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What kind of creature are you in the Unicorn Forest? Come play with me - please

Started by Satinjoy, August 12, 2014, 10:41:51 AM

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The poofy snow fox slithered sneakily through the brush, creeping ever closer, little specks of fur becoming visible here and there as he traversed the magical landscape.  And the he found the dragon!  Or rather his wet nose came in contact with the dragon's scales...

"Oh, pardon me!" He said as he eased back into the bushes he had popped out of.  The fox's glistening green eyes peeked out.
Hey all, I've created a new account because my life has begun anew.  This is to protect my identity.  Thanks for your understanding!


I'm the lowly forest snail..

I can disappear instantly into the safety and security of the comfy home on my back, safe from storms and the other dangers in the forest..
I can make a tasty meal out of almost anything, and the rest of the forest creatures rarely know where I might be hiding when I want to be alone... I keep the forest floor clean for all the other creatures, and my shell is covered by a rainbow of colored gems and bits and pieces like a scrapbook from all of my favorite places I visit in the forest..
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


The girls walked through the forest. Their mushroom hunt had been a successful one. Laura and Portia giggled incessantly. While Erica looked at the leaves on the trees with a silly grin on her face. "Hey! Erica! Watch out!", Kathy exclaimed. "You almost stepped on that snail!" Erica stopped in her tracks and backed away. She sat down and stared at the snail. "Wooow! It's so cool! So colorful! WOW! WOW! woooooow...." Kathy laughed and shook her head. "Well, I guess we can hang out over by this tree to keep an eye on you." Erica nodded silently as she continued to watch the snail. The others sat down in front of a nearby tree and relaxed.


The fairy began circling around in the forest, pleased with the new creatures that have emerged from the fountain.  Sh'e was curious though about some, a little concerned.  She watches and she waits, longing to see the transformation the forest brings to us all in the forest.  Her glittering wings are now tipped with beautiful reds and oranges and purples, while she still remains mostly a being of white and silk, still learning to accept her new image in the mirrors around her.

She sees the dread fairy resting, their head down in exhaustion, confusion rising from her like a mist.  She waits, patiently, she remembers the transformation of the succubus to the butterfly, the witches hat from black to rainbow, and she wonders if the dread fairy knows how magical a place they are in, and how much it transforms the creatures, on paths of new discoveries, new beauties, and some paths.... dangerous, perilous, with promises of simulataneous pain and joy.

She watches.  She knows the sun will rise, and looks forward to seeing another pair of wings tipped with the vibrant colors of the rainbow, colors of love and of health, streaks of light in the darkness.

Rest dread fairy, rest.  You are safe in the forest, and you are welcome.

The snail is sitting under a mushroom enjoying their lunch.  Suddenly the lunch is plucked from the ground by what to the snail is an enormous furry creature with an alluring tail.    Quickly the snail runs away....oh oh, I think they need a ride...

The squirrel, startled, chews her mushroom and is enjoying the colors of the forest, wondering if they will start to melt into wildness and dreams.  She looks down... and her heart opens wide.

The fairy, rises and looks back to the city from which she entered the world of Tranz.  She flies off to see it.  In moments, the sounds and perfumes of the place begin to reach her mind.  It is not like her accidental mushroom feast when she dined on the squirrels leftovers and broke the witch's broom.  It is a different scent, a giddy scent.  They greet her lovingly on the street, but they cannot see her wings, they do not see the whole diamond in her heart, they cannot understand h'er.  Triggering, fear of total transition enters her heart, of losing the tip of h'er diamond, of loss of the great protector who lives insider her, and he is not to be trifled with at all..... the the fear increases, panic ensues, and sh'e realizes she could once again fall into the darkness sh'e has seen before....

Like a streak of lightning she heads back to the forest, never to return to the city again without her full armor of self knowledge and strength.  The shadow who protects and helps her goes on full alert, instantly joining themselves to h'er without h'er seeing, and the green warrior knows there will be a call, and a need for their protection too as he gets the scent of FTE out of the poor fairy's brain.

And so she goes on, missing the creatures that are hidden and not present, flying through the forest, friend of eagles and squirrels and butterflies and all that is in this special place, this place so well guarded, strangely hidden in the world of Tranz, a place of light, of love, of truth, and of pain, sorrow, and great joy.

