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Finding my way though my mind, (bit of poetry)

Started by YoungZep, February 13, 2015, 02:50:52 PM

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Decided to start writing again, but I am going to take such creativity and toss in some gender issues.

This particular poem, type thing, was written for my blog as a first post for a blog about my other side, cuz I didn't know what else to write at the time to start off the blog.

Let me know what you think. Still kinda working on it though so criticism would be helpful.

Finding My Way Through My Mind

What is in my mind.
Inside this large bowl of grey matter,
a little bit of pink spreads through,
as a flesh eating virus,
slowly tearing away my outside to reveal what has been hiding beneath.
What is beneath is pink, purple, girly, and cute; spunky and yet tough;
curious and optimistic.
At times, a woman of power and respect,
and for those stressful and lonely nights,
a baby-girl who loves to cuddle.

As the pink builds up, throbs with excitement,
waiting to erupt into rainbows and shine,
a outer layer, the crust, a crustiest crust that every was,
forcefully holds down the pink, in a submissive and painful matter.
Causing every nerve to overload;
tearing away at the pink matter in my head.

IT IS TIME, yes... it is time.
Time for the repression and segregation of the pink matter,
of the inner me, to fight its way out;
give me liberty and pink, and purple, and rainbows,
or give me death.
For the male, masculinity, of testosterone walls,
need to be torn down,
so both sides of the pink and purple nations can coexist once and for all.

As I now head to the colorful side of the force.
As I start I shall move forward,
not caring about the path ahead,
rather the finish line that waits for my arrival.
I venture out to seek out a new life; to explore a new world; and to boldly go where I have never gone before.
I now must take one small step for my mind,
but one giant leap for pink matter kind.


Another poem I wrote after actually shopping at Walmart and just wanted to write down my experience.

The Difficulties of Shopping

Walking through Walmart, searching for some anti-cold amenities,
I stumbled across the immense girls/woman's section. My eyes, widen,
and my cart seemed to want to pull toward the section,
but I knew I couldn't; the social acceptance police were watching, waiting for me to mess-up.

I fought off the eager to run over, try on all the dresses, buy all the panties I could fit in my cart.
to keep my lips off of the lipstick, and maintain non-pierced ears.
How how I wanted to shave my legs and try on a shirt or two or ten.
To show off a bikini figure in a bikini. Oh I want it all, and yet,
the social acceptance police are still watching, waiting.

I turn, walk buy some boxers, while picking out panties.
I look for the correct size undershirt, while measure my bra size.
Oh will these gym pants go with those yoga pants.
And yet, the social acceptance police are still watching, waiting.

Does this toothpaste effect that lipstick.
Can my nails be clipped and painted at the same time.
Oh which brad, so many brads, of makeup should I toss in my basket.
Oh I want it all, and yet, the social acceptance police are still watching, waiting.

Should I get a valentines gift, a stuffed bear or some chocolates,
some roses for a heart shaped vase, a basket of goodies,
or some lingerie,
all for my valentine, me, myself, and I.
And as I decided,
the social acceptance police are still watching, waiting.

I want so much, so much beauty to hide myself behind,
but alas, the social acceptance police are watching, waiting, knowing that one day I will mess up.
When I do mess up,
will be I be caught,
or will I be able to blend in just enough to stay under the radar?
Will I ever be socially accepted at all?

Oh the difficulties of shopping for ones self.