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Started by Bombadil, October 11, 2014, 05:36:04 PM

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Some of you may have read some other posts I have made and know I've been having troubles finalizing my name change. I changed it with my driver's license and county but when I went to social security I was unable to change it. I am an American citizen but I was born in germany because my dad was in the army. I have not had proper documentation to of my status to change my name. It's been insane and frustrating and dragging on for months.

So, I said last week that if I didn't hear anything back from the feds about my birth records, I would try something else. nothing came last week. I gave myself the same deadline for this week but the truth is I didn't know what else to try. I really felt I was at a dead end

I had a slight hope that since the delay was so long this time they were actually processing my request. I just got the mail and there was a letter addressed to mr christopher xXXX saying that they've found my report of "child born abroad".

I have some very specific, easy to understand steps to follow and then I will have it and can change my name. And it's not like the other times they've responded. This time I have a contact name and phone number too. So, this is a step I can easily do.

I can't tell you how much I've hated having that old name still attached to me. Because I haven't been able to change it with social security it's the name work has on it's official documents. No one uses it there, but because it's there that's the name my insurance company has. It's become more and more intolerable. I have to go pick up a prescription in a minute and they will call me XXXX because that's the name they have but we are almost done with that!!!!!!!