Love to all the creatures from Satinjoy the fairy.  Thank you for saving my life.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Woken by the sound of giggling Cerys (which is the name of the green eyed dragon) stretched her wings and yawned. Once she was fully awake, she looked around the forest she'd found herself in, it seemed quite a nice and she wanted to have a look around and meet some of the creatures living here. Sitting back on her hind legs she wrapped her wings around her and muffled curses to the effect of this bit always makes her dizzy could be heard. As she unfurled her wings she shape shifted into her human form, a willowy women with elfin features, green eyes and burnished copped hair. She smiled, brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face and walked in the direction of the giggling.


As the other girls were sitting underneath the tree, Erica continued to watch the snail with rapt interest. Suddenly, Laura heard the sound of footsteps. "Hey, who's that?" Portia inquired as she pointed in the direction of the approaching individual.


Back near the fountain, where the shade is thick from the tallest oaks, and the air is cooler and morning dew and magic mist from the fairies fountain cover everything with a sweet fragrance and warm glow, the snail named Wishton (named for being able to grant wishes) slowly comes out of his shell to greet all of the other forest creatures.. "Good morning" Wishton shouts with his tiny voice to all the much larger, and powerful creatures, how is everyone today, may I grant any of you beautiful friends a wish.......? :)
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


Erica stood up and looked down at the snail. "I wish I could be like them." Erica said as she gestured towards her friends. "I hate being in this stupid mismatched body."


Cerys smiled and waved at the group sat under the trees.

"hi everyone"


Wishton waves at Cerys, and goes and sits under the trees too, and says, What a nice spot you chose to sit..

Then he throws a handful of magic "wish-dust" on Erica.. He explains that sometimes the wishes don't happen instantly, some take time, but they ALWAYS come true..!
During the rest of the day, all of the forest's creatures stop by, and sit together under the tall shady trees that Cerys chose, and we all talked about how grateful and glad we are that we're together in the safety of the forest, and not over the hills down in the cities, where the sun was so hot and dry, and the other creatures seemed so careless and uninterested in each other or us, and making us feel so uncomfortable and different, when we knew we were just like them inside.. They never see us like that though, all they see is that some of us are blue, some green, some can fly, some have 4 feet, and some no feet at all, and they laugh at us thinking they are better, when we are the special ones that fly, soar in the clouds, and blend into the earth in all of our different colors and shapes...

Wishton wonders if things will ever be different down in the cities, where some of his family still live, but don't want to see him anymore, because his shell is more colorful and a different color than theres is.....? 
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


Erica sat down next to Kathy. She sighed and smiled. "Okay, I guess I am on my way now." Kathy hugged Erica. "Indeed you are, kiddo."


The transformed fairy, already having traveled the path of her own transformation through the nectar of the tree of hormones, looked upon the beautiful snail, in astonishment.  What a spirit of kindness and brilliance, she said to her self.

She began to carefully consider her wishes, the wish for the unity within the trans communities of the city and the forest, the wish for acceptance in the wilderness of the Cis, the elimination of pain for the creatures she loves so much, the freedom to feel, the way of understanding that all of the creatures here shine in their beauty, the healing of  all relationships.

Carefully she considered all of these things she lives her life to try to acheive.  She ponders... and then, looking into the beautiful eyes of the dazzling snail she says:

Can you make my boobs bigger?
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.


Cerys smiles to herself, the inhabitants of the forest seem so much more accepting than those of the city, who only welcomed one aspect of her, and then blamed her for all the fires after she told them of the other.

She put a hand over her mouth to hide her nervous cough, "hey guys, I'd like to share something with you... I don't always look like this."


Listening to the already transformed fairy speak of all her wishes for herself and all of the forest and city creatures, a magical glitter fanned by her wings like waves of earthy mist create an atmosphere that all the creatures feel, and makes all feel accepted, understood and loved, but with sadness for those down in the city who don't understand us, or want to know us, that they will never feel the magic and love that we all do...
Concentrating again with his gift of wishes to give, Wishton shakes his shell, bringing bits of magic collected from all over the forest flying off and covering the fairy like rain.. The fairy shakes off her covering of forest magical mist, and notices her reflection in the nearby pool, and gasps in joy and delight as she admires her now perfect breasts..

