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Sex Change Regrets

Started by regina, August 21, 2007, 10:05:25 PM

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Here's another link with the same annoying interviewer who questioned Brassard. This time she's talking to an Aussie who transitioned young and then had regrets. Warning: some of the stuff he says might get you more than a teensy bit pissed off!

Gina M.


As I said on a different thread regarding transsexual regrets.  I have no empathy for people like him.  I'd not hesitate a single second to help lock him up in a white room.  Come on!  with all the information available today, the therapy sessions, the real life test, the Harry Benjamin Standards, the DSM, you really have to be completely crazy to go through all this and then change your mind.  Sorry but that is just what I think.

tink :icon_chick:

P.S.  Of course, if you are not a woman, you are never going to feel like one...duh!
And he even has the audacity to blame the surgeon...what a nut case!  >:(  Okay I'd better stop now...

Cindi Jones

How can you hold someone else responsible for this kind of mistake?  Of course I can only speak from my experience.  No one told me that I needed surgery for heavens sake.  I was telling them!  I demanded it.

If I were the judge, I'd throw it out.  What a nut case.

I must say that he looked good in a skirt!

Author of Squirrel Cage


Well my dander is really up now.  How can someone be sued for a misdiagnosis when all of the standards were followed?  I think this is just a money making publicity stunt.



I don't want to look at the video either.  You are responsible for your own
well-being not your therapist or GRS surgeon.  I don't have any pity for people who claim they didnt know what they were getting into to avoid responsibility.


Quote from: Nichole W. on August 21, 2007, 11:18:59 PM

Living the life of another well is a bad business. Living ones own, even poorly, is a much healthier tactic to employ.


Thank you for this pearl of wisdom.  :eusa_clap:




That particular documentary, embarrassingly enough, is by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. It was an absolute disaster, the entire documentary.

Alan Finch, which they fail to mention, was rejected for gender reassignment the first time. He then studied the answers to the questions and re-took the test, then was approved. His regrets are entirely and consciously of his own doing.

The other part of the documentary was a young fellow named Ayden. It was called "Becoming Ayden". They misrepresented a whole lot of his story as well.

And there's an interview with Brassard, where he's quoted out of context.

It was a completely awful show, done in 2004 I think. Unfortunately just before my transition, and aired nationally. Gah.



My God I hope this foolishness does not come to the states. I begged for mine for so many years. It has been heart wrenching. In 1 1/2 months I will know. They should stitch a dog penis to him and tell him to go away.


Cindi Jones

Oh Debi, you kill me!  That is funny.

After all the medical care, the therapist sessions, the real life test, and real life test, the decision is ultimately ours.  There are bound to be a few who get through to surgery.  Apparently, this is one.  Surgeons ultimately must trust our self diagnosis to a large degree.

Author of Squirrel Cage


You are the sweetiest thing. You always have something nice to say.


Posted on: August 22, 2007, 11:49:55 AM
That is all he deserves. Anything more he would be a man again.



Most of us have suffered all of our lives to accomplish our god given right to be the right sex. We don't need some goof ball to upset the apple cart. Usually all it takes is one bad apple to set things in motion for changes to the statis quo. He had his chance and he blew it. It is his fault. Shame on him.



Ok! Ok you got me there.
I have nothing against doggies. Give him sewed on chicken neck. Chickens always come with the neck stuffed in a cavity from the grocery.

Makes sense to me



Funny girl!
He would have a genuine pecker. They wring the chickens neck so it goes limp. That is all he deserves is a limp thingie.



shouldn't anyone contemplate the pros and cons before the big day?  something smells fishy.  ::)


I just watched it and boy did it make my blood boil.  >:(   I live in Australia and to think that some moron is trying to sue a surgeon who was doing his job as per instruction is just sickening!  He looked fantastic might I add, as a female, so what went wrong is anybody's guess.  I can't believe a lawyer would take the case up, I'm sure the aggrieved person signed all the relative forms, documentation,and had done all the psyche tests how the hell he can sue, is beyond me!
All I can say is that he is setting everything back for everyone else.  It's bad enough that ignorant people say TS people are confused and need to be pitied rather than helped, I just wish I knew what his real agenda is?
Might I add that he is definitely not Australian, he is an Englishman who resides in Melbourne, Australia, so I'm not sure whether he had the procedure done here or in England?  ??? [Edit] Watched it again and he did have it done here, probably immigrated for that reason???  So alot of thought did go into it?  I'm even more confused now! LOL

Buttercup  :)


Quote from: buttercup on August 22, 2007, 07:20:54 PM
 I live in Australia and to think that some moron is trying to sue a surgeon who was doing his job as per instruction is just sickening!  He looked fantastic might I add, as a female, so what went wrong is anybody's guess. 

I hear ya.  He was (because he isn't anymore) beautiful, totally passable and seemed to have the good life.  What went wrong you ask?  Well, he is the perfect example of a "so called transsexual" who transitions and has SRS for the wrong reasons.  If you are not a woman, the worst thing you can do is to attempt to live your life as one and have SRS on top of everything else. ::)

tink :icon_chick:


Quote from: debisl on August 22, 2007, 01:55:42 PM
Funny girl!
He would have a genuine pecker. They wring the chickens neck so it goes limp. That is all he deserves is a limp thingie.


I think they should sew bells between his legs and make him sing "My Dingaling" for bringing this suit.



I did a case search of Australian case law. The suit was filed in May 2004. There was an application by him to extend the limitation period, which was successful, in late 2004. The medical clinic appealed it. The appeal was lost, so he was permitted to sue, that was May 2005. I can't find any disposition of the case at all. Anyone have any idea what happened?

Oh, and by the way, on his application and appeal, he claimed not to have become aware of the assessment that labelled him more masculine than average until 1996, long after the surgery. Dunno which is true. His evidence does not appear to have been tested.



 Dog penises and chicken necks?!

Perhaps I am alone here, but I think this is exactly the sort of story we need to hear more of.

While I may not agree with his legal action, his views and experience are still valid.

If there's one thing that this video showed, it is the huge responsibility that we all MUST take.  To proceed with safety and ensure we are fully informed.

We owe it to ourselves to be aware of all possibilities and opinions.  I'd go as far to say that videos such as this should be made compulsory viewing for all people preparing for transition.

-Lala :icon_chick:



Quote from: space_kat on August 22, 2007, 11:22:26 PM
Dog penises and chicken necks?!

Perhaps I am alone here, but I think this is exactly the sort of story we need to hear more of.

While I may not agree with his legal action, his views and experience are still valid.

If there's one thing that this video showed, it is the huge responsibility that we all MUST take.  To proceed with safety and ensure we are fully informed.

We owe it to ourselves to be aware of all possibilities and opinions.  I'd go as far to say that videos such as this should be made compulsory viewing for all people preparing for transition.

-Lala :icon_chick:

I have no problem with his story. What I have a problem with is that he's suing others for his own bad choices.
