of the forest.  Sh'e came upon a garden, filled with herbs and spices and fragrance, and in the garden was a statue, a memorial of a great unicorn.  Looking at the statue, wondering who it was, she saw a book, living next to it, with quill pen from the feathers of the eagles and the ravens tail entwined, upwrite, expectant, poised to write.  In the book, the magic pen had written:

"Here lies a planter of the forest, a warrior, taken from us in the Wilderness of the Cis by life's cruelty, fallen, with a story to tell.

His spirit calls to us, begging to us to write of his deeds, memorialized for ever in this special book, a gift to be given to all."

Sadly, the fairy turned away, there was silence in the forest.   For the fairy did not know the Unicorn, one who planted the seeds of the forest, and sh'e wanted to know more.

Cheated of the opportunity to meet him, sh'e quietly moved away, determined to ask the other forest creatures this question begged of the blank pages of the book yet to be written:

Sh'e called into the rainbow wind:  "Who will tell the story of our fallen one, Nero, taken from us in the wilderness of the Cis?"

The flower, always present, weeped quietly by the road.

Can we hear from the elders of the older forest, and of our fallen friend?
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


The fairy's time has come to sleep for the weekend but she has spotted the child with the kitty ears....

Such a cute one, that is..

So fun be had, fun we know

Lets play hide and seek.... where are you in the forest, do you live somewhere nice?  Are you hiding behind a tree?

I see you little kitty....


Off for the weekend,  hope there ideas here to play with

Come out an play my dears, where's that walrus hiding?  Will the eagle give it way? Or the raven?

Or is there something else afoot, a shadow, a rainbow witch... her fuzzy little minions?

Maybe one of the elders has a tale to tell of the old forest

Play my dears, play and write, don't be scared, be free like the freedom of the NB....

Love to all here, nails out and off forum in the Cis world, till Monday....
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.

luna nyan

There is a castle on a cloud...
I like to go there in my sleep
Aren't any floors for me to sweep
Not in my castle on a cloud.
Drifting down the river of life...
My 4+ years non-transitioning HRT experience
Ask me anything!  I promise you I know absolutely everything about nothing! :D


The fairy sets out, puzzled by the statue.  She is searching for the elders of the forest.  Where are the elders of old, where are those who can tell of the forest of old, where do we find that special place within the forest of the nonbinary where it still is intact?  Sh'e has heard rumors, has found vague references, but nothing clear and tangible, more hints that it is an innocent and beautiful place, the old heart of the forest, a place like that of the hundred acre wood in the tales of old....

Who will tell us of the elders and the old forest?

Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Fear not dear friend, for the elders of of the forest are always keeping watch to ensure that the forest is a safe and happy place to go

Speak with your vision and feeling, walk the many pathways, marvel at the trees, drink from the rivers and frolic in the lagoons, sit upon the rocks and touch various creatures with love and kindness, they will tell you

*Mysterious being disappears* 
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M