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Illegally obtained HRT?

Started by XiaoMei, January 31, 2015, 01:33:37 PM

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I purchased these tablets online about 6 months ago (They were made in 2057 and expire in 2059, odd).

Anyway, I started taking them about 1 month ago and I'm starting to recently notice that I'm feeling very ill. I'm getting fevers easily and to top it all off I noticed some sort of breast development. I brushed it off as me thinking about it too much, I thought maybe I was just gaining "man boobs" despite being really skinny - however I am now experiencing pain around my left and right chest area, and even now I can start to see it growing even more. My nipples have begun to hurt since yesterday as well.

I decided to tell my co worker a few days ago that I wanted to change my gender - and I'm glad I did. She was really supportive of it and never changed her attitude towards me. Luckily for me her parents are from Thailand, so I asked her if she could get a translation on the pills I have. She was happy to of course. Turns out though that I was only suppose to take one a day... Heh.

I honestly did not expect these to actually be authentic or to actually work for me. I'm not saying I regret it, but I did not realize breast growth would've been this painful. The pain appears here and there, so it's not continuous but it's still painful.

I'm going to see a doctor soon anyways to get properly prescribed, but what would you recommend I do for now? Does the pain in my chest sound normal? (I'm feeling less ill now, but I still get fevers)

My appetite used to be very low. I'd eat only one meal a day (mostly because I used to be very ill and coughed up blood months ago, so my appetite hasn't been the same since. I just stopped feeling hungry and even forgot to eat because my stomach always felt "full") but now I'm eating at least 3-4 meals a day now.

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If you stop cold turkey, you will go through withdrawals.  So go at prescribed level and off from there over a couple weeks.  Take some asprin because an overdose can cause blood clots especially in the brain, and also liver damage. 
Don't take pills unless you are positive how to take them silly, they can kill you.
As for breast pain, welcome to transitioning;)  get a padded bra and enjoy the ride.
But most of all, get to a dr asap, get blood work done to make sure you can do it first..  they probably won't prescribe overnight or for a few weeks, maybe even months until you talk to a therapist.   But there are good ones out there that can get you help quick.  Maybe some of the other ladies have suggestions to which ones?
Good luck;)


Oh wow. I jumped straight into this without researching any of it, haha! Too late to stop now I guess :P. Overdosing doesn't sound like fun, neither does withdrawals, or dying. Dying sounds like the least fun.

Those cisgirls lied to me!! Even my sister, they all said it doesn't hurt...well it wouldn't have changed my mind irregardless but still, a little warning would have been nice, haha.

How long does it take generally for a therapist to prescribe you with HRT? Also....I am still shocked that I obtained something that should be illegal? Unless it's not illegal....? Crazy.

Thanks for the quick reply Cynobyte!!

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Beth Andrea

The internet is the place to get pretty much anything illegal.

Since you've taken the first step, you may want to see an Endo asap and get under his/her care, they may prescribe hrt "for immediate health reasons" or something like that.

Self-medication (especially when one knows n*o*t*h*I*n*g about the implications is very very dangerous.

ETA: my suggestion would work in the US, not sure if you're here or not.
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017


It took me 4 to 5 months after I did what you did and just tried to get the endo to get on board.  Unless you are supposed to be dead by now and just want to enjoy the end of your life like me, it's not advisable. 
Some endos are compassionate and get you on asap, some endos have made some wait years I have heard on here.

You are in kind of a pickle, I'd like to help ya, but the moderators are picky about giving out info, but for a good reason.  You just cannot guess at it though, are you having any headaches?  Just take one pill a day for a week, then every other day for another week, then take a pill if you feel really off.  (Please moderator leave this for her to possibly save a life!)  But get to an endo asap.  Take baby asprin each day for a while to keep your blood thin.  It just depends on what you took esp..  hormones will be setup for you at the lowest dose that does the best possible help, but you can take too much..

As for breast pain.  I honestly don't know if cis girls have pains like this, you are going through puberty faster than normal again is why..
As for the hormones being illegal,  you just need a script in the states to get it.  You can order online, but are you sure that's what you got?  I ordered lidocaine powder once from Canada and got talc.  Then I ordered from Taiwan I think and it was pure and 10x cheaper.  So you gotta know your source.  Even your local drug dealers cut it to make a quick buck.  And when you are transitioning,  you want to be healthy, no toxins, no drinking or smoking.  Are you doing that?  It's a commitment;) 4 life!
Hope this helps, if you are serious, then you should go the right way, or the way you are willing to live with.  No since transitioning if you just make your life worse health wise.

You should give a little info about yourself.  We are here to help, no cops gonna come for ya;) 

mrs izzy

Just a warning tread very lightly here.

Very close to be acted on. Tos rules.

Mrs. Izzy
Trans lifeline US 877-565-8860 CAD 877-330-6366
"Those who matter will never judge, this is my given path to walk in life and you have no right to judge"

I used to be grounded but now I can fly.


Taking anything that is from an untested source, plus not having knowledge is just super, super risky.  Go see a doctor now, even if that means going to the emergency room.


Well, I'm not 100% certain on what I got as my co workers father didn't really explain much other than to take 1 a day, but after seeing these posts I think I may slowly go off of it. I'll go buy some baby aspirins today.

I don't smoke or drink, the only toxic thing is Coca-Cola.

@mrs izzy; I suppose I'm going to get into legal trouble? Because if that's the case then I won't be posting anything that may threaten my life in the future online again,...

@jessical; Where I live the doctors cost about $80 just to visit them. These doctors were hopeless with anything transgender related. I'd rather wait until my holidays (next week) and go to the doctors then, since I'll be having my holiday in the city (I'm from a very tiny town).

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Don't worry about legal trouble.  She's talking about talking about it in this forum.    I thought you guys had free Healthcare down there? 


I never claimed to be from the states. I'm not going to say where I got them from or how much they are or anything like that. I got some aspirin and the pain has gone down quite a bit. So, do I just take the pill once a week now and then stop? I'm going to the doctors in less then 10 days anyways, so just a temporary solution so I don't get any more ill would be appreciated. He/she will be able to guide me from there.

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Hi Honey,

As others have said taking medications that have a doubtful source is very dangerous. It could contain anything. If you are feeling ill can I suggest getting to an ER at a hospital and just tell them the story. At least they will test you to see if you have taken a toxic compound.

Talking about dosages is against ToS but we are here to help anyone who has got themselves into a bad situation and will try to help.


How easy is it to do that? Do you need an appointment or something?

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