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how should i come out to my parents?

Started by Jazmin, March 22, 2015, 04:18:10 PM

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I have sworn myself that i tell my parents that i am transgender before the holidays start (which begin in 1 week) and tomorrow would be a good chance to tell my mom about it. So which is the best way of coming out? Directly telling them like: mom i gotta tell you something. Im transgender. Or better explain it in more detail? Also are there any other things to consider? I cant wait anymore....


you could have a look here for a few thoughts:,184920.msg1644403.html#msg1644403

Well its up to you what you say since you know them best...
talking in a relaxed manner might help... remaining calm and stating facts and a few needs...

some people come out in a letter... some use a short letter and talk to them later...
but, well, a talk has the advantage of being more flexible...



Awww, I'm so happy for you!  I wish you the best in doing's good to prepare something to say beforehand.  The most important thing you can do is keep a level head during the conversation!  Speak from the heart, and be genuine.  Doing it in person is better, I think.  You're their child.  They'll be more apt to listen to you if you look them in the eye when you tell them what you are.

Also though, you should consider how your parents might react.  If it seems possible that they might not be accepting, I hate to say this but you might want to consider waiting a little while.  If they aren't accepting, you could find yourself in a really, really bad position.  You seem very young, and being kicked out really wouldn't be a good thing.  Do you have a contingincy plan in case things go badly?  Don't plan on having to use it, but you should have one.

Best of luck,
My gender problem isn't half as bad as society's.  Although mine is still pretty bad.


I'd say an email is best as you can get all your thoughts down cohesively which can be hard to do when nervous and you can also include helpful websites. These are some good ones:

You might also want to include a trans group you can go to together. In the email I'd also write down how you felt in the past about your gender, how you feel now about it and a detailed plan about how you'd like to continue. The last one is the most important as it's so easy for parents to disregard what you say to them and for this to be forgotten about. Also knowing you do have a safe place to stay would be great in case it does go bad and you need some space from them.
Good luck, remember that your trans feelings are valid, that you aren't 'too' young to know who you are and not to give up if they don't believe you at first :)
They/them pronouns preferred.
