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A couple of my hobbies

Started by Vendetta, September 18, 2015, 11:30:06 AM

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Here is a few of my hobbies its kind of guy stuff but heck why does that matter I enjoy them in girl mode and boy mode

Most recent hobby remote control airplanes always wanted one when I was a kid I've wanted to fly a real plane but until then I style for these fun little planes
The second link shows the light modification I made so I can fly at night

My other favorite hobby is shooting guns there is something  about going into mountains and taking out all your frustrations on a poor unexpecting target safely of course and nothing alive I could never hunt I'd feel too guilty I love animals lol

If anyone in the Colorado area ever wants to check this stuff out or get a lessen in gun handling and self defence send me a message would be fun to teach my fellow girls and guys some new things





Thank you im actually taking some newbies up Saturday for some target practice its their first time so I'm super excited I love watching people's reactions the first time they use a shotgun lol



Nice load out!  I'm an avid shooter with a splash of WWII rifle collection as well.  I'm the same way with animals too.  I like to shoot paper and clay, but that's about it.  I don't want to kill stuff just to kill stuff.

You're a zombie bug out truck away from being ready for the zombie apocalypse. :)


Ah, that Looks like a cool truck and cool Equipment - are all the guns (except the pistols of course) shotguns? Looks the way from the barrel and feeding openings.

In Europe where I live it is not easy to possess a semi-automatic rifle, as this is very, very regulated, I however am lucky to be allowed to own a Winchester SX3 Shotgun  ;)

ahh and also a Pickup  ;D



i really love the planes. ive been thinking for while to start myself. since im a big plane addicted

Kacie Lynne

i have been a RC pilot for a few years before starting my transition and still continue to do so, im in the process of building a 90 size p-47 thinking of using a 23cc gas engine and avoid the messy nitro on this plane
I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health
