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Is It Me ...

Started by beckster, August 20, 2007, 06:20:53 AM

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Hey Everyone, am looking for a little help and advice.  I am in a really bad mood at the moment and am also feeling really down as haven't long been back from the hospital, can someone just tell me if its me being on one again or if I am right to feel how I do ...

A friend mentioned a few weeks ago that she needed to get her eyebrows done before she heads off to the wedding she has been invited to so I suggested that we both go and get them done professionally at a local beauty salon.  She didn't seem to fussed on the idea, even though I offered to make it my treat but I thought nothing more of it.  We were talking on the phone yesterday when she mentioned that she is going up to the salon we talked about previously to get them done with a relative who is also going to the wedding and I am now feeling a little peeved to say the least. 

I know it might seem a silly thing to get upset about so if its me just being a troll (believe me I make a good one) will someone just tell me and I will go find a bridge to sit under.  But do I have a reason to feel a bit frustrated ?



Quote from: beckster on August 20, 2007, 06:20:53 AM
. . . But do I have a reason to feel a bit frustrated ?

I think you're justified, Beckster.  It's never fun being rejected that way.  And, from what you've written, it may be a trace of transphobia in your friend thinking that going into a gendered space like a salon with you might be embarrassing or some such ridiculousness.  That thought would bug me too.  Maybe she's not as good a friend as you think?  Or maybe she just had a moment of weakness, as we all do sometimes.  Or it could be for some other reason we can't fathom?

So, in any event, before the wedding I think you should go to the salon by yourself, get hair, nails, eyebrows (the works!) done and make sure you look so stunning that she'll turn green with envy.

Living well is the best revenge, methinks!  >:D

hugs & smiles
FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:


I dont know hon, think I am at the point where I just cant take any more.  My arms are cut to bits because I felt so bad last night, I just tried talking with the same friend about how I am feeling and she just seems to busy to listen at the moment.  I am just feeling so left out, she is going to see another friend tonight so they can book a holiday and I just cant stop crying.

Will someone please help me, I really dont think I can carry on any longer, I just want the pain to end.



Hi Beckster,

   You need something to distract you from this.  I don't have any advice on what to do about the situation itself.  I only know that when something like this occurs, you need to make some adjustments and get your attention on to something else.

   Sorry, I don't have anything beyond that right now.



Ms Bev

beckster............I know it's easy to say, but please.....don't cut, hon.  I know it lets out the pain that is pent up inside, but you already know that it can take on a life of its own, and in the end, make you feel worse than before you started.  It is addictive, and to break the addiction takes time, sometimes therapy, and often, some kind of medication.  First though, do anything it takes to break the current cycle that won't hurt you.  Yes, easy to say, very hard to do......I know.  ......Exercise 'til you drop from exhaustion.....long enough to let the pain inside subside.

Do you have some kind of support?  if you ever want to email me, I'll listen.  If you want me to help, I will try.  If you don't, I won't, but lend a sympathetic shoulder.  I have long-term, intimate experience with this.  If you are in pain inside, please find a friend, or family who you feel comfortable (or not tooo uncomfortable) talking to.  You could use some help, and it's hard to do alone.

You asked about your friend?  I often turn down an invitation for someone outside my family to treat me, and it's because I don't want to impose.  I know lots of people like that.  Don't feel insulted or rejected...

When I clicked on this link, I had no idea why.  I think someone needed to tell you hello....

1.) If you're skating on thin ice, you might as well dance. 
2.) The more I talk to my married friends, the more I
     appreciate  having a wife.


How are you feeling now?

Cindi Jones


I wouldn't give it a second thought hon.  Yes, your friend made a mistake. But chances are she doesn't even realize what she did.  If your friend does have problems with you, the patterns of behaviour will soon be visible.  And if that happens my dear, don't give it a second thought.  Move on and find new friends.  It is a pattern that everyone must follow in life.  We are not unique in that way.

Please come here when you feel frustrated.  A simple note from an internet "friend" can give solace.  It can help.  Don't cut and post... Post first! 


Chin up.

Author of Squirrel Cage


Quote from: beckster on August 20, 2007, 06:20:53 AM
We were talking on the phone yesterday when she mentioned that she is going up to the salon we talked about previously to get them done with a relative who is also going to the wedding and I am now feeling a little peeved to say the least.


No, Becky, i don't think you should let this bother you. you offer gifts to your friends and loved ones as just that, gifts. you never want to make it a quid pro quo kind of thing. but having said that, it's also true that what goes around comes around. give it time, and plenty of patience.

some people i care about i have sent gifts to and eventually i realized i was the only one sending a gift. so, while i have stopped sending them gifts, i haven't stopped caring about them.

as for the cutting, please stop! and please see a therapist about it.

and as for the loneliness, you could think about getting a room mate, or, and i know this is not always possible, you could consider getting a pet. if it is allowed in your area, dogs are, in my experience, much better company than most humans. although i love cats, too, and wouldn't mind having one. but don't tell my dog that!

Kind Regards,



My grandmother used to tell me "do not throw pearls in front of swine" 
Darling you are  pearl, a caring, giving person. I hope you find someone who is worthy of you....then cast your pearls.  God bless and I hope the habit of cutting is something you get control of.  Your arms should be pretty, and I bet they are without scabs.      Hugs......hugs......hugs.