Now Wishton and all of the other creatures look to Cerys, wondering what this secret is..? They all move closer together and become quiet, listening with anticipation to know more of what's in they're friends heart..? Please share Cerys, they all say, with open arms and wings ready to understand and share forest hugs.............
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


Cerys smiles, "you guys might want to stand back a bit."

She hugs her arms to her body and then spreads her wings wide, where there had been a willowy woman with elfin features now stands a great dragon, with piercing green eyes and glittering purple and copper scales.

She stretches sinuously, like some great cat, before furling her wings and curling up so she's not towering over everyone.

"This is the other part of me"


The forest creatures all let out a gasp and step back, and the little snail who can't move quickly disappears into its shell...

Then when the great dragon sits back down, all of the creatures come closer in amazement, and nudge each other to try and get a seat next to the shiny scaled dragon.. Each forest creature takes turns coming before the dragon to touch its beautiful scales, colorfuly adorned nails and claws, and to gaze into the dragons big beautiful green eyes.. They all tell Cerys what a wonderful surprise it is..!

Then they all move off into the darkest, thickest part of the forest, curious what the strange loud noise they all heard was off in the distance..............??
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


I am the battle-scarred merman.

Deep within glistening green eyes lie carefully guarded regrets and thinly veiled secrets. His thin body holds unbelievable strength and a fiercely loyal soul. His pale skin is marred with scars and covered with armor. Bravery and hope constantly clash with insecurity and fear inside of his small frame, but he is rarely seen without a smile, even if it must be forced.

"I want to be able to protect those people who I love. I want to be strong enough to fight for them. I want to be a little bit of light to guide you through the dark."

A sleek dolphin-like tail flicks in and out of the water as he moves. He hadn't seen before just a few monents ago, but there was a magnificent dragon amongst the others. Even from his distance he could tell how magnificent her glistening scales were. He smiles softly in the direction of the other creatures in the forest and begins to sing. It was a soft wordless song, the notes and tones flowing out of him as naturally as breath. Comfort and kindness... if he could send a message to everyone through his song, thats what it would be.
No matter what happens, I'll be right here beside you.

If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me at anytime.
I live to help people.


All of the forest creatures make they're way from near and far, to greet the new member of the forest family they had heard about from the winged fairy who announced his arrival into the forest from high on the clouds...

Greetings of love and peace to you Merman, the other creatures also repeat, your battle scars must have amazing stories to go with them, the dragon asks..? As Merman begins telling them of his bravery and fierce loyal soul, magic in the fire they all were sitting around makes the flames grow, with crackling rainbow colored sparks fluttering overhead towards the clouds.. Now that everyone is warm again, even on that cold night, they sit for hours, long into the night, telling stories, laughing, arm in arm or holding hands, sharing that special night with they're forest family...

At dawn, everyone is awakened by the fairy who flies around all the creatures, telling them of magic Keys that she found beside a forest pool, and all the creatures get up and follow the fairy there, where sure enough, several sets of keys were waiting... By the keys is a message written into a stone, and it explains how all of the forest creatures get 2 keys, one key to represent maleness, and the other for femaleness.. The stone explains how the creator of the forest eons ago, made all of the creatures there with a most special gift, the best qualities and tributes of both male and female, and with secret abilities given only to them, to be able to have insight and wisdom of both binaries in one creature.. We, all of the creatures inhabiting the forest today, are they're ancestors, possessing all of those same gifts.. The keys were given to each generation of forest creature, to open both kingdoms of the males and females anywhere in the world...

The creatures then all go to they're favorite place in the forest, by the magic pool, to admire the special keys, and dream about the insight and wisdom they now know they possess as non binary creatures of the unicorn forest.....
"The soul is beyond male and female as it is beyond life and death."


Cerys looks at the keys and sighs, " there's more to the worlds than just this, why does it always get reduced to two choices?"

With utmost care she scrapes some of her shining scales off one of her forelegs and then delicately hands one to each of the forest creatures.

"Have some of my dragon magic, in recognition of the magic in your souls that transcends the notions of binary."

She smiles, "now, who wants to go dive bomb some cloud tops?"



Timidly the dormouse enters the Unicorn Forest, having travelled far from the dark forest in which she lived. Even in the dark forest, she had heard of this mystical place where she wouldn't have to hide part of herself away. She scampers around, delivering paw-painted acorns to all the residents of the forest, feeling the energy of the forest imbue her with new strength..