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I don't know how to say it!

Started by JL, January 15, 2015, 09:10:52 AM

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I've been wanting to be a girl since I was in elementary school.
I'm just really jealous and pray hard every day before sleep.
I wish I was born as a girl.

I watched some videos about the transsexual and how their family react and how the elder think about gay.
A father yelled at his son because his son want to be a girl and he's starting dressing like one.
A transsexual was walking on the street but people just look at her, then, after that, they said "omg I didn't know what to do. it seems I just saw a monster."
And another father was disappointed because of his son.
And an old guy said "Gays won't have a kid so this generation is doomed"
Though there's still good news about the transsexual.

I really don't know what to do. I have no reason. I just want to become one. I don't even act/dress like girl for now but I would like to if my family agree.
Girls are beautiful and gentle.
And when I'm searching for pictures about the transsexual, I often see many beauties and I want to join them.

I'm scared that I may be considered as "a pervert who wants to become a girl".
I just want to be normal. I couldn't decide which gender I became when I was born.


You are not a pervert. It's possible you were born with a gender identity that is at odds with your body sex.

You can still be normal and be transgender. There is nothing abnormal about being transgender. We live, we love, we work, we smile, we frown, we have friends, we have acquaintances, we have lovers, we have husbands and wives. We belong to churches, synagogues, clubs, political parties, and other organizations. We have likes, dislikes, preferences, interests, hobbies, passions, and hang-ups.

We do all the things that everyone else does. If that doesn't make us "normal" I don't know what does.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Exactly what Suzi said! You may be transgender, your gender identity doesn't quite match your assigned sex. But there is nothing wrong with being transgender and even if it's uncommon, it's quite normal ^.^
One of the hardest parts about it is accepting your own identity. Your identity is not a choice, it's just how you feel. It doesn't matter what people see in you, what people call you, or what some religious folks may say, you are who you are. And don't believe anyone who says that being transgender is at odds with your faith, I assure you that you are fine and you can even use your faith to bolster your identity :)
And I can relate with you on the pervert assumption. My mother thinks I'm a pervert for wearing feminine clothes to help quell my dysphoria. It's not perverted at all to want to dress or act like a girl, it's actually quite cathartic.
Good luck! Stay safe :)

Jenna Marie

I was the only son in my family, too. My parents adapted (and spoiled their grandsons instead). I was afraid of being a freak, too... and now I'm a perfectly boring middle-aged woman who blends in with all the rest. :)  There are a lot of horror stories because that's what's "interesting" to the people making the news, etc., but the truth is that the trans people who blend in are effectively invisible - which means that the only trans people anyone *remembers* is those who didn't. It's entirely possible to be a "normal" woman living a normal life after transition.