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New year means new me. a resolution of sorts

Started by CaptFido87, January 08, 2015, 07:08:18 PM

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Today I will add another item to my new year, new me ,new resolutions. In my past I've said a lot of things I really shouldn't have or didn't totally think through. I have said a lot racist things, I've belittled people for no apparent reason, and said things that hurt people I'm friends with. Today I will try to move away from these kind of thoughts as they simply are no good. I don't know what has caused me to behave like this in my past. Perhaps its the way I was raised or maybe the community had a part too. It's far too late go back and reverse what's been said or is done.

I have also in the past talked poorly of organizations such as this in the past. I never knew what kind of people came to places like this for help. It's hard to believe that places like this mean to the world to some people and possibly their only means of family. It brings tears to my eyes to know that I was so poorly misinformed and thought so negatively upon people like us. I wish everyone in the world could suddenly become aware of this like I have. I came to Susan's because I felt lost, in need of a friend, and unsure of what the mixed thoughts in my head meant. For the little time I've been on here, I have learned quite a lot about what all of this means and what my future could possibly look like.

The new me wants to be a better person who excepts the flaws in every person, No matter the reason. So I'll sign off with a simple - I'm sorry to those of you I have caused a negative impact at some point in your life. Thought I may have never caused any person harm to anyone on here, I'll gladly accept any ill will you might have.

Thank you Brothers and sisters,

Marty (Sammi)
Hi I'm Marty. I'm a MTF Transgender who wants nothing more than to finally let Samantha (Sammi) come out and play.

As of: 03/07/2015