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Tracheal shave in Melbourne VIC Australia with Dr Niel Vallance

Started by celinemealone, November 08, 2014, 01:00:34 AM

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Hello everyone!! :)
I am a 20 years old trans-woman and would like to share with you my experience with Dr. Niel Vallance in Melbourne, Australia.

This is the before (sorry for the quality), I am a very skinny person and so my adam's apple is ridiculously big and pointy, i just really hated it as it makes me so concious and stressed out.

This is my 4 weeks post-op after result, I have to say it was such a huge relieve now that the prominence v shape on my neck is gone, however im seems to self-dissatisfy with my result, this is because on side view it seems to be quite noticeable (i dont know if its the swelling) to me and it stresses me out so bad. Does anyone still has some left like me after the shave? :( I dont know its just makes me feel like maybe the surgeon didnt remove enough?? should i consider a second shave? before my VFS with Yeson?? :(   

Kind regards :)


Hi Celine,

I think that you have had an excellent result.

Remember that many genetic women have a slight protuberance of their Adam's Apple.

Mine looks very similar to your's and I am very happy with the result that was done in 1989 with Tony Cheeseman at London's Royal Nose Ear and Throat Hospital.

Is it that long ago ... LOL  ;D

Ms Grace

Wait until you're sure the swelling has completely gone down. When it comes to that area there's only so much you can shave from that area.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


If you want to have a VFS in the future, than definitely don't even think about having another procedure there. If there will be anything left to remove, dr. Kim is the only one you should trust, as your VFS could be compromised by a wrong choice.
Just a question out of curiosity. Why in the world did you choose to have a trachea shave with this doctor? The incision for trachea shave must be done under the chin, not right above the Adams apple. Every capable FFS surgeon does it this way, to avoid the visable scar and the possibility of being outed because of that.


Hi Celine,

Don't worry about where the incision is, mine is in the same place in a natural crease.

For a few months afterwards when the incison was still red, I told friends, who did not know my past, that I had vocal chord surgery due to a nodule on the vocal chords !!!!    ;) I cited Elton John as an example ..  :)

The scar will fade with time and will not be a problem.

People look at your overall face and you look 100% female to me.

So don't fret, OK .... :-*


 :D Thank you so much everyone!!
I think my worries wore off a bit after my sharing on Susan's place, Thanks Paula it is great to hear that which really did assure me that everything has been done correctly :).

Mynees, yes i dont think I am going to have a second shave as I come to think that there might be no way around it (because mine was huuuge) as for the incision on the neck's crease was the way me and my surgeon prefers as i heard that it will fade over time, I have to be honest that the scarring doesnt worry me too much.

Kind regards 


You are welcome Celine,

Enjoy life and have FUN.


Paula 1
Quote from: celinemealone on November 08, 2014, 06:08:21 PM
:D Thank you so much everyone!!
I think my worries wore off a bit after my sharing on Susan's place, Thanks Paula it is great to hear that which really did assure me that everything has been done correctly :).

Mynees, yes i dont think I am going to have a second shave as I come to think that there might be no way around it (because mine was huuuge) as for the incision on the neck's crease was the way me and my surgeon prefers as i heard that it will fade over time, I have to be honest that the scarring doesnt worry me too much.

Kind regards


Hi Celine, I literally just got this surgery after seeing your post. However I'm also very dissatisfy with my result. I was wondering if there is any other way I could get in contact with you? I have a big Adams's Apple and I really hate it. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions regarding this surgery? Thanks.




Quote from: Booyagirl on May 14, 2019, 02:24:56 AM
Hi Celine, I literally just got this surgery after seeing your post. However I'm also very dissatisfy with my result. I was wondering if there is any other way I could get in contact with you? I have a big Adams's Apple and I really hate it. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions regarding this surgery? Thanks.

Hi Booyagirl

Welcome to Susan's. I hope you enjoy your time here.

A quick look at the Op's profile tells me she has not posted here for over 4 years so it is probably unlikely that she will see the post.

Please feel free to head over to our Introduction forum and tell us a little bit about yourself

So you are able to get the very best from being here there are a couple of links we give to all our new members



Things that you should read

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Quote from: AnonyMs on May 14, 2019, 02:41:17 AM
Hi Booyagirl, did you use the same surgeon?

Yes i did.

Its been 6 days since my surgery and I have noticed that my adams apple only getting bigger and not smaller. I feel like much of my adams apple arent shaved down. I got it done in Melbourne by the same surgeon.

Am I thinking too much or is it normal that swelling occurs even after a week?

(my neck looked quite flat right after the surgery and then my adams apple started looking bigger day after day). I feel like much of the pain is gone and i no longer have sore throat so i thought my swelling is gone and probably this is my final result)

Are you also based in melbourne and have undergone this surgery before? I have so many questions to ask but dont know where to ask. Also I literally created this account because of this thread which led me to the same surgeon.


I'm in Sydney and asked because I don't see much discussion of Australian surgeons apart from Andy Ives